Astorian Army

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Astorian Army
Army of the Republic of Astoria
Astorian Army.svg
Seal of the Astorian Army
Founded June 7, 1867; 157 years ago (1867-06-07)
Country Flag of Astoria (Revamp) 2.svg Republic of Astoria
Branch Army
Role Land warfare
Size 298,660 total personnel
246,861 reserve personnel
51,799 active personnel
Part of Department of the Army
Department of Defense and Mobilization
Headquarters Astorian National Defense Building
Asphodele, F.D.
Motto(s) Pes meus stetit in directo (Latin)
My foot has stood in integrity (English)
Commander-in-Chief President Brendan Shepard
Secretary of Defense John Andreevich
Secretary of the Army Thomas Bacon
Army Chief of Staff GEN Dennis Clarke
Sergeant Major SMA John Brooks
War flag First Flag of Astoria.svg

The Astorian Army, officially the Army of the Republic of Astoria (ARA), is the land service branch of the Astorian Armed Forces. It is one of the three uniformed services and is designated as the Army of the Republic of Astoria in the Astorian Constitution. The Astorian Army considers itself to be a continuation of the Astorian Revolutionary Army, which it succeeded on June 7, 1867, and the the Oregon Militia which served as the colonial force for the Oregon Territory and the Provisional Government of Oregon.

The Astorian Army is subordinate to the control of the Department of the Army, one of the three departments of the Department of Defense and Mobilization. As of 2024, the Astorian Army maintains a system of state-mandated enlistment where all Astorian men above the age of 18 are required by law to serve for a year and upon completion enter into the Armed Reserves. Male citizens may continue to serve within the active service component, the Regimented Army, or remain within the Army Reserve until called to service by the Reserve Mobilization Commission. In 2024 it was the largest component of the Astorian Armed Forces with 51,799 in the Regimented Army, 246,861 in the Army Reserve, resulting in a combined-component strength of 298,660 soldiers.

The Astorian Army participates in international peacekeeping missions, the multinational armed forces of the Conference of American States (CAS), the Combined Armed Forces of America (CAFA) and the Allied Land Command (LANDCOM) of the Northern Treaty Organization. The Astorian Army was a combatant in the the War of Contingency, Great War and Invasion of Syria. It has historically been a supporting partner to the Sierran Royal Army, providing assistance in the Colombia War, Vietnam War, Operation Inherent Resolve, the Sino-Tajik War and Yemeni Civil War.


The mission of the Astorian Army is to protect the Republic of Astoria and its interests by providing land-based military capabilities. The primary objectives of the Army, as defined within the Republic of Astoria Statutes at Large include:

  • National Defense: Ensuring the security and sovereignty of Astoria from any land-based threats, both domestic and foreign.
  • Peacekeeping: Participating in international peacekeeping missions to promote global stability and support humanitarian efforts.
  • Alliance Support: Contributing to the multinational armed forces of the Conference of American States (CAS), the Combined Armed Forces of America, and the Allied Land Command of the Northern Treaty Organization with respect to the interests of the Astorian people and the preservation of a free and democratic Astorian state.
  • Operational Readiness: Maintaining a state of readiness through rigorous training, state-mandated enlistment, and a robust reserve system to respond quickly and effectively to any mobilization orders.


Origins and establishment

The Astorian Army traces its origins to 1844, when members of the Provisional Government of Oregon established the Oregon Militia to defend white settlers and to relocate or displace the indigenous peoples of the Oregon Territory. Early components of the Oregon Militia included the Salem Militia, that recruited settlers and their male children as young as 14 into a territorial force.

The Oregon Militia was instrumental in the enforcement of the Dayton Treaty, relocating the indigenous peoples of the Willamette Valley to the Grand Ronde Reservation. The Oregon Militia, under the command of Nathaniel Cannon, fought against the tribes of southern Oregon in the Rogue River Wars. Mormons were forcefully expelled from the Willamette Valley by the Oregon Militia, a systematic displacement that persisted until 1883.

In 1857 the Oregon Militia saw its first expedition outside its own territory during the Utah War to assist United States President James Buchanan in forcing the Mormons into American control. In Cache County, Utah (modern-day Deseret) the Oregon militia executed 26 male Mormon settlers in response to the Mountain Meadows Massacre, causing their dismissal from the conflict by Albert Sidney Johnston.

