Holy Empire of Neo Kerolon

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 This article is part of The Objective: Legend of Urlum the Evil.
Holy Empire of Neo Kerolon

Lanab an Oyrepml gn Novus Kerolon (Golagat)
Flag of Holy Empire of Neo Kerolon
Coat of Arms of Holy Empire of Neo Kerolon
Coat of Arms
Motto: "For the Everlasting Glory of Uingffh!"
Anthem: Uingffhian Glory
Military anthem: Yes, Your Eminence
The Altaria System, the capital system of Neo Kerolon
The Altaria System, the capital system of Neo Kerolon
and largest city
Lukeschmidtia, Aeonium Arboreum, Altaria System
Official languages Golagat
Demonym(s) Neo Kerolonian
Government Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
• Emperor
Otis Otilio Kerolon
  • Emperor (provisional)
  • Neo Kerolonposium (de jure)
Establishment November 14, 2056
• 2057 estimate
22.522 billion
GDP (nominal) 2057 estimate
• Total
2.75944048 quadrillion imperial sters
• Per capita
122,522 imperial sters
Currency Imperial sters
Today part of Federative Planets of Polyingffhaestia

The Holy Empire of Neo Kerolon, also known as the Neo Kerolonian Empire or simply Neo Kerolon, was a short-lived and unrecognized successor state to the Kingdom of Kerolon that attempted to oust the Federative Planets of Polyingffhaestia during the late 2050s, over a decade after the end of the 12 Great Calamities.

Neo Kerolon originated from the Altaria System (Upsilon Andromedae), which was once a major population center of the original Kingdom of Kerolon as well as the residence of the late crown prince Sarnus Robau Kerolon. Nostalgia for Kerolon and its interstellar settler colonialism drove Altaria’s populace to oppose the Polyingffhaestian Federation’s de-colonial policies, culminating in the secession of the Altaria System from the Federation as Neo Kerolon in 2056. Polyingffh refused to recognize Neo Kerolon as a legitimate state; however, Neo Kerolon quickly erected “Syanthae Barriers” over all wormhole gates in the Altaria System that also inhibited the use of Thegasia Drives within the system, rendering any armed opposition efforts from Polyingffh impossible.

With armed warfare rendered impractical for the time being, Neo Kerolon and the Polyingffhian Federation attempted to strike diplomacy, but to no avail; Neo Kerolon insisted on retaining its right to conquer other star systems, a right Polyingffh and its citizens refused to give. The subsequent rise of the Neo Thritanian Empire in Iris (40 Eridani forced Polyingffh to delay diplomacy. Neo Kerolon then focused on building up its internal strength while collaborating with Sriteria Industries, an energy and weapons manufacturing company.

At its greatest territorial extent, Neo Kerolon controlled the entirety of The Altaria System and its binary companion system of Alympia. Neo Kerolon also attempted to colonize various other star systems, most notably the Solar System and the Grice System, but ultimately failed due to opposition from anti-imperialist rebels backed by the Polyingffhaestian Federation. Neo Kerolon’s capital was the city of Lukeschmidtia, located on the Altarian habitable moon Aeonium Arboreum. Most of Neo Kerolon’s populace consisted of members of the Tabulon, Morteus, Lordion, and Tristanian species - species that had also dominated the original Kingdom of Kerolon’s population.