Origo Mundi (Map Game)

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Welcome to Origo Mundi, a game about creating your own alternate nation in an unknown world.

In this game you will create your own alternate nation, starting from the dawn of its creation. Players will be able to explore to find new players and uncover the rest of the map, spread their culture and practices, and create the foundations of new empires.

The main features of the game are as follows:

  • Completely alternate nations, cultures, religions, etc., that are all player created and developed.
  • Fictional world map that is unknown to each player at the start. Each player will receive a map of only what their nation has discovered so far, and must explore the world to piece together the bigger picture.
  • Computer programs for easy war algorithms and realistic statistics tracking, which will be run by the moderators.


Full Moderators:

Plausibility Moderators:


Currently being expanded.


File:Example Map.png
An example map demonstrating the different climates and landmarks represented on the maps.
  • At the start of the game each player will receive their own personal map (PMed from the mods via Discord), which will show you where your starting location is situated. You will not be able to view the entire world map, only what you have discovered so far.
  • Each turn players may choose to explore the area around them. The mods will then send you a new map, expanding upon what you have knowledge of. Remember to be specific about where you send explorers.
  • No sharing your map with other players that you are not in contact with. If you have discovered another player you may arrange to trade maps in-game, at which point the mods will update each of your maps with details from the other person’s.


  • The population of each nation will be tracked by the moderators, by tracking each individual city, rural area, and their individual classes. The exact population of your nation will be unknown to you.
  • To find out the approximate population of your nation you can conduct a census, but keep in mind that this will require an investment of time and money for your nation. Additionally, how accurate the census information is will be based on a number of factors, including the amount of money spent, technology level, your nation’s infrastructure, and overall area.
  • When you select the population of your city/nation in the nation creation section, keep in mind that you are only selecting the male population (or female if a matriarchy), so your total population will be approximately double what you select.
  • Cities and nations should have a plausible amount for each class. Noblemen represent the ruling elite and wealthiest inhabitants, citizens typically represent your middle-class or lesser property owners, and the third tier represents the majority of your inhabitants. Noblemen should be the smallest fraction of the population, with most of your nation’s inhabitants being landless poor or serfs. (A generic city might have 1,000 nobles, 2,500 citizens, 6,000 landless poor, for example.)
  • Recruiting armies will be based on the manpower you select. For example, infantry will be drawn from your landless inhabitants typically, elite cavalry will be drawn from your noblemen, and any foreign auxiliaries will be drawn from your foreigner section. Keep in mind that this limits how many of each type of unit you can recruit into your army.
  • Your population will grow as turns pass, based on a growth rate determined by the moderators. This growth rate will be set based on the actions you take in your turns to either positively or negatively affect your population, as well as your climate/biome, random chance, and other factors. Additionally each class of your society may have different growth rates depending on your actions.


  • At the start of the game no currency exists. However, each player may invent their own forms of currency as the game progresses.
  • The starting wealth section of the nation creation represents how much money your nation has saved in its treasury, in either gold or whatever valuable you choose to use.
  • Your income in the form of taxes will be based on your government type, level of administration, infrastructure, classes, legislative policies, and other factors, and will be tracked by the moderators.
  • Anything undertaken ordered by the government, buildings, ships, armies, or other projects will require money to be spent, and if too many things are built at once except it is possible to exceed your income.

Nation Creation

Player nations must be added to the nations page before players can enter the game.

  • Players can create their own nation by following the below rules, or signup as a nation already established in the game if it does not have a player. If you wish to do the latter, contact a moderator for more information.
  • Nations and cultures should be fictional. Although it is okay to base your nations on real life counterparts, make sure they are still alternate. No real life nation or place names should be used for nations. Real life names for people can be mixed in ("Game of Thrones style"), but it is encouraged that all people have fictional names as well.
  • Nations will be created with a point system, with points being spent on your nation’s starting attributes. Each new nation is limited to 175 points, which can be spent as follows:
    • City’s Start Location (guarantee that you will start in a certain biome):
      • Subarctic climate/tundra: 5 points
      • Desert: 5 points
      • Rain forests, Monsoons, tropical: 10 points
      • Savannas, Grasslands, Steppes: 10 points
      • Continental, Oceanic: 15 points
      • Mediterranean: 15 points
    • Location bonuses:
      • On Body of Water: 10 points
      • On Coast/Ocean: 20 points
      • On River Delta: 10 points
      • On Navigable River Delta: 15 points
      • On River: 10 points
      • On Navigable River: 15 points
      • Near mountains: 10 points
      • Major Island (e.g., Britain): 20
      • Small Island: 15
    • Starting resources (guarantee that you start with an abundance of something):
      • Rare Commodities: 30 points
      • Precious Metals: 20 points
      • Precious Gems: 15 points
      • Tin: 10 points
      • Iron: 10 points
      • Copper: 5 points
    • Religion Organization (if any):
      • Animism: 0
      • Disorganized polytheism (Germanic Paganism): 5
      • Formalized traditional (Hinduism): 10
      • Semi-monotheistic/henotheism (Atenism): 15
      • Full monotheistic (Judaism): 20
    • Starting Buildings
      • Granary: 2
      • Town Center/Forum: 5
      • Temple: 3
      • Government Center: 5
      • Harbor (requires Sailing; Coastal or on a Navigable River/Lake): 10
      • Library (requires Writing): 10
      • Walls: 5
      • Barracks: 5
    • Technology:
      • Sailing: 5
      • Ships (requires Sailing): 10
      • Calendar: 5
      • Bronze Working: 5
      • Iron Working (requires Bronze Working): 10
      • Horseback Riding: 10
      • Writing: 10
      • Basic Mathematics: 5
      • Advanced Mathematics (requires Writing and Basic Mathematics): 5
      • Advanced Astronomy (requires Writing and Calendar): 5
    • Negatives:
      • Hostile native population (e.g., Sparta): -15
      • Hostile neighboring natives: -10
      • Disease rife area: -10
      • Unpredictable flooding: -10
      • Drought prone: -10
      • Vulcanism/Seismic Instability: -5
    • Federal government:
      • Theocracy: 15
      • Empire: 15
      • Monarchy: 10
      • Feudal: 5
      • Republic: 20
      • Tribal: 5
    • Administration:
      • Unitary: 15
      • Feudal: 10
      • Republic: 20
      • Oligarchy: 10
      • City-state: 5
      • Nomadic: 0
    • Urban population:
      • Noblemen: 10 points per 1,000
      • Citizens: 5 points per 1,000
      • Landless poor: 1 point per 1,000
      • Foreigners: 0.5 points per 1,000
      • Slaves: 0.5 per 1,000
    • Rural population:
      • Citizens: 4 points per 1,000
      • Poor/serfs: 1 point per 1,000
      • Foreigners: 0.5 point per 1,000
    • Size of Empire (everyone starts with one urban and four rural, measured per px):
      • Urbanized Area: 20 points
      • Rural area: 1 point
      • Loosely-claimed: 0.5 point
    • Starting gold/currency supply: 1 point per 1,000 kg/gold, or an equivalent value

Government Examples

This chart is to give you an idea of what each government system and administration level might entail:

Theocracy Empire Monarchy Feudal Republic Tribal
Unitary Persia Egypt (New Kingdom) Modern French Republic
Feudal Caliphate Holy Roman Empire Egypt (Old Kingdom) State of Lu Ancient Ireland
Republic Roman Republic Great Britain Novgorod America
Oligarchy Roman Empire Triumvirate France (?) Venice Xiongnu
City-State Vatican Aztecs Sparta Athens Cahokia
Nomadic Israelites Mongols The Huns (?)



Archives List
1st Millennium 2nd Millennium 3rd Millennium


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The Game


Hythian authorities discover the maze-like cities in the shadow of the wall to be nearly impossible to police, with numerous Hythian soldiers being lost. Additionally, they find trying to install roads or other amenities nearly impossible, as the inhabitants don’t necessarily want such improvements either. Supported by many of the Tunnel Lords, the inhabitants of the city largely protest Hythian involvement.

The O'leai nations discover the Kingdom of Ua’aduha in the far south. Initially the kingdom is extremely cautious, but when they discover the visitors mean them no harm they allow them entry. They reveal to the O’leai that on a nearby island to the northeast of Ua’aduha is a small kingdom of powerful cannibals, who often come to enslave their people.

The Qeran attack against Babisqa results in the nation’s last cities being captured. However, in the northern mountains the Qerans are decisively defeated, with the Qerans suffering 5,550 casualties and the Babisqans suffering 1,400 casualties. The remnants of the Babisqan army remains in the mountains for some time, despite the state itself having fallen to the Qerans. They also gain some aid from tribes to the west of them, and continuously harass Qeran settlers.

Having regained its strength after the Syresian-led war against them, the nation of Tamsebe launches an offensive to reunite with Yamoussoca, and successfully captures the majority of the nation.

The landing by the Zelonuma Emiresq on the Zara Islands is successful, with Zelonuma forces defeating a local garrison. The two nations skirmish frequently at sea, with both nations losing a small number of ships.

The Exhulan invasion from Kaloma into Sillas is successful, partially due to the element of surprise, with Exhula capturing the region directly east of the border. After the Sillans respond a decisive battle is likely to occur [To be added].

Events regarding Sillas and its wars still to be added once everyone posts/provides information.

The Sillan invasion of the rebelling Makuku state results in a decisive Sillan victory. The Sillans suffer 9,440 casualties, while the Makuku suffer 20,500 casualties. Another 20,000 Makuku soldiers are captured by Sillan forces, with their fate to be decided by the Sillans. The remainder of the Makuku army deserts and flees back to their homes, or in some cases north out of the country.

The Sillan withdrawal from East Makuku is successful, and Sillan forces garrison along the defensible central river. Sillas suffers 9,000 casualties during the withdrawal, as the attackers harass their lines, while Mohejaro suffers 3,100 casualties, and Qaryaat suffers 2,030 casualties.

The Sillan counterattack against the Exhulan invasion results in a Sillan victory. The Exhulans are beaten back to around the border of Kaloma, having suffered 9,100 casualties, while the Sillans suffer 4,010 casualties. Initially at sea Exhula's supply lines are disrupted, but at a decisive battle between the two nations, Exhula achieves victory. Exhula suffers the loss of 21 ships and 3,500 soldiers, while Sillas suffers the loss of 50 ships and 9,000 soldiers. The Sillan invasion of Kaloma results in a decisive Sillan victory, capturing the eastern one-half of the territory. The Sillans suffer 8,140 casualties, while Exhula suffers 9,000 casualties.

  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: The tsarina orders the construction of 20 new ships including a flagship which is to be equipped with deck-mounted balistas and catapults. It is also to have a crew of 200. To speed up the recovery of wounded soldiers and people a horse-drawn wagon equipped with doctors and herbs is constructed and begins to be called an ambulance. Hythian saddles are bought in exchange for diamonds. The Golden Bull expedition had not been heard for six months when one day it suddenly appeared in the capital's dock with only one ship remaining and no one aboard. Tales of the flying Golden Bull begin becoming a legend.
  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 568-577 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Tyrelius III is succeeded by Emperor Jyntus II. The young emperor makes a visit to the wall near Rocinjabel where he is disturbed by the conditions. Realizing that it is better to handle the obstinence of the city from the safety of the high walls, Jyntus orders dozens of eyscurpieron assembled behind the wall, out of sight of the city below. Then, during a red moon, thousands of pots of burning fire are launched into the city below. The rain of fire sweeps the city away from the walls. The following day a new force of two Unians, 8,000 troops in total, accompanied by teams of masons and builders, missionaries, and administrators march into the square at the gate. The administrators and missionaries swiftly administer food and aid to the people, while also preaching the displeasure of the gods who built the wall. They come to the inhabitants of the city as guardians of the wall and servants of the Great Builder Hythus. The masons and builders raise what remains of the burned sections of the town, establishing a grid system and ensuring a space of 300 feet from the wall. They also begin constructing a large temple to Hythus the Builder up against the Wall where all may come and pray to the divinity. The city’s royalty is asked to cooperate and promised status and wealth within the city. All the while, the various stories of the east are collected and compiled, looking for trends and similarities. Settlement of the south shifts westward into the lands of Old-Mythadia. The sparse population is replaced by a series of growing cities and increasingly dense rural populations. The fertile volcanic soil along the river allows for large crop yields and high rates of growth, while the inland lakes support thriving fishing communities as well as farming towns and cities. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The manufactory revolution spreads rapidly as workshops expand across the land. The academies of learning spread literacy across the nation and the people becomes more educated. Hythologists from the Academy of Gyt arrive in the the Hythian ally in the Kledesian Kingdom in the southeast. The scientists seek to purchase their maps, take rock samples, and explore the nation. [Mod Response] The Academy of Gyt, now a burgeoning institution, begins a nationwide study of rock formations. Already a leader in the study of Hythology, the academy hopes to discover new resources and new formations. The missionaries of the Church of Hythus in the Drakan Empire continue their word in and around the city of Gondreium.
  • Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 110th year of the Athmwir's rule (901), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) continues to go on strongly, while trade with the city of Perhmathwl-on-Filgaff (Parumatula). In the 112nd year, explorers are sent far north by ship on the eastern coast of the large Cyrddosthan peninsula to the east of Ddenstiwrh and north of the western shore of Nurchacan (100 px), but also landed on the Cyrddosthan peninsula to explore the inner parts of the peninsula. Direct trade between Afmwirian and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) harbors is established. After the death of Ffan Richa Fwlgryff in the 113rd year of the Athmwir's rule, her son Cholmer Fwlgryff, the new iaryll of Clan Fwlgryff, claimed the title of Ffan. Although all clever-men allied against him, several clans allied with him in order to further their prestige. Against that, the remaining iarylls and clever-men elected Afylstainn Carhsoin, elderly iaryll and famously religious clan-chief amongst all. The war lasted for five years, during which both Cholmer Fwlgryff and Afylstainn Carhsoin died, one during the battle of Drawcicheld, the other of old age. In their stead, Cholmer's son Chug Fwlgryff and one of the many grandsons of Afylstainn, Thoinn Falgiff. Chug was defeated in his last stand on the beach south of Mercydd, with Thoinn calling an election and easily getting elected Ffan. Richa Fwlgryff and her entire clan are remembered as a disgrace, the clan living on through a two-year old taken in the custody of Ffan Thoinn. In the 118th year (909), rebuilding starts in the Chffith valley, where the entire war took place, but some of the affected peasants decided to leave and move to the plains north of the country surrounded by the Iuryll mountains and to the Cyrdd river valley, where Cwinchulm manages to build a market and even a small temple to Fwarh, due to the area being untouched by the war.. Wheat, rye and barley are continued being produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) and Perhmathwl (Parumatula). More watermills are being built or rebuilt along the waterways, and more villages develop alongthe Cyrdd.
  • Qaryaat: King Tamim orders additional troops to reinforce his army. His forces presses on into former east Makukan lands, where the combined Qaryaati-Mohejaran forces, along with the Eborite mercenaries, fight with the Sillan army. The struggle to push the Shilan scourge out of Makukan lands continues. For extra manpower, King Tamim asks to hire mercenaries from Hythus (HYTHUS RESPONSE NEEDED), Draka, and the Yazradids (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). He also asks Algeorgia to send troops to aid his efforts in Makuku. (ALGEORGIAN RESPONSE NEEDED) The war commences. (MOD ALGO NEEDED) Meanwhile, expansion of the kingdom continues. The territory of Maqiri expands along the Mohejaran border, while the colony of Ghirsana expands to cover the entirety of its peninsula and expands both eastward and westward along the coast. The colony of Janzera begins to expand into the empty land of the island it is on. In all areas of the kingdom, loosely-claimed territories are settled and control is consolidated. The University of Makra expands, and the Library of Makra becomes a part of its campus. In the newer cities of the kingdom, town centers and libraries are built. The Aljurjyan innovation of the ambulance is adopted in Qaryaat. Exploration is conducted in the Mang-Shaynabin region, the coastline southeast of Ifsalan, along the Sillan coast, and along the coast of Greater Barsana.
  • Mesallian Culture: The invasion by Tamsebe against the nation of Yamoussoca prompted a response from Syres. Despite not being formally allied with the nation, Yamoussoca had come under the influence of the Syresians, and the state sought to prevent the rise of an Orunamid-like state to rival Syres. The nation would be far more prepared for a war in the region than previously, and despite the invaders taking Yamoussoca by siege, Syresian forces would successfully defeat Tamsebe in the northwest near the border. The war would bring the Mesallian client kingdoms of the coast farther into the Syresian sphere, and in the year of the 176th Jafiad (Year 904) the state called for the formal annexation of Zoramvera to the nation as a province. The last king of Zoramvera, without a direct heir and possessing little interest in administration, had willed the province to Syres upon his death. Although the majority of state in the region supported greater Syresian control, under the command of the last Zoramveran king’s cousin, Eumedonus II, a revolt would be launched against Syresian rule. Initially distracted by the war in Yamoussoca, after peace was made Syres dedicated its efforts toward crushing the rebellion, and two years later the region was pacified. The nation would plan the creation of two new provinces; Zoramvera, which was centered around the capital city of Losdenport, and a province to the west of it centered around the cape. Both provinces would see extensive Syresian colonial efforts in the coming years, with newly planned settlements being created throughout the territory. In the north, where Mesallian and Syresian influence was lowest, these settlements would be important outposts for the Syresian government. Meanwhile, in Edom a marriage would be arranged between Taulut and the new Anka, Alasana III. Much of her early reign would be spent pacifying parts of the nation, with another campaign in Phydinia resulting in a harsh attack by the Edomites.
  • Kingdom of Tesardya: The population reaches 1,290,000, and strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. With our ally's war with Mouri ending and the recent success, citizens rejoice as the infidel Ulmians are once again crushed. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisim, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 5 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. The Yannian offer of war against Niani is accepted, as 75,000 soldiers are recruited and trained over a two year period, with an additional 45,000 starting training in the case of heavy casualties in the first few battles. Spy networks are made across Niani, as a means of learning more about the structure of the nation so that it helps in strategically attacking in their most urban locations, as well as spreading delegitimizing royal claims to their own throne (as in the Niani King doesn't hold a strong claim to the throne). A spy network is also created in Tamsebe. The other offer of war by the Zelonuma Emiresq is accepted additionally, and soon a force of 1,000 soldiers is sent there along with six galleys as a means of precautionary defense in the case of an attack from the scum that is the Mouri.
  • Yannian Culture: Oh Neum, sweet Neum. Sweet sweet Neum. How the holy gave their lives to protect you and deliver you. We came and labored on your behalf, because the LORD is good, and he delivered us from that sin, and took sweet baby Neum into his arms. We have nurtured and suckled that sweet little boy. He grows tall and strong. His voice deepens, hair appears on his body. He is so broad and thick in all places. Oh my sweet baby boy is a man now. A succulent and strong man. His virile limbs hang from his body and clench with readiness. This grown man is done playing with the Azozioni toys, so he throws them away. The Great Nathon Revolt begins, when all the young sex slave boys and eunuchs of the empire converge on the city. The strong lad looks from the city walls with his big hands grasping it firmly. He laughs, for the army of the Azozo is a sad bunch of peoples, so mutated and deformed by their poverty. But he admires their dedication to the evil lord, that commands them to rise up and strike the temple. The Great Temple rises, and Big Neum steps up to the walls. He orders that the armies do battle in the plains of his countryside. He slaps his meaty appendages like a spear against a shield. Oh, and bring forth his loyal army. The KNIGHTS OF JIFF. They emerge from their burrows quietly chanting and humming, and it builds louder and louder. Their sandwich costumes are upgraded into battle regalia, with plate armor coated in bread and lettuce, and the meats strung around their belt. They hold pieces of salami like clubs, and they hold tomatoes for slinging. They rise from the depths of the underworld singing their grand symphony; “LETTUCE AND BREAD, NOLROMO’S MY FRIEND. GIVE ME THE SALAMI, SO I MAY STRIKE THE NOMIES.” Praise the LORD! The Sandwich Knight of Agaga himself rides in on a great stallion. Behold, his fork of slaying, and his torch of the heath. He places his hands to the sky and closes his eyes, and slowly the LORD speaks through him. He utters the sacred words...ravioli...RAVIOLI RAVIOLI! Rise my children, RAVIOLI! The skies have opened! Oh my goodness, it is raining, because God commands it. Oh Nathon, Nathon, Nathon. Everywhere I see, a dead Nathon. But oh the scorn of ravioli, take so many with it. At the end of the day the Nathons were crushed, but it was at great cost. Neum is very sad and tired now, they need to rest. Meanwhile, in the lands of Xbalan, they are glad that Tesardya has agreed to aid them, but are surprised they are only sending 15,000 soldiers. Regardless, millions of proud Yannians rise up for the liberation of Bassar from Niani. A great army arrives and brings about great vengeance. One army marches toward Niani the city, one army marches toward Bassar, and a third, smaller army marches into the valleys. Meanwhile, Neum eventually came to sin. The once great King Neum, gave into his earthly desires. After the battle, he spotted a young Nathaon, and took him for himself. He forced himself upon the Nathon, for he could not hold his lust. Because of this great sin, the LORD had Neum expelled and he walked the earth in great agony.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The support from the nation of Tesardya is greatly appreciated, and it is proposed to them that we should band together to conquer the Mouri islands that they have captured. Their islands only exist to facilitate raids against us both, and the nation will begin attacks to remove their base completely. Having defeated their navy, an army is raised to seize the islands. The south is secured and peace is made with the Khin nations. Defenses are constructed along the border. Many Darnans are sent to settle the region, where they find fertile plains ripe for farmland. The navy of the nation decides to lay siege to the Azozian islands, so that they are forced out of the north once more. The navy of the Zelonuma Emiresq attacks and surrounds the islands. A multitude of soldiers are raised to take the islands, while another army remains on the coastline. Meanwhile, we conquer the Zara Islands for good now, and we destroy the Azozian presence there.
  • Telachitul Republic: After the repulsion of the invasion, Kourosh sends a small force to permanently patrol the border for further incursions. Republican citizens who fled to Daresigoba are offered safe passage back to the republic, and are awarded new land in the north if they want. Expansion, trade and Economic development continue, with cities especially starting to grow. The navy expands. Expansion efforts continue in the north. The Icrodel religion continues to spread, becoming an important institution in the nation. the navy expands. We do a census and invest significant resources in it, as Kourosh wants a count of Telachitul citizens, allied tribal peoples, and Telanouio (Agunda).
    • Telanouio (Agunda): The king of Agunda marries the daughter of Kourosh. While this is symbolic, with the republic's structure, ore importance is the beginning of intermarriage between the two nation's elite. The Telachitul language and religion continue to spread, especially among the elite. A large temple is built in the Telanouion capital, renamed Idolnouio.
  • Mouri Empire: Tragedy struck against the empire this year in relations to the change of government, which has since become a pivotal moment of historical research. Xeracles II "the Impious" was found dead in the palace of Azoz, having hanged himself in private. This was taken as a great shock across the nation, and an unprecedented event in human history, as the only monarch to commit non-coerced suicide. The monastic chronicles described this as an act of God, in judgment of his impious actions toward the religions of Mesallia and Eskaladun. One Apocist work of apocrypha, the "Avenging of the Savior", may have been loosely based on this event, otherwise describing a fanciful scenario of Nelrim post-resurrection enacting vengeance on all those responsible for his death. Many rumors have circulated over the next 2000 years of possible assassination, beginning with an investigation by the very next monarch, Thalut V. An autopsy of his body conducted in 2752 AR confirmed his death to be by hanging and not any known poisons, and no signs of struggle either. Critical analysis of Xeracels' psychological state from the best contemporary sources seem to confirm a long battle against untreated medical depression, which he was generally too selfconscious to share in any public discourse. His death, nonetheless, signaled a new era for the Mouri empire in the royal marriage of Emperor Thalut V and Anka Alasana III. The shared crown of these two monarchs created a joint defensive army near the border to Mesallia, succeeding in several minor battles in the ongoing Phydinian-Edom conflicts. The navy was largely increased with the regained ports in the Three Cities, combining ships of Thalutia-Nys with Nerimos to expand across the Gabatrian Sea. A special elite order of lancers was formed as well, based in the city of Nerimos at the Great Ulmian Temple, known as the Templars. These were trained and consecrated as an order of monks, but also trained in military combat as a small but elite fighting force within the regular military of Edom. Their combat training was a mixed combination of styles, from the Erasidonian military, Valunian archery, traditional Azoz lancers and even the Zedumari mercenaries. Thalut took note of the gradual disunity and decentralization in Edom, and tried to offset it with the focus on massive building projects. This included several large Basilicas in the Upper Meran and in Susalyon, but mainly in Iskandaria to expand the Great Library and construction of the Great Forum. A local mission Reduction was made in the city of Erahjema for the purpose of further pacifying and integrating the Apirun people. All of these administrative actions were, apparently, done in mutual agreement between Thalut and Alasana, and worked in both directions as well. Edomite military also expanded influence in Mouri, setting up defenses in both Valun regions from the northern barbarians. A large force was also sent to support Syres' war against Tesemba, and further increase their presence on the Yannian continent. The growing naval presence in the farther Gabatrian Sea helped to support our alliance wtih Temayal in their wars. The naval expeditions in the north continue to battle back the Emiresq away from the Zara islands, but not as directly, but rather gradually weathering down their ships in attrition. The local defenses on the Zara islands, especially on Castle Roneth, are heavily fortified, building up earthen walls right down to the coast, and dispensing pots of boiling hot water from the castle walls. 


