New Disparu

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Flag of New Disparu
Coat of Arms of Disparu
Motto: A New Dawn for a New World
Anthem: Gens du Pays
Status Former Territory of the United States of JBR
Capital Québec City
Official languages English, French
Demonym(s) Disparuean, New Disparuean
Government Promcapablicism
Time zone UTC -5
^Considered 21 Feb 2012 by the locals
^Considered 7 April 2012 by the locals.

New Disparu was a widely unrecognized, disputed territory of the United States of JBR that was situated over the former areas of Coronet; once a province of Disparu--which was disestablished on the 15th of February 2011, (2012 on the Disparuean calendar). The land of New Disparu was also claimed by the Free State of Quebec which announced its sovereignty shortly after New Disparu was created. The land was occupied by the armed forces shortly after the dissolution on the 19th of February. In fear of public opposition, the President of JBR decided to occupy only some sections of Disparu by peacefully claiming Coronet as a territory of JBR. The President ordered troops to avoid taking Jubilife and had it reserved for Disparu's immediate allies by the former monarch, Lance Pikachurin's request during the dissolution speech.

The President then declared that all occupied areas with the exception of the surrounding vicinity of Jubilife as a territory of JBR. He declared the name of the territory as "New Disparu" as he said:

On February 21st, 2011, New Disparu was officially part of the United States of JBR and two people from the continental JBR was made the territorial leaders of Disparu. This declaration was widely ignored by the locals and the international community with the exception of STOP nations. The government wanted the territory to be ruled by JBRicans before any Disparuean could rule over New Disparu. Many anarchists and fellow Disparueans revolted against being ruled by a new government but these were quickly subdued by the newly created New Disparuean Police Forces (which was hastily prepared and founded). Many objected that JBR was not a rightful leader and opposed being ruled by a nation that was on the opposite side of the continent. Most Disparueans questioned why in the past regime, Disparu, was led by English Quebecois politicians--among a French Quebecois majority, and they voted Disparu dissolve; and now ruled by mostly English Americans (Californians) in a regime about 2,000 southwest of Quebec and have nearly no knowledge of Quebecois culture.
Several Disparueans and JBRicans however, were rooting for New Disparu to become a state of JBR. Other JBRicans criticized the government of JBR's "imperialist" moves to conquer a new land while a war was happening at the same time. Officials and the High Executive Committee dismissed these criticisms and oppositions. Several leaders has suggested splitting half of New Disparu and giving it to Bobogoobo, an ally of Disparu and ally of JBR as well. However, the majority of JBR's government was focusing on giving New Disparu statehood and a new future at the time.

The declaration of the existence of the Free State of Quebec gained quick popularity by local New Disparueans and many opposed JBRican rule. The United States of JBR negotiated with Administrator Lamont de Solidor, leader of Free State of Quebec on the territorial disputes. By April 6, 2011, the government of the United States of JBR announced its intentions that New Disparu would no longer be part of JBR. The next day, the government formally ordered all government officials and militants belonging to the United States of JBR prior to occupation to return. This marked the dissolution of New Disparu though the government of JBR officially called this a cession despite having no treaty with the Free State of Quebec whatsoever.


Main article: Geography of New Disparu

New Disparu was mostly situated over the Saint Lawrence River valley in the south, where the capital, Quebec City, and the largest city, Montreal, were situated. North of Montreal were the Laurentians, a range of ancient mountains, and to the east were the Appalachian Mountains which extends into the Eastern Townships and Gaspésie regions. The Gaspé Peninsula jutted into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence to the East. The Saint Lawrence River Valley was a fertile agricultural region, which was producing dairy products, fruit, vegetables, maple sugar, and livestock prior to the annexation to JBR.
New Disparu was situated over parts of Coronet and the outskirts of Jubilife and was widely disputed with the Free State of Quebec.


