2022 Seattle attacks

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2022 Seattle attacks
Part of 2022 North American terror attacks
Location Seattle, Olympia, Astoria
Date February 10, 2022 (2022-02-10)
9:28 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. (PST)
Attack type
Deaths 32+ (including 6 perpetrators)
Injured 120+
Perpetrators Contingenters

A series of terrorist attacks were carried out in the city of Seattle, Olympia, the capital city of Astoria, on February 10, 2022, between 9:28 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. in which a series of bombings had occured throughout the city and a group of at least ten unidentified attackers assaulted the building of the American Parliament, the transnational legislature of the Conference of American States, where they broke into the building and attempted to attack members of the legislature while it was in mid-session. Prior to the attack on the building, varius explosive devices were detonated across Seattle as a distraction, including at the precinct for the Seattle Police Department. The attack itself ended after law enforcement had arrived with backing from the Olympia Provincial Guard which eliminated six of the ten attackers and took the surviving four into custody.

The attack occurd while the American Parliament was discussing the two previous terrorist attacks in Sierra and Superior from the day before when the building was attacked. The explosions occurred less than five minutes before the American Parliament Building was attacked with attackers entering from the front and the back in hopes of reaching MAPs, but faced heavy resistance from internal security.

By 10:02 a.m., MAPs who were still in the building took shelter at designated places and in various rooms fortified with furniture and other items to avoid being killed or injured. SWAT teams and Olympia Provincial Guard units managed to make it into the building and engaged the attackers across the building for an hour and a half. By 11:40 a.m., one attacker was left as six were killed and another three were successfully arrested. The final one ultimately surrendered after running out of ammunition and was left with no way of escape. The attack left at least 32 people dead, including six of the terrorists, and another 120 injured. The perpetrators of the attack are yet to be identified and no message or threat was published prior to the assault.

The Seattle attacks are the third terrorist attack to occur in Anglo-America after the bombings in Porciúncula, Sierra and the terror attacks in Superior the day before.


Previous attacks

The day before on February 9, a series of bombs were detonated across the Sierran capital city of Porciúncula in the Gold Coast between 2:07 p.m. and 3:02 p.m. which detonated around Bunker Hill and at the Parliament Building. The attacks occured during a session of the House of Commons during a debate on the Economic Freedom and Trade Act. The attack resulted in over 30 deaths in total, including at seven members of Parliament, and was carried out by the Provisional Sierran Republican Army as confirmed by an official statement they released after the attacks.

A second series of attacks occured in Superior in New Anjou and Minneapolis which consisted of a mass shooting at the University of Dubuque in Dubuque and later more shootings and additional bombings at the Target Plaza South in Saint Anthony. The attacks in total left over 50 people dead, including one of the attackers, and over a hundred people injured. In the wake of these attacks, the CAS held an emergency session of the American Parliament which was extended by the attacks in Superior to dicuss the attacks in total and agreed to further meetings to figure out the perpetrators of the attacks in Superior, their motives, and a proper response to both terrorist attacks. This ultimately delayed debates on an amendment to the Caribbean Security and Defense Act to sanction all OMEAD member states and the Antillean Sovereignty Act to recognize the Antilles as a sovereign nation and grant them full membership in the CAS.


Seattle Police headquarters

American Parliament Building



Investigations into the attacks began on February 11 and was a joint-effort by local law enforcement in the Seattle Police Department and the federal-level Federal Investigation Agency with the four surviving attackers being interrogated. The results were announced on February 15 where it was revealed that the attackers are affiliated with the Contigenter movement, an anti-government extremist movement seeking to reinstigate the War of Contingency between the United Commonwealth and members of the Conference of American States and that the ongoing Caribbean crisis was viewed by them as the perfect opportunity for such a conflict to occur.

Effects and response

Emergency response

A state of emergency was declared across Seattle and emergency services were dispatched to all effected areas. the Olympia Provincial Guard was deployed in response to the attacks and two divisons were deployed to Seattle to secure the city and prevent any potential follow-up attacks.



Seattle mayor Jennifer Talsman declared an official state of emergency and issued a curfew for the next week as law enforcement of provindial guard forces conduct a sweep of the Seattle metropolitan area and nearby regions in search of potential unidentified terrorists who assisted in the attack and to prevent any follow up attacks as well. All businesses closed wered ordered to close early along with all schools (public, private and charter) and other public buiildings and sites were also closed for the one week curfew. A general state of emergency was also declared by the Olympian provincial government at 1:32 p.m. following an emergency meeting with the provincial cabinet.


President Baishan Wallace gave an address to the nation at 8:30 PST at night hours after the attack. In the speech, he condemned the attacks as acts of "unhinged barbarism" and condemned the Contingenter movement stating that Astoria will not seek any armed conflict or war against the United Commonwealth and that the nation wouldn't "kneel to extremist monsters".


  • Flag of Teutonica.svg Superior – The Government of Superior released a statement condemning the attacks, with President Isaac Dillon offering aid and relief supplies to Seattle.
  • Sierra SierraPrime Minister Susan Kwon condemned the attack and sent her condolences towards the friends and families of the victims. She stated that the attack was an example of the dangers of terrorism and stated her willingness to send aid if needed.

See also