The Kledesian nations agree to allow Hythologists from the Academy of Gyt into their nation, to examine their maps and rocks. In the far east a rumor arises that Hythia is practicing dark magic with rocks, which causes a minor riot.

The attack launched by Qaryaat against the Sillan positions in East Makuku result in a decisive Sillan victory. The Sillans successfully prevent the Qaryaati from crossing the river, and the front remains the same in that region, with the Qaryaati suffering due to the scorched earth tactics being implemented. The Qaryaati suffer 20,420 casualties, while the Sillans suffer 8,050 casualties.

The nation of Mohejaro, independent of its allies, amasses a small army of soldiers, desert nomads from the east, and mercenaries, and launches an attack directly southwest. These raiders, although small in number, manage to reach as far as Sillas’ eastern lake, and inflict damage among the population there.

The Zara Islands are remain in the hands of the Mouri Empire, after the Zelonuma and Tesardyan forces in the region unsuccessfully attack the local garrisons on the island. The Tesardyans suffer 400 casualties, the Zelonuma suffer 18,400 casualties, and the Azozians suffer 8,450 casualties. Naval battles commence between the three nations, with the result at sea largely inconclusive.

The population of Nerimos protests the Azozian-backed creation of the Templars, after they claim to possess their Enulmian temple as a military base. Riots break out in the streets of the city, which see many Ulmians, Azozians, and Templars alike killed in the chaos.

The invasion of Niani results in a decisive victory for Xbalan and Tesardya. In the west the Tesardyans suffer 10,430 casualties, Niani suffers 22,430 casualties, and the Yannians suffer 6,500 casualties. In the south the Niani suffer 18,450 casualties, while the Yannians suffer 15,400 casualties. At the Siege of Bassar, the city is captured, with the Yannians suffering 7,500 casualties.

The continued invasion of Kaloma results in a decisive Sillan victory. Sillas successfully captures the rest of the territory, with the Sillans suffering 9,450 casualties, and the Exhulans suffer 14,330 casualties.

  • Kingdom of Tesardya: The population reaches 1,290,000, and strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. With our ally's war with Mouri ending and the recent success, citizens rejoice as the infidel Ulmians are once again crushed. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisim, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 5 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. The war against Niani continues, and although successes were made from the get-go, an additional count of 10,000 soldiers are sent to back up the casualties faced in the first campaign and to also further solidify the gains and occupy the region secured while the others push forward until Niani catipulation. With the news of success made in the Zara Islands, small celebrations are made while most of the celebrations are made from the success from the war with Niani. An additional 12 galleys are sent to assist in the naval battle, as well as an additional 3,000 soldiers. After noticing some infidels meddling in the ally that is Syres, a diplomat is sent to politely ask them to simply kill/enslave all of the Mourian soldiers currently occupying the island and to further help in the isolation of the treacherous Ulmians from trade (Player Response), and if help is needed in that process, the Tesardyan Army is prepared. 
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: We finally create a new colony and begin sending people there to begin building the capital of that colony. Our saffron and garlic fields are expanded as demand has risen significantly. We send an expedition to explore to the northwest. For her 90th birthday jubilee, the tsarina receives an ornate sword decorated with golden carvings of Dodos but is also made from a new metal called Algeorgian Iron. The recipe for this is a closely guarded secret and is kept in the Royal Blacksmith's house guarded by two guards. We begin to adopt crop rotation.
  • Qera: The war to the west is already considered as a victory, the only thorn in the side of a full victory are the rebellious Babesqâtlen - what the Qerans call the locals. Ycas VII personally leads the attack on a village called Gengengea, a known hiding place for rebel groups. After it is confirmed that a prominent resistance leader hides there, the complete village and all surrounding farms are burned down and every single inhabitant is killed without mercy. Only a single boy is sent out to tell the other villages what happens to them if they refuse to obey the Qeran rule. The prince gives the option for an unconditional surrender to the tribes. If they refuse, they will face a pornaq, a ritualized form of genocide (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). Exchange of cultural ideas and more trade brings more wealth to Qera, as well as new technological advances. Crop rotation becomes now widespread and replaces the largely used fertilizers that consist of ashes, dung and guano. The rice fields in the north are mostly no affected by that, but in the south fertilizers vanished mostly. The rotation process is an exchange of potato farming in one year, wheat or barley farming in another and in the third year the field isnt farmed at all so the earth can recover. The Babisqa region is fully annexed by the end of the decade, infrastructure is planned and sanitation enters the larger settlements and cities there. The already depopulated villages are settled again with Qeran settlers from the region near Salayen. The earth there doesn't seem to fit for much vegetable cultivation, but perfect for livestock like cows, horses, sheep and goats, the latter two are introduced from the east some generations earlier. Trade with Ccekaea and Etztotolla continues. The colony of Cyrphetzija expands farther south, slowly, with the goal to establish a port on the southern side of the landbridge. To accomplish that, an envoy of traders and settlers is sent east to colonize the bulge south of the colony. The ship lands at the most southern tip of the peninsula and establishes a city that will be named Uoteccqaga (1 px becomes URBAN; 10 px becomes RURAL)
  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 578-587 since the return of Hythus. Emperor Jyntus II focuses his energies on solidifying imperial control over the south, constructing a series of border posts along the empire’s borders with the irian states and the empire’s vassals in the Ten Cities region. Jalor becomes fully integrated after a long, slow move toward imperial control. Its nobles, having long been integrated into the Aristocratic Estate, experience only changes to title, but no loss or gain in power. The King of Jalor is demoted to a Noble Lord, but retains his lands and holdings making him the third wealthiest person in the empire behind the emperor himself and another lord. In the city of Rocinjabel, a group of mercenaries is hired to escort a cartographer into the east. The mercenaries are offered 20% of the payment before and 80% after the safe return of the cartographer. [Exploration] Across the city itself the actions of the last decade instil a newfound religiosity as the people adopt Hythus as a central god, but add in many eastern religious components. The Shrine of Hythus the Builder becomes a central building to the Rocinjabelers who adopt some Hythian construction techniques in their buildings. The empire works to infiltrate the city, purchasing the loyalty of observant citizens and the Tunnel Lords alike to maintain a level of control, but is unwilling to commit troops to the streets as before. Hythian troops patrol the walls and surrounding rural areas daily, and large iron cauldrons of water are brought to the base of the walls to detect tunnelling. A secondary palisade is built on the western edge of the pass to catch those attempting to cross the wall. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The manufactory revolution spreads rapidly as workshops expand across the land. The academies of learning spread literacy across the nation and the people becomes more educated. The Academy of Gyt, now a burgeoning institution, continues its nationwide study on rock formations, conducting an intensive prospecting of the iron-bearing mountains near Gyt and other mountains in the Kus Symas. Already a leader in the study of Hythology, the academy hopes to discover new resources and new formations. [Resources] The missionaries of the Church of Hythus in the Drakan Empire continue their word in and around the city of Gondreium.
  • Mouri Empire: A cultural and artistic revolution would continue to unfold under the joint monarchs of Thalut and Alasana. The multicultural effects of emperor Xeracles, particularly the new forms of dance and music, would now start appearing in the royal court of Edom as well, and similarly the technology of papermaking was used in the Edomite monasteries. The Basilica of Susalyon would be among the first made in a floating dome style, ornately decorated in mosaics depicting allegorical representations of the royal court and the Seven Apostles. The Great Forum of Iskandaria was fully constructed, creating a massive network of marble courtyards, gardens, and market places situated five km inland from the Library. This would also feature a colossal circus, the Shamanseum, where many sporting events of the Mesallian style would be held. The centerpiece of this Forum would be a large obelisk, perfectly in the style of the Zeumite tradition but decorated in scenes from the Hagiography of Nelrim. According to modern estimates of the labor forced needed for this project, it gave sure employment to workers that had to come from all across the Edomite kingdom, as far away as northern Emalia and southern Ankem. Within the Mouri Empire, archaeology shows a subtle change in the cuisines used in the Capital of Azoz and elsewhere, as traditions of Edom take root. The Paltonic philosophers in Usilinago and Teman became greatly inspired from the matriarchal nature of Edom, as in the writings of Proculos for example, which advocated more equality of genders in both the military and administration. The pair of monarchs were raising two children of their own at this time, the oldest named Landrew and the younger daughter named Arenea. The union also saw a friendly rivalry between the two great centers of learning, the original Library of Iskandaria from the first empire and the more recent Library of Azoz in the second. In Iskandaria, Hypatia the Red developed the first theory on the five canonical solids, and described this as the mathematical basis for the physical world. In Azoz, not long after this, Gandhi the Dark published his work "Geometry of a Sphere", which challenged several previous assumptions such as the angles of a triangle. As the enlarged navy continues to support occupation of the coastlines near the Emiresq, secret diplomacy is sent to Syres and Khin, offering mutual concessions of Darnan land if three nations joined a coalition to destroy the Emiresq once and for all.
    • In Sephimora, the Templar lancers were originally organized to be trained in theology within the temple as the order of monks, while their stations and training as a military order was kept to military facilities outside the city. However, the governor of Nerimos, Jaluth, instead had the military stationed within the temple itself, the exact reason for this has been of some controversy in the sources. The Edomite sources would claim this was in direct order of the Mouri empire, and would instigate the Nermosian revolt against Azoz. However, the monastic chronicles describe that Jaluth purposefully made this error, as he had planned to seize the opportunity for establishing independent state for himself. As soon as two Azoz ships in harbor were set on fire by the rebels, this prompted both nations to devote their full force in deposing Jaluth and restoring order to the region. Emperor Thalut himself came to oversee the aftermath of the battle, personally entertaining the grievences of the city from the royal progress. With order restored in the region and the Templars kept outside the city, the Anka also reached out in attempt to maintain previous trade relations and cooperation with the city of Leveia, so as the crown union of the nations does not affect their relations in the east. In Or, the basilicas were largely manned by expeditions of Shanzian apostles from the city of Edom, knowing well the population continues their integration to the kingdom rather slowly. Even so, Thalut V wrote letters to express his favor to the people of Susalyon, citing their long-standing economic and cultural exchange that had existed under the Peace of Chatna. In Iskandaria, largely out of the multicultural policies of the former emperor, the Great Froum constructed had no religious basis of its own, and the forms of art and entertainment practiced there mostly drew inspiration of Zamian and Mesallian customs. 
  • The Javuk: The Javuk warriors continue their campagin of conquest within the desert lands the inhabit, exterminating tribes that refuse to obey their new masters. The Supreme Warmaster's directive remains in force, with any tribe that rebels against his authority destroyed on the spot. The Javuk have no intention of wasting time and energy suppressing native rabble in the lands they now seek to control. Thousands upon thousands of men, women, and children whose only crime was being apart of the same group as those who fought against the Javuk, are run down by the Javuk warriors and executed. Those who managed to escape into the deserts surrounding the river basin are not pursued by the warriors, as the Javuk scouts have assured the War Council that no oases in the desert were been encountered during their reconnaissance missions in the region, thus dooming the refugees to a slow death far from home. In the city of Jagurra, the city limits have been expanded to accomdate the waves new slaves transported upstream to the city. Those men not yet gelded by the warriors prior to their transportation are gelded by the warriors protecting the city, and the women are marked and distributed to the citizen families to serve as breeding slaves and house servants. A head count of all the slaves brought into the state of the Javukry over the last two decades was a total of 12,337 gelded men, 19,089 women (7,161 currently pregnant), and 2,305 children deemed worthy for a life of service, for a total of 33,681, not counting the approximately 9,000 slaves who lived in Jagurra and survived the previous culling. Downstream the new city of Nauwurru is expanded as well to serve as a port for the planned expansion of the state along the coastline, where the Supreme Warmaster's armies have congregated and prepared for their next wave of conquests. Prior to his death in the field of battle, Supreme Warmaster Jaejunnau returns to Jagurra to pass out the new class of citizen-warriors in the capital; approximately 2,354 in number according to the War Council, raising the total number of citizen-warriors to 12,354 of all ages. Those who failed to successfully pass into the citizenry have been culled from the general population by the new citizen-warriors as their first mission from the state.
  • Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 120th year of the Athmwir's rule (911), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) continues to go on strongly, while trade with the city of Perhmathwl-on-Filgaff (Parumatula), and contact with Ardubja is established, while also asking to coduct trade (ARDUBJA Response). In the 122nd year, explorers are sent far north by ship on the eastern coast of the large Cyrddosthan peninsula to the east of Ddenstiwrh and north of the western shore of Nurchacan (100 px), while the land explorers are assumed to continue their journey up the Cyrddosthan peninsula. Direct trade between Afmwirian and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) and Afmwirian and Perhmathwlian (Parumatula) harbors is established. In the surroundings of Drawcicheld and Rhyfthan on Lake Hinruch, prospectors look for minerals, mostly iron, but also gold or salt [MOD response]. In Mercydd, bards called scholdds begin singing massive works of heroism, mostly around the conflicts of the war before the Athmwir's return or mythology, and Ffan Thoinn Falgiff, supported by the Temple of Cwinaref, while in Ddenstwirh, ships are built in order to protect the coast of Afmwir. In the 128th year (919), rebuilding ends in the Chffith valley, and expansion happens in the Chffith and Cyrdd river valleys, as well as to the land north of the country beyond by the Iuryll mountains. In Cwinchulm, a harbor is built, as well as walls and a barrack.. Wheat, rye and barley are continued being produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) and Perhmathwl (Parumatula). More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith and Cyrdd.
  • O'leai Culture: In these years, the Uani people continue to expand with the spread of the further agricultural improvements to the islands of Vui'a and Jhoai this leads to more population growth on the islands and the the further enrichment of the port city of Ia'la where a natural harbor lies with the people easily being able to trade. However, the city has no walls as the law of the Uani people dicates they cannot spill their own blood. Tua'Oi is discovered to possess a ground especially suitable for the growing of fruits which is heavily implemented. Meanwhile, on Kuri'a, the three Juidoms expand by about 10 px having won the contest between them and the unruled. The Conch Juis of Xhu'o expand their dominion over the entire island of Xhu'o during these years integrating the natives into O'leai. Meanwhile, the Turtle Juis of Vui'a conquer the island to the southeast of them, bringing it under their dominion. On the island of Kuri'a near the holy mountain of Kuri the Uani people begin to carve images into the rocks to represent various words and phrases to describe stories and mythologies, this practice remains a minor one, however, for the time being. Trade opens between the southern kingdom and it allows the newly formed Juidom of Tua to begin to flourish as the island serves as a stopping point between the traders from Vui'a and the southern kingdom. The news of the Cannibal kingdom seem to serve as a cautionary tale to the wayfinders, and as such they begin to increase the archers and warriors on their ships in order to protect them from the Cannibals and the Slavers while they venture into the area west of Ua’aduh. The wayfinders continue to explore the seas of Leai.
  • Thaivœga: Zhayvshk II Bhroual the Great continued his 43-year reign into his early 60s, with his health eventually deteriorating into an irreparable state in 913 OM and dying in 914 OM. Even into his dying years, historians believe that he continued to support institutions such as the University of Laykoth, supporting education among the nobles and sometimes even the upper middle class. His long life was made possible in part by his health reforms, which made a division of the University of Laykoth dedicated to medicines and health. Herbs are used to numb pains and help ease symptoms of many diseases. However, they were unable to save his life when he was believed to have contracted liver cancer. He passed away in 914 OM, one of the most celebrated monarchs of his time. He was succeeded by his son, Ouvaushk, who took the royal name Zhayvshk III Bhroual to ride on the popular support of his father. Now just known as his birth name of Ouvaushk, he seemed to be a mediocre king, standing idle for the earliest six years of his regency, sharing ideas and technology with Thaivœrithmayccekae (Qera), along with taking interest in other states in the west including the Thizauzithouz Gahouv (the Telachitul Republic). Exploration was sent north to chart the mountains in the north, as well as form relations with the nation west of Johndapanan, with the normal expeditions continuing eastward. Expansion continued eastward, and it was around this time that the islands east of the Karath Aumsbek province (the southern islands) were claimed for the crown. Rural areas also grew. 
    • Thaivœga Aumsbek: Cotton continued to be a major industry, with the Ouraymirœ slaves continuing to breed. They were indoctrinated to believe that they were born inferior to their owners. Exploration continued south and expansion continued along the coast. Plantations were taking up space, and so new areas became rural from their previous state of being loosely claimed. 
  • Qaryaat: We accept the peace offer with Birahba. (BERABAN RESPONSE NEEDED)
  • Mesallian Culture: In Edom, the sudden ordering of Ulmian basilicas across the nation was displeasing. In the north the non-Ulmian population was strongly against the order, because they remembered the harsh Ulmian-centered civil wars that had raged, and didn’t want to enable them further. However, the Ulmian population, of course, lauded the decision. In the far south the Ulmian religion was almost unheard of, and the sudden grandiose buildings disturbed the population greatly. In the former lands of Susanylon there were not enough people to visit or staff the basilicas, and their building was a slap in the face to the careful integration done by the Edomite government. Regardless, the Anka was committed to her new found marriage, even if it upset the native population. Not entirely Ulmian herself, the Anka was later wed to a woman from the south named Abemala, further confusing the situation. The most zealous of Ulmians thought of Thalut as a hero, and called for the conversion of the Anka, or in the most hushed circles, her removal. The Edomites had no tolerance for such talk, and an equally as vocal opposition began calling for the Ulmians’ removal instead. Overall, the Edomites remained cautious of the Azozians and vehemently loyal to the Anka, who sought to preserve a balance in the middle of the two extremist factions. In Sephimora there was a more militant reaction. The decision by Thalut to move armed soldiers into the temple was seen as a declaration of war. A full rebellion broke out, with the Templars being targeted by the locals. The governor in Nerimos ultimately caved in favor of the rebels, and ordered the Edomite army and navy to open fire upon the Azozian ships arriving. The event would become a major fiasco, with the nation’s navy turning on itself and losing one-half its strength, and a large portion of Nerimos population being killed. Edomite soldiers would need to be dispatched to regain order over the east, effectively being tasked with reconquering the Three Cities. Likewise, relations with Leviea reverted back to negative, and the city-state returned to its isolation. Meanwhile, The Syresian war against Tamsebe concluded in victory, and the Syresians had any Azozians turned back to return to the Mouri Empire. Due to relatively high relations to the Mouri, and the nation’s own Ulmian population, the Syresians would not completely cut off the Mouri Empire. But at the same time high relations with both the Zelonuma Emiresq and Tesardya existed, as the two nations were two of the strongest trade partners of the nation. Because of this, the nation sought to prevent the Mouri plan to harm the Zelonuma Emiresq further. The nation formally created client kingdoms along the southern coast up to the nation of Xanulem. Elsewhere, the nation would fight a minor war north of Canim, as the last city-states were brought into the nation. Despite fighting a short war with them, these cities would almost immediately be elevated to positions of power within the nation, as Mesallians were seen as similar people to the Syresians. Later, this distinction would lead to full citizenship being granted to the people of the straits, but this would not come until after another war. The nation would formalize the creation of new provinces in the region, creating a province in the former Bascula region centered around the coastal cities. The nation of Syres would also increase trade and involvement in Neum, which had been founded initially as a Syresian colony. Aid was given to its new king, in the hopes of creating a stable ally for the nation.
  • Yannian Culture: It is pretty ridiculous that the Mourioni claim to have the first emperor to commit suicide, the Anointed One committed suicide; just another way that the Yannian religion is ahead of the Elmo religion. Once again we were first to the trend, but they copy us. We have the best fatal ends to our emperors. Meanwhile, there is such thing as a Holy Patra, says the Azonio, but what about the Holy Matra? That is a story they do not want us to tell. But listen, one day the woman appeared in Neum, and she was the most beautiful and holy. She traveled to the Rock of Abo, which was the cave where the Azozino Holy Patromi lived. He was doing a rain dance and praying to Nolromo, when he saw the beautiful woman. His jaw dropped to the floor. “WOWZA,” he says. But then he got hold of himself and said he could not touch a woman, because he was married to Nolromo only. She took off her clothes. The boy nearly passed out. He was a big and tubby man, with folds of fat from his chin leaking down his chest, as was tradition for a Holy Patra. His white robes were greasy and yellow, and his body was aching. He was stuttering now, asking who that woman was. She was Lucretia! Oh my goodness. He tried to snatch the woman, for Azozioni do not respect women (unlike Yannians who respect women). He tripped and fell instead, and that was how that Holy Patra died. Instead Lucretia floated back to Neum, having toppled the corrupt institution that calls itself a “church”. She would become pregnant with child, so she married the King of Neum. This was how the great lineage of the Yannians and the Lucretians came to be wed. Soon they began to consummate their marriage, as a Nathon watched them. Tears began to flow down the Nathon’s face, he was screaming. “No NO NO, what about Nelrim? How could you not give birth to Nelrim?” Lucretia hushed him, mid sexual act. That had been a false way, but now she would give birth to a child that was purer than Nelrim, and from him the true savior would derive. The Nathon bowed his head, realizing he had been made cuckold. He fell to his knees. “Oh, wise Lucretia! You are right and just to change your path! No more will Nelrim be born, but a new timeline will be birthed, and on that plane may be born the Anointed One!” He ran to tell the good news, as the consummation came to a close. The people grabbed pots and pans and banged on them to celebrate the joyous act. “I love the Anoined One!” cried Nathon, “For he will be born of Lucretia!” The hooting and hollering was so loud that across the land the people knew that good times were ahead. Run and tell the good news, children! And the children ran door to door and nation to nation. They beat back the Olmoroni with great and good tidings. Let us celebrate the consummation every year as a great holiday, and let all the boys and girls pray to the LORD for a great and wonderful and healthy marriage and children. A child had been born, praise God. This was one of the promises of the prophets, and it had been done. Then, the Knights of Jiff cried and said, “let us dig up our parents from the grave, and let us help those skeletons dance, too.” They dug up the graves, and each son grabbed their dead mother, and the living and the dead did a little dance together. This was because salvation was coming, and they were so excited. The boys ran to the east, where the Yannians were. There in Xbalan they had begun a military campaign against Niani, and the boys told the soldiers that soon war would be over. There would be peace across the entire globe. They would all have a million wives, and give birth to children. There was good food that everyone ate. There were nice clothes that everyone wore. Oh, and in the Sillian Land? There the Yannians came to praise the Sillanio, the Empress, who was a woman that they all admired. They said, “hooray Empress, feed us mommy!” And good nutrients ran from that woman like a mother bird, uplifting the people. The gift of Yannis had come to end famine and end plague. The Yannian seed would be planted and raise up the population. On the front lines against Kaloma, the people began to dance. They had been overcome with joy, it is factually written. The Exhulans were confused because they were blind and deaf and what not, so they tried to charge, but the LORD said nah, and smacked the army aside. Thus, through God the Sillans and Yannians beat up all Exhulans, expelled them from the land. Kaloma was a new place now, it had been made pure! A million gifts upon the Sillio! And maybe the joyous mobs ought to liberate Irrosia, but they were too overcome with joy to harm a fly. Instead the Irrosians got up and danced too, and danced in the face of those Exhulan guards, those Exhulan tax collectors, and those Exhulan slavers. They did not care for the Exhulan beatings anymore, because the LORD turn thy beating sticks to soft clouds, and their whips to massagers. They felt great joy and great pleasure all over their body. We had become invincible.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: For now a peace will exist, and there will be peace. We are glad that we have defeated the Mouri Empire, and there is great celebration. However, they must immediately cease planning to attack, or else there will be consequences. There will likely be a big war in which we humiliate them a second, third, fourth time. If they have a navy, we will sink their navy. Each ship will be sunk under water or captured. They will lose their navy. If they have an army, we will blow that up. No more army. The Zelonuma Emiresq guarantees the independence of Neum. If Azoz tries to harm that nation, we will take away privileges from the Mouri. Anyway, the war has ended and there is peace for now.
  • Beraba: After pushing the Sillans south of the river, Okemos negotiates the terms of peace. First and foremost is the establishment of free Makuku as an independent nation. While there is a push for a free and independent Teninukal as well, this proves to be too difficult to negotiate. However, a clause is included that all Teninukalians who wish to leave Sillan-controlled territory may do so. Beraba offers ships and safe passage for these refugees to unclaimed territory on the eastern side of the Beraban peninsula where they may establish a new homeland. Also included in the terms of the peace is the establishment of consulates from all nations involved in the war in the capitals of the other nations to establish diplomatic relations. Envoys are to be appointed so that communication and diplomacy can prevail over bloodshed and aggression in the future. Finally, a 99-year non-aggression pact is drafted, to be signed by all belligerent nations, stating that if one nation within the pact attacks another signatory of the pact, the rest of the signatories are obliged to assist in restoring peace and order. Okemos orders some troops to remain in Cazekorom and Makuku until the peace terms have been ratified and honored by the other involved nations. Okemos himself returns to Ngaoudera to focus on the internal affairs of Beraba.