At the command of the United States Army the Oregon Militia built fortifications in on the San Juan Islands during the bloodless four month Pig War. In 1860 the Oregon Militia was reformed into the Oregon Territorial Militia, an organization the modern Astorian Army does not claim heritage to.

After the signing of the Declaration of Independence on May 1, 1866, the Constitutional Assembly of the Republic established the Astorian Revolutionary Army. Nathaniel Cannon, founding father of the Republic and the Army, was appointed to the Provisional Executive Committee to serve as a commander in the Revolutionary Army on May 5. Cannon had previously served as an officer in the Oregon Militia during the Rogue River Wars and Utah Wars. The Army was organized into regiments with staff officers with the rank of colonel or lieutenant colonel. Regiments would be further divided into battalions, commanded by majors, and companies of roughly 100 men under the command of captains. During the Revolutionary Army's initial organization, the modern branches of infantry, field artillery and cavalry were formed. Because of the public's opinion regarding standing armies, those inducted into the military were called "citizen militiamen" and the army initially had very low discipline.

Oregon Civil War

In 1866 the Astorian Army engaged the union forces of Scott Byrne. At the Battle of Rickreall the the Astorian Revolutionary Army won its first battle, securing the southern Willamette Valley from the pro-union territorial government. On July 7, 1866, the Revolutionary Army won its second battle at the Battle of Lake Oswego, securing the the northern Willamette Valley from the Free State of Oregon. Soldiers and officers of the Free State, most notably General Trevor Williams, were given amnesty and inducted into the Revolutionary Army without issue. The Fern Tricolor was introduced after the victory as Lake Oswego and was adopted as the army's banner, it shortly thereafter became popular among citizens. While the Fern Tricolor was retired in 1867 by the Constitutional Assembly, in favor of the simple tricolor, it remains to this day the war insignia of the Astorian Army.

Revolutionary forces experienced their first defeat at the Battle of Fort Nisqually. 86 of the 400 men of the Puget Regiment, under the command of Emmett Leblanc, lost their lives. Documenting the deaths, injuries and service for compensatory purposes in the aftermath of Fort Nisqually led to the predecessor of the military department of the National Register.

Eugene War

At the Battle of Fort Vancouver, the Revolutionary Army decisively defeated the Pacific States Army under the command of John Balderston. The combination of dry vegetation, strong winds, and aggressive field artillery during the Astorian attack led to the 1866 Great Clark Fire. Forces of the Pacific States fled the Puget Sound on vessels deployed by the Canadian Navy. On September 3, 1866, the Astorian Army joined the Sierran Royal Army and the Sierran Royal Navy at a bilateral war council to coordinate efforts to end the Canadian presence in the Pacific. By September 6, 1866, the Revolutionary Army had secured the Oregon Territory south of the 49th parallel. Upon General Cannon's departure on the SS Pacific, the Revolutionary Army was temporarily placed under the command of Clarence Booth.

Clarence Booth assumed control over the Revolutionary Army on September 17, 1866, under the belief that General Cannon had perished in the Great Blow of 1866. On November 19, 1866, the Revolutionary Army was defeated by Canadian forces under the command of George Francis Wainright at the First Battle of Fairhaven. General Cannon returned to the Astorian Army on November 21, 1866, but due to poor health, was prevented from taking military command. In an effort to retake the settlement of Fairhaven, the Second Battle of Fairhaven resulted in the death of Clarence Booth and the loss of numerous Astorian soldiers.

While officially under the command of the incapacitated Nathaniel Cannon, Generals Willard Pratt and Milton Ford led a successful retreat to the Willamette Valley. Upon the Revolutionary Army's arrival in Portland, they were greeted by an enthusiastic civilian populace, greatly improving morale. On December 26, 1866, the Astorian Army adopted the parlor song "Wait for the Wagon" as its official march, altthough this was not codified into law until 1913.