The term New Disparu was decided by President Justin Vuong to create a new Disparu. "New" Disparu was used to name the territory's new status as the successor of Disparu or being the "newer Disparu". The term Disparu is the past tense form of the French verb disparaître, which roughly translates to disappear in English; emphasizing how Disparu disappeared from the map of Canada after its secession and later once more from the world map. Disparu is also similar to the English word disparity, which is a synonym for different.


New Disparu was originally situated over Coronet, the largest province of Disparu in population and was home to Jubilife. Shortly after Disparu's collapse, many countries wanted to take the country for themselves but there was no action done until JBR occupied several sections of Coronet. Many JBRicans and Disparueans opposed this; mostly as an act of imperialism. New Disparu became the subject of many politicians and many were interested in making it as a state. Currently, New Disparu was undergoing fast progression to take off from what it was prior to dissolution. This was interrupted by the Jihad War of the United States of JBR and many Disparueans and JBRicans have become concern of the recent burnings from a terrorist organization known as the Disparuean Independence Movement. As well as that, the Pikachurin family, Vice Monarchy of the United States of JBR, were kidnapped just miles outside New Disparuean borders and sparked a breach of security for both the federal and territorial government. The territorial governor issued a territorial-wide lockdown in efforts to prevent terrorist organizations such as DIM from escaping and locating the whereabouts of the Pikachurins. Eventually, the Pikachurins were rescued in the Battle of Rescue.

General public dislike caused stress on the United States of JBR and public dislike was amplified when the Free State of Quebec was created. Many Disparueans supported the Free State of Quebec and urged the United States of JBR to leave. The JBRican and Quebecois government negotiated on how to resolve the territorial disputes and on March 7, 2011, JBRican soldiers and officials left New Disparu. The government of JBR claimed it ceded New Disparu to the Free State of Quebec and formally declared that it never achieved official sovereignty over the land.


New Disparu's economy is fairly moderate and used to be strong when it was Disparu and it used one of the world's most powerful currencies, the Disparuean dollar, which is no longer printed and essentially lack of value. The currency that New Disparu now uses is the JBRican Dollar which is actually the US Dollar in the guise of the name, JBRican Dollar. New Disparu's citizens are isolated from the rest of JBR and because of this, the territory's citizens are self-dependent on the resources provided in the land and the government of JBR permits the territory to trade with neighboring areas. New Disparu citizens do not have to pay any taxes other than federal tax and territorial taxes. Few businesses are run by Disparueans and are either carried from the previous Disparuean incarnation era or founded during Disparu's territorial time.


During its existence, New Disparu was a which meant it maintained no seat in the Congress of the United States of JBR with the exception of the Territorial House of Representatives of the United States of JBR; the lowest of the three Congressional houses. There was only 1 Disparuean seat within the 41-membership house at the time. Disparueans paid federal tax and "territorial tax" though many avoided doing so. They were free from paying other taxes such as sales tax and income tax. Disparueans had the right whether or not if they should join the military of the United States of JBR or not although that could be conscripted by the Selective Board System.
New Disparu was a republican form of government; while being ruled under JBR jurisdiction and sovereignty. Disparueans had the choice to democratically vote for a governor although it was never meant due to the President of JBR's order; which was to temporarily rule the territory by several selected heads chosen by the Congress' interests. The first and only governor of New Disparu was Jacques Pétain who served as the head of the territory. The Legislative Assembly of New Disparu was the legislative body of New Disparu which was composed of 50 individuals; all whom were voted by February 25, 2011. The Supreme Court of New Disparu served as the judicial body of New Disparu. The People's Branch of New Disparu was the political front for non-government office holding civilians.
The statehood for New Disparu became increasingly in popularity risen by March 2011 and Lance Pikachurin, former king of Disparu has also shown in favor for giving New Disparu statehood. The Congress of the United States of JBR had several billing incidents with senators and representatives showing proposals to give New Disparu statehood. However, after New Disparu was abandoned by JBR by April, interest on statehood was considered useless.


