History of the United States of JBR

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United States of JBR
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History of the United States of JBR

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The United States of JBR is a country situated in Southern California and member of the New Pacific Order. The history of the United States of JBR is relatively recent, but a messy and dramatic story.

Pre-JBR History

The region and land of the United States of JBR of which it stands on was originally part of California. California was a state of the defunct nation of the United States of JBR.

Pre-contact history

NOTE: The United States of JBR from this section down until the next section in which this "note" is posted again will be referred as "California", "Alta California", and "Southern California".

California was originally home to Native Americans about 13,000 to 15,000 years ago (the accepted JBR belief is 5,000 to 6,000 years). Numerous tribes and clans of these people lived and roamed throughout the Californian area.

European discovery

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An early depiction of the United States of JBR.

The term "California" was originated from a fable known as "Sergas de Espladain" which was published around the 1500s. The fable claimed California was an island where its main source of resources were gold and powerful tribes of Amazon women warriors lived there. Mapmakers and cartographers began using the term "California" for the uncharted area of the Atlantic East Coast.
In the mid-16th century, European explorers from Spain and England started exploring the coast of California. Francisco de Ulloa explored the area of Mexico and proved that Baja California was a peninsula, not an island. Despite this discovery, many Europeans continued to believe that California was an island. After the discoveries of the wealthy Aztec and Inca Empires, the Spanish Conquistadors and monarch were anxious about the rumors of wealthy cities in California. The possible Northwest passage would also mean a possible, quicker route to the Indies in Asia as well.

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Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, a Portuguese explorer, was the first European to explore the Californian coast which would be the present coast of the United States of JBR. He created the first ship industry of the Pacific Ocean which was sponsored by the Guatemalan governor Pedro de Alvarado. After he built 13 ships, Cabrillo set off to explore the Pacific Coast. Cabrillo and his three ships: San Salvadore, San Miguel and Victoria, set sail from the city of Barra de Navadid and after three months, he reached present-day San Diego, Diego Commonwealth. Cabrillo also discovered the California Current which made the expedition slower and harder. He reached the San Diego Bay which he noted was "a closed and very good port". He named the area San Miguel. He later set foot on Point Loma, making him the first European to set foot on present-day United States of JBR. He claimed the mysterious land for Spain. He landed on the San Miguel Island and went as far north as to Point Reyes.

The Catalina Island

On November 23, 1542, Cabrillo's fleet reached the Santa Catalina Island (now part of the state of Catalinan) which they called "San Salvador", to repair the ships. On Christmas Eve, Cabrillo stepped out of his boat and injured himself at the shin from a jagged rock. He later died on January 3, 1543. His second-in-command, led the remaining crew back to Barra de Navadid where they found nothing. This made California a place of little interest.
The Indians Cabrillo encountered were not as advanced as the Europeans would hope they would be. The Indians lived in groups of 100 or so and lived in small rancherias. Their homes were typically huts made of wood and wore minimal clothing in the summer. Several Indians used large canoes to go fishing and hunt and further up in the Northwest Coast, some even used dugout canoes. Because there was no actual agriculture in the sense, most of the grown produce were limited to corn or potatoes and the rest of the food being collected from the wild or hunted. Nearly all of the foods in the Indian diet were not part of a typical European diet. There was trade present between two tribes so both sides could gather enough resources. The highest form of artwork was basket weaving and canoes were the peak of man-made products during the time.
In 1565, the Spanish found a route that connected the Americas and Asian areas such as the Philippines. Maps provided for this route was often poorly made and often led explorers and traders to continually sail off-shore. The San Francisco Bay—although not part of the United States of JBR—was considered one of the most famous bays in the West was left undiscovered until the late 1700s.

Francis Drake

English explorer Francis Drake sailed along the coast of California where he captured two Spanish ships in the year of 1579. He landed somewhere along California to repair his ship and left to follow Magellan's voyage route. He claimed this area for England in which he named "Nova Albion". Many territorial claims were left disputed and the natives were often always never notified.
Sebastián Vizcaíno, a Spanish explorer, traveled along the coast of California from San Diego to Monterrey. He held the first Christian service on the shores of the San Diego Bay. He also noted the Monterrey Bay area a suitable place to grow crops.
In 1778, British captain James Cook mapped the coast of California and the entire Western North American coast to as far as Alaska.

