Brazoria–Superior relations

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Brazoria–Superior relations
Map indicating locations of Brazoria and Superior


Diplomatic mission
Embassy of Brazoria, Saint Anthony Embassy of Superior, Grand Llano
Julian Gossling
Ambassador to Brazoria from Superior
Hans Kessler

Brazoria–Superior relations refers to the international relations between the Kingdom of Brazoria and the Kingdom of Superior. Brazoria and Superior has had a long history of cordial diplomatic relations, with both sharing cultural, economic, and political ties in the modern era.

Relations between Brazoria and Superior were first established in 1867, following the Anglo-Sierran intervention into the United Commonwealth and the establishment of the Kingdom of Superior. Following the Superian Revolution and the War of Contingency, relations between the two nations continued to develop and grow, with cultural ties deepening. Although Superian officials protested the abolishment of the Brazorian Crown, positive relations would continue with the Republic of Brazoria. At the beginning of the Brazorian Civil War, Superior would aid the White Brazorians against the Landonist Red Brazorians. However, Superian aid would end following the Continental invasion of Brazoria and Superior. Although Superior would survive the Continental onslaught, Brazoria would fall under the control of the Reds, leading to the establishment of the Brazorian Confederation and the end of diplomatic relations with Superior.

Beginning in 1937, the government of Superior would recognize the White Brazorian Administration in Exile as the rightful government of Brazoria. In 1969, Superior would finally recognize the government of the Brazorian Confederation as the sole governing body of Brazoria, being one of the last countries to do so in North America. Despite the recognition, relations between Brazoria and Superior would remain tense until the fall of the landonist government and restoration of the monarchy and democracy in the Pecan Revolution of 2000. Since the restoration of the Kingdom of Brazoria, relations between the two nations have greatly improved and expanded upon. According to a Gallup poll conducted in 2017, over 89% of Superians view Brazoria in a favorable light, while 87% of Brazorians viewed Superior positively.

Country comparison

Brazoria Superior
Coat of Arms Coat of arms of Brazoria.svg Royal Coat of Arms of Superior.svg
Flag Flag of Brazoria.svg Flag of Teutonica.svg
Demographics 49,528,570 (2020) 33,134,706 (2019)
Area 1,201,404 km2 (463,865 sq mi) 2,089,384 km2 (806,716 sq mi)
Population density TBD 6.00 km 2 (15.5 sq mi)
Capital Grand Llano Saint Anthony
Largest cities Grand Llano
San Antonio
Saint Anthony
New Hamburg
Government Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Head of State
John Cornyn (cropped).jpg
William II(superior).jpg
Head of Government
Chris Pratt 2018.jpg
Official languages English
Main religions TBD TBD
Human Development Index 0.880 (very high) 0.942 (very high)
GDP (PPP) (2017 est.) $2.21 trillion ($44,620 per capita) $2.56 trillion ($75,123 per capita)


Colonial ties

Superian Revolution

Late Nineteenth Century

Brazorian Civil War and the Brazorian Confederation

Pecan Revolution and modern times

Economic ties

Cultural ties

Military ties


Superian Embassy in Brazoria

Brazorian Embassy in Superior

See also