Dispute as a territory

There was several disputes and controversies on whether or not New Disparu is the direct successor of Disparu and if it was really a legal territory. Generally, most Disparueans and even former monarch Pikachurin have denied the legality of JBR's possession over Disparu. Many JBRicans back in the continental states have also opposed to the annexation of Disparu because they feared that the nation was not concentrating on the various wars JBR was in. Many also cited that Pikachurin had said that the immediate allies of Disparu become the successors. JBR was not an ally with Disparu at any given time and the two only shared one mutual ally: Bobogoobo. Regardless, the government of JBR continued to claim New Disparu as a legitimate territory until it ceded it to the Free State of Quebec.
Other alternatives was the country of Pravus Ingruo; which declared a protectorate in Disparu before the United States of JBR did. That country specifically noted that foreign presence would not be wanted. The government of the United States of JBR issued no response or comment until March 9, 2011 which the President said, "Oh, really. Well, um, I guess we can compromise." When a reporter commented "Surely you'll be crushed," the President looked into the camera and said, "Well, talk to this guy!" and he pulled Lance Pikachurin to the camera. For a brief moment, there was a silence but Pikachurin simply said, "Meh". This "meh" comment caused confusion among the United States of JBR and even more debate in the Empire of Pravus Ingruo.
This alternative theory was widely accepted by several Disparueans at the time.
Other controversies include whether or not Lance Pikachurin--at least in the United States of JBR's government--could very well be a fake; much controversy similar to Someguy Inamask who is often debated on whether or not he exists or not. Some conspiracy theorists proposed that the United States of JBR established three "decoys" or even hired specialists to pretend to be Lance, Maylene, and Max Pikachurin and if it were so, then New Disparu would be invalid and the Pravus Ingruo is the rightful leader. Theorists further explained that the real Pikachurins are in fact located somewhere in Montreal in an apartment as commoners as they were commoners before becoming involved in the government. Critics of this theory voiced their beliefs that the Pikachurins found in JBR were very well the Pikachurins from the Disparuean government. Support for this included that witnesses reported seeing a similar figure of Lance in Montreal from an apartment complex. These witnesses also saw the figure arguing to a JBRican militant and one overheard about how that JBR was not welcome to take over Disparu. They also say that the Pikachurins returned to Jubilife; avoiding the anarchists and various protesters and secretly re-entered their home. As well as to this, the household was manually put on lockdown by the family to avoid getting robbed or attacked by anyone and for one week, this was going well. Eventually, the Pikachurins discovered the Congressional act and from there, they would accept becoming Vice Monarchs. The Pikachurins confirmed this themselves but many theorists affirm that this claim does not support the overall argument. Main theorist Gary Hawkers has released a statement saying:

--Gary Hawkers; from the statement "An Argument Against Anti-Pikachurin Identity Conspiracy"

The government of the United States of JBR officially exposed the "Pikachurins" and declared that they were in fact decoys. The decoy for Lance was Wilbur Willow; decoy for Maylene was Jessica Willow; and the decoy for Max was Arnold Willow. The international community widely condemned the United States of JBR and several placed trade sanctions in response. The government apologized this and only used the decoys to make New Disparu appear a true territory. The government announced that the decoys (Willows) would remain in government; since the Willows were experienced in politics.
During much of New Disparu's existence, the government of the United States of JBR considered New Disparu a legitimate territory while the general public of JBR's opinions shifted in favor of Pravus Ingruo's claims as Disparu being a protectorate. However, public opinion quickly shifted to the Free State of Quebec by April 2011.
Other opposition reached radical matters such as the terrorist organization known as the Disparuean Independence Movement led by Francis Roy, former leader of the Communist Party of Disparu. Several government officials worried about DIM's terrorist attacks and the infamous kidnapping during the Jihad War of the United States of JBR. DIM shown violent efforts to secede New Disparu from JBR and create a "Second Republic of Disparu" or join the Pravus Ingruo. DIM was part of the Pro-AIL forces. The need to secede ended on April 7, 2011 when the group's goals were meant when the Free State of Quebec gained full control over New Disparu.