A notable population of Ulmian followers develops in the nation of Tamsebe, made up mostly of Ulmians who had fled Syres or the Yannian nations in previous decades. The nation reaches out to the Mouri Empire for an alliance.

After the nation of Babisqa unconditionally surrenders to the Qeran invaders, the majority of its remaining army either remains in the mountains, constantly harassing Qeran settlers, or is responsible for leading people west out of Qera’s claimed territory.

A cult worshipping the deity Dyphedeg emerges in the shanty towns outside of Hythia, which is the patron deity of rocks, mountains, and their black magic trapped within. The religion is believed to be based on a misunderstanding surrounding Hythia’s geologists, mixed with eastern traditions. Meanwhile, the Hythologists uncover a translucent, blue material in the mountains (OTL Elbaite).

A small number of refugees fleeing the harsh wars of the Javuk encounter a small city to the north, known as Ludevyra, which sends scouts into the region. The express interest in peaceful cooperation with the Javuk, and offer to trade.

An eastern dynasty known as the Luremids emerges in the Ten Cities region, and after a period of unrest, they manage to capture the capital of Eldebethias, with support from the Badamate of Narai. The leader of the Luremids, Askanakguri, declares the Jahrama Empire. Later in his life he launches an invasion of Draka, after they aid the Eldebethias nobility in staging a rebellion in the west.

After the nation of Qaryaat proposes peace to the Sillans, the nation of Mohejaro does the same. With the war formally concluded, the Makuku set about rebuilding their kingdom, settling refugees in the far north, and building new defenses.

  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: The tsarina becomes the longest ruling monarch in Algeorgian history and to celebrate this a statue of her is built alongside the statue of the first king of Algeorgia. The Algeorgian postal system and weekpaper is established. The weekpaper is a weekly paper covering that week's events and stories. (Well, no newspaper but weekpaper). We continue our exploration to the south.
  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 588-597 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Jyntus II develops a deep set paranoia in the later years of his life. He constantly fears an invasion from the east or south. His advisors do manage to get him to propose a royal marriage with the Jyazradids in the north, marrying his eldest daughter to the Jyazradids. [Royal Marriage] His paranoia leads to Jyntus II becoming known as Jyntus the Mad internally and to a limited extend abroad. In Rocinjabel worship of Dyphedeg is recognized as a legitimate cult, and he is named the son of Hythus by the Church. This has little effect on the city, but worship of Hythus continues to be encouraged. Farther north, near the Halati, the discovery of Symaite (Elbaite) prompts something of a mineral rush. Prospectors and miners flood the region to extract the valuable mineral. The pale-blue variety found initially gives way to many other shades, from red to green and even white. These gemstones quickly enter the market and are prized for their beautiful rich color variation. The market for these gems quickly expands overseas and Hythian gem merchants bring Symaite far and wide. Merchants arrive bearing the gems in the Irian states, Qaryaat, Jyazrididia, and elsewhere. The flood of miners does re-spark the border conflict between the Halati and the empire, this time with even greater ferocity. Imperial troops arrive to help defend the miners and prospectors, and both sides clash in several skirmishes. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The factory revolution spreads rapidly as workshops expand across the land. The academies of learning spread literacy across the nation and the people becomes more educated.
  • The Javuk: Supreme Warmaster Jaejunnau Jabunnuhuk Saeja'Yilaerrau dies at the age of 77 in Jagurra, following 50 years of successful campaigning in the river valley to the west. As is customary, the War Council cremates his body and executes 100 slaves to serve him in the afterlife. His ashes are spread into the wind and his people enter into a state of mourning for the next week to remember his valour in battle as their leader. The council appoints the 37-year old warmaster, Dailizza Nuzunnuhuk Veli'Fumaekkae, as the new Supreme Warmaster of the Javukry. She immediate outlines the policy of consolidation of existing lands under their control and focuses on determining the new conquest for her people. While peace with any of the non-Javuk natives of the continent is strictly against the doctrines of the Javuk faith, the offer from the Ludevyra to trade is deemed a viable course of action by Dailizza for the determination of their potential as a slave people, and the exact specifications of their home city and its defenses. A delegation of Javuk warriors trained in self-control and diplomacy are sent to the Ludevyra city to ascertain the intentions of these people. Back in the river valley, the cities of Jagurra and Nauwarru are expanded further to help accommodate the large number of slaves into the population. Those whom the Javuk cannot feed sufficently are culled from the population, while pregnant women are shifted to breeding farms where they will serve as the source of new slaves in the state. All male citizens not engaged in battle are required to sire offspring with these slaves as a part of their responsibilities to the state. These children are branded as state-owned slaves by the warriors upon reaching their tenth birthday, and are assigned to their new role in the fields or in the houses of the citizenry. Young boys are gelded at the age of 20, and young women are either placed in the fields if infertile, or sent to the breeding farms if deemed to be capable of producing viable offspring. There is talk among the inner circles of the War Council of building an army of gelded male soldiers for the purposes of expanding the limited number of soldiers currently available to the Javuk. With the rapidly shifting demographics of the state following the temporary cessation of hostilities toward the neighboring tribes, Supreme Warmaster Dailizza orders the start of a census to determine the current state of the Juvakry. This comes as the Javuk warriors return to their homes ahead of the planned census following the completion of the extermination campaign, as the number of non-enslaved peoples roaming the river valley has dropped below the minimum allowable by the War Council, freeing the warriors up to return home and prepare for the next campaign. In a complete turn away from traditional Javuk practices, Dailizza orders the construction of a wall around Nauwarru, as she intends to turn the city into a major center of administration currently unavailable in the existing capital city of Jagurra.
  • Mouri Empire: In light of the development of events in Tesemba, the Mouri Empire sends some aid and resources to help the nation, but does not outright accept an alliance out of concern of our relations with Syres, our stronger ally. The eastern navy continues to expand its influence across the eastern Gabatrian Sea near Temayal. The forts on the Zara islands near Castle Roneth is also maintained. People of the Mouri empire begin migrating outward from the denser urbanized regions of Azoz, mostly to the west to settle in Outer Valun and Fotashe. The pair of monarchs between Thalut and Alasena were mutually beloved by the Ulmians of Edom and Mouri, but the emperor sought to be accepted by the sectarian parts of Edom as well. He personally attended and organized rituals of the Zamian cult, seeking their recognition of his own rule as they traditionally had done for the monarchs of Edom. Even the Shamensean games were at least initially commemorated in by clerics of the Zamian tradition. Indeed, Thalut sought to use these massive sporting events, directly inspired from the Jafiads of Mesallia, as a means to bring the various sectarian groups of Edom together, as far off as Susalyon and Ghanis. Some of these games included reenactments of the wars of Leto and the romance of Nathon the Pious, stadion running and javelin throwing, and the taming of wild animals such as lions and bulls. The Mouri military saw a great increase of female participation at this time, largely by the influence of the Paltonian philosophers as well as the increasing Edomite population. The Holy Patra Levian III took note of events unfolding among the Yannian population, particularly the religious revilement being led by Nathon the Neumite. Although very tangential in comparison to Orthodox Ulm, it is nonetheless a legitimate philosophy to be debated as dictated by the Grand Council of Medan many generations ago. So he dispatched a monk, named Cassius the Palatable, to investigate the region along with an expedition of philosophers. Although it is difficult to determine if "Nathon the Neumite" is the same as the Nathon mentioned in the Yannian scriptures, due to the latter's consistent esoteric nature, it is nonetheless undeniable the two histories became intertwined at this point. In the Library of Azoz, Zeno builds off of his earlier theory to postulate that the universe itself is actually spherical, analogous to the earth itself, and like the earth the universe is so vast that it merely appears flat on one part of the surface. He further ridiculed the previous theories of the Universe being infinite, saying if that was the case then the sky would be filled with infinite stars, rather than mostly darkness. Furthermore, if there were an infinite variety of planets then there would be planets in the universe with alternate versions of Nelrim or Levian, which is utterly impossible.
  • O'leai Culture: The reign of the current Ua'Jui Xho Vu continues, having been elected from a young age to be the Ua'Jui and has over seen the dominance of his family over the Uani people. During these years the beliefs of the Uani people has changed from a more monotheistic focus to a more pantheistic deity in the mother, and the one. Meanwhile, the growth of various cities have seen a plan to deal with the waste produced in a safe and efficient way avoiding dumping in the water sources of the Uani people. Agricultural improvements continue to spread to the islands of Muia and Tua. On the island of Kuri'a a new Juidom is established to the east of the holy mountain called the Juidom of Vai'la ruled by the Frigate Juis. On the island west of Xhu'o a new juidom is established by the kingdom being the smallest of all the Uani people's land. It is called Jhoua, and is ruled by the Shark Juis. The Juidoms on Kuri'a all expand by about 10 px. Meanwhile, we finally come across the mysterious land of the cannibals who enslave the people of Ua'dhupa, and find the rumors of them to be exaggerated with their numbers and lands being smalls. Despite this they attack us with a ferocity trying to kill our wayfinders but are easily defeated by our superior warriors. We begin to refer to them as the Kingdom of O'puai. Trade with the kingdom of Ua'dhupa enriches our lands in the areas of Tua, Vui'a, and the Holy City. Leading to the growth of these cities on these islands. Meanwhile, the spread of the imagery writing system begins to slowly spread throughout the island of Kuri'a becoming more nuanced when talking about more abstract ideas. Exploration of the seas continues by our wayfinders.
  • Beraba: After the Sillan Conflict, Okemos returns to Ngaoudera to resume the task he began after the Gahrenese rebellion - reforming the government. Okemos calls a council of his military governors to discuss a plan for the governance of the nation. This council generally agrees that the Princes failed with their restructuring plan (evidenced by the Gahrenese rebellion), but they are still powerful individuals who need to be part of the government or face rebellion. They also, however, agree that governance by a Prince can lead to more conflict. Therefore, they agree that there should be a system of governors to represent a certain amount of people, such as there was during the Sillan Conflict. Thus, the council decides to adopt a dual system of local governance by Princes and Governors. The Governors will be in charge of a set “Governorate” that represents a certain amount of people. These Governorates are subject to redistricting when new censuses are conducted. They are appointed and given power by the High Consul and are entitled to a seat on the Council of Governors, an advisory body to the High Consul. The High Consul appoints governors and has the power to define their terms and dismiss them from duty. The Governors will be in charge of the day-to-day operations of their population on behalf of the High Consul. Each Governorate may span more than one Principality. Princes are historically tied to their cities and land. Therefore, they are each entitled to the rights and privileges in regards to that land. In regards to the government, the Princes are responsible for providing military support and other services. They are also entitled to a seat on the Council of Princes, the companion body to the Council of Governors. The title of Prince will be determined as it has in the past, by a vote by members of the family. Areas without a Prince will have a Crown Governor appointed that will carry out the Princely duties of that area on behalf of the High Consul. The High Consul is an elected position for the lifetime of the individual. The position has the ability to declare war, levy taxes, and call the Council of Princes and the Council of Governors. Families of High Consul are guaranteed honorary titles and incomes that extend after the life of the High Consul, including a place in the Setangya caste. After all these plans are solidified, it is signed by all of the current military governors, as well as the Princes (some who need to be “convinced” by the military governors). A vote is held by these individuals, and Okemos is elected High Consul.
  • Yannian Culture: When a bunch of dumb and lost imbeciles came looking for “Nathon the Neumite”, they had to be directed to the most delicate of teachers, who slowly explained to them that such a concept is like asking where to find “Slave the Person”. Finally the teachers became fed up, and directed the mouthbreathers to a Nathon who had been made into an administrative clerk. First he explained that no one in their right mind would actually name their child “Nathon”, so that wasn’t actually his name, but rather his real name was Broppy. He tried to teach the travelers about the region, but he had to continuously stop to drag away Cassius, who was furiously pleasuring himself to depictions of Lucretia. In an effort to calm the Azozioni down a little, they were directed to a local brothel. There the party rejoiced, because they secretly were tempted from their celibate lifestyle when they were offered such an intriguing task. Armed guards eventually arrived to see the Azozioni to a jail cell for the night, and they barged in on Cassius receiving oral sex from a little Nathon. The man was so shocked, the guards and the brothel owner burst into laughter. The owner immediately commissioned artists to depict Cassius as a fresco on the brothel wall, to forever immortalize that moment. The legend of the Corrupters spreads; the people who are dispatched by the devil to “investigate” the holy. Stay out, get behind us, evildoer. We do not want your investigations, we do not want your corruption. The Azozioni seek to whitewash history and whitewash religion, as a means of taking away power from the people. But alas, Elmo, your god was not Azozian. That is is a historical lie, and the people are tired of it. Send another “troll” into our nation and they will be killed. Cassius and his friends rest in a jail cell, never to return. Your tomfoolery is like a parody of the great Yannians. Your corruption is infamous. Oh, and now one of your kindergarders publishes his heresy. “Zeno” is a dumb boy; YES, there are infinite Nelrims, yes, there are infinite Levians. Oh the Azozioni are that self centered and that conceited, that they think the universe revolves around them, and that they are the sole beings of the universe. Sorry honey, but Zeno is wrong, because that is in fact one of the number one tenets of the Yannian religion. Unlike that Olmotoni, which persecutes free thinkers and scientists, the enlightened Yannians understand science on a greater level. We know the infinite cosmos, and we know the infinite worlds. The scriptures have spoken of it extremely enthusiastically. That gluttonous man, he eats knowledge like a pig, and he defecates a brewed down, bastardized understanding. Can we please stop feeding the pigs? This is ridiculous, if the Edomites don’t immediately arrest Zeno, shut down their propaganda centers, and put the Ulmians to the sword, Neum will rise up and destruct that kingdom too. Azoz will soon fall, and all who cling to it fall too. Unlike that strange creed, the Yannian people will live on. Even when you kill our leaders, a million more take shape. There are millions of holy Yannians to every “Holy Patra”. The Azzite religion is too dependant on their hierarchy and their church thing, because when that church falls, their religion will disappear. No longer enslaved by a Holy Patra, the people will curiously explore enlightenment and the Yannian faith, and that ignorance will die out. Yes, when the slavers die out, from their seats atop grandiose basilicas and mounds of human filth, no one will have any reason to heed their despicable words. Does it worry you that your scam is so flawed, son of Thot? Likely that is why you persecute knowledge, enslave the people, and kill so freely. Why don’t you let the people decide their faiths? It is because you know that when the people have a choice, they choose Yannis. Neum is a proud nation, where Lucretia gives birth to a king known as LIGAR, and any source that attempts to speak of any other story regarding Lucretia is destroyed. Only the truth faith will be printed, only logic and faith. Ligar is a strong boy, and greatly pious. As a baby he chokes a sore little Nathon, much to the applause of his family. The Nathon is screaming, “no, no, please! You’re hurting-.” But his breath is cut off by that strong boy’s grip. The Nathon falls to his knees, as the tears flow down his face. He dies, wiggling in the gutter. But also, Ligar was very charitable. While most people simply abused the Nathons, he legalized some institutions, which allowed feeble little Nathons, who no one would suspect to ever hurt a master, to take up job opportunities. The older sex slaves, no long desirable little boys, instead become errand boys and clerks. They dress their masters, clean the sewers, and milk the horses for milk.
  • Mesallian Culture: The revolt in the east ended in Edom, with the Edomites suffering a costly campaign. One of the generals of the campaign, Nurumun, returned to the imperial court, and became an advisor to the Anka. He would serve as one of the most vocal opponents of the Azozians, and later the two began a secret affair. Having lost almost the entire Nerimos fleet in the chaos, including the loss of dozens of ships, the nation set about rebuilding the navy. The nation had cut its relationship with the city of Leviea completely, which would be a regrettable loss. Elsewhere the nation made considerable concessions to the Enulmian population, as that important relationship, needed for preserving the east, had been heavily damaged. Controversy finally struck, when the Holy Patra of Iskandria, emboldened by the growing Azozian presence and the large amount of funding going to basilicas, excommunicated the Anka for her four marriages, her homosexual practices, and her adultery. The Holy Patra’s followers took up arms, expecting that if they could begin a successful revolt, Thalut would arrive with an army as well, to overthrow the Edomite government for good. The Anka did not hesitate, and ordered a veteran army to purge the city. The soldiers successfully stormed the city, killing many armed peasants in the street. When they came to the basilica, the Holy Patra and a thousand followers barricaded the building, so the soldiers set fire to the basilica. The following day the violence had ended, and a military garrison now guarded the city. Knowing that word soon would reach the Azozians, the Anka dispatched a message to Thalut. The letter stated henceforth Azozian construction in Edom would be illegal, on account of their construction projects commonly being used by extremists. Instead any basilica would need to be built by native Edomites at the approval of the Anka, and if Thalut would like to contribute he would be allowed to donate funds. Likewise, the Azozian would be warned not to meddle in Edom; they were two separate polities, and despite being united in marriage, for now the Anka would rule Edom herself. Meanwhile, the military was raised, prepared to fight the descendant of Thalut the Wicked, should the new Thalut prove to possess his ancestor’s temper. But it was hoped that such a war would not occur, and the Anka continued to try and mediate the situation. Despite fathering two children with him, the Anka tearfully expelled Nurumun to the south, hoping that would ease some tension in the capital. After she married a fifth person, the woman Gedala, but after a year she too was exiled. Meanwhile, the Syresian government continued its growth in the straits region. The West Cape Road was constructed at this time, which was a highway running along the entire coastline in the west, from Syres to Bascula to Agelmur. The highways would be wide roads paved smooth by stone, with gutters and curbs along the side, running nearly perfectly straight between destinations. These roads would oftentimes be built by military personnel during peacetime, and would be maintained from taxation and from any landowners who bordered the roads. Roads would often house supply depots at regular intervals, as well as milestones engraved with navigational information. At the ends of the highways, Syres constructed a number of fortified towns to house garrisons in key areas. The nation of Syres would take note of the Zelonuma Emiresq’s position to guarantee the state of Neum, and not to be outdone, Syres also guaranteed Neum. This would be part of the nation’s push to improve relations and influence with its former colony.
  • Thaivoega: It was around this time that Zauvoucoega (Javuk) started showing up on Thaivoega world maps. Zauvoucoe slaves were highly prized around this time, due to their heat resistance, which helped them in the hot, humid rainforest, and burly body structure. Sugar, spices, tropical fruits, iron from Daukani, and cotton were all sold for slaves. These were especially used in the south, aiding cotton plantations, and breeding them with Rvithzoe (formerly known as the Ouraymiroe), to get a new type of slaves, which took the name of Ouraymiroe. The university of Laykoth developed a physics and geology wing, with the trip hammer being invented. Expansion continued eastwardly, with rural areas growing propotionatley, and explortion continuing east, south, and north. Aumsbek Thaivoega expands south along the coast, and rural areas grow along the bay.
  • Sillene Republic: The successful pacification of the northern provinces, the foreign recognition of Sillas' territorial integrity, and the acquisition of new territories consolidate the legitimacy of the Emperor regnant's position as monarch. Despite this, the Imperial Council still finds him to be quite distant and authoritarian, and his opponents point out that his campaigns have led to massive human losses and have only reignited past regionalist tensions. Due to this, he declares a policy of consolidating Sillan rule over the newly-incorporated territories, rather than conquering more, as well as fortifying the country's newly-set borders. As the ethnic Exhulans continue to constitute the majority in the newly-incorporated Kaloma province, the Emperor regnant only bestows a limited form of citizenship onto the population; having all the rights and protections typically afforded to a citizen with the exception of the right to participate in general assemblies or to participate in elections. However, the aristocracy may acquire these latter rights through participation in civil or military examinations. Despite this, no land distribution programs are enacted in the province, thus forcing the landless poor to emigrate and settle in other areas of the Imperial Republic; thus facilitating the process of Sillene settlement and cultural assimilation. After the Censorate exposes a plot to assassinate the Emperor regnant, he grows increasingly paranoid and decides to distance himself from the capital–commencing a tour of the Imperial Republic to oversee local reconstruction programs and to promote Sillan culture. During a visit to the Kaloma province, he meets a youth of aristocratic background named Aqinas. Attracted to his boyish charm and their shared passion for Sillan culture, he quickly becomes infatuated with the youth, whom the Emperor regnant arranges to be in his entourage. However, with their attraction to one another becoming increasingly apparent, the members of the Imperial Council begins to speculate on the exact nature of their relationship – with his opponents accusing him of belittling the youth to nothing more than a personal concubine (potentially against the youth’s will) while others accuse the youth of exploiting the Emperor’s infatuation with him for political gain. In addition, the Emperor regnant remains married to the Empress consort Sabina; though their hostility to each other is widely known, with even rumors of either’s infertility. Possibly under the influence of the Cixian Aqinas (who – utilizing his wealth – patronized the construction of various Cixian buildings, as well as allegedly being a Cixian deacon during his youth), the Emperor regnant institutes a series of laws effectively legalizing Cixism. In Banzenopolis, the orders the construction of new Grand Basilica on top of the remains of the old one, as well as lifts the prohibition on Eastern Ulmists from residing within city limits. The Western Ulmists however, view this as an act of patronage toward an illicit and dangerous Ulmist sect. In addition, they criticize the sexual activities of the Emperor regnant in regards to his lover as being immoral (due to influences from the patriarchal and homophobic elements of Azouri culture). During the Emperor regnant’s tour of the province, the Western Ulmists once revolt, burning the rebuilt Grand Basilica and raping, mutilating, and even immolating suspected Cixians. While the revolt was readily crushed, it has led to the mass exodus of the province’s Cixians (who constitute one-half of the population) to other urban areas (ironically facilitating its spread) as well as to much human losses (as many targeted were women and children, and due to the Cixian’s belief in pacifism) – including the Emperor regnant’s lover. The latter’s death in particular coincides with a rapid decline in the Emperor regnant’s health and well-being, and he spends his last days in his private estate just outside of the capital. This further cements the rift between Cixians and the Ulmists, and while many Cixians continue to observe Ulmist practices and its divine law, the Cixian clergy declares itself to be fully separate from Ulmism and its followers to be part of a “New Covenant”, thus fully rejecting Cixism’s roots in Ulmism and marking the establishment of a firm Cixian orthodoxy. Meanwhile, his lover’s death in particular coincides with a rapid decline in the Emperor regnant’s health and well-being, and he spends his last days in his private estate just outside of the capital. Exploiting this, the Cixian Church venerates the Aqinas as a Saint (alongside the parents of Cixi, the Seven Apostles, and past martyrs), in hopes of garnering support from him. Sillas expands east and south, colonizing the coast.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The oppressed Darnan people slowly recover from their centuries of torment. From the wanton destruction when the Mouri burned Darna, to the slaughter when the Mouri destroyed Agelmur, to the million ways they have constantly harassed our nation. It has become clear that there will never be true peace, because we just can’t coexist. They just want to kill all our people forever, so it’s either us or them. For now there is peace, but the Darna people feel increasingly empty inside, so much so that there might as well be war. They mourn the genocide of their families at the hands of the Mouri Empire. They have specifically targeted us for the purpose of death, so their mission has transcended the concept of a simple war. They use a religion of hate to justify it, it seems, or perhaps ignore the very religion they preach. But loopholes in Ulmism aside, it is unjust and unfair that they constantly war us and attack us, when we are innocent people. When news reaches the Zelonuma Emiresq that the Mouri Empire is no more, having been annexed by the nation of Edom, the nation heavily supports that. Slowly a coalition is formed, from the Yannian nations, Syres, Edom, and more, to ensure that the Mouri can never harm anyone again. Soon a great empire will be formed, no longer at the whim of the games of the Mouri, and that empire will create its own history. We will see the new empire promote peace and cooperation across the globe, no longer living constantly in fear of the Mouri raiders.
  • Kingdom of Tesardya: The population reaches 1,310,000, and strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. With the ally's war with Mouri ending and the recent success, citizens rejoice as the infidel Ulmians are once again crushed. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisim, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 5 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. The Niani War ends, and soon celebrations occur nationwide. The former occupied regions are incorperated into the Kingdom as outer territories until much of the Nianian population in that region is asssimilated, as much of served soldiers themselves are given territory within the region for their participation in the war, in addition to receiving some sort of income. For what they do with the Niani peoples is up to them, but it is shown that much of the Niani population is either enslaved, genocided, or simply pays very high taxes. So I guess they never miss, huh? Anyways, the success in the Zara Islands is also seen as another exertion of power against the infedels that is the Mourians. After spies report back that a large number of Ulmian chapels are built across the southern nation of Tamsebe, a large wall begins being constructed along the southern border so as to protect the precious Tesardians from smelling like Boar feces, which is the only thing synonymous with the Ulmians themselves. 
  • Melia: A century had passed since the civil war, the king was victorious and has taken the matters of the state into his own hands. It would take many more kings to finally qualm the fires of the resistance. Worship of the gods has fallen to a secondary status and the people are encouraged to make their own decisions. The current king, Vakal II, has decided to break relations with the Friorians to the south as they hold land valuable to us. We are not ready for a war, however, but Vakal does expand the state as well as take a population census for the first time in a century. He believes it is time for Melia to resurface in the world stage.


