Crown country

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Crown country, also known as the Royalist heartland, is a term used in the politics of the Kingdom of Sierra which refer to various provinces in central Sierra that have been historic strongholds for the Royalist and Federalist Party and have frequently went for the Royalists in various federal elections. These are provinces located mostly in central and south-central Sierra, but also includes the Deseret as well. These areas all have parliamentary constituencies that have consistenty voted Royalist and are commonly known as Purple provinces or Purple Sierra in reference to the usage of purple as the official color for the party.

Despite the electoral region being a reference to the Royalist Party, the Libertarian Party of Sierra is included due to most of the parliamentary districts that vote Libertarian also being located in what constitutes crown country and are lumped in with them as a result. Crown country was a term that was coined by Daniel McComb when he was Leader of the Opposition and gained traction during the 2016 Sierran federal election where he referenced areas of Sierra that were the most conservative and libertarian and the most supportive of the Crown as a whole.

In the 2020 Sierran federal election, the majority of the parliamentary districts that constitute crown country flipped and voted for the Christian Democratic Party of Sierra leading to the Royalists suffering one of the worst electoral defeats in their history. The defeat lead to many political analysts to claim that crown country had "fallen", "been demolished" or "vanished" while other analysts have made different conclusions ranging from crown country being part of the Christian Democratic Party to the Christian Democrats now "sharing" crown country.


During his campaign in the 2012 Royalist Party leadership election, Daniel McComb had campaigned on representing the values of what he called crown country. While the term was first coined by McComb, various other terms have been declared as crown country's historic predecessors such as the term "King Country" which was used during the Sierran Cultural Revolution to refer to provinces that were the most supportive of the revolution and the monarch as a whole, including the expansion of the monarch's powers to authoritarian degrees.

After becoming Leader of the Royalist Party, McComb used the term crown country to refer to provinces in both Federal Sierra and areas of the Deseret that commonly vote Royalist and Libertarian as well as have the highest approval ratings for the monarch in various opinion polls. McComb used the term to distinguish the Royalist Party from the Democratic-Republican Party and their Solid valley, the latter of which refers to provinces and constituencies that frequently vote Democratic-Republican. McComb used the term frequently, especially when touring said region during the campaign season of the 2016 federal election.

Crown country has been frequently cited in publications by Eagle Broadcasting Network which claims to be the "voice of those in crown country" and writes frequently about it in order to distinguish the region from the Solid valley and the provinces in the Styxie. EBN also writes about crown country claiming that it represents most of Sierra as a means of framing republicanism as a fringe movement.

Electoral geography

2020 federal election

See also