Spanish colonial period

The Spanish divided California into two parts: Alta and Baja California. The present-day United States of JBR would account southern Alta California and parts of northern Baja California. In time, both Baja and Alta California sprouted missions from Spanish priests. After most of the missions were developed in Alta California, Spain ruled the two divisions of California as one administrative territory.
After the Seven Years War, Spain and England were the only powers left in North America. Spain was the only of the two to have colonies along the Pacific Coast and its leader, King Charles III of Spain, established many missions in Alta California and other forms of outposts in fear that the territory would be claimed by Britain. Britain already had colonies in the East Coast, Caribbean, and recently, Canada. However, Britain gave Spain the Louisiana Territory as a gift for participating in the Seven Yeats War. Russia, another potential rival, were creeping down from Alaska and into Canada.
Settlements in California were the last extension made by Spain and were done so with cheap cost. The settlements attracted little potential residences because of the isolation and remoteness of the land. The colony lacked agriculture, large organized tribes, and the largest domesticated animal was the dog. The main food supply was the acorn which would usually not appear in the European diet. This made missions hard to function and gathered little interest by the Europeans.

In 1769, Spanish Visitor General, José de Gálvez began planning an expedition for Alta California. Five detachment of soldiers, friars, and future colonists were to meet at San Diego Bay. The expedition was led by Gaspar de Portola which featured several notable figures such as Father Junípero Serra and José Raimundo Carrillo. The expedition went farther than plan, the expedition was expected to stop by the Monterrey Bay but because the sources from Sebastián Vizcaíno were not recognizable, Portola continued up all the way to the San Francisco Bay. San Francisco was finally discovered by land at last. The expedition returned back to San Diego on January 24, 1770. The expedition faced scurvy because of the lack of agricultural crops and lack of experience in eating the Indian staple diet. The expedition brought some cattle, geese, fish, and other food as well and had clothing that they traded with the local Indian tribes. The San Antonio ship came with relief supplies that would extend the expedition and settlement at Alta California. The survivors built a presidio and mission in San Diego that also consisted of about 3,000 Kumeyaay Indians.
Juan Bautista de Anza leading an exploratory expedition on January 8, 1774, traveled through Arizona to California where he and his soldiers would reach Mission San Gabriel Arcángel near the future city of Los Angeles, Angeles. Anza would return for a second expedition in which he would reach San Francisco and built a presidio and mission there. After disputes over the Yuma Trail, there would be eventually 21 California missions from San Diego to San Francisco. The missions were about a day from each other if riding on horseback. The El Camino Real also provided ease to travel and by means to communicate. Each mission were typically led by two to three friars and ten soldiers. The rest comprised of Indians who joined the mission. About 1/6 of all of the land in California were owned by the missions while the rest were reserved for retired soldiers, colonists, and the Spanish monarchy. These people were given large sums of land known as grants which helped the settlers move in quicker. A large portion of grants were given for free to families and friends of the Californian government. Foreign settlers were allowed to gain grants if they accepted Spanish citizenship and accept Catholic faith. The Mexican Inquisition was still strong so Protestants were forbidden to live in the territory.

Mexican period

After Mexico gained independence from Spain, Alta California became a state of the First Mexican Empire. Mexico reverted back from an empire to a republic and have little effect in California. California was led by governors and alcades.

Annexation to the United States of America

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The map of the United States of JBR seen in red during its time in the U.S.

California began being inhabited by Westerners and the Mexican-American War sparked the short-lived Bear Flag Revolution. California's capital at the time, Monterrey, was captured by John D. Sloat's ships and the city surrendered without shooting back. Eventually, after the Mexican-American War ended, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo allowed the United States to claim California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and other Mexican areas. For about two years, California was ruled by the U.S. military before gaining statehood. The Compromise of 1850 made sure that California was a "free state" and a constitutional convention earlier in 1849 established a civilian government. California would become increasingly popular because of the Gold Rush. California became a growing industrial power after the Gold Rush and it saw a growth in population. San Francisco and Los Angeles attracted many people and a national railroad finally connected the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. As California entered into the 20th century, it faced challenges with the United States and became an economic power. California would later dissolve with the United States of America and would leave the various cities behind. These cities became city-states that fought for power and resources. The dissolution of the US in the year 2004 sparked anarchic city-states throughout much of California and especially Southern California. Eventually, after years of struggle, on October 2010, the Victorian Grove Republic united about half of former California which is Southern California.


NOTE: The United States of JBR from this point on will no longer be referred as "California", "Southern California", or "Alta California".