A Halati prince named Nogulutul uses his family’s army to attack the mines of the east, creating a private monopoly over the mountains just outside Hythian lands, and enslaving easterners to work in the mines.

The oasis northeast of Javuk, which the natives call Juanjala, becomes a popular destination for refugees and escaped slaves fleeing from the Javuk conquests. Many settle in the oasis and form a community there, while others continue on into the desert.

Raiders from the east migrate toward the nation of Thaivoega. Many of these peoples attack the native people of Thaivoega, seizing valuables and fleeing back east or south, while others settle among the natives, bringing about new introductions to their language, culture, and more.

In a faraway land, a young prince named Ewuarami converts to the Ulmian faith. His people have only learned of the religion through a traders, having never interacted with the actual “Mouri Empire” before. Practice of the religion grows, as the merchant class adopts the religion to better interact with traders arriving into the borders.

The nation of Draka succumbs to the invasion from the east launched by the Jahrama Empire. The empire manages to conquer Draka proper, while the southern one-half of the nation, centered around Benysira, manages to rebel against Draka and establish independence. The Benysirans pay tribute to the Jahrama, but also ask for aid from nations such as Qaryaat.

  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: Tsarina Olga I dies this year after having ruled for over 70 years at the age of 109. She is succeeded by her 55-year old daugther Olga II and is buried in the Royal Mausoleum. We invite Qaryaat and Hythia to attend the crowning of the new tsarina (QARYAAT AND HYTHIA RESPONSE NEEDED). The new tsarina makes the annual pilgrimage to The Holy Dodo and receives its blessing. We begin expanding our fleet from 90 to 110 ships. The army begins receiving equipment made of Algeorgian Iron which increases their combat skills.
    • The Holy Empire of Hythus: Emperor Kylus agrees to attend, and also seeks to purchase Algeorgian spices (Garlic) for the Imperial Gardens and to import.
    • Qaryaat: King Hesham agrees to attend. He seeks to import Aljurjyan herbs and spices such as mint and garlic to his lands.
  • Qera: After decades of fighting, the high command is weary of the current guerrilla war that is going on in the west, so they push Ycas VII for an operation that seemed unthinkable before: a pornaq. This genocide went completely against the meristocratic principles of the prince, yet after more and more settlers dying from the constant raids of the locals, he has enough. He authorizes the largest pornaq to be ever exist, with estimated deathtolls of 200,000 to one-half million deaths. The temple of Obeq gives the permission for the mass-sacrifice. The most city dwellers die from either famine or are killed from Qeran soldiers, while the sheperds in the Kuambas plateau barely even notice that foreign soldiers occupy the country. They will be the last speakers of the languages that are known as the Gendan languages. The Babisqa county is fully included to the princedom. The mountains to the west do not seem to have much ore except for some iron. Cattle is the prime resource in the region, especially sheep from which wool is taken in huge quantities. The city of Uohkata is repopulated and governed by the Qeaxga Tyg. The Tyg (clan) is one of the most powerful at the time, as they are already the rulers of the Qerzatlahe territory with (more or less) control over the local silver mines. To prevent the total control of the clans, the noble houses are strengthened by giving them more land in the new territory. Ycas VII dies in 934 and is succeeded by his son Ygran VI, who has the last Babisqan royal who was held hostage since the beginning of the war executed. He is reported to be decapitated at the day of the seasons, the equivalent to the new year which is celebrated at every equinox. He is sacrificed to Uon, the god of life and Zauaj, the goddess of death. The trade with spices is still at an alltime high, because the contracts with Ccekaea are honored. The Qeran nobility finds a new love for tea, especially Sillan tea which is imported for huge amounts of money.
  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 598-607 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Jyntus II the Mad dies after losing total control of his mind and descending into paranoia and confusion. Before his death his son, Kylus, named for an old Gytan leader, is crowned emperor. Kylus quickly assumes his titles and attempts to recover from his father’s mismanagement of the empire. Roads are repaired, back-taxes collected, and the Imperial Treasury refilled. The testing required to become a public administrator is made more rigorous and several hundred of the administrators are purged due to incompetence and laziness. Additionally, Kylus determines it best for the empire if nobles are banned from the public service examination the public administrators entirely. Instead lesser nobles and noble-born sons will be granted positions in the direct service of the emperor as advisers, overseers, and fixers. The conflicts over Symaite leads to increasingly violent skirmishes between the Halati and the regional authorities. Rather than continue the pointless fighting, Emperor Kylus sends envoys to make peace and establish a profit sharing regime between the two nations. Under the proposal Hythian miners will be able to exploit the Symaite on the western facing side of the mountains in exchange for 10% of all tax revenue from the sale of the Symaite. [Diplomatic Response] Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The manufactory revolution spreads rapidly as workshops expand across the land. The academies of learning spread literacy across the nation and the people becomes more educated. A veteran General by the name of Tyliarus of Wys, who served as an officer in the Irian campaign, and logns tudied military history constructs a manuscript detailing the historical military tactics used in all of Hythia's known history. He elaborates in a second, more private maustricpt on the proper developments that the empire ought to pursue in tactics. These prescriptions make their way to Emperor Kylus who adopts some of the tactical elements, such as adopting a professional core of extremely well trained and equipped shock cavalry. Similar to older units in the armies of Hythia and the Empire, these cavalrymen must learn to ride horse to horse, as densely as possible to create essentially a pike-wall on horseback, equipped with 12-15 foot long lances. The Emperor sets about creating such a forces, introducing them as the "Winged Zaraj," from an old Saemonite word for light cavalry adopted by Hythia as a term for lance-equipped horsemen. The unit practices relentlessly, forming a 4,000 strong core of any army. Tactically, the unit operates under a the premise of late concentration by which the individual cvalrymen would be relatively safe from archers while closing, and then only in the last few hundred feet would the troops close ranks to their dense charge. In the south, a group of Hythian missionaries arrive in the court of the Jahrama Empire, preaching the goodwill and power of Hythus, Lord of Fire and Earth. The Missionaries attempt to convert the emperor there, or at the very least some of his court.
  • Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 140th year of the Athmwir's rule (931), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) continues to go on strongly, while trade with the city of Perhmathwl-on-Filgaff (Parumatula), and contact with Ardubja is attempted to be established, while also asking to conduct trade (ARDUBJA Response). In the 142nd year, explorers are sent far north by ship on the eastern coast of the large Cyrddosthan peninsula to the east of Ddenstiwrh and north of the western shore of Nurchacan (100 px), while land explorers begin to journey in the unexplored lands north of Nurchacan (Nura Gakan). Direct trade between Afmwirian and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) and Afmwirian and Perhmathwlian (Parumatula) harbors is established. In the surroundings of Drawcicheld and Rhyfthan on Lake Hinruch, prospectors look for minerals, mostly iron, but also gold or salt [MOD response]. In Mercydd, the scholdds, singing their iddas, form a school of for the tradition of scholdds, connected to Ddiful Love-Wife the Beauty-Maker, while in Ddenstwirh, more ships are built in order to protect the coast of Afmwir. In the 148th year (939), expansion happens in the Chffith and Cyrdd river valleys, as well as to the land north of the country beyond by the Iuryll mountains. In Cwinchulm, a town center is formed, while a second palace is built in Drawcicheld.. Wheat, rye and barley are continued being produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) and Perhmathwl (Parumatula). More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith and Cyrdd.
  • Qaryaat: King Tamim dies, and his son, Hesham, ascends the throne. A grand funeral is performed, and the nation mourns the loss of a brave king who took a stand against the Shilans. King Hesham continues the expansion of the kingdom. The main territory expands along the Kepitian border. Meanwhile, the colony of Ghirsana expands in an attempt to cover the peninsula it is on and expands west along the coast. The colony of Shemsal is founded on the large island (?) north of Aksala (Exhula). In all areas of the kingdom, loosely-claimed territories are settled and control is consolidated. The walled city of Dhameda is founded near the Makukan border. In the city of Shamadna, a town square and temple is built. In Saqqatra, the walls are reinforced and repaired, and a marketplace begins to develop on the ports. Ulmism from Shila begins to be worshipped somewhat in Qaryaat. The technique of glassblowing is invented around this time, and production of glass vessels increases. Exploration is made along the coasts south of Ifsalan, in the Vhaynos (Qaryaati name pending) region, along the coast of the northernmost known landmass, and along the Shilan coast. A census is conducted. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED) We request a trade deal with Vhaynos. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED)
    • Qaryaati Dip: King Hesham agrees to aid the newly freed Benyisran nation.
  • Yannian Culture: Ligar of Neum becomes a strong, grown man, who is powerful and big. He marries a million women and produces his first generation of children. He will give birth to the righteous army that will defend Neum, and pave the way for the new age. Then, all Yannians gave birth to his subjects, and a million children took up the path of Yannis. Let Ligar carry the torch, and the people carry the spear. It is a wall that cannot be crossed. The Nathons groom the men, and prepare them for reproductive tasks with Neumite women. The most desired groomers are the eunuch Nathons, who know only life as a pleasurer and a pleaser. Men and women, build the wall of Neum. Turn the land to the cliffs, and the plains to ocean. But most importantly, believe in our LORD, and he will guide us and protect us. Although the weak cry and worry, the holy do not fear, having trust in God. Brave Edom, pick up the spear and destroy Mourioni. God has smitten Azoz, and that evil mound, so corrupt and filled to the brim with greed, topples into the ground under its immense sin, sinking into the foul earth, crushing the halls of Azogi. Whereas the LORD sinks Azoz, the holy people of the world unite to arrest its remaining agents. Neum has become the bastion where the holy defend, soon to sortie to the wasting rivers, and remove the last leakages that the Mouri have left neglected. We will carve a true holy empire, that Neum will lead. Finally, all the nations of the world take note of the Azozian lunacy, and rightfully unite against them. As for Ligar, he is God’s champion, because he is the most faithful to the covenant. Every woman of the world flocks to him to be impregnated and do their duty, and the holy men capture more for him. Meanwhile, the Azobo named “Thot” cannot manage to keep his one wife by his side. Instead she yearns for that strong Ligar hand wrapped around her body, and that fierce dark body pressed against her. It is only natural for a woman to desire a man, especially when never satisfied at home by a weak husband. So Ligar travels to Edom personally, with his retinue of thousands. He has arrived on a great diplomatic mission, and he wishes to see the Anka. Then, he will sleep with the Edomite monarch, and turn Thot to a cuckold. That Azozian will break down in tears, as a strong man takes his wife right before him. Meanwhile, Neumites reach out to Xbalan and establish a strong alliance. In Xbalan the ancient Yannian administration has been adopted. That state maintains the ancient highways once more, and updates the postal service for communication. Governors are appointed to answer to the leader of Xbalan, but a second leader is appointed in each province as its military commander, and also each province has a secretary who personally speaks for the king to the provinces. People are appointed on merit to administration, and these people become experts in their fields. The army has been hardened by the war in Niani, creating a strong army. The army employs highly mobile soldiers, who are trained to the utmost discipline, and these soldiers are intermixed among the traditional phalanxes. The nation uses cavalry highly, with the traditional heavy cavalry and horse archers. The navy has been rebuilt and is expanding. A great shipyard develops in Lake Xbalan near the capital, which connects to the ocean by a long river. This requires any attacker to seize dozens of ports, and travel deep into hostile territory, just to reach the primary shipyard. All along that river is built a great number of fortifications. Niani is brought back into the fold and those regions are rebuilt.
  • Thayvoeka: History books dated to 932 OM state the mass exodus from eastern lands into Thayvoeka. The reasons for this was unknown; however, while some came to enjoy the lifestyle and protection of Thayvoeka, others came to undermine these principles, rading the far eastern provinces, terrorizing farmers, and stealing livestocks and valuables in both broad daylight and the dead of night. The military was immediatley dispached to push the raiders off of Thayvoe lands. 5,000 men were called upon, mostly farmers affected from the raids, to destroy the raiders and regain all pillaged material. However, all recaptured goods would come under the custody of the government to help pay the troops, which basically ensured that farmers would have to fight for their goods back. The friendly men from the east, who settled in the native population, formed a notable minority, but dispersed to varrious areas around the country, sometimes sponsored by Thayvoeka itself to distribute the ethnic group as to avoid any potential revolution by a unified minority. Their language was taken with a particular intrest, as it was mutually intelegable with Ayvoekr, although there were 17 letters compared to the 12 letters of the Ayvoekr alphabet. The name for the easterners is the Zydthelbekoe, translating to the people of the rising sun or the people of the dawn, and their language Zydthelbekr. The raiders are plainly called Ikroum, from the old Ayvoekr name Ehcrumei, meaning barbarian or to be barbaric. Sponsorship of the University of Zaykouth (Laykoth) continues, but Ouvaushk dies in 936 OM, leaving his son, Ouvaushk II, to the throne, who diden't name himself after Zhayvshk but his father. Just like his father, he continued to drive the raiders out and offer protection to the tribes effected by the raiders in exchange for being under the governance of the Yithït. Rural areas continue to grow. Exploration continues north, south, and east. A city is built on the large island in the south.
    • Aumsbek Thayvoeka: Nothing much happened during this period of time other than the growth of cotton plantations and the importation of more spices and goods to cultivate. Expansion continued, and rural areas grew.
    • OOC Thayvoeka: Sorry for all the name changes. I am currently amending my conlang, and so the English transliteration changes a lot. The "th" sound can be replaced by the "d" sound, the "ay" sound might be said as "ai" or "ī" or "ĕ", "v" could be "b", "f", "w", "p", or "h", "o" could be "ou", "e" could be "i" or "ih", "k" could be "c", "g", or "q", and "a" could be "ah". Using all of those, Thayvoeka could be transliterated 2,304 different ways, and Thayvoe (the deynonym for the people) 228 ways.
  • The Jauvukry: Following the consolidation of recent conquests within the river basin, Supreme Warmaster Dailizza reorganizes the warrior forces of her people into a "banner system", with each of the existing 17 vaukid of the Jauvukry contributing a single banner to the unified armies of the state. These forces will then be divided into the following units per the system originally drawn up but never implemented by Jaejunnau during his rule; ten warriors forming a "tent" as the smallest unit, ten tents plus command staff and support forming a "band" of 108 troops, five bands plus additional warriors forming a 546-man "host" which may be all infantry or all cavalry, and then ten hosts plus auxiliaries forming a banner, the largest unit consisting of 5,480 troops. This reorganization of the warrior armies, known as the "Jaejun-Dailizzid reforms", is immediately implemented by the state of the Jauvukry, establishing a better trained and organized force of approximately 93,160 citizen-warriors capable of being deployed into various regions of the expanding empire of the Jauvuk. Each of the banners is named after the vauk they hail from, with the most prestigious being Banner Saeja of the most powerful Jauvuk clan, Vauk Saeja. With the army reforms well underway, Dailizza turns her attention to the refugee city of Juanjala. During an emergency meeting with the War Council, Dailizza has stated that as long as Juanjala stands, it represents an embarrassment on the part of the warrior class to destroy the weak and fledgling people they have just recently enslaved. As such, she concludes that Jaunjala must be destroyed by the Jauvukry as soon as possible if not within the very near future. In the meantime, however, Dailizza wishes to further expand the capacity of Nauwarru to serve as a port city for the future expansion of the Jauvukry in the region. In line with that objective, Banner Naesa has been given the honor of expanding the borders of the state south along the coastline by the Supreme Warmaster, which it carries out with rapid progress. Many of the coastal settlements are destroyed by the advancing armies of the the Naesa warriors, who make sure to inflict every barbaric horror upon the locals for the sole crime of being weaker than their new masters. Many of the women captured by the Jauvuk are blinded and have their tongues removed, and are pressed into sexual slavery to help lift the morale of the men in the unit. Seeking to avoid depleting a potential source of new slaves for the Jauvuk economy, the Naesa member of the War Council and leader of the banner, Warmaster Maeyennae Zuserrahuk Naesa'Vumaurru, instructs her troops to restrain themselves for the duration of the campaign, as she does not wish the wrath of her counterparts on the council to fail upon her vauk for harming a future source of labor and revenue for the state. Warmaster Maeyennae's forces sweep across the desert coastline, exterminating entire tribes and enslaving those wise enough to see reason and the futility of resistance. The campaign in the south is momentarily stalled for the most holy period of the decade, as the day of the "Great Lake of Blood" has fallen upon a blood moon, marking an extremely auspicious time for the occasion. Approximately ten thousand slaves and captives brought back from the southern campaign, along with sources from elsewhere within the empire, are to be sacrificed for the festival. Men, women, and children prepared for the sacrifice have their throats cut and their blood poured into a great flat pool known as the "Great Crimson Basin" constructed by the Jauvuk, forming an artificial lake of blood in honor of their god Zaukad's creation of the universe. The vast manpower requirements of the festival mean that a constant supply of slaves is required for the event, necessitating the need for constant campaigning abroad. Jauvuk citizens gather and celebrate the occasion, entering into the great river and beginning an orgy that lasts throughout the week of the sacrifices. Gladiatorial games and blood sports are conducted in honor of Zaukad, and many of the Jauvuk conceived during this time are believed to be especially blessed by him for their parent's faith and offerings. Supreme Warmaster Dailizza declares the end of the festival during the final midnight of the week, and the Great Crimson Basin is emptied and cleaned by the priests of Jagurra.
  • Mesallian Culture: In Edom the Anka had cautiously negotiated with her own husband, under the pressure of dozens of belligerent factions in the imperial court, which allowed for some leeway. Having appeased the anti-Ulmian and generally anti-foreign influence factions, she would slowly approve many building projects anyway, eventually including some Ulmian basilicas. The military turned its attention to the north, cautious of a war with Syres over the rest of Mesallas. To this end the position in Lysandria was fortified, and began making alliances with key cities in the northern Melopenes. Primarily, the Edomites allied with both Agira and Meshwati, putting aside their differences to combat a common foe. By this time Syres had taken greater steps toward influencing the region, such as went it dispatched judges to mediate disputes in the southern Melopenes. Their mediation did not succeed in removing Edom from the south, and to the other cities, it only spelled future conquest. In the year of the 183rd Jafiad (Year 932), the “Melopenesian League”, led by Agira and Meshwati, declared war on Syres, seeking to liberate the rest of the Mesallas region. Without Edomite aid the odds would be significantly against the Mesallians, and so the Melopenesians rallied their forces in the west, hoping to delay the Syresians for as long as possible, while the Edomites hopefully marched north. The governor in the nearby Gudumanes, Zolegesus, sailed for the east, along with a large number of Erasidonian and Mesallian levies and mercenaries. Initially outnumbered, he would win the Battle of Ozaras later that year, which saw the Mesallians handed a decisive defeat. This would turn the tide in the region, with the Yannian corner of the Melopenes largely switching sides. Fearing the possibility of a Yannian-Syresian alliance over Neum eclipsing Edom, the Anka warmly welcomed the delegation from Neum. Considered a cunningly beautiful monarch, the Anka would begin a secret affair with the King of Neum, which delayed his journey for quite some time. The result, she hoped would be secret Edomite control over Neum, which she would use to control politics in the region. As Edom’s own army assembled in the south, a Yannian army from Neum would be dispatched to aid Edom, and Edom would convince the northwest Melopenes to rebel once more. At sea a crucial battle would take place near Isimos, which saw the Meshwati navy defeated by Syres. The Meshwati would dispatch an army under the command of Boemanus, which successfully defeated Syres in a small engagement in the center of the peninsula. For over a year little headway would be made by Zolegesus, and he turned toward raiding the southern region, as more reinforcements were called from Syres. In the third year of the war, the strain of a trade embargo began to weaken Meshwati, and one of the chief components of its empire, the recently conquered Kingdom of Gabatria, rebelled from Meshwati control. This would tie up one-half of Meshwati’s forces, and also threaten the Edomite east. Around the same time two important battles would take place; an Edomite army would be defeated at the Battle of Ephenus, albeit not while at full strength, and the Battle of Pyla, which saw Syres defeat the Mesallian alliance north of Agira. Later that year one of the largest battles of the war would occur at Agira, and Syres successfully took the city. Facing harsh reprisal, the Mesallians made peace soon after, and Syres elected to divide the Melopenes and the remaining Mesallian states into a series of provinces and client kingdoms. In the east, having secured its independence, the Kingdom of Gabatria was left alone, albeit on friendly terms with Syres.
  • Kingdom of Tesardya: The population reaches 1,530,000, and strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. With the ally's war with Mouri ending and the recent success, citizens rejoice as the infidel Ulmians are once again crushed. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisim, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. The Niani War ends, and soon celebrations occur nationwide. The former occupied regions are incorperated into the Kingdom as outer territories until much of the Nianian population in that region is asssimilated, as much of served soldiers themselves are given territory within the region for their participation in the war, in addition to receiving some sort of income. For what they do with the Niani peoples is up to them, but it is shown that much of the Niani population is either enslaved, genocided, or simply pays very high taxes. The wall along the Tamsebe-Tesardya border continues to be built. 
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The oppressed Darnan people slowly recover from their centuries of torment. From the wanton destruction when the Mouri burned Darna, to the slaughter when the Mouri destroyed Agelmur, to the million ways they have constantly harassed our nation. It has become clear that there will never be true peace, because we just can’t coexist. They just want to kill all our people forever, so it’s either us or them. For now there is peace, but the Darna people feel increasingly empty inside, so much so that there might as well be war. They mourn the genocide of their families at the hands of the Mouri Empire. They have specifically targeted us for the purpose of death, so their mission has transcended the concept of a simple war. They use a religion of hate to justify it, it seems, or perhaps ignore the very religion they preach. But loopholes in Ulmism aside, it is unjust and unfair that they constantly war us and attack us, when we are innocent people. When news reaches the Zelonuma Emiresq that the Mouri Empire is no more, having been annexed by the nation of Edom, the nation heavily supports that. Slowly a coalition is formed, from the Yannian nations, Syres, Edom, and more, to ensure that the Mouri can never harm anyone again. Soon a great empire will be formed, no longer at the whim of the games of the Mouri, and that empire will create its own history. We will see the new empire promote peace and cooperation across the globe, no longer living constantly in fear of the Mouri raiders.
  • Sillan Republic: The decisive Sillenic victory in the Unification Wars (which contrary to what its terminology may suggest, were a series of related military campaigns rather than a single one) resulted in the political unification of the Sillenic peoples, a process that was initiated by the Sillan Republic’s conquest of the Olmecs nearly six centuries prior. The following period of relative socio-political stability facilitated the formation of trade routes both culminating and passing through Sillan cities and the further diffusion of Sillenic culture. In particular, the rapid spread of Cixism at the expense of other Ulmist sects and native beliefs continued, despite its success prompting localized but progressively more intense periods of persecution. Following the death of Drianos – the first documented and most famous male ruler in Sillan history – his first cousin Ardonias was elected into office. However, her term was cut short following a severe bout of pneumonia which left her bed-ridden for one-half year. She was succeeded by her eldest daughter, Margas; though Ardonias continued to exert influence over her until finally succumbing to an unidentified disease (hypothesized to be ovarian cancer). While Margas upheld the policy of religious toleration she reversed several of her predecessor’s policies toward the Cixians and remained largely ambivalent toward the persecutions; perhaps under the pressure of the more conservative elements of the State Council. Despite this, the Empress was not (at least overtly) anti-Cixian either, as she publicly praised the merits of the Cixian faith and condemned anti-Cixians as being “self-loathing” due to their prejudice against their fellow countrymen. Indeed, while the worship of the state-sponsored imperial cult was enforced during her rule, the humanist beliefs of Cixism exerted increasingly substantial influence over Sillan culture and law; perhaps best exemplified by the passage of laws discouraging the practices of abortion and premarital sex, arranged marriages, and the consumption of cereal-based alcoholic beverages. Classical Sillan high culture–especially in the realm of literature, performance arts, and visual arts–flourished during this period; benefited by the patronage of the upper and mercantile classes. While territorial expansion slowed down, apart from colonization southward and eastward, population growth was maintained through the adoption of new technologies – including iron ploughs, threshing machines, hand-driven rotary mills and horse-powered mills – the spread of a three-stage system of sequenced seasonal farming (legumes, cereals, then root crops intercropped with greens), and fertilizer derived for organic matter, most commonly discarded sub-quality fish paste or mammalian manure.