On January 10, 1867, the Astorian Army failed to defend Fort Astoria at the First Battle of Fort Astoria, forcing the Constitutional Assembly and Provisional Executive Committee to flee to Eugene. On April 3, 1867, a third of the Constitutional Assembly and it's defending garrison were captured at the First Battle of Eugene. Astorian forces retook Fort Astoria at the Second Battle of Fort Astoria, and made significant advances into the Pacific States at the Battle of Victoria and the Battle of Nicomekl River. On April 28, 1867, the combined forces of the Astorian Revolutionary Army and the Sierran Royal Army defeated the encircled Canadian and Pacific States forces at the Second Battle of Eugene.

After the war, pensions and land disbursements were awarded to those who served in the Revolutionary Army, and a majority of the professional force was disbanded. Veterans of the Eugene War would go on to serve in the Second Session of the Constitutional Assembly of the Republic.

Birth of the Regimented and Reserve Armies

Members of the First Secession of the Constitutional Assembly were primarily pioneers from the transitional regions between the Southern and Northern United States, who held an affinity for Jeffersonian and Jacksonian ideals. They were particularly concerned with the creation of a professional army controlled by the elite who may overthrow the democratically elected government. Since the signing of the 1867 Constitution of Astoria all states have been required to conscript at least four men per thousand citizens for the national militia;

The National Assembly of the Republic shall have at it discretion the power to raise and support a force capable of executing all necessary actions to preserve the republic and defeat it's enemies, be it foreign or domestic, and shall have the authority to muster and command the national militia in defense of the republic. The National Assembly shall have the powers to press, raise and support a national militia, which shall have at its disposal a minimum of four men from every thousand residents at all times, enumerated by the decennial census and whom are fairly and proportionally selected for service.

Established June 7, 1867, the Regimented Army was established as the standing army of the republic, considered the "force", and was not given constitutional stipulations as to when it may be mustered nor how it might be commanded. According to the 1956 ruling Reading v. The Republic, the regimented forces of Astoria, may execute any actions deemed by the National Assembly necessary to "preserve the republic" and "defeat its enemies". The Reserve Army was established concurrently to the Regimented Army as the army's component of "national militia" as mentioned within the constitution, and may only be deployed "in defense of the republic". Interpretations regarding what type of conflict may necessitate calling the reserves and its conscripted force into active duty is contested.

The First Astorian Army was established on June 7, 1867 and has served to the contemporary era as the continuous active duty regimented force of Astoria. Half of the regimented army partook in the Astorian Eastern Expedition, under the command of Willard Pratt, to assist the Kingdom of Superior in its war for independence. In comparison to the force contributions of Sierra and Brazoria, the Astorian Expedition was relatively small. Astorian troops participated in several battles during the War of Contingency, including the battles of Wilhelmsport, Des Moines, Bellevue and Chicago. In it's infancy, the Army resorted nearly entirely to hit-and-run tactics. Superian General George Armstrong Custer described the Astorian soldiers as possessing "ruffian tendencies, reminiscent of southerners who bled Kansas."

The Department of the Army along with the Department of the Navy were placed under the cabinet level Department of Armaments (now the Department of Defense and Mobilization). Four positions were created, the Secretary of the Army, the Assistant Secretary of the Army a secretary and an assistant. William Garrison, a retired colonel who served under Cannon throughout the Eugene War, was nominated and appointed by the National Assembly on January 1, 1870. In 1871 the Astorian Army Adjunct Department and the Astorian Army Medical Department were established to assist in the managing and care of conscripts. Over the course of the 1870s under Cannon, the positions of Adjutant General, Quartermaster General and Surgeon General were created.

Great War

Soldiers of the Third Astorian Army during the Battle of Denver.
Two planes of the Astorian Army Air Force during the Battle of Omaha.

On September 26, 1927, the chambers of the National Assembly of Astoria passed the Mustering Act, providing then president Abraham Davis the ability to muster a conscripted army greater than the minimum stipulated in the constitution. The law changed the age requirements for conscription, lowering the minimum service age from 18 to 15 and increasing the maximum service age from 35 to 45. By law approximately 23.85% of the total population was eligible for impressment, roughly 964,869 men. Prior to the Mustering Act the Army Reserve stood at 16,182 and by 1929 it had increased to 242,734, and the Regimented Army to 40,455, a total personnel count of 283,189 or roughly 7% of the total population. Army personnel totals also included the Army Air Force.

