Xüonai (Origo Mundi Map Game)

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Xüonai Imperial Federation

Xüonai Lhyn Phooi
Motto: “Pho Li Ukans” (“United We Rise”)
“United We Rise”
and largest city
Official languages Xüonaisl
Recognised regional languages Yannisl, Zedisl, Benekunsl, Lafiagisl
Demonym(s) Xüonaisl
Religion Unäo, Yannisäo, Unyannisäo
Government Federal Unitary Empire
• Xüonaial
Dashon V
• Establishment
1 O.L
• 220 estimate
• 188 census
Currency Xüonaisl Poahsn

Xüonai, officially the Xüonai Imperial Federation (Xüonaisl: Xüonai Lhyn Phooi), is a country situated on Lhynei. It is bordered to the east by Yannis; to the south the Xü ocean; to the west Benekundon and Zedislandia; and to the north a small Darnan colony, currently under occupation of Xüonai. Xüonai is a federal unitary empire, with the Dashon dynasty currently in power.


The word "Xü", the name for the sea south of Xüonai, comes from the word for water, "Sxua", while "-on" is a old pronunciation for the suffix for ocean. and "-ai" the suffix for nation. Therefore, the name "Xüonai" translates to "Xü ocean Nation". The suffix "-on" is now said as "-ot", but the old pronunciation still is used in the name. The "-on" suffix was used due to the belief that the Xü sea was a ocean.


Indigenous People

Before Dashon I unified the region, the area of Xüonai was a patchwork of disunited tribes. Most interactions were for trading purposes, and most did not know much about the people or land just a few miles away from them. Around 20 years before the centralization of Xüonai, a tribe, led by a leader named Phija, started to unify areas. He named his capital Yudanui, on the delta of the Yud river, and by the time of his death, had united around 700 miles of land. His son, Dashon I, was crowned in 1 O.L, renaming the empire "Xüonai" rather than the tribes original name.