The Qeran genocide against the Babisqans momentarily increases attacks against Qeran settlers, but gradually the Babisqans are driven out and killed, with many more joining those who fled to the west.

The Hythian proposal ends violence in the Symaite mines to some degree, with nobles on both sides of the mountains becoming rich from the mining and trade of the resource. In the east a number of wealthy lords from the shanty towns turn their influence toward creating mines, which cause a boom to productivity outside Hythia.

With aid from Qaryaat and others, the independence of Benysira is confirmed, and the nation retains control over the lands firectly east of old Benysira. Meanwhile, the nation of Vhaynos accepts the trade offer from Qaryaat.

The nation of Thayvoeka repulses raiders in the east, leading to a large number of these outsiders settling in and around the nation. The city of Uhdnapala is settled outside Thayvoeka by one such migratory group, located east of Thayvoeka along the coast.

  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: A trade deal between Hythia and Algeorgia is agreed on and Hythia receives garlic. A mystical phenomen known as a rainbow occurs in the coastal town of Olgagrad and is studied widely until it suddenly disappears. The crown jewels of Algeorgia are created and consist of The golden apple, The Golden scepter topped with a Golden Dodo, The Tsarin's and The tsar's Crown (depending on the Gender of the ruling monarch) and the Founders sword (The first Tsars sword). When not in use these are stored at an undisclosed location which is said that only The Holy Dodo knows where it is. In addition, A shield made of Algeorgian iron nd encrusted with diamonds and thorns is gifted to the Tsarina and becomes her official shield. The tsarini also begins taking an interest in geology and orders that a tapestry (very early and without atom number, it just says what the minerals are called) which will tell what the minerals and metals are called.
    • Diplomacy of the Holy Empire of Hythus: The Emperor Kylus offers to send several of the empire's finest Hythologists to teach the Tsarina in the mineral sciences (Geology) while studying the geology of Algeorgia itself. 
  • Khin Confederation: A hero, Hankaer, rises in the Khin substate of Chan. After hunting the elusive and powerful black wolf of the steppes, he was adopted by the Chanri Jangah, who then abdicates in favor of Hankaer. Upon his ascension, a purely white eagle, an auspicious sign from Than, descended from the heavens as Hankaer's personal falcon. Through his martial prowess, strategic and political genius and prestige, he rallies the disparate Khin nations to mobilize against the attacks by the Emiresque. With control over the Southern Valun city-states, trade with the Mouri Empire and technological development near the capital, the Khin rider is well armed with iron and copper arrowheads, composite bows with siyahs, daggers and swords. Clad in leather armour and riding atop solid tree saddles, thousands of Khin riders have heeded their hero's command to strike back against the Emiresque.
  • The Jauvukry: Seeking to extinguish the refugees of Juanjala who defied Jauvuk dominion, Supreme Warmaster Dailizza mobilizes Juyun I Saeja, Juyun I Zela, Juyun I Veli, and Juyun I Kaeha, 21,920 warriors in total, to begin the siege of Juanjala. The army moves up along the coast to reach the refugee city, and in a complete separation from normal procedure, proceed to kill all individuals they encounter instead of capturing them for enslavement or sacrifice. Dailizza's motivation for this is to ensure a message is sent to all foreigners that refusal to bend to the Jauvuk people and their dominion, will always result in death no matter how far away your flee or how many generations separated from the original conflict you were. Fortifications are dug up around Juanjala and all trees surrounding the city are cut down to be used for the construction of siegeworks. All water supplies leading into the city are cut and rediverted toward the camp of the Jauvukid warriors, and the livestock left outside of the city walls slaughtered for their meat and hides in preparation for the siege. All emissaries sallying out to meet the Jauvukid army to seek peace are beheaded and returned to Juanjala skinned and defiled by the warriors. Dailizza makes it clear in no uncertain terms that she will not tolerate the survival of any of the besieged inhabitants of the city, as she seeks only the full application of genocide against them. Back in Jagurra, in Dailizza's absence, the War Council has proceeded with her plans for a network of breeding camps for the slave population of the state, to help remove the Jauvukid reliance upon campaigning to maintain the number of slaves they require to survive as a nation. A prototype camp is established between Jagurra and Nauwarru to house up to a thousand slave women, who are to be guarded by a force of about a hundred female Jauvukid warriors, to prevent the needless rapine of the women under their care. Fifty male Jauvukid citizens are to be stationed at the camp, one per twenty slave women, and will be responsible for forcibly impregnating four women each day of the week, and then tending to their "flock" throughout their subsequent pregnancies. The men are allowed to do whatever they please to their slave women so long as the unborn child isn't harmed. If any of the women prove to be uncooperative during their pregnancies, the female warriors at the camp are permitted to beat them until a miscarriage takes place, afterwhich the women is to be forced to bear another child, with the lose of the first to serve as a warning to her. Within the first year of the camp's existance, several thousand children are born to the women in the camps. As is standard practice with the Jauvuk, the boys are gelded upon reaching the age of thirteen, and the girls are branded according to the roles they will serve within the state. As a reward and incentive to all of the Jauvukid men at the camps, every fifth daughter they sire will be given over to them for their own personal pleasure as a reward for their service to the state. Several other sites are scouted by the War Council in light of the success of the camps, with approval from Dailizza at her siege camp granted following her reading the good report. Nauwarru continues to expand its city limits in accordance to a grid plan laid out by the War Council, with an integrated breeding camp featuring prominently within the plans. A shipyard is also constructed at the mouth of the river flowing out through Nauwarru, where the formation of a new fleet is planned to take place in the future. Juyun I Vinba is tasked by the War Council to secure the lands to the southeast of Jagurra along the mountains, as well as to scout out and locate any potential sources of gold and iron in the region that can be used for the industrial needs of the state. For this purpose, the entire force is formed using hybrid camels, allowing them to operate in the deserts for as long as their mission requires. The force of approximately 5,480 warriors proceeds into the desert, claiming the land for the Jauvukry along the way. None of the nomads who once residing in the area can be located by the juyun, no doubt having fled the region years ago once news of the violent Jauvukid expansion decades earlier finally reached them.
  • Mouri Empire: Emperor Thalut V died of natural causes, and in accordance of his will the two kingdoms were divided among his children. As his wife, Alasana III, remained Anka of Edom in her old age, their daughter Arenea was likewise added to the crown as "Fautanka" (Junior Queen) upon Thalut's death. In Azoz, the younger son Landrew was crowned as the next emperor at the age of 16. Landrew was rather sickly, and often described in the monastic chronicles as very slow witted and easily confused. Many later scholars speculated if Landrew was suffering from a mental disorder of some kind, although there is not enough information to draw a certain conclusion. As a result of this state in the government, emperor Landrew and the court in Azoz came heavily under the influence of both Ankas and their relatives. With the emperor's permission, the husbands of Alasana had purchased large sections of property within the cities of Azoz and Perea, which led to the patchwork of discontiguous feudal territory between the nobles of both nations. Many members of the court in Azoz were greatly discontent with this, referring to the influx of the Anka's relatives as the "invasion of Azoz". In one notable incident, one of the Alasana's body guards attempted to assassinate her in the royal chambers of Edom. Due to the immediate uproar of nobility in the realm, an investigation was heavily implemented on the court of Azoz, identifying the Satrap Desmon of Frasnoq as the traitor, leadig ultimately to his execution with one-half dozen compatriots. Art history in Edom at this time takes a notable influence as a result of this union, as the traditional portrait kinglist in the capital city this time depicted both monarchs together, Thalut and Alasana, rather than the queen only. Both Thalut and Landrew were also known to participate in the ancient jubilee festival in Edom, the Sen festival, which was intended to reflect the youghfulness of the Edomite monarch. Studies of this art seemed to indicate the Zamists considered Thalut to be the Son of the Sun, in union with his spiritual sister entity embodied in Queen Alasana, the daughter of the Sun. In the Mouri Empire, the art of Edom became more noticbly pronounced, with the most notable being the Thalutian Obelisk. The navy of Mouri in union with Edom continued to grow with larger ships, although none were ever quite as impressive as the Garan fleet of Gudian the Navigator. In the far east, an expedition from Thalutia negotiated a private economic treaty with a local clam of the Atnosians, hoping to establish a local mining facility for obsidean in Mount Atnos. During the Edom-Syresian War, Landrew sponsored the expedition of a large volunteer force on behalf of his ally, primarily consisting of Phydinian and desert nomad cavalry, Valunian horsemen and Khin mercenaries. Once the war was concluded, and peace was established for the new political order in the Mesallan archipeligo, Landrew's court negotiated a continual non-agression agreement wtih the Syresian Republic, both offensive and defensive, in light of the various agreements of alliance between their nations stretching back cenutries. In Tuartha, a large number of brothels near Neum opened up at the call of Liger, as the women considered their lives under the eccentric monarch preferable to their current profession. The local of authorities took almost no note of this, and were probably all the happier to see that class of society to be leaving. The exact number of which is in somehwat dispute.  The Ligurian Scriptures make the most outlandish estimates like "a million men and women", more than the entire population of Neum at the time, and what obscure sources on the subject there are in Azoz make only one passing reference to "several thousand", which may also be an exaggaration. After this initial event, one such prostitute convert named Lucretia the Liscivious became particularly zealous toward the Ligurian faith. After some time, she led a large number of other female disciples on a ship abroad, determined to spread the gospel of Liger to the former Yannian domains. In the farther north, a large military supported the invasion of Khin into the Emiresq, under the command of Chusiang the Younger. This invasion coordiated under the umbrella of the Khin leadership, primarily focusing on cavalry tactics of envelopment before falling back in favor of full scale urban seiges. Archers of four different units worked as skirmishes for inital dispursment, as well as laying traps againsat Emiresq military after a feigned retreat. Furthermore, in their attempt at improving relations with Syres, the Mouri Empire under Landrew decided to utilize their positions at Zara to open a naval front at Darna, liberating the long-oppressed population of the island who had been one of the oldest allies of the Syres republic. This provoke at revolution would be coordinated with Khin's attack, so as to draw off population and military from the Emiresq in a two front war. The navy also bombards the coast near the ports of the Emiresq to further cut them off from the island of Darna.
  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 608-617 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Kylus turns his attention toward the development of the south, constructing a string of Imperial Roads. These large transport routes connect the largest of the settlements and bring a large swath of territory under more direct rule. Across the empire, a burgeoning population on the Tythies river sees increasing migration to the rural south where large tracts of land are essentially free for the taking under a revised system of land grants. To ease this process, the Emperor orders a census of all imperial holdings, as well as the Kledesians lands which remain under the personal union of the empire. [Census] The population growth of the last decades also forces the development of more clear record-keeping as to lands and ownership. Local governments are tasked with establishing and recording the boundaries of the farms, ranches, and pastures of their inhabitants. A new imperial legal text in published by the emperor, despite it being largely written by advisors. This “Codex of the Property of Man” outlines the rights, duties, and obligations associated with the ownership of land in the empire. In the east, the peace agreement with the Halati sees a wave of Hythian miners enter the nation. These miners pay a tax to the Halati there, amounting to 10% of their profits. The result of this policy is a large and growing Hythian community in the west of the Halati lands. These settlers bring with them Hythian religion, language, and culture, as well as Hythian law codes. Nearly 10,000 Hythian miners and prospectors take up residence in the Halati lands, and produce thousands of pounds of Symaite a year for sale across the empire. The boom in mining also sees more interest in Hythology, and more expeditions are sent to discover resources in the mountains of the Symas Kus. [Prospecting] Agricultural production increases thanks to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows exponentially due to increased wealth and nutrition. In the south, a new cuisine develops. Slabs of beef are smoked in a wood-fired “pit” for an extended period of time creating a regional delicacy known as Barquacu, a tribal word for a spit-roast or other grill made from wood. The beef is rubbed with salt and spices such as pepper and saffron, and then set in the pit for up to twelve hours. Often these pits are tended by guitar-playing chefs and are a major form of socialization in the wild south.
  • Yannian Culture: The rain falls upon the funeral procession of the one they call Thalut. The Neumites may snear and applaud, but that is foolish. The Azozians feign tears and try to look sad, but they are just gluttonous attention seekers. No one truly knows him like I knew him. When that sickly boy came to me, having chased away from the bullies, covered in blood and bruises, it was I who nursed him back to health. I gave him the forbidden breast of my womanhood and let him suckle, and he became nourished on my precious milk. Such a gift was unheard of to an Azozioni, but I allowed it out of pity for the boy, and it gave me such pleasure. I watched him grow up, and groomed him to be a beautiful lady. By his fourteen’s birthday I was doing my motherly duties to try and control his urges. I dressed him in clean clothes, and kisses him on his forehead. Then that Whore of Edom took my boy...oh how I want to strangle her until she chokes. My precious Thally. Look what they did to you, they made you into just another king. Not the sweet boy you once were. Oh, how I wanted to fight them, when they said you had to “lead”. Not my sweet Thally. And now he is dead, poisoned by that treacherous and adulterous “wife” of his. Curse that lady, for she grew jealous and manipulative, and sought to harm my boy. You took my sweet boy! At night sometimes I lay with the Nathons and try to take my mind off things. Their touch does wonders, but it does not bring back my boy. I have scraps of his clothing and other things, and I smell them sometimes, and rub them on my body. I grind myself on those scrapings of clothing, with tears in my eyes, praying that it will impregnate me, so that I might birth my Thally. I thought our revenge would be foolproof. I had paid the guards handsomely to slit the throat of that animal of Edom, but she slid away like a serpent and escaped. I had to pin the entire thing on Satrap Desmon of Frasnoq, and luckily the idiots bought it. Oh how I wish to be the one to kill the Anka of Edom. In the meantime I will play with her son. Yes, this one I will groom for myself and to my liking. The little idiot is too confused. I casually caress his fragile neck and smack his bum when the guards aren’t looking, and he only lets out a stammer in reply. His little stutter as I choke him is so cute. He runs to the guards with tears in his eyes, but he just can’t find the words to describe it. So he gets upset and cries and cries, until even his mother orders the rod to be used on him. The other girls cover their eyes in embarrassment when they hear such things, but I can’t help but smile. One day I found the little king all alone, and I came up behind him with my big long fingers. I reached down and found his undeveloped little privates, so smooth and young. I decided I would have my way with him. I didn’t dare fight back. Apparently that was too much, because that disgusting Anka senses something is wrong. Everyday I am still angry I never got the chance to kill her when I had the chance. I should have lunged forth and came for her with a knife, and maybe I would have been killed in the process. Then I could be with my Thally. So, I signed up for a voyage to the Yannian lands with a hooker lord named Lucretia, and we’re supposed to spread the word and what not. Luckily I escaped death and landed this job, I just hope it’s not a fate worse than death. Sometimes I miss my employment in the pleasure harem, but this job will do. I sleep with the sailors from time to time, and get them to do little tasks for me. When we landed in Xbalan the king had guards in the squares and the markets, and they were proclaiming that a crusade was beginning. We had picked a bad time to arrive, because religious fervor was at an all time high. Xbalan had raised an army and was aiding the “Zelonuma Emiresq”, and they were sending word to Syres and to Tesardya as well. We decided to join the baggage train going with one such army, and the other girls tried to persuade the men to hear their religion speak. Every night I go tent to tent and spend time with the men, but I rarely remember to mention the religion stuff. Some of the girls are Neumites, and they tell me about great of a lay the Ligar man was. I like to think I would have made him a nice queen. One day I hope someone reads my journal, and sees my side of things. No one around here listens much.
  • Thayvoeka: The Ikroume raiders were driven back by the Thayvoeka Zvthouayth Ouayemz (TZO) in 943 OM, with the nation of Ouvthmavaza (Uhdnapala) forming in 945 OM. The size of Ouvthmavaza, for a newly created nation, was stageringly large, engulfing the eastern bay. Their afflitation with the raiders was seen as threating, as they could have tried to raid Thayvoeka again. For immigrants entering from the east, heavy screening ensues, with the national gaurd taking all weapons, diplomatically at first and then forcefully, from the easterners coming into Thayvoeka. They were then given parcels of land in the east, being able to live a quiet farming life, and sometimes shipped south to Thayvoeka Aumsbek after screening. However, the city state of Uhdnapala, still associated with the raiders, was given an ultimatum; allow extraction of all demeed raiders from the city to Thayvoeka for execution, or face an invasion [Mod Response]. This was used as a test to see if the government was pro- or anti-raider and their views on Thayvoeka. The TZO was put on the border, with an added 2,500 men (bringing the total to 7,500 men) to put pressure on the fledgling state to accept. To make the border with Sonaredar a major geographical landmark, Ouvaushk II offered to cede 400 mi² (20 px) west of the southeastern mountain range of the Athourazi Valley to the Sonaredaroe if they ceded the around 400 mi² (20 px) of land they controlled east of the mountain range [Mod Response]. He also offered to marry his son to the Johndapananoe king's daughter, and a joint Thayvoe-Johndapananoe expedition into the northern mountains [Mod Response]. Expansion continued northward, and exploration continued southward, eastward and northward. A city was built near the eastern border to help with screening. This also becomes a popular destination for some rising sun (eastern) immigrants. Rural areas grow from both rising sun immigrants and ethnic Thayvoe ruralization. Islands in the southeast were claimed, and many of those caught with weapons trying to cross the border were sent there as prison islands.
    • Thayvoeka Aumsbek: The cotton and slave industry of the south did overwhelmingly well, making the economy robust and strong. Due to this, the rural areas grew. Expansion continued along the southern coast, and exploration started eastward to the island chains of the east.
  • Mesallian Culture: As Azozian culture spread into Edom, Edomite culture also spread to Azoz. During this time the so called “Book of the Dead was compiled and written down, although its contents would have been around a thousand years old. The book would be compiled from the inscriptions of the walls of Necropolis, where the Lementarian priests carved their most important scriptures, spells, and prayers, and from Edomite burial traditions. Azozians were likely as superstitious the Edomites, and adopted many of their spells and jewelry, intended to ward off evil spirits. Although Thalut V was Ulmian, his wife advocated for a traditional Edomite burial, which involved a stone coffin heavily ornate with writings and symbols. Large stone tablets would be commissioned by the Anka proclaiming edicts in the languages of Edom, but also Azozian, and these texts would later become highly prized by historians, as it would become one of the only deciphers for Edomite language at this time. Also some time after the death of Thalut V, the Anka would commission the “Pious Man Statue”, which would be a colossal stone statute of the late king in Azoz, created in a style modeled after the colossal Edomite statues of their temples. Now an elderly woman, the Anka’s strategy turned toward shaping the young king that succeeded Thalut, attempting to teach him Edomite values. When discontent arose over this, an infamous assassination attempt would narrowly be prevented. This would leave the Anka greatly paranoid in the coming years. Hundreds of people, from former guards, soldiers, servants, and slaves, would be exiled by the Anka, as she became paranoid that plots were forming around her and her son. The war against the Zelonuma Emiresq would be a much needed distraction for the Anka and her nation, especially after the defeat in Mesallas, despite the Anka personally not having much taste for the expedition, or for war in general by this time. Edom would dispatch a large army to aid the Azozians, as well as follow the Azozian example at sea, greatly upgrading the navy. The nation of Syres would reach to the war with alarm, as the Zelonuma Emiresq had been one of their most valuable trading partners, and also they feared that their new enemy, Edom, was silently removing opposition to a future war against them. As such the Syresians would secretly dispatch aid the Zelonuma. Their involvement would remain small, as the nation was cautious of a full scale war with the Azozians. The nation’s army stationed new bases in the south of the nation near Neum, and begin arranging deals to have a small number of soldiers in the nation, on account of threats to Syresian merchants from political chaos. In Mesallas a great number of soldiers would also be stationed, along with the colonists dispatched the settle the new provinces with Syresians.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: As expected, the Mouri Empire finally sought to be true to their word to continue their genocide. Having thirsted for the blood of the Zelonuma Emiresq for some time, and only having been prevented from attacking by the brave Zelonuma armies of the previous generation, they finally came to continue their wanton destruction. They had absolutely no reason or cause for war, other than complete annihilation. They apparently found pleasure in such evil, and they carried out these unthinkable acts in earnest. The Mouri are truly heartless and godless people, because if they truly believed in a god or had any compassion whatsoever, they would stop and be utterly appalled in themselves. Whereas some civilizations seek to improve society and the world, research science and technology, or trade and cooperate in prosperity, the Mouri Empire has abandoned all these goals in the name of advancing destruction further. Their thirst and unrelenting desire to kill for the sake of killing, and destroy for the sake of destroying, has caused them to forget about every aspect of their own nation. The Mouri Empire has become a man so possessed, that they abandon basic hygiene, friends and family, or any real goals or ambitions for good. They are attacking now, and it is a shameful display. Their ships arrive and the people are confused, and they jump from their ships and slaughter civilians for sport. Even the Ulmians, what little of them there are, cannot explain it, and they are killed by the Mouri as well. Finally the Zelonuma Emiresq assembles its army, and it marches out to defeat the attackers. All along the border are defensive structures, and all along the coast are fortified cities. The armies assemble in great numbers, knowing they are the last defense for their people. The Zelonuma Emiresq has decided to form a coalition of the civilized nations, to mutually defend against these barbarian incursions. The nations of Tesardya, Syres, Xbalan, the Isimandians, and more, they are all contacted. The people under the yoke of the Mouri are to rise up and overthrow their oppressors. The entire world cries that they must stop. They have ruined enough lives, and they are truly despicable and disgusting. Luckily the Syresians come to the aid of the Zelonuma, and begin to defend against the Azozians, and more are expected to join soon after.
  • Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 150th year of the Athmwir's rule (941), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) continues to go on strongly, while trade with the city of Perhmathwl-on-Filgaff (Parumatula), and contact with Erddub (Ardubja), Friwrh (Friuria) and Thyfuch (Thayvoeka) is attempted to be established, while also asking to conduct trade with the three (ARDUBJA, FRIURIA (MOD) AND THAYVOEKA Response). In the 152nd year, explorers are sent far north by ship on the eastern coast of the large Cyrddosthan peninsula to the east of Ddenstiwrh and north of the western shore of Nurchacan (100 px), while land explorers begin to journey in the unexplored lands north of Nurchacan (Nura Gakan). Direct trade between Afmwirian and Nurchacanian (Nura Gakan) and Afmwirian and Perhmathwlian (Parumatula) harbors is established. In the surroundings of Drawcicheld and Rhyfthan on Lake Hinruch, prospectors look for minerals, mostly iron, but also gold or salt [MOD response]. In Mercydd, the scholdds' school create a new idda honouring the Athmwir's glorious battle against his enemies, and comparesit with Ffan Thoinn's fight against Chug Fwlgryff, and a second market is built near the docks, while in Ddenstwirh, a new dry dock and more ships are built in order to protect the coast of Afmwir. In the 158th year (949), expansion happens in the Chffith, Cyrdd and the northern Grymhoisch river valleys, as well as to the land north of the country beyond by the Iuryll mountains. In Cwinchulm, a granary is built, in order to support the growing populations.. Wheat, rye and barley are continued being produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) and Perhmathwl (Parumatula). More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith and Cyrdd and along the newly settled northern river of Grymhoisch.
  • Sillan Republic: Empress Marga dies after contracting smallpox. Her death reignites the of the socio-political upheaval that had commenced in the late reign of Empress Mariana. Commercial agriculture remains dominated by the nobility, who are able to outcompete smallholders due to their ownership of large-scale plantation estates (each hiring up to hundreds of labourers); thus retarding socio-economic mobility and further heightening class distinction, particularly in the more agrarian frontier provinces. Similarly, the acquisition of new territory coupled with the policy of settling new land has led to the massive movement of peoples–of ethnic Sillans to the frontier, and of landless non-Sillan Sillenes into the core provinces to acquire employment in agricultural enterprises owned by the nobility; thus interfering with the government’s ability to monitor and control the population. Furthermore, the growth of evangelical religions (especially that of Cixism) has reduced the effectiveness of the Grand Pantheon and the state cults in controlling the less-integrated parts of the Imperial Republic. An aged General by the name of Seberoza is elected into office. Her brief reign was characterized by a return to a more socially-conservative climate, influenced by the emigration of the conservative elite to the countryside and disdain of the urban mercantile class. Her reign was cut short when she was poisoned by her daughter, Carzara, who then seizes power via a military coup and forcing the Imperial Council to approve of her ascension to power. She suppresses a revolt in southern Teninukal and Kaloma. While the goals of the insurgents were not fulfilled, the Empress pardons the leaders of the insurrection and bestows full citizenship to all Kalomans–realizing the power of citizenship into integrating ethnic minorities into the Imperial Republic. However, she decides to relocate the province’s urban inhabitants into three cities to facilitate control over them and their assimilation. She continues to promote the settlement of the frontier and the exploitation of all idle land to boost population growth, as well as distributing land to landless households and instituting legislation regulating the obligations of tenant farmers to their landlords. Despite this, she maintains a very autocratic rule and is very cruel to her political opponents–sentencing them to execution to get rid of any opposition or threat to her rule. In addition, she is very promiscuous–being rumored to have a harem of fifty Vanden’s as well as frequently practicing abortion to prevent pregnancy.