Between 1927 and 1931 the active duty army was used to train recruits, man the nation's defenses supplemented by rotating units from the reserves. Soldiers in the reserves were rotated from their civilian jobs to military construction crews to work on the Stammel Line, a series of extensive defensive structures located throughout the mountain passes of the Rocky Mountains. An additional line, the Cascadian Ramparts, which fortified the the Cascadian Mountains was also constructed. The series of fortifications and other infrastructure improvements were central to Astoria's defensive plan; the Great National Bait.

Astoria entered the war on April 20, 1932 in response to the invasion of Superior. Both the First and Second armies were deployed shortly after Astoria's entry into the war to assist the Superian Army in its strategic retreat. Astoria's Third Army had already been integrated with elements of the Sierran Army in Colorado and participated in the Battle of Colorado. At the Battle of Omaha the Army assisted the Superior in the successful encirclement of the Continental forces. Astoria's Fourth Army was deployed to the Dominion of Alasaka and served as the Coalition's main fighting force during the Aleutian Islands campaign.

Throughout the war, and especially during the Rocky Mountains campaign, the army displayed its expertise in mountain warfare. Two additional armies were deployed to the frontline in 1935, the Fifth Army and Sixth Army. The Sixth Army was deployed into the Great Basin to assist the Sierrans against a Continental breakthrough and the Fifth Army was deployed into Canada where it joined Coalition forces east of Calgary and Edmonton. In August 1935, the Astorian Army executed the Coalition's Operation Frémont in the Great Basin. The Fourth Army recaptured the Aleutians at the conclusion of the Battle of Unalaska in 1936. Elements of the Third Army assisted the Sierran Army at the Battle of Hoosier Pass, which halted Continental advancements and reinvigorated public morale.

On September 12, 1937, president Wayne O'Connor indicated to the Coalition at the Fort Bragg Conference he would not support any additional offenses into Brazoria, Canada or Mexico. Approximately 520,000 men were serving in the army at the time of the conference, 11% of the nation's total population and roughly half the eligible population for conscription. After the government signed the North American Amity Treaty, the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth armies were pulled from active duty and placed into reserves. Approximately 442,000 soldiers were dismissed from active duty. Between 1932 and 1938, roughly 750,000 Astorians or 15.8% of the 1940 census population had served in the army in some capacity. According to the Department of the Army, 124,491 army personnel were killed in the war, 16.6% of all those who served, and 2.6% of the total 1940 census population. 99,873 army personnel were documented to have been wounded in combat. After the surrender of Russia, the I Corps and II Corps of the First Army were deployed to Sakhalin Island during the Allied occupation.


Equipment of the 1st Armored Division, component of the Astorian Cavalry and the I Armored Corps, seen on parade in Asphodele.

The Astorian Army is overseen by the Department of the Army, one of the three departments under the Department of Defense and Mobilization. The Chief of Staff of the Army, along with the Army General Staff, is responsible for strategic planning, policy development, and resource management. Since 2020 General Dennis Clarke has served as Chief of Staff and Sergeant Major John Brooks has served as the Sergeant Major of the Army. With rising tensions between the Conference of American States and the Chattanooga Pact, the Astorian Army was reorganized by the 2019 National Defense Reorganization Plan to ensure greater conventional fighting capabilities. The army's structure is designed to maximize operational efficiency, hardware flexibility, and rapid deployment capabilities.

The Army is subdivided into six field armies each comprised of 50,000 servicemembers and commanded by a general officer. As of 2024 five of the six field armies are in reserve. Dictated by Astorian law, the military is required to field one army during peacetime. Astorian field armies consist of 5 corps, 10 divisions, 20 brigades, 100 battalions, and 500 companies. Each field army consists of 50,000 servicemembers. Within each corps there are 10,000 servicemembers. Divisions consist of 5,000 soldiers and brigades with 2,500. Battalions are the second smallest formation consisting of 500 soldiers, followed by companies with 100 servicemembers.

Field armies are responsible for operations within specific geographic regions or specialized functions. Each field army is further subdivided into five corps, which are commanded by lieutenant generals. Corps are the primary operational units in large-scale military engagements and coordinate multiple divisions. Corps are composed of ten divisions, each commanded by a major general. Divisions are the key tactical units and are capable of independent operations.