The United States of JBR was formed on October 16, 2010 by several city-states who wished to become a united sovereign state. The city-states situated particularly in what is known as the Inland Empire were constantly at war for a grasp on resources and power. It was later decided, after much bloodshed, a unity was required. The leader of the Victorian Grove Republic, Justin Vuong, deemed necessary to become supreme leader over the city-states that wished to merge together as one country. After several arguments and tensions, the leaders all submitted Justin Vuong as their president. The Constitution of JBR was hastily prepared, hastily styled after the real world's United States of America. The very first days were challenging for the now unified country. Several neighboring nations heard of the nation's weak economy and decided to open their trade agreements with the country. The United States of JBR began off weakly and many citizens were oppressed with low income and were enraged with the high taxes. A tax reform was made soon after a brief riot and drastically made the economy worse. However, the citizens seemed to work harder after this tax reform, and the economy began to see some growth. The United States of JBR was very weak and wished to be a peaceful nation. Most nations did not have any appeal to attack the little nation and would sigh at the empty bank reserves of the nation. However, after a transition of war-enabling, a country quickly took this advantage and attacked the United States of JBR. The troops were overwhelmed and this became known as the First Blood War which would be the first of the series of Blood Wars which took place throughout the late October and briefly into the early November.

Blood Wars

The First Blood War was an alarming shock to the JBRicans but the troops quickly took out the enemy. The enemy fled but rallied other nations to come join the war. Each nation declared their own war, being masked and intertwined under an umbrella war known as the Blood Wars. The JBRican Army was almost push into dwindling forces and almost pushed into anarchy. However, the bloodthirsty troops soon receded their numbers and left, leaving a brutal blow to the JBRicans. Depressed, the nation looked on for protection. The nation switched back to peaceful declaration and slowly rebuilt the money reserves. The nation was eventually re-glorified and became even better than what it was to be.

Post-Blood Wars; Protection

The Viridian Entente

After several days of no answer, a recruiting nation invited the United States of JBR to an alliance known as the Viridian Entente, which was a strong, sanctioned alliance part of the larger Green Sphere. The United States of JBR graciously accepted this offer and applied. Justin Vuong completed the exam and submitted it but the Viridian Entente academy staff claimed that the test was not submitted. Infuriated, the United States of JBR decided that alliance were "just plain idiotic" because of their tests. He did not see why tests were required but he did not say anything to the Academy. He had his country look forward to stay isolated and protected from "the world of corrupted alliances".

Great Change of Morality and Views

The Great Change of Morality and Views happened shortly after the leaving of the Viridian Entente. The people began to look to a new religion, instead of Christianity and instead of a federal republic, a more direct democracy. A peaceful transition from the views to the new ones was called the Great Change of Morality and Views. Several citizens remained their original religion and were angered by the outnumber of "heathens to the flock". The Great Change of Morality and Views consisted of the change from Abrahamic faiths to Eastern faiths (Buddhism and Hinduism). New Age Movements also sprouted, giving new way to other religions. The Great Guru Propaganda was the second half to the Great Change of Morality and Views which help place confused citizens to Hinduism after deemed that Buddhism was okay but the necessity of deities was favored. It was marked with a nearly successful coup d'état of the JBRican government.

Buddhist Period

The Buddhist Period is the first phase of the Great Change of Morality and Views era. The original and traditional religion in the area was Christianity but the growing number of Eastern movement helped boost the number of adherents of Buddhist faith than the traditional Ambrahamic faiths. The Period hit Orange Republic first which already had a large population of Buddhists. After celebrities decided to join the faith, fans of various sorts decided to jump on the bandwagon and practice the religion. Buddhism called for spiritual enlightenment although many prominent monks were concerned that many of its adherents joined because it was more of a "fad". To help combat this, several monks organized the creation of commentaries designated to JBRicans to practice religion with truth and actual care. During the very same period, the unofficial Pastafarian Church of JBR (it would later be officially established in the beginning of 2011) was growing fast and the rivaling Zitacruso Church as well. Buddhism did not have a centralized belief in a deity and it started to confuse many citizens who no longer saw the religion as a "fad". A guru by the name Ralph Gajj from the religion of Hinduism decided to take advantage of the discouraged citizens by publicizing the works and beliefs of Hinduism. Hinduism was strikingly similar to Buddhism in ways but also featured deities and this led the large conversion of Buddhists to Hindus.