The attack by the Jauvukry against the oasis town of Juanjala is successful, with the town being seized by the attackers. The Jauvuk suffer a large number of casualties from lack of supplies in the desert, totalling 6,150 casualties in total.

In the Khin invasion of the Zelonuma Emiresq, neither side engages in a decisive battle initially. The Zelonuma suffer the loss of numerous civilian casualties, as the Khin raid the southern reaches of their nation, while the Zelonuma army drives away a small number of raiding parties.

In the southeast of the Zelonuma Emiresq, the Mouri Empire and its allies engage in battle with the Zelonuma near a town called Dandolga, resulting in a decisive Mouri victory. The Zelonuma suffer 30,100 casualties, the Mouri suffer 10,840 casualties, and the Edomites suffer 4,300 casualties.

A small time prospector named Plenevampa manages to purchase the rights to a section of the Halati mountains, paying his entire inheritance to a Tunnel Lord, who considered Plenevampa a fool for buying such worthless land. Plenevampa spends several days alone digging in a small hole, and on the tenth day accidentally falls and breaks his leg. He manages to grab a handful of rocks at the bottom, before crawling to a nearby town. There he is aided by a doctor named Palomasiandesin, when Plenevampa pays him with a strange stone (sapphire). Later, he would become one of the richest Tunnel Lords, leading a group of people from the small, poor town back to his original mine.

The city of Uhdnapala responds to Thayvoeka that they want no issues with their neighbor to the west. They respond that they are not responsible for any raids, and do not want to be associated with the raiders. Elsewhere, Sonaredar rejected the offer from Thayvoeka.

While exploring in the mountains, the Ffanet of Afmwir discovers a large amount of a clear crystal material (quartz).

  • Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 160th year of the Athmwir's rule (951), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) continues to go on strongly, while trade with the city of Perhmathwl-on-Filgaff (Parumatula), and contact with Erddub (Ardubja), Friwrh (Friuria) and Thyfuch (Thayvoeka) is attempted to be established, while also asking to conduct trade with the three (ARDUBJA, FRIURIA (MOD) AND THAYVOEKA Response). In the 162nd year, explorers are sent far north by ship on the eastern coast of the large Cyrddosthan peninsula to the east of Ddenstiwrh and north of the western shore of Nurchacan (100 px), while land explorers begin to journey in the unexplored lands north of Nurchacan (Nura Gakan). Direct trade between Afmwirian and Nurchacanian (Nura Gakan) and Afmwirian and Perhmathwlian (Parumatula) harbors is established. In the surroundings of Drawcicheld and Rhyfthan on Lake Hinruch, prospectors look for minerals, mostly iron, but also gold or salt [MOD response]. In Mercydd, the temple-library of Chermois-Myr, with the temple-school of Swliann in Ddenstiwrh, compile their findings about the corpses of the gods in the sky and make it public knowledge on how to use the openings to Ithr (stars) and the corpse of Serhchan (the moon) to navigate the seas at night, while in Ddenstiwrh, more ships are built in order to protect the coast of Afmwir. In the 168th year (959), expansion happens in the Chffith, Cyrdd and the northern Grymhoisch river valleys, as well as to the land north of the country beyond by the Iuryll mountains. In Cwinchulm, a granary is built, in order to support the growing populations.. Wheat, rye and barley are continued being produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) and Perhmathwl (Parumatula). More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith and Cyrdd and along the newly settled northern river of Grymhoisch.
  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 618-627 Since the Return of Hythus. Plenevampa’s discovery in the Halati lands creates even more pressure to expand into the mountains. Across the south, prospectors and miners poor into the mountains, establishing a series of cities and towns just within imperial territory from which to launch their expeditions. These miners push into the valleys and lower regions of the mountains with force. Although they encounter minor and scattered tribal resistance, the miners, many of whom are former soldiers, take up arms and forcibly repel raids. Jopoksa, the city of the eastern refugees in the south, establishes itself as a major supply hub, becoming rich off the trade in mining materials, Symaite, and the new found Plenvaite (Sapphire). In the Halati lands, the situation becomes even more insane as the Hythian mining population triples in size to 30,000. These miners, prospectors, merchants, and others often take Halati wives as they are largely without Hythian women, causing growing distrust. Emperor Kylus once again attempts to prevent violence, seeking to make terms of peace approaches the Halati lords about extending the agreement about Symaite. Unfortunately, with peace disintegrating, the negotiations fail and the fighting resumes in earnest. The miners, many former soldiers among them, organize themselves into “Defense Brigades,” groups of anywhere between 50 and 500 men armed and outfitted to defend their homes from the Halati. These groups are bankrolled by wealthy nobles on the Hythian side who are tired of paying the 10% tax, while also exploiting their connections in the Hythian Unar to purchase “retired” equipment. Typically armed with a Hythian Recurve Bow, a large round shield, and some sort of axe, pick, or hatchet, the miners present a formidable force, especially given their near equal knowledge of the terrain to the Halati. The miners receive the support of 16,000 Imperial Soldiers broken into four Unians of 4,000 infantry. Using the Hythian miners as guides, auxiliaries and otherwise, the force enters the zone occupied by Hythian miners intent on preventing the Halati from harming Hythia’s People. Agricultural production increases thanks to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows exponentially due to increased wealth and nutrition. The Barquacu method of cooking spreads rapidly north and west, mingling with the regional cultures and developing new variations. In the north, the beef is continually dressed with sauces made from various spices, sweet-potato mash, and vinegar. In the west, a higher heat method is adopted for cooking the beef which is often served with more vegetables.
  • Mouri Empire: Further cultural integration continued in the latter years of Alasana III's reign. The Book of the Dead translated into the Azoz language turned out to be very key in preserving many of the passages that were lost in the original Edomite copies, and turned out to have some important impact on Mouri literature as well. The "Dream of Rodo", a significant late addition to apocalyptic literature, heavily described a visit to the realms of both Nelrim and Drokksid, which bore remarkable similarity to some of the depictions of the afterlife given in the Book of the Dead. At the same time, however, the Dream also names many of the demons in the service of Drokksid after traditional Edomite gods. This part isn't as unusual, of course, when one considers Orthodox Ulm considered all pagan gods as variations of Drokksid. Thalut V would be entombed along side several other Mouri emperors who had been buried in Edom instead of the traditional mausoleum in Azoz, dating back to the original union of the kingdoms under the Chatna dynasty. Under the pressure of the Anka, Emperor Landrew began appointing female satraps over certain small regions of the empire for the first time, although for now it was more a symbolic gesture as their husbands took over most of the administration anyway. This was warmly received by the Paltonic philosophers, who at this point became prominent in both Usinilago and Iskandaria. At last, Anka Alasana III died a few months after giving birth to another son. Her daughter, Arenea, was crowned the new Anka of the Edomite monarchy. As the sister of the Mouri emperor, Arenea was more influenced by Azoz culture than her mother had been, as evident by the incorporation of some Ulmian practices at her coronation in Edom, including a blessing from the Holy Patra. Many people in Azoz had expected Landrew to propose marriage to his sister, as had been the case in monarchs of the Xera dynasty, but this was not the case. Emperor Landrew seems to have not married his entire life, except for two obscure manuscripts found in Bangui that implied the emperor was married to a woman named Luanda, but otherwise nothing is known of her. Some modern historians suspect Landrew was too mentally challenged to produce children, while others suspect he was homosexual, but neither of these theories are widely supported. In Neirmos, another great library is constructed, on the same vein as those in Iskandaria and Azoz. This library, located in the far eastern part of the empire, would be much more heavily centered on Shanzian and Enulmian religions than that in Iskandaria, although largely sponsored from the Mouri empire. It would share the same spirit, however, in serving as a central meeting of learning and debate between Shanzian and Enulmian theologians, further opening a path for cultural exchange between the empire and the Enulmian nations to the south. In the north, the military under Chusiang presses on the invasion of the Emiresq toward the center of the nation, sending scounting parties ahead of the main army to verify the location of the capital. Chusiang believed that the Emiresq would be forced to pull back forces to defend the heart of the nation, and thus relieve the front of the Khin's invasion. The navy closes in to disembark a landing force on the island of Darna, proclaiming an independent kingdom of Darna from the Emiresq as they had many generations ago. At the same time, naval attacks on the Emiresq coast continues to depleet their navy. After significant territory is taken from the Emiresq at the Battle of Dandolga, Chusiang worked to liberate the slaves of the occupied region, both Ulmian and non Ulmian. One writer who accompanied Chusiang, Milon of Gara, took an interest to study the history of the people of Darna and Zelonuma at this point, and heard stories of the sexual perversions and blasphemous acts carried under previous monarchs of the realm. For this reason, Milon would take some of the scouting parties of Chusiang in search of the lost underground realm of the Nathonians. In the east, the disciples of Lucretia continue to spread the Liger religion on the Yannian continent despite persecution and martyrdom. The mining firm in Phorintheon continues to produce obsidean along with the local Atnosian people.
  • Thayvoeka: Ouvthmavaza's assurance that they were not associated with the raids was met with skepticism at first, and the border stayed fortified. However, these worries decayed as no raiders came from their city state over the next several years, until the border became guarded lightly, just as all the other borders were. Trade became normal with Ouvthmavaza, with both nations gaining new knowledge of the other's culture. Screening for the Zydthelbekoe ethnic group coming from Ouvthmavaza was lightened, but immigrants coming from unclaimed areas were still deprived of their weapons. This easing was also helped by the accension of Ouvaushk III, who succeded his father in 956. By this point, the TZO had all but disolved, with the national guard taking up its normal position garrisoning the country. Sonaredar's rejection of the offer presented by Ouvaushk II was shrugged off. A new province comprised of the new islands is made. Expansion continues northward, and exploration continues east and north.
    • Thayvoeka Aumsbek: The ambassador from Avmvir (Afmwir) was welcomingly received, but told that this was a colony of Thayvoeka, not the mainland. However, when word reaches the Yithït (the emperor), he readily agrees to trade for Avmviroe goods, willing to trade sugar, salt, cotton, hemp, fish, lumber, mint, jute, rice, wheat, and other spices. Expansion continiues along the coast, and exploration southward.
  • The Jauvukry: Following their overwhelming victory, Dailizza and her troops return from the ruins of Juanjala, though the sting of defeat remains in the air. The casualties suffered in the battle bite deeply into the warrior population, with many of the War Council upon reading the report of the losses, believing that they cannot sustain any more such "victories" in the future. Dailizza's failure to properly prepare for desert campaign angered many of her counterparts, who now demand that she step down from her role as Supreme Warmaster. Having little in the way of defending her failure to prepare for the desert campaign and losing approximately nine percent of the warrior people, Dailizza steps down from her position as Supreme Warmaster, and takes up the "Black March", a form of self-imposed exile in the deserts where the warmaster will seek atonement by serving her people far from home. With Dailizza's departure from Jagurra, the warmaster from Vauk Sahu, Nauhezza Maegennauhuk Sehu'Henaukku, taking the position of Supreme Warmaster of the Jauvukry. Nauhezza embarks upon a massive campaign to replace these losses and reform the social system to make replacement of future losses far easier. As with her predecessors, Nauhezza convenes the War Council to deliver her first plan of action to them. In a radical break from Jauvukid tradition, Nauhezza wishes to stop gelding boys and condemning all girls to field and sex work should they be born to slaves, and to two tier system in which those slave children who show promise to become citizens are given the chance. She is keen to prefix the fact that this is not to take place immediately, putting the other warmasters at ease, but the plan it to remain secret, known only to the War Council itself. Nauhezza expands the slave breeding program of her predecessor, making it mandatory for all men designated by the state to "contribute" to the system. All married couples are called upon to produce more offspring, while all single male citizens are to be called upon randomly in a lottery to take and impregnate slave women to begin expanding the population other methods. All campaigning beyond the borders of the Jauvukry is to be halted, and focus on the demographic needs of the state will take immediate priority over conquest. While her opponents decry this radical shift in policy, Nauhezza has effectively silenced them by reinstating that the authority of the Supreme Warmaster shall not be questioned. All citizens will do their duty or suffer the consequence associated with the accusation of heresy. Juyun I Vinba returns from its campaign in the southeast, claiming much of the land (I guess 100 px would be the claim I'm making?). The warmaster of the unit has reported that none of the nomads who once resided in the land could be found, most likely fleeing far from the Jauvukid warriors deeper into the desert. Great infrastructure projects have been initiated by Nauhezza to help facilitate growth in the local economy of the state, as well as increase the speed with which the settlements of the land can export their resources to the cities. The various juyun of the state are placed on leave status, with all members of seven out of the nine units placed into civilian life to help with the infrastructure development process. One juyunI Saeja, shall remain in combat readiness, while the other, I Feya, shall focus on policing the lands of the state to ensure that any foreigners attempting to pass through Jauvuk territory are killed immediately. The shipyards of Nauwarru are completed, and construction of a fishing fleet is well underway by the local nobles of the city. Trade with the city of Ludevyra is well underway, with the weapons and handicrafts of the Jauvukry being exchanged for food and livestock from Ludevyra. Seeking to at least attain some value from the pointless conquest of Juanjala, Nauhezza orders the construction of an oasis town over the ruins of the refugee city, now christened Naibizza. More than a two hundred citizens and five hundred slaves are relocated to the new town to begin development, with a focus on the production of dates and wheat to be the foundation of Naibizza's economy.
  • Yannian Culture: After the death of the late king, and the ascension of Landrew, the Neumites slowly seeped into Azoz. The Azozians had migrated their court largely to Edom, the Neumites took up the vacant positions in Azoz itself. Liger could not step foot in that place, as it was considered impure, but he nonetheless began his rule over the entire Ashe River. Liger had been married to a distant descendant of the last Anointed One, and therefore claimed his lands of the west; the entirety of the “Mouri Region” was the property of him. The last ruler of the Mouri, the last Anointed One, had passed and the territory had lapsed back to nature, and Liger sought to establish control over it once more. Neum became the capital of the Mouri Empire, and all subjects were to pay homage to Liger by paying over millions of wives, taxes, and more. In the lands neighboring Neum itself, where many Edomites and various lords were now attempting to stake a claim, many decided to pay off Liger as he requested, and honor his ceremoniously claimed position at the head of the Mouri. In Edom the son of Alasana III and Liger, named Pauodegus, was proclaimed the rightful of King of Edom and a co-emperor to Liger, and Landrew was acknowledged a royal bastard, who was granted governorship over Azoz. To solidify his control, Pauodegus was offered to be married to the new Anka of Edom. Together a royal marriage would lead to a personal union between Pauodegus and the Anka of Edom. This would firmly join the two nations together once more. Liger would declare Landrew his Noble Nathon, which made him decisively under the king’s wing. A great amount would be spent to ensure that Landrew had a Yannian education, and was well versed in Yannian theology. Alas, it was discovered Landrew must be homosexual, and ever the caring uncle, Liger ordered a special Nathon to be dispatched to the boy. The king would create a large garden in Neum, filled with lions and tigers, and some of these animals would be gifted to Edom. Elsewhere, the army of Mouri had been transported to attack the Zelonuma Emiresq, and Liger considered these men to be in rebellion. He ordered that they immediately withdraw, or he would use the resources of the Mouri Empire to hunt these rebels down. All along the lower Ashe River the Yannian colonies flourish. Each Yannian is given a million of the finest women of the land, and many children are sired. The army of Neum reaches a staggering total, consisting of dozens of different units, reflecting its very mixed origins. For light infantry, the nation uses three unique types of infantry. First there is the Nathon Bands, which are armed pleasurers used in the front lines for their fierce nature. The Nathons are typically not armored or well armed, but they specialize in skirmishing and shows of force. Next there are the Eunuch Bands, which are old Azozioni who are raised from birth to be eunuch soldiers. Lastly there are the Liger Women, who are former prostitutes and other women known for their sheer brutality. The heavy infantry consists of the famed Yannian Bands, which are heavily armored, well disciplines melee forces, heavy Erasidonian-style pikemen, and the Liger Guards, who are handpicked soldiers with the highest level of training and armor. For cavalry the nation employs a large mix of armored heavy cavalry and horse archers. The city of Ligeria is founded up river in a highly defensible location, and there a model Yannian city is constructed. It becomes one of the most modern cities in the west, equipped with all modern amenities. Meanwhile, one million men have been dispatched from Xbalan and its allies, and they land in the Zelonuma Emiresq. A second army lands in Neum to aid the people there, and many take up dozens of wives.
  • Kingdom of Tesardya: The population reaches 1,710,000, and strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. With the ally's war with Mouri ending and the recent success, citizens rejoice as the infidel Ulmians are once again crushed. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisim, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. The call for help from Zelonuma is received and accepted, and soon transport is made for the total transit of 95,000 soldiers to help in the Emiresq is completed within a period of months. A naval blockade on Azoz is made with 75 warships, while another 45 warships are sent to counter attack Mourian galleys within the area, being assisted by 50 light galleys.  
  • Khin Nations: Hankaer leads his riders on countless raids against the Emiresque.Information has been collected on the number of riders each tribe, clan and nation can mobilize from the war. (MOD Census) More mercenaries are dispatched to the Mouri to support them in their campaign in northern Emiresq, while the south is subject to numerous raids, especially targetting the supply infrastructure in an effort to starve the Emiresq garrisons and armies near the border. The mobility of the Khin riders is proving to be decisive in numerous engagements, as small groups of riders can distract and harass the main Emiresq garrisons, allowing larger rider armies to capture and raze strategic defences and fortresses while Emiresq forces are being occupied. 
  • Mesallian Culture: After the death of Alasana III, the nations of Azoz and Edom came to be ruled by Landrew and Arenea respectively. Initially there were calls for the monarchs to be wed, especially from proponents of further integration between the new nations. This would be a double edged sword, as while the most extreme Ulmians wanted nothing more than the removal of the Anka in favor of an Azozian king, they also disliked incestuous marriage, and ultimately the idea would be rejected. Instead Arenea was wed to a woman named Lysara, who had been picked as a possible candidate by her late mother. In an effort to carefully navigate the political situation at the time, the Anka decided to accept the request of Liger of Neum. This was because the preservation of Edom itself was considered the highest priority, and the Anka did not want to risk a major war in and around Edom itself. Likewise, the idea was seen as the best way to aid Azoz as well, both in terms of increasing Edomite influence over Azozian politics, but also in preventing a war for them as well. As such Arenea was married to Pauodegus, but he took the Edomite name Pagarun. Later the Anka would also wed the new King of Gabatria, hoping to establish a good relationship with that former enemy on the eastern border. The Kingdom of Gabatria would remain in a precarious position, wedged in between several growing or ambitious empires. The Emalian states remained to the south, and considered the region a core part of Emalia as well. Having revolted from its previous owner, the city of Ema itself was reestablished as its own independent nation, forming a third nation in Emalia, along with Alsoba and Lyania. To the east would be Temayal, one of the more powerful and expansionist of the Yannian southern states. To the west would be Edom, which had briefly owned Gabatria for itself. And finally to the north, and also across the Gabatrian Sea, would be the new provinces of the Syresians, as they expanded their control over the Melopenes peninsula. The Kingdom of Gabatria had been narrowly spared of such a fate itself by allying with Syres, and for that it retained its independence. Despite this, the nation continued to expand its military, remaining cautious of Syresian ambitions.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: Darna will not fall for the evil plots and conspiracies of the Mouri Empire. They remember how the Mouri Empire once randomly attacked the island, and how they butchered the city of Darna itself for some reason. So clearly the Darnans would not support the people who slaughtered them as they attempt to slaughter someone else. That is a ridiculously childish idea, and honestly the leader of the Mouri Empire should probably reevaluate their sanity for that one. There is a slight morale boost, as the Darnans realize the generals of the Mouri Empire are likely mentally disabled, and there is great joy that the war will be won. The nation launches its largest mobilization, and prepares to defend itself once more. A great army will meet the Khin in the south, and another army will meet the Mouri in the east. The nation is joined by the Isimandians, who attack the Khin with great brutality. The Tesardyans are thanked for their support, and their forces are advised to spread out along the coast and not wear down their supplies. In the meantime the Zelonuma and Tesardyan fleets are combined and used to destroy the fleet of the Mouri Empire. The Kingdom of Neum is supported and advised to continue its rampage across the former Mouri Empire. The rebellion is to be crushed, and Liger is recognized as the new ruler of the Mouri
  • Taivvae:The Taivaie nation continues to prosper and grow under the benevolence of the Taivaie dynasty. Trade between the areas continues, and Taivaie is at a high point in its life.
  • Qera: The new territory to the west is further settled and the cattle industry grows. The people in the region of Babisqa begin to develop a tradition of weaving, records of a clothing style known as "Ponkllo" appear around the begin of the decade. These so called Ponkllos are similar to a rug with a whole in the middle, so it can be also used as a kind of coat. These clothes often have culorful patterns woven in it. Ponkllos become a characteristic to the Babisqa region to this day. The spice cultivation is still extremely lucrative as well as the mining in the more southern regions, while the north becomes filled with trading hubs. Mining is still big. Ygran VI dies after just 20 years of rule by a heart attack, the general Yceue II succeeds the throne. HIs reforms consist of a stricter attitude toward grain taxes, as those lacked in the recent decade. The taxes arent higher than before, but the tax colection is way stricter. If a peasent isnt able to pay in money, they can pay in a larger portion of grain. This law is implemented to prepare for longer campaigns or emergencies.
  • Sillan Republic: Empress Carzara is killed by a disgruntled guard; thus initiating a three-year period of political fragmentation known as the “Three Empresses” period. Giacrexian eventually accedes to power after killing one of her rivals while guaranteeing her other rival, General Constanqina, political amnesty and retainment of power. While not particularly religious, Giacrexian enforces worship of the imperial cult (viewing it as a way to enforce Sillan dominance over the Imperial Republic); initiating the large-scale persecution of the Cixians due to their reluctance to participate in civic rites and their strict monotheism. Giacrexian also increases arms production, establishing a new set of regulations to enforce their uniformity. In addition, she orders the construction of more blast-furnaces (for the production of pig iron), and the construction of more finery forges (to fine pig iron into both wrought iron and steel). Steel is largely reserved for military purposes, with the majority of common tools being made out of iron.


The Mouri Empire and its allies successfully advances further into the Zelonuma Emiresq, before meeting the Zelonuma at the Battle of Zezecula. There the Zelonuma achieve a decisive victory, driving the Mouri back to the coast. The Mouri suffer 17,430 casualties, the Edomites suffer 8,010 casualties, the Zelonuma suffer 6,590 casualties, the Tesardyans suffer 8,540 casualties, the Yannians suffer 4,030 casualties.

The nation of Erddub (Ardubja) and the states of Friwrh (Frioria) agree to open trade with the Ffanet of Afmwir. The city of Ligma becomes a major trade city for voyages to the south, but the city is soon rivaled by a series of new cities directly on the southern coast as well.

At the naval Battle of Bresolas between Tesardya, the Zelonuma Emiresq, and the Mouri Empire, the Mouri achieve a victory. The Mouri suffer the loss of 22 ships and 4,000 men, the Tesardyans suffer the loss of 18 ships and 3,600 men, and the Zelonuma suffer the loss of 30 ships and 6,500.

The Khin invasion of the Zelonuma Emiresq results in a victory for the Zelonuma, with the Khin being repulsed. The Zelonuma suffer 18,340 casualties, the Isimandians suffer 8,300 casuathe Khin suffer 8,430 casualties, and the Mouri suffer 7,540 casualties. The Zelonuma also suffer the loss of numerous civilians.

The invasion of Darna by the Mouri Empire results in a decisive defeat for the Mouri Empire, with the Mouri invaders being repulsed from the island. The Mouri suffer 4,320 casualties, the Zelonuma suffer 3,800 casualties, and the numerous civilians are killed on the island in the process.

Traders from the nation of Avsylann arrive from the north in the city of Ludevyra, and later make their way to the Javuk of the south as well. They trade items such as frankincense, which they acquired from the far north.