Divisions are subdivided into 20 brigades, commanded by colonels or brigadier generals. Brigades are versatile units that can operate independently or as part of larger formations. Brigades are further divided into 100 battalions, commanded by lieutenant colonels. Battalions are composed of 500 companies and serve as the primary tactical units within brigades. The smallest units, called companies and commanded by captains, are responsible for specific operational tasks and direct combat engagements. Each company consists of platoons and squads.

List of active field armies, corps and divisions

List of reserve armies

Combat branches

Combat arms within the Astorian Army are classified as branches of the force which participate in direct tactical ground combat. The Infantry, Cavalry and Field Artillery branches were established during the Oregon Civil War and have served as the core fighting force of the army. The Special Forces and Air Defense Artillery branches were both created in the 1930s and 1940s during the Great War, both claim historical lineage to the more classical combat arms. Conscripts selected for training in the combat arms are trained at the Astorian Army Infantry School located at Fort Brennan, Astorian Army Field Artillery School located at Joint Base Ford–Emery, and Astorian Army Cavalry School at Joint Base Booth-Lugur.


The Infantry of the Astorian Army forms the backbone of the army and is made up of light infantry, motorized infantry and mechanized infantry. It is the largest combat component of the regimented army and the reserve army. It has the lowest percentage of reserve soldiers activated in the regimented army.


Soldiers belonging to the 1st Cavalry Division on patrol during the Invasion of Syria.

The Astorian Cavalry, officially the Cavalry of the Astorian Army, is responsible for reconnaissance, target acquistion, guarding flanks and establishing outposts. Since 1938, the majority of conscripts selected for the cavalry were trained for armored warfare. In the modern era, it is combination of mechanized infantry, armoured reconnaissance, armoured cavalry, and air cavalry (combat aviation). The cavalry has the second highest percentage of reserve soldiers activated in the regimented army. It is the second largest combat component of the regimented army and the reserve army.

Field Artillery

Soldiers belonging to the 1st Infantry Division provided artillery support during Operation Inherent Resolve.

The Field Artillery of the Astorian Army is responsible for the deployment, maintenance and manning of ranged weapons capable of launching munitions at ranges that exceed the reach of infantry equipment. Equipment utilized within the artillery have historically been categorized as field artillery cannons. In the modern era, the equipment of the artillery is made up of towed howitzers, self-propelled howitzers and multiple rocket launchers. In the 2020s the Artillery Branch was responsible for the army's deployment of surface-to-surface equipment capable of delivering hypersonic munitions at medium-range. The artillery has the third highest percentage of reserve soldiers activated in the regimented army. It is the third largest combat component of the regimented army and the reserve army.

Air Defense Artillery

The Air Defense Artillery Branch of the Astorian Army specializes in the defense of the airspace from aerial and missile threats. Its primary mission is to protect forces, critical assets, and populations by employing advanced air defense systems. Such systems include the Patriot missile and Terminal High Altitude Area Defense systems, which provides long-range, high-altitude defense against ballistic missiles, cruise missiles. The Air Defense Artillery branch has the second lowest percentage of reserve soldiers activated in the regimented army. It is the second smallest combat component of the regimented army and the reserve army.

Special Forces

The Special Forces of the Astorian Army are tasked with carrying out missions relating to unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, counterterrorism, psychological warfare and other special operations. Its (airborne component makes up the largest share of the special forces, capable of being deployed by aircraft into combat. Soldiers belonging to the airborne component are known as paratroopers. Special forces has the highest percentage of reserve soldiers activated in the regimented army. It is the smallest combat component of the regimented army and the reserve army.

Special Forces have maintained a close relationship with the Astorian Republican Guard, a paramilitary force subject to civilian control by the Department of Justice, in due part to the sheer number of former Special Forces servicemembers belonging to the force. Approximately half, 4,923 of the 9,891 employees, of the Astorian Republican Guard are registered as a part of the Special Forces Army Reserve. Astoria's foreign intelligence agency, the Interior Bureau of Intelligence, works alongside the special force's branch on a regular basis.