Great Guru Propaganda

The Great Guru Propaganda is the second phase of the Great Change of Morality and Views era. Gajj successfully gathered thousands of converts and became the national spiritual leaders to these converts. After the conversion of thousands of Buddhists to Hindus, several extremists decided to make a theocracy by first overthrowing the current promcapablic government. This idea started to build up and several videos online encouraged Hindus alike to destroy the current government. The JBRican government eventually shut down these videos but these videos leaked elsewhere on the Internet. Soon, the extremists gained enough support and recruited many supporters in underground markets. Although the Gajj attempted to prevent this from happening, several extremists rallied zealous practitioners to come and raid into JBR City. The attacking mob was immediately stopped by JBRican Police although some were Hindus themselves. The extremists opened fire and killed several police officers in action before taken into custody and sentenced 20 years of imprisonment each. The protesters were also rounded up and about 10% of them were detained in rehabilitation centers. Gajj attempted to reconcile the general Hindu population and sent an apology to the government that the extremists nearly overthrew the government. Gajj later left the country to move elsewhere while the abandoned Hindus continued practicing Hinduism.

New Pacific Order

The New Pacific Order

The Great Change of Morality and Views was followed up by the unexpected invitation from the New Pacific Order. The incident was still not cleared up by the government when an unexpected invitation from an alliance by the name of the New Pacific Order offered protection and wealth to the United States of JBR. Already discouraged by the Viridian Entente, the President and government were weary about joining but after the few several months of disorder, Vuong reluctantly applied for Pacifican membership. The President hesitantly approached to the alliance with shock and reluctance but would later be accepted. He was required to do a test in which he would pass.

He narrowly passed, had he missed another question he would have to re-take the test. His nation was with joy as they were now officially part of an alliance. Wars ceased and trades flourished. The United States of JBR began to look for ways to improve. He was accepted and he was given an exam to see whether or not his country was what the New Pacific Order needed. After a few days, he received a message from Farrin, a high member of the Order, told him that he passed narrowly by one question and that the United States of JBR was officially a member of the New Pacific Order. Surprised, he addressed to the country on public television and shocked many citizens. On December 1, 2010, the United States of JBR officially became part of the New Pacific Order and the Pacifican Banner rose on top of the old JBRican flag at the capital. The nation celebrated with festivals and many citizens booked flights to visit Francograd, the capital of the Order. The President became a wiki author, a recruiter, a tech procurer, and later on, a diplomat for the alliance. The new supreme leader of JBR was Emperor Cortath although in reality, Justin Vuong would remain the actual head of state.

Dawkins N' Marx Period

In Soviet United States of JBR, picture adds you! (English translation: The poster tells foreigners that they are not welcome and citizens living within must stay in.)

The following time period became known as the "Dawkins N' Marx Period" which was a short-lived time where irreligion and communism dominated the entire country. After the introduction of Francoism into the United States of JBR, many officials and citizens were fascinated by the philosophies that talked about how mankind could become at its best. Because of this, many of the Hindus started to blame the flaws of religion and the dangers of it. This gave a large concern by the Christian fundamental evangelicals. Humanism became an appeal to many citizens and many of these said humanists wanted to help the world by improving it. A great deal of these humanists began to detach themselves from religion entirely and after being presented the book known as The God Delusion, many became atheists or agnostics. The worrisome religious institutions and organizations were placed in exile by the general public. Up until this point, humanism was often frowned upon but the growing presence of the need of logic and reasoning helped humanism and secularism dominate much of the population. Some religious scholars presented ideas on ways how God and science could become one but had little or no voice in the government or media. Because of this, people who still practiced religion were ignored and even harassed by former friends and family members. Many religious citizens felt threatened by the growing irreligious community and felt a future possible persecution in the near future. This belief led to a diaspora of Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists alike. Meanwhile, the system of promcapablicism began being questioned and notable flaws were pointed out by political ideologists. Communism was presented by a group of political scientists who reasoned that private property should belong to the government and there be a centralized economy. A peaceful transition from promcapablicism to communism was enacted and President Vuong became "Glorious Leader". Several Christian evangelists tried to help get Christians back into the country of irreligious citizens by illegally importing Bibles and Veggie Tales DVDs. These Christians were tried in court but they escaped and fled to other nations. Some countries decided to cut off bonds until religious tolerance could be made. President Vuong decided to become a Seventh-day Adventist again and because of this, the hostility on religion lessened. However, much of the public and government remained irreligious and even criticized the President for being "weak-minded".

