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Hethmora is a large, volcanic landmass in the Mondozean. Initially uninhabited by humans, it was later settled and fought over by various powers throughout history, including the Norvenes, Eiconians, Swastrians, Bataignens, Topeians, and Vahians.


  • Azunic: Haythmur
  • Barba: Himur
  • Bataignen: Bruyère
  • Irian: Chaïmour
  • Kovik: Nummi
  • Norvenian: Heiðland
  • Old Eiconian: Mòinteach
  • Roenish: Hedeland
  • Siudic: Moinfra
  • Solcian: Hethmora
  • Topeian (mainland): Huangdi
  • Topeian (insular): Hisumua


Hethmora was undiscovered for much of history. Pennesios makes no mention of the island in his Voyages. It may have been visited by the Solcians, as ancient Solcian shipwrecks have been found off the island's south coast. Prior to the discovery of Dromonds' Deep, some historians speculated that the Lost Armada could have sailed to Hethmora. Solcian coins have also been found on the island, but these were probably brought by later explorers. The name Hethmora itself is a Solcian term, which the geographers Plaulian, Vicevelus, and Calanni used to refer to a distant, cold land to the north of the Empire. Although that land was presumed by later scholars to be Hethmora, it more than likely referred to Norvenia, a place definitively known to the Solcians.

A volcanic eruption in Hethmora led to a period of devastating winters that strongly affected the Solcian Empire in the mid-6th century, as well as the rest of the world.

Settlement from Nuro

Early Eiconians and Norvenes

The earliest known settlements on Hethmora were built by Eiconians around 825 AD. Norvenian sailors visited Hethmora throughout the 9th century, and met with isolated groups of Eiconians there, according to traditional accounts. The Norvenes began settling Hethmora in earnest in the late 9th and early 10th centuries.


Bataignens, Swastrians, and later Eiconians

Settlement from Topei

Arrival of eastern explorers

Dai Lung expedition

Vahian expeditions

Warring Times and Age of Steel

Battle of Captri

Gunpowder Era

Sorcan slave raids

Overseas unions

Age of Revolutions

Modern period

Great Wars

Long Peace

Climatic shift

Resource Wars and depopulation

Recovery and resettlement

Solar era