Support branches

Combat support branches within the Astorian Army are classified as branches of the force which participate in maintaining the readiness and wellbeing of the combat branches. All combat support branches belong to either the Astorian Army Logistical, Legal and Administrative Department (formerly the Astorian Army Adjunct Department) or the Astorian Army Medical Department, both informally established in 1867 and formally in 1871. Conscripts selected for training in the combat support branches are trained at the Astorian Army Adjutant School located at Fort Brennan.

Health and welfare

Cannon Army Medical Center (NCAMC) located at Fort Cannon is the Army's largest medical institution.

The Astorian Army Medical Department (AAMD), is the primary medical provider within the Astorian Army, it is comprised of the Nurse Brigade and the Physician Battalion. The Physicians Division is further subdivided into their medical focuses. There is currently 112 physicians in the Regimented Army, roughly 2.5 physicians per 1,000 soldiers in the active service. There is 575 nurses in the Regimented Army, approximately 11.4 nurses per 1,000 soldiers in active service. 488 physicians and 3,457 nurses serve in the Army Reserve. In total, the Astorian Army Medical Department has 4,032 medical professionals in reserves and active duty.

Nurses and physicians may perform their 1.5 year conscription requirement in the public healthcare system or in the military. Medical professionals who serve in the Astorian military are rewarded with tuition reimbursement rate of 34%, while those serve in the public healthcare system have their tuition reimbursed by 26%.

The Astorian Army Medical Department has facilities on each major military base, all active duty physicians and nurses in the Army Medical Department are stationed primarily at the Cannon Army Medical Center in Tahoma and the Brennan Army Medical Center in Yakima.

Legal, logistical and administrative

The Astorian Army Logistical, Legal and Administrative Department (AALLAD) is the department responsible for the army's human resource management, litigation and defense of soldiers under military law, procurement, sustainment and logistics. Divisions that belong to the department include the reserve and regimented components of the Quartermaster Division, Adjutant Brigade, Judge Advocate's Battalion, the Acquisition Company and Inspector General's Company.

The Logistical, Legal and Administrative Department is responsible for maintaining the financial, legal and career records of the the Astorian Army. It provides the military manpower for the civilian controlled Department of Defense. The Administrative Brigade merit rankings for army personnel, the Inspector General's Company performs internal investigations. The Logistical, Legal and Administrative Department is closely tied with civilian departments, providing the non-managerial office staff to the government. The Acquisition Battalion announces bids for army procurement, and bid awards are announced by the Department of Defense who determine it based on the rules established by the presiding presidential administration. The Army Logistical, Legal and Administrative Department shares its headquarters with the Astorian Naval Logistical, Legal and Administrative Department and Astorian Air Force Logistical, Legal and Administrative Department, at the Astorian National Defense Building located in Asphodele.

In 2024 the Army's Logistical, Legal and Administrative Department had a total of 10,703 servicemembers, approximately 3.58% of the total Army's personnel. 1,854 servicemembers belonged to the Regimented Army and 8,849 belonged to the Army Reserve. The Quartermasters Division and Administrative Brigade account for the largest portion of the Department, while the Inspector General's Company and Acquisition Company made up the smallest.

The Logistical, Legal and Administrative Department is commanded by the Adjutant General, brigadier general Westly Astor. Subordinate officers to the Adjutant General include; the Judge Advocate, Quartermaster General, Acquirer General. The Inspector General does not report to the Adjutant General, and instead reports directly to the Secretary of Defense and Mobilization.


The military ranks of the Astorian Army are structured to establish a clear hierarchy and chain of command, ensuring efficient operation and discipline within the force. The rank structure is divided into three main categories: enlisted personnel, warrant officers, and commissioned officers.