New Frontiers

The United States of JBR began to explore beyond their land and looked out for the world. Since the New Pacific Order provided much positions, the United States of JBR's President became a recruiter and wiki author. The country itself sought to become better but briefly caught itself in a bill-lock. The country received a large aid donation from the country of ADude, also the country's "mentor" and the President applied to the Technology Corps of the New Pacific Order. The country also had a quasi-war with an alleged ghost nation by the name "ChrisCVille". The new harbor opened in Long Beach, USJBR has been a recent achievement of the nation.

Ghostly Bar Era

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Ghost and supernatural ideas became an appeal during the Ghostly Bar Era.

The Ghostly Bar Era is an unusual "era" of the United States of JBR. The Ghostly Bar happened after a woman named Madame Caralia hosted her own paranormal activity show on the popular TV satellite channel, RiteTV. She was an avid Voodoo practitioner and her show convinced the many irreligious people of JBR to convert to Voodooism. The appeal for ghosts and spirits caught attention to many. At the very same time, the President was becoming more fierce with his rule. The Communist government was pushed aside and upgraded to totalitarianism. The government switched to this rather unappealing form and a state police was made. The government however seemed to have a "soft spot" because the new Constitution seemed to be very liberal and the state police only prevented people from the most obvious "no-no's" in a normal, democratic nation.

Annihilation Week

Annihilation Week refers to the entire week of war occurring in the United States of JBR. The nation waged war against the Baltic Alliance which was composed of four nations. It attacked the nation of Visland, a raider of the NPO. The nation of Visland was strong and fought back by sending dozens of cruise missiles which struck peril upon the JBRicans. However, after only two days, Visland was severely devastated by the aggressive attacks enacted by the United States of JBR. Visland was backed by the alliance's strongest member, Baltic. Baltic was very strong and crushed a significant amount of the land of JBR. However, the United States of JBR attacked back with the support of a fellow NPO member, Asasha. Later on, a mysterious event happened where an "administrator" wiped the entire Baltic Alliance from the face of Planet Bob for allegations of "multi-accounting" which is an act un-describable. At the end, the United States of JBR applied to the Diplomatic Corps of the New Pacific Order.

Anarchic Disorder Month

The Anarchic Disorder Month was an event that occurred and linked to with the Chaldean-Pacifican War. The Chaldean forces successfully brought the nation of the United States of JBR to anarchy and bounced the nation into bill lock in which the government could not pay for the national debt. The Anarchic Disorder Month was not really a month, but was two weeks of complete anarchy and protesting. The citizens were distressed and complaining about the lack of any public service to help themselves. As well as to this, several anti-JBRicans wanted to cease the moment by helping Chaldea and overthrow the JBRican government. This radical group of people were known as the Quad which consisted of four main leaders. Supposedly, these leaders were relatives of the extremist Hindus back in the Great Guru Propaganda although it has been reported that the Quad were part of an organization known as the New World Order. Some have linked these people as members of the secret society of Freemasons although the official say from the society is this:

For whatever the Quad was affiliated to, the group spent a large time trying to destroy the infrastructure and inner central power of the promcapablic government of JBR. They threatened officials and their families with death which caused a large secret diaspora. President Vuong and the Group of 25 fled in peril from the angry citizens and briefly stayed with ADude, the mentor and Pacifican adviser of Vuong. The Anarchic Disorder Month was marked with hijacked television programs and large reports of intentional car crashes in freeways. Vandalism on national monuments, the burning of the Pacifican and JBRican flags, and killing of several citizens were one of the characteristics of this conflict. Several Christian scholars decided to soothe the disoriented mobsters and this help weakened the stronghold of the anti-JBRican revolutionary organizers. By the end of December 2010, the anarchic rage ended and the JBRican forces also received aid from Swamplandia. This aid helped end the Chaldean-Pacifican War and put an end to Chaldea. The nation also received diplomatic access to the alliance of GOONS during this time.

Christian Revival Era

The Christian Revival Era refers to the age period occurring currently and immediately after the Anarchic Disorder Month. Since the Anarchic Disorder Month, the United States of JBR has seen several recoveries in both economically and politically. Christianity is again at its prominence and promcapablicism remains a stronghold of the government.

PB-NpO War
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A protester questions why Archon enjoys causing war and likens it to something that Baby Jesus would cry at.
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Local JBRicans in Los Angeles call for peace; something that won't be likely.

The PB-NpO War became the first major war the United States of JBR. Its first target was a fellow Mushroom Kingdom nation named Testiclania. The United States of JBR was alarmed when GOONS was part of the enemy (although it was already obvious as GOONS was part of both Pandora's Box and the Doom House Accords. Soon two GOONS member came and attacked. It brought the nation into anarchy although the government was still efficiently running and the general public did not riot. After the wars expired, the United States of JBR declared war on Laland, a GOONS nation and claimed victory on the first day despite being outnumbered. Laland attacked with full force but luckily, JBR managed to resurface from it. Citizens began to spark more anger to the Doom House Accords for their ridiculous casus belli. Some began protesting at JBR City.
A major earthquake in the state of Barstow was also felt. On February 11, 2011, a large earthquake rocked the small state of Barstow with a 7.8 on the Richer Scale. About 8,000 were pronounced dead and another 20,000 were found homeless. The city of Barstow and Apple Valley were severely damaged and local hospitals were found in debris. Paramedics and aide officers had to take 1 hour before reaching the devastated areas. Soon, Laland stopped attacking as the government of JBR struggled with its national bill lock. On February 11, it exited this bill lock and by February 13, it declared war on the nation of Bronti Laos. Meanwhile, the funeral of Daniel Olly took place and the day was reserved for a national day of mourning.
A major earthquake occurred in the state of Barstow; causing much cities to be destroyed in it. About 8,000 people died on February 11, 2011. The government sent aid to these areas and rounded up about 20,000 homeless people. Because Barstow is primarily located in the desert, not much people were needed to be saved.
Several days later, the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact was founded and the United States of JBR quickly gained more diplomatic access to several countries. Meanwhile, two GOONS nations declared war on JBR because the Supreme Field Marshal attacked one of the GOONS' allies: Bronti Laos. The United States of JBR was given a surrender terms from a GOONS member and possible refuge from the war and even persuasion to join GOONS but the President refused.
The United States of JBR was returned with a large wave of invasion and another GOONS member declared war. The President was said to have kept a positive attitude when he was in the Order's embassy in GOONS regardless of the current state of war. Soon, after the warring GOONS forces left JBR, the country declared itself a peaceful nation in efforts to rebuild. The President was sick for a while so the King had to take care of the country for quite sometime. The United States of JBR eventually received aid to rebuild from the destruction.
Amidst the war, the United States of JBR captured a large portion of the former Disparuean lands; particularly most of Coronet excluding the city of Jubilife. Some criticized this move of JBR as an "imperialist" act from JBRicans and Disparueans alike. Lance Pikachurin himself opposed JBRican presence before eventually accepting their occupation. New Disparu became a territory with an established militia and government along with a firm economic plan. The United States of JBR also joined the Death 101 Squad, a military squadron for the New Pacific Order and served as leader in effort to counter Doom House enemies. The Death 101 Squad was officially composed of 5 members.

Vuong-Norton-Pikachurin Sub-Era

Lance Pikachurin became Vice King of the United States of JBR.

Lance Pikachurin, Maylene Pikachurin, and Max Pikachurin became the vice monarchy of the United States of JBR on March 4, 2011 after a Congressional bill was proposed and later modified by the High Executive Committee. The United States of JBR also entered another active goal in STOP, creating the STOP Act of Free Trade Agreement of 2011.
The Doom House-NPO War was still ongoing but on March 10, 2011, the United States of JBR officially declared war on the terrorist organization known as the Anti-Infidel League of the Islamic Resistance. Other terrorist organizations such as the National Revolutionary Front from the Union of Midway caused much worry from the public and government. The Congress is currently working on the 2011 Act of Counter-terrorism Intelligence and Anti-Blatant Opposition. Separately, Vice King Lance Pikachurin began developing his own anti-terrorism bill which is currently known as "Code FLQ Memorial" which is supposedly named after his and Disparu's former terrorists, the FLQ or the Front de libération du Québec.
Despite all of this terrorism organization going about, the United States of JBR began encouraging civilians to get more involved with their local government. The Congress also formed the Act of United Farmers which is a program dedicated to provide free equipment and supplies to farmers throughout the United States of JBR. On March 11, Secretary of Agriculture, Trade, and Artificial Production Carey Sawyer announced the expectation of more increase in food production and promised cheaper but high quality meals for all JBRicans in the near future.