  • Enlisted personnel begin their careers at the rank of Private (E-1), advancing through ranks such as Private First Class (E-3), Specialist (E-4), and Sergeant (E-5). These ranks form the foundation of the Army, with non-commissioned officers (NCOs) like Staff Sergeant (E-6), Sergeant First Class (E-7), Master Sergeant (E-8), and Sergeant Major (E-9) providing essential leadership and expertise in their respective fields.
  • Warrant officers are highly specialized experts who bridge the gap between the enlisted ranks and the commissioned officer corps. Starting at Warrant Officer 1 (WO1), they can advance through Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2), Chief Warrant Officer 3 (CW3), Chief Warrant Officer 4 (CW4), and Chief Warrant Officer 5 (CW5). These officers possess advanced technical knowledge and skills in specific areas, such as aviation, intelligence, and maintenance, providing invaluable support and leadership within their units.
  • Commissioned officers begin their careers as Second Lieutenants (O-1) and can advance through the ranks to First Lieutenant (O-2), Captain (O-3), Major (O-4), Lieutenant Colonel (O-5), and Colonel (O-6). The highest ranks in the Army are the general officer ranks, including Brigadier General (O-7), Major General (O-8), Lieutenant General (O-9), and General (O-10). Commissioned officers are responsible for strategic planning, decision-making, and commanding large formations, ensuring the Army meets its operational objectives and maintains national security.


Army personnel conducting a live fire exercise on the RAS Absalom, seen wearing the Personnel Armor Garment for Ground Troops and the Standard Modern Combat Helmet.


The Astorian Army issues weapons to conscripts upon the completion of their training and mandatory service. Citizens in the Reserve Army are expected to maintain their firearms at their residences and are required by law to report quarterly to local armories for weapons inspection. The SR98, introduced in 2001, is currently the service rifle for the Astorian Army. For active duty servicemembers, the SAP94 is the standard-issue sidearm. Astorian Special Forces use both the SR98 and the M784.

Soldiers are also equipped with hand grenades, specifically the FG73 for fragmentation and the SG71 for signaling, targeting, marking, or screening. More specialized units in the army are equipped with weaponry that provides greater firepower. In the infantry and cavalry, the SMG-5, a light machine gun, is issued to provide suppressive fire.

The SMG-2 is the Astorian Army's standard medium machine gun. The SHMG-3, the Army's heavy machine gun, is used against watercraft, opposing infantry, low-flying aircraft, lightly armored vehicles, and fortifications. The CAS-92 Stinger is used to destroy enemy aircraft. For enemy tanks and other armored equipment, the CAS-83 Javelin and CAS-73 TOW are utilized. Medium to heavy machine guns, mortars, Stingers, Javelins, grenades, and other high explosive munitions are kept at Astorian armories for reserve personnel.


The M1A2 Abrams, a tank jointly developed and produced by the nations of Astoria, Sierra and Superior serves as the army's main battle tank. The M2 Bradley, Astor-B and M113 armored personnel carrier are utilized as infantry fighting vehicles. The M109 howitzer, is the army's self-propelled howitzer and the M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) serves as the army's self-propelled multiple launch rocket system.

The Astorian Army also maintains an array of armored vehicles for support purposes; including the ASEV-3B, a armored engineering vehicle, the AMC-4A, a armored mine clearance vehicle, and the AAR-2C, a armored recovery vehicle. Astor-TD9 is the army's wheeled light tank destroyer. The Astorian Army began transitioning the Humvee in 2022, replacing it with the Astor-EMRAP.


As of 2024, there are eight UH-60 Black Hawks, 64 CH-47 Chinooks, and an array of UAVs currently in service in the army. Its aviation capabilities are limited to air assaults, medical evacuations, and cargo transport, heavy lift operations, and transporting troops. The Army has not utilized attack helicopters since it retired ten of its Bell AH-1 Cobras in 2001. Since 2017, the Astorian Army has maintained one Alenia C-27J Spartan for transporting equipment and personnel.


All personnel in the Astorian Army are issued with Personnel Armor Garment for Ground Troops (PAGGT), a simple ballistic vest, as part of their combat uniform. Servicemembers in the combat arms are issued the Intensive Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV), which includes a ballistic vest that provides greater coverage of the lower back, side torso, shoulders and groin in comparison to the Personnel Armor Garment. All servicemembers receive a Standard Modern Combat Helmet, a combat helmet that utilizes a blended mix of ballistic fibers such as kevlar and twaron.

Since 2008 the Astorian Army has utilized the Astorian Disruptive Pattern (ASDAT), a multi-scale camouflage pixelated pattern which is applied to all issued equipment. The Army Combat Garment is the standard utility uniform, which comes in a woodland, desert and artic color schemes. For formal occasions the Army Service Garment is authorized.

See also