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Francis Roy, prime suspect of the Pikachurin kidnapping incident

On March 11, a series of various battles erupted which also resulted in the Pikachurin kidnapping incident. The Pikachurins were kidnapped by several Disparuean Independence Movement soldiers. They only served for a week as JBRican royals up to this incident. In response, the Deltoran Republic and Union of Midway came into assistance to locate the abducted officials.
The Pikachurins were rescued finally on March 19 and Francis Roy was granted a commutation by President Vuong by Lance Pikachurin's request. The day was marked with celebration although there were several protests that were unrelated to the rescue; regarding tobacco and the selling of tobacco products near educational facilities. The Tobacco Act launched by Congressman Edgar Carey proposed it illegal for stores to sale tobacco if they were within 5 miles from an educational facility and public buildings. Tobacco companies criticized this and argued that it would hurt the economy badly.
The Soviet Union Kingdom and Union of Midway became increasingly active with exchanging businesses with JBR, the two said nations had one of their largest companies to expand business into the United States of JBR. The Jihad War also seemed to be put into hiatus although this made many officials alarmed that a possible large attack could be expected. Several diplomatic cables were leaked by AIL and many contained sensitive information. Some of this information included talks of privacy invoking by several House of Representatives. This sparked a public outcry and three Representatives were expelled for conspiring of privacy evasion.

Mary Age

The Mary Age began on March 30, 2011 when Emperor Cortath, then leader of the New Pacific Order and indirect leader of the United States of JBR, resigned and appointed Imperial Regent Mary the Fantabulous as the 5th Emperor. The Mary Age in the United States of JBR began off with a dramatic decrease in gas prices by 20% after the discovery of oil found just 20 miles north of Barstow; outside the United States of JBR's borders. Dispute on whether JBR would own this or the natives there sparked debate in the Congress although the general public has been in favor for this oil. The oil was found just under a small dry lake deposit and held well over 5 million tons. On April 2, the Congress declared that 50% of all the oil belonged to the United States of JBR while the other half belonged to the natives. This gave the United States of JBR about 2.5 million tons and the Congress gave 45% of this to the major private corporations. The rest were put in stock.

General public opposition in the territory of New Disparu caused pressure on the JBRican government and by April 7, the government had New Disparu dissolved and "ceded" it to the Free State of Quebec which was already receiving popularity from the locals. The JBRican government also exposed that the Pikachurin Family within the JBRican government were actually the Willow Family. The Willows were decoys of the United States of JBR and were used in attempt to gather local support from New Disparu. After New Disparu was dissolved, the government decided there was no use in keeping the decoys under guise but continued using them due to their political experience. On that same day, the Willows were formally crowned and had the House of Pikachurins renamed to the House of Willow. The international community condemned JBR for its scandalous acts and several imposed trade sanctions on JBR. President Justin Vuong admitted he unknowingly knew of this and confirmed that it was the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of JBR that made this occur.

On April 8, the CIA stormed into the Presidential Palace at the capital and overthrew the Vuong Administration. Almost immediately, the United States of JBR was quickly converted into a more dictatorial promcapablic nation and nearly all government officials were replaced by the Vales Administration. Theresa Vales, the former Director of the CIA, became the 2nd President of JBR and declared sovereignty above the Constitution. She sent Vuong and his allies to exile and Vales had JBR side with the Pro-AIL Forces whom the CIA were secretly allied with before the military takeover. The Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact agreed to expel the JBRican States until Vuong or a loyalist could return to office and Vales had JBR withdraw from the New Pacific Order. Within hours of the coup, the JBRican Civil War erupted with two main forces being the Vuong loyalists versus the Vales Administration. Vales and her government used strong attempts to keep its power and violated many human rights such as the JBR City Massacre during the beginning of its reign. The administration nearly succeeded in destroying Bobogoobo with its "New Manhattan Project Bomb" before it was taken by loyalists in the New Manhattan Project Siege.

On April 15, the JBRican Soviet Socialist Republic declared its existence and caused more aggression between existing combatants. The war increased in complexity as various combatants sided with others. In the Great Battle of California, the economy of JBR dropped dramatically and wiped out about 1.2 million people. A major blow to the Vales Administration, it began recruiting large numbers of citizens in attempt to liberate the various areas captured by its enemies. The Vales Administration also formally showed its agenda reflected to fascism.