  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 628-637 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Kylus passes his crown to his nephew, naming the young man Emperor Jyntus III. Jyntus III determines to secure his rule by securing dominion over the Halati once and for all. The Hythian Unar in the contested territory are reinforced to a strength of 24,000 strong, backed by another 4,000 locals. The composition of these units is almost exclusively infantry, with the vast majority armed with Hythian Bows, leather armor, round wooden shields, and steel or iron swords. With the local miners as guides, a force of 12,000 advances on the Halati, constructing a series of large outposts as it goes to defend the supply lines. The remaining 12,000 troops defend supply routes and secure the territory contested by the Hythian miners in the Halati lands. [Warfare] Meanwhile, west of Rocinjabel, a ghost city is constructed, complete with outlined plots of land, administrative buildings, and roads. In the 635th year of Hythus’ return, the gate in the East Wall is opened and the people of Rocinjabel are offered space in the new city should they choose to move. [Rocinjabel Diplomacy] An architectural awakening begins to sweep Hythia, as conventional sod or stone dwellings are replaced by ever more ubiquitous fired-brick. These new buildings adopt the widespread use of arches as a method for constructing strong walls and employ groin-vaulted ceilings to create open, airy rooms. These advancements in construction technology lead to the construction of even more impressive temples to Hythus. The final years of Kylus I and the first few decades of Jyntus III’s rule over Hythia begin what many later historians call “The Imperial Summer.” The culmination of several centuries of stable governance in a golden age of science, economic and social growth, and the advent of new and advanced ideas. The previous centuries of relative stability with an ever broadening world and trade see the advent of new ideas in the many academic fields studied by Hythian Academies. Mathematic concepts are imported at an astounding pace, infinitesimals, advanced trigonometric theory, and advanced algebraic theory all enter the Hythian lexicon over the next decades. Astronomy, long a neglected science, is greatly enhanced by the addition of foreign works. Other scientific concepts are added in the many other areas of study. One example of the discoveries made in the early decades of Jyntus III’s reign is the development of a differential gearbox by the mathematician and engineer Tychamidos of Wys. His invention is used to develop a “north-pointing cart” for navigation. He also formalizes the Universal Joint, a method for joining two non-aligned shafts. This comes in useful for the many water-driven mills along the Tythies and other rivers and streams in the empire. These joints, although rare initially, begin to spread across the empire, allowing for angled gear systems unlike those used before. They prove particularly useful when used with Byordine (Boradine) Screw as a means of transferring the power to the angled screw. The advancements in science are propagated by the increasing literacy and a growing interest in the wider world among Hythia’s aristocracy. With many nobles choosing to live at court, the academy of Mythas grows in importance to new heights. While regional academies become popular with wealthy commoners of non-noble background, although many of these new-moneied are granted status as low nobles (essentially knights). Agricultural production increases thanks to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows exponentially due to increased wealth and nutrition.
  • Nura Gakan: Ulrom becomes the organized polytheistic religious center of the Gakan. This leads to the formation of three idols for the three main gods (Vangar: The god of strength/Dun: God of peace/Ogkut: God of the intelligent). The Nura Gakan religion begins to adopt a holy order mostly expanded by Oral tradition, but this begins to phase out as attempts to study the religion is expanded to the Holy Men of the Gakan. Olama begins to form on the two-river region mostly used as a de facto trade center of the state, placed at the head of the river delta. Naval raiding begins to become a more acceptable form of warfare within the Gakani people, this is mostly support and backed up by the Naval expansion across the Two Rivers. The mines begin to take a new form as the demand for iron is picked up (which is used by the army to flex/kill foes and the formation of new weapons.) Gakani farmers begin setting up farms and things of that sort by the Two-River Region. Trade becomes more and more important causing Ulum to form a navy to protect trade ships up and down the river. With the trade with Afmwir we begin to work on creating the first water mill at the the two-river region. The New Gakani declaimers an era of war and expansion across the region, we begin an aggressive push northward into unclaimed territory.
  • Mouri Empire: With the death of Emepror Landrew, the chaotic change of government in the empire occurred rather rapidly. However, as much of the military was still occupied with the war against the Emiresq, the transition became fairly bloodless. Landrew died of the sweating sickness, and without any children left the status of the empire in a more confusing state. Landrew's will was to bequeth the crown of the empire to his sister, Arenea, who was also the Anka of the Edomite kingdom. Some of the monastic chronicles imply that this was unaccepted by the court in Azoz, but at the very least a will made by the emperor would have had to be approved by the Senate of Medan. Most of the nobles in Azoz quickly invited the Anka to come to the capital city, where she was crowned Emperor of Mouri in the ancient Azouri styles. No female version of the title of Emperor existed in the Azoz language, so eventually the title would be adopted as a portmandaeu between the Azoz title of emperor and the Edomite title of Queen. The early phase of her reign would largely involve suppressing resistence of the more puritan factions of Orthodox Ulm in the empire, especially in the western regions of Fotashe, Eskaladun and Outer Valun where the opposition was most potent. Before the Anka even arrived to Azoz for her coronation, a conspiracy of nobles proclaimed Elixane the Light as the new emperor, arguably the first actual female emperor of Azoz. Elixane was the wife of Basajaoun, the Satrap of Eskaladun and First Citizen of the Empire. Her reign only lasted two weeks, however, before she was forcefully deposed by the faction led by Oranomou, son of Nurumun and loyal supporter of the Anka. Elixane would flee from Azoz and move west with her supporters, basing her opposition to Aranea out of Eskaladun. Over the next two years she would instigate rebellion across the Empire, often referred to as the Temanite Rebellion due to the largest battle took place by a group of peasents in Teman. The Ligerites of Neum at this point had become a potent political force across Tuartha, a small minority but a vocal one nontheless. Although traditionally opposed to Orthodox Ulm, the Ligerites were also largely in support of Arenea's claim as emperor, mainly through her marriage alliance to Liger's son. Basajaoun himself was killed by Liger at the Battle of Teman, and Oranamou was appointed to succeed him as First Citizen. Elixane lived out her life continuing to claim the throne, but after the initial rebellion she no longer had any local support. Liger was officially acknowledged as the consort to the emperor, and owed to the political union between Neum and Mouri once again. However, in the sixth year of her reign a council of prominent clerics and the Holy Patra wrote an official petition to the Emperor, strongly pressuring her to comply with religious sexual norms and maintain only one husband. Technology in the cities of Nerimos and Thalutia-Nys greatly improved during this era, including the construction of the "Kietheran Device" and similar technologies for navigation, as well as the final dvelopment of the "Mouri Arsenal". In the far north, Chusiang's forces continued to lead the military against the Emiresq, fully recouping their losses after the Battle of Zezocula. This time, reinforcements to the Khin are split into various battalions, coming up north from the western central parts of the border to strike against the Emiresq forces on both flanks. Noting part of the Emiresq flank was covered by a lake, Chusiang ordered a large contingent of rafts constructed in order to establish an encampment behind enemy lines. At sea, the naval forces pulls away from the island of Darna to entirely focus on supporting the invasion near the coast at Zezocula. Any forces and urban centers near the coast were targetted, to draw off any opposition from the invasion, in addition to a full landing party to disembark as further reinforcements. Tesemba, Ysthiphon, and Darnanyse (the vassal north of Darna) are asked for an alliance to utilize their forces in crushing the Emiresq as well. Their navies would combine to form a blockade near the caost, preventing any further support from Xbalan or Tesardya from interferring in the war on the mainland. Furthermore, they are asked to send even more reinforcements for helping the land invasion that pushes from the coast toward the capital. A small naval expedition is sent to map out more of the coastline farther north to seek more allies in the region. In the far west, the Mouri Empire had expected that Isimadia would not be involved in this war, and diplomacy is sent to ensure that they reconsider supporting a nation they receive no benefit from. Seeing Isimadia's long-standing part in the trade network from Gara, the empire passively threatens to fully cut off all trade on the western coastlines unless Isimadia pulls out of the war, further emphasizing our desire not to see any conflict with them. 
    • After the recent battles against the Emiresq, the wartime tactics are reviewed by Emperor Arenea herself and subsequently revised. Invasion forces near Zezecula move eastward along the mountains to seize control of the high ground, and use that vantage point to strike down on an unprotected flank of the Emiresq forces and open up a path forward for the Khin forces pushing up the middle. Many scouting parties sent up the coast are given fake orders, leading the Emiresq to believe the military was pushing for Zezecula the same as they tried the last two times and thus falsely direct their attention elsewhere. Part of the miltiary is diverted for this expedition to both fully emerse the ruse and lighten the forces needed to cross the mountains. The forces supporting the Khin run short on supplies due to the confusion during the Temanite Revolt, and a small bout of disease breaks out one winter. In order to alleviate the lack of supplies, the forces turn on to sacking and pillaging the Emiresq cities, stealing any supplies they require as they push farther north. The monastic chronicles would have us believe none of the Ulmians or Syresians of the region were harmed during these raids, and although that is most likely true for the slaves and similar oppressed classes, there were no doubt harm done on both sides. The Khin invasion is a decisive invasion, and pushes farther north using a similar strategy as before with further reinforcements. However, one addition this time is the more heavy use of cavalry tactics adopted from the Valun and Khin, bringing horse archers up the middle of the hoplite manipal channels. 
  • Yannian Culture: Why can’t I ever have any friends? I’m a nice person, I try to be nice to everyone. I’m friendly and kind and love to help people, but everyone casts me aside. This once innocent girl has been bullied and ignored, shaped into being a sad and miserable person. Every last person I know has turned their back on me, and has called me names and harassed me. My best friend just told me to go away for good, and won’t answer any of my messages. Seriously? I just wanted to talk to you, I wasn’t being creepy in any way. You were my best friend, my only friend. You can’t even find the time to send a message here and there once in a while? Why must I be ignored by you, I am just trying to be friendly. Whatever, maybe you were never my friend after all. Doesn’t mean you can’t talk to me and be pleasant when I say “hi” to you in passing. Anyway, the old me is dead now. The old, friendly me has been weathered by the cruel world to be full of malice and hatred. I hurt myself to dull the pain, and erase the memories of good times I once had with my best friend. I’m all alone now. All alone and locked in my room, with nothing more than these things to harm myself. I woke up today with a nasty headache and was aching all over my body. I had passed out last night, and there was blood on my shirt and on the floor. I felt so sick I vomited. I haven’t eaten anything yet and my body hurts so badly. But I need to lose weight, and I need to make myself pretty again. By midday I try in vain to style my hair in the mirror. That disgusting hair, I rip out a chunk and throw it in frustration, but it only slowly falls to the ground in front of me. I try with the makeup, and I paint it on my face, but my hands are shaking. I start to cry again. Why doesn’t she want me? The mirror falls over and breaks, and I cry louder. Everything is horrible now, there is nothing else to live for. It’s been years since I first traveled across the sea. I was one of those followers of Lucretia, and I came to the east and tried to spread the Holy Word nonsense. But nothing filled the void that I was running from. I realized I was having the same recurring dream. I’m back home in the west, and I’m strangling the Edomite Whore with my own two hands. I shake her body like a limp chicken as she croaks strange words. Then I become a little girl again, before I became so old and weak. I was beautiful then. My mommy said she was so proud of me...I was so full of life. I have given up on such dreams since then. Growing up in the Mourilands was a hard life for our family. My poor mother, she became sick when I was young. I was never the same since then. That’s when I first started begging on the streets, and soon after I was doing Nathon Business. Some of the monks would use me for a change of things, and they would pay me a coin or two for my troubles. For years I worked like this until I was a grown woman now too, just like mother. That’s when I became a mother to my sweet Thally, but then they took that away from me too. I was back to having nothing. Then in the east I made my mark on things. I rose through the ranks of the Lucretian Hookers, until I was a priestly woman, and an oracle of sorts to the downtrodden. They came to me and asked me, where does the LORD command us? I would smirk and say, oh let us seek revenge on the Mouri. And they would attack the Mouri, but secretly it was my own revenge too. And of course, when brave Liger became Emperor of the Mouri Empire I approved of that too, and his son became Emperor of the Mouri Empire as well, alongside his wife. At least that Whore of Edom could produce something right for once, not that feeble Landy. They bring me the news and I read over it, and listen for visions and such. I can see it before me. Liger was crowned the Emperor of the Mouri to great fanfare, from the new capital of Neum. It was a great Yannian dynasty ruling over the Azozians. Then after Liger, his son the co-emperor became the sole emperor. His wife was the Edomite, and they ushered in the Age of Neum before the remnants of the Mouri. As part of his civil war thing, the new emperor expanded Neum to include the entire province, brutally suppressing those who had harmed his kingdom, and those who had been faux governors and false prophets. The emperor commanded, before the entire court and his wife, and all else, saying that there would be no more harm done to the Zelonuma Emiresq. Before of him the Mouri Empire ended its war, although the old armies of Mouri continued their war anyway, and as such were treated in complete rebellion to the new empire. Then they came to me and asked what I saw next in my visions. I said, go to Atnosia and slaughter every last terrorist of the Ulmian faith, so the Xbalan nation did so. The Son of the Narrowman, with the largest fleet ever seen in the east, descended on the island at the head of his alliance, and he made a Yannian peace on that island himself. But those zealous followers were not satisfied, so they asked me what else I saw. I said I saw a false prophet in the east known as Sissy/Cixi the Sillan. She was defiling all that she stepped on, corrupting that entire nation, and smearing the earth with her disgusting womanly juice. Even though I too was a woman, this is what the men wanted to hear. So the world came across Sillas and condemned it, and confirmed what I had seen. Sillas is an absolute dictatorship, ruled by a “queen” known as the Slut of Sillas. She draws her inspiration from False Prophet Sissy. Worst of all she is a horrible, cruel being, and she destroys all her friends and neighbors. I see in her the same fiery evil that has ruined my entire life. I get so angry, knowing that such a disgusting monster rules a nation, and enslaves its people...innocent people like me. So I say, go forth and spread the Word of Yannis to the Silossi empire. But that did not go as planned, for the people had a hard time reaching such a place. And slowly, I admit it, I became obsessed with my mission, and it tore me apart. So the King of Xbalan set me up in a tiny tower room, overlooking the river. It’s a lonely place, but I stayed there for years all alone. Initially I had but one friend who still talked to me occasionally, and they now abandon me too. They send me food and I mutter little prophecies, and I write my real stories here. Now, because of that stupid Sillas thing, and my inability to do anything else but get angry and shout prophecies, they leave me in here like a prison. I am so alone. Tonight I am going to use the knife again and see if I pass out. Perhaps this time I won’t awake. But this life is cruel, such a horrible place. This world keeps coming for me and beating me with everything it has. I have nothing left to do but stare at this broken mirror and the glass shards, crying against my bed. It’s too late for me now.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: To help the Tsarina in her rock stydying a sort of flass which allows you to see things closer is invented to aid her. In the capital on a stormy and thunderstormy day, a shopmaster by the name of Boris Borivioch is trying to lock his shop when suddenly a lightning bolt strikes his key. He reports this to the tsarina who calls it interesting and promises to investigate this phenomenon more. After having Spoken To The Holy Dodo, The tsarina order sthat the Royal fleet shall sail back home and be prepared for an expansion expedition. Over 2000 soldiers are prepared for this edavour and when the ships return home they begin looking for new areas to settle. After many weeks of sailing they see land and settle an area knows as Wrangels Corner and establish it as the second colony.
  • Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 170th year of the Athmwir's rule (961), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan), Perhmathwl-on-Filgaff (Parumatula), Erddub (Ardubja), Friwrh (Friuria) and Thyfuch (Thayvoeka) continues to go on strongly, and contact with Namhddwn (Namdeon) and Chison (Gesan) is attempted to be established, while also asking to conduct trade with the two (MOD Response). In the 172nd year, explorers are sent far north by ship on the eastern coast of the large Cyrddosthan peninsula to the east of Ddenstiwrh and north of the western shore of Nurchacan (100 px), while land explorers begin to journey in the unexplored lands north of Nurchacan (Nura Gakan). We offer Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) an alliance between our two nations (NURA GAKAN RESPONSE). In the surroundings of Drawcicheld and Rhyfthan on Lake Hinruch, mines are being set up to mine the new crystal, called churhs by the Afmwirians. In Mercydd, Ffan Thoinn Falgiff announces a counting of all men, women and children of Afmwir, while in Ddenstiwrh, more ships are built in order to protect the coast of Afmwir. In the 178th year (969), expansion happens in the Chffith, Cyrdd and the northern Grymhoisch river valleys, as well as to the land north of the country beyond by the Iuryll mountains. In Cwinchulm, a shipyard is built.. Wheat, rye and barley are continued being produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan (Nura Gakan), Perhmathwl (Parumatula), Erddub (Ardubja), Friwrh (Friuria) and Thyfuck (Thayvoeka). More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith and Cyrdd and along the newly settled northern river of Grymhoisch.
    • Nura Gaka Dip: We accept this alliance.
  • Beraba: With the death of Okemos, the nation goes into mourning for the greatest general and leader the Beraban people had ever known. The Electors, the members of the Council of Princes and Council of Governors, are called to Ngaoudera to attend the funeral and begin deliberations on the election of a new High Consul. Okemos’ grandson Hozanek emerges as a front runner, along with his wife’s nephew Tepeu. In the end, Hozanek is chosen elected as High Consul on the condition that he is wed to Tepeu’s daughter Hartonah. Hozanek agrees, and the pair are wed in the Holy City within Ngaoudera. However, tragedy strikes just days later when a fire breaks out in the city and burns one-half of the Holy City to the ground and kills many significant members of the clergy. Though the fire is deemed to be an accident, fingers are pointed to the followers of the Tahetonian teachings that make up a large portion of Cohibos and the eastern settlements. After this tragedy, Hozanek goes on a tour of the nation while he leaves Hartonah in Ngaoudera with her father Tepeu to rebuild the city. The members of the Tangakwunu attending the National Royal Academy are instructed to funnel much of their research into military technology, since the last conflict almost caught Beraba unprepared. Metals for weapons are researched, new naval technology is pioneered, and siege weapons are crafted and tested. Hozanek also orders the creation of a standing army. This army will train for combat, while also helping to build and perform maintenance on infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and aqueducts. In the north, Gahrenese mines bring metals such as tin, copper, and iron to the surface. Expansion continues to the east of the peninsula. The Teninukalian diaspora, brought to the eastern shore of the Beraban Peninsula after the Sillan Conflict, is established as a nation in its own right, and Beraban ships of food and supplies help the settlers there to build their new home.
  • Mesallian Culture: The rise of the Ligerians quickly became an unprecedented chapter in the history of Edom, as well as the surrounding world. The sudden invasion of Neum has shocked the Mesallians, but also was seen as a possible opportunity toward Mesallian independence or autonomy. Instead, the Yannian conquerors of Neum set about creating a colony for their people at the expense of the Mouri Empire, with the Mesallians on the coast caught in between. The northern region of Neum had seen the Mesallians caught in the chaos of the upheaval, with the governors of cities such as Salarinos becoming quasi independent entities within the kingdom. To the Yannians these local leaders were called “Nodoms”, much like the ruler in Neum itself, and the region was effectively split into a series of judges and military leaders. This independence was plagued by infighting and constant defense against the ambitions of various Yannian Nodoms, and eventually ended with the establishment of the Kings of Neum once more. The ascension of Liger more so stabilized the region, as he became famous for his wisdom, influence, and cunning. After the death of Liger, Pauodegus became King of Neum, King Consort of Edom, and Emperor of the Mouri Empire, ushering in the first de facto Yannian dynasty in the Mouri Empire, despite centuries of uncredible claims by previous Yannian rulers. Much like her mother before her, the Anka retained control over Edom itself for the most part, and Pauodegus was to control Azoz, in theory. In practice the Edomites had made inroads toward influencing Azozian politics as well, and the majority of the Mouri Empire was reluctant to accept the Yannian as their emperor as well. From the Azozian perspective, they seemed more willing to accept a woman emperor than a Yannian male emperor, so they acknowledged the Anka of Edom as their ruler instead. In name Pauodegus was the emperor with supreme control, but in terms of de facto power, his wife was the true ruler. Pauodegus would attempt to increase his power and affirm his position as the emperor, while the Anka sought to secretly control the nations behind the scenes. She found her power extremely limited in Neum, as that city afforded her no allies to speak of, so there was little she could do in the “official” capital of the Mouri Empire. As for the old parts of the Mouri, she retained authority and allegiance from most governors, and prevented the Neumite authorities from taking over in some places, at the expense of keeping the region cut off from integration to a large degree. But some effects would remain, such as the Neumites largely settling into their positions as hegemons of the Ashe River. There Yannians would constitute the nobility, or intermix among it, as the primary region influenced by the growth of Neum. The city of Azoz itself slightly fell from predominance, as the Yannians considered it unable to be entered, the Edomites considered it too out of the way, and the Azozians considered it too uninfluential. Although, the city would still remain one of the empire’s more populous cities, as Azozians considered it a safe place to remain if one wished to avoid Yannians. The request by the Mouri nobles that the Anka should only keep one spouse would be a difficult decision to make. On one hand it limited her ability to make political alliances, and it prevented her from marrying any other Azozian nobles potentially. Finally she decided she would agree not to wed again, and with Pauodegus as her husband, her two wives became less official. Her fourth spouse, the King of Gabatria, who was more distant from the Edomite court, was never officially divorced, but his relationship with Edom began to wane. In Syres, the nation had consolidated its position in Mesallas, and created a number of client kingdoms and client republics in the Melopenes. During this period the region remained largely devastated, with harsh terms being stipulated upon the population. It would not be until the organization of formal provinces in the region that recovery skyrocketed, and the nation of Syres invested heavily in Mesallian cities, infrastructure, and other improvements. Military bases had been established south across the region, and these soldiers would be the first to begin large scale building projects at the orders of the state.During this time the nation of Syres would also formally annex the region of Agelmur, and from there occupy southern parts of the Zelonuma Emiresq. The nation’s support for the Zelonuma Emiresq had waned, and its aid was eventually lifted.
  • Taivaie: In a humble township along the banks of the Taiiel, a man is born. Even at a young age, 'boy' would hardly be suitable to describe him. Though he is not taller than average, he has the same effect as if he were. By the age of 7, he has the children of his household under his heel. But his command is not that of a conceited man. It is benevolent, and has everyone feeling harmonious and communal. At the age of 8, he hit a target dead-on at 80 yards with his quingiya. At 10, he bested the town's blacksmith at swordfighting. This is a man of low birth, but who immediately grabs the attention and respect of everyone around him. Four years before he becomes of age, he has already earned his name. His name is Valinya Xielaie, which means "Chosen Protector". He is raised in the time of prosperity, and when he is of age, he participates in the King's southern campaign, as a Quingiyamer. He quickly gains regard as a master bowman, personally killing over 9000 Tiiflings. Everyone agreed, this man was going to shape the world. However, everyone underestimated the extent.
  • The Jauvukry: Having spent some time trading with the people of Ludevyra and the merchants of Avsylann, the Jauvuk realize just how little the know about the rest of the world. Though aware of the many exotic goods of their homeland, most Jauvuk have never heard of anything called "frankincense", and fear they may in fact be more ignorant to the foreigners than the other way around. Seeking to resolve this discrepancy as quickly as possible, Supreme Warmaster Nauhezza orders the organization of a group of warriors to take one of the recently built ships of Nauwarru and sail abroad and document the cultures of the outside world for the War Council. Several of the traders of Ludevyra are offered a significant sum of money to help navigate the Jauvukid vessels, and provide them with translators to better understand the cultures and civilizations beyond the realm of the Jauvukry. The War Council approves of a planned expansion into the south along the coastline, hoping that new fishing grounds for the population can be attained by the people for additional food sources. Elements of Juyun I Saeja are sent south to assist with the construction of outposts along the coastline to aid within the expansion of the Jauvuk territory into the region. Seeking to avoid the disaster that was brought upon the warriors due to the poor planning of Dailizza during the conquest of Juanjala, all warrior juyun are provided with hybrid camels carrying fresh water during campaigns into the desert. To better facilitate trade between the three cities of the Jauvukry, the Great Warrior Road is built linking all three cities together. To ensure the survival of the road in the harsh conditions of the desert, the Great Warrior Road is built with a packed fist-sized stone base on top of a leveled sand foundation, a cement and gravel base on top followed by a set of slab stones which serve as the cap for the road. The road serves as the main artery of trade within the Jauvukry, and while also providing inhabitants with a secure method of travel between the major population centers. Expansion of the cultivation of wheat, dates, melons, and sorghum is promoted by the nine vaukid of the Jauvukry, now that the slave population has recovered enough over the years to make large-scale planation work relatively profitable for the warrior caste again. In line with Nauhezza's demographic-based agenda, it is hoped by the War Council that a spike in food production will help the nation's population recover from the years warfare and mismanagement by previous rulers. Several citizens in the city of Nauwarru have come to together to organize an economic model that will bring great wealth to the city, especially as trade abroad has been growing more and more common within the port city. Demand for goods has been high throughout the known world, as the needs of men are infinite, but the means of providing for them greatly limited. These Jauvuk citizens hope to find a way of answering this need by exploring what can be provided through the labor force available to the Jauvukry in light of the new opportunities afforded to them by the warming relations between their people and the foreigners.
  • Kingdom of Tesardya: The population reaches 1,760,000, and strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisim, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. The currently standing home army, being a meekly 40,000, are alerted by the invasion of Tamsebe, one of Mouri's allies and one of the hotspots of Ulmian worship and tolerance on the continent. The 40,000 soldiers are sent, and through rapid mobilization of soldiers, an additional 25,000 soldiers are sent (Making the total 65,000) [Mod]. The long-time ally, Syres, is asked to join the conflict against Tamsebe, with the promise of southern territory being gained [Mod].
    • Syresian Diplomacy: The nation of Syres agrees to aid Tesardya against Tamsebe, and immediately mobilizes the army of the south to invade them.
  • Khin Nations: More raids are launched on the Emiresque. Heavy civilian casualties are inflicted upon the southlands of the Emiresque by small groups of riders while larger groups are isolated and harassed by larger groups of riders. A plan is also made to deteriorate the Emiresq supply situation, forcing their army to either retreat or engage in a battle in terrain favourable to the Khin. 
  • Thayvoeka: Ouvaushk III's reign continued into the late 770's, with the 760's being a period of great growth and expansion. Trade with Zoumarithar (Sonaredar), Zouvthamvamam (Johdanpanan), and Ouvthmavaza (Uhdnapala) continued extensivley, along with Avmvir (Afmwir) to a smaller extent. Avzzam (Avsylann) was rumored to have an incense (frankincense), and these were confirmed true by traders going to Qera, who stoped by to see if the rumors were fake. A man by the name of Maykr Zouzk decided he wanted to travel the known world, and set about on his journies by the age of 16. By three years in, he had traveled to Sonaredar, various Vhaynosi islands, Dvama, the Jauvukry, Avsylann, Sillas, and Qera. By another three years, he had made it to the Telachitul Republic, varrious Yusur states, and Taivaie. Finally, the last leg of his trip included going north to Mang, Xinaben, Daukani, and former Eborite kingdoms, before repoting his maps [Explore more inland from countries listed]. Exploration continues north and east. Expansion continues in the north. A city is founded on the southeastern coast.
    • Thayvoeka Aumsbek: Expansion continues along the coast, and exploration south continues.
  • Sillan Republic: The Empress orders the construction of more foundries and workshops (producing iron and steel, and arms, respectively). To prevent laziness and poor performance on the ranks, military education is reemphasized and troops are barred from marriage until the age of 25. A more rigorous training course is implemented, and knowledge of Empress Estanza’s “Art of War” is added to the military curriculum. Despite the increasing intensity of Empress Giacrexian’s persecutions, Cixism continued to surge in popularity, achieving a slight majority in urban regions and constituting just under a fourth of the total population. Despite nominally-supporting the Empress’ efforts to enforce worship of the imperial cult, much of the nobility secretly partake in Cixian activities and even patronize the construction of religious architecture or fund and/or host religious meetings. In order to discourage conversion to the Cixian faith, the Empress promotes Ulm – viewed as a legitimate and thus venerable religion – especially the “West” Orthodox branch of Ulm. In addition, she exempts Ulmians from participating in civic religious rites. Conversely, she equates the act of refusing to worship the imperial cult to treason, specifically in-reference to Cixians. As a result of this law, Cixians may now be executed simply due to their faith. While many Cixians are martyred (including prominent nobility and clergymen), her efforts to stifle the growth of Cixism remain ultimately unsucessful, with Cixians once again conducting religious services and rituals during the night to prevent any suspicion from the authorities. Similarly, as the rumors of their cannibalistic and incestous practices are dispelled, the religion attracts many pagan sympathizers and converts; further establishing it as a distinct religion from Ulm, as well as fuelling anti-Ulm sentiment and harsh criticism of Ulmian beliefs and practices. Despite this, the harsh autocratic rule of Giacrexian binds the Imperial Republic together, and facilitates a period of renewed prosperity. Due to increased foreign interest in Sillas, Sillenic products–primarily textiles, ceramics, and tea–are exported overseas. In addition, products such as sugarcane, cocoa, oil, cannabis, honey, beeswax, and dairy products are also exported on a significant level.


The region set aside by the Berabans attracts a large number of Makuku and Teninukalese settlers, both from the north and from Sillas’ annexed territory directly. Although many in Teninukal choose to accept Sillan citizenship, a moderate amount choose to settle the new territory. They call the new land Yecedaya, after the famous general Yecacedal, whose descendants are among the leadership in the new state.

The nation of Ysthiphon undergoes an age of prosperity and expansion, led by the king Jaculye’asmir. Under his leadership the nation expands heavily along the coast, establishing a number of colonies and trade posts. Between Ysthiphon and the Darnan cities, the colony of Usphejulon is founded. Additionally, he repeals his predecessors’ earlier peace with the Zelonuma Emiresq to attack their minor islands.

A council of the wealthiest merchants, tunnel lords, and smugglers is formed in the city of Rocinjabel, as the first attempt at a governing body over the growing labyrinth city. They decide to deny citizens entry through the gates of Hythia, so that they can more accurately and more profitably control the flow of people into and out of Hythia. Surrounding the city grows numerous other extremely dense shanty towns, with a small number of which secretly funding various sides of the Halati War. The most blatant of which is Baljumuni Nine-eyes, who swindles the Halati out of nearly one-half their treasury in exchange for a nonexistent mercenary army. He manages to escape to the town of Nujulacari, where he bribes his way to become mayor.

Settlers dispatched north by the Nura Gakan come into contact with traders from the north. They claim to be from a nation known as Ardubja, and extend an offer to trade with the nation of Nura Gakan.

During a large storm in Algeorgia, Boris Borivioch notices lighting striking the top of the Sky Tower. He notes the situation in his writings, alongside his observations have lightning struck his key.

At the naval Battle of Lymba, in which the blockade by the Mouri Empire is challenged by the Zelonuma, Tesardyan, and Xbalanian fleets, the Mouri suffer a defeat. The Mouri suffer the loss of 59 ships and 12,000 men, the Zelonuma suffer the loss of 12 ships and 2,000 men, the Tesardyans suffer the loss of eight ships and 1,000 men, and the Yannians suffer the loss of seven ships and 1,200 men. As a result the blockade along the coast is not held by the Mouri.

After the initial victory won by the Syresians, they lay siege to the city of Tamsebe itself. The siege ends in a Syresian victory, with the Syresians suffering 5,340 casualties, and Tamsebe suffering 12,000 casualties and the loss of their capital.

The forces under the command of Chusiang achieve a decisive victory against the Zelonuma Emiresq in the southeast region. The Mouri suffer 5,870 casualties, the Zelonuma suffer 7,700 casualties, the Yannians suffer 5,100 casualties, and the Tesardyans suffer 4,040 casualties. Despite this, the Mouri are hampered by a lack of supplies, both from devastation in the coastal region and from conflicting orders from the home front, costing an additional 4,000 casualties.

The Khin invasion of the Zelonuma results in a stalemate, with the Zelonuma suffering 6,550 casualties, the Yannians suffering 3,400 casualties, the Isimandians suffering 2,000 casualties, the Mouri suffering 9,490 casualties, and the Khin suffering 5,100 casualties.

The Hythian invasion of the Halati lands results in a decisive Hythian victory, aided by a large number of local actors and tunnel lords, who turn against the Halati for their own various grudges and reasons. The King of the Halati requests to be made governor of a Halati province, and to allow Halati to retain its rights and privileges as semi autonomous. The Hythians suffer 6,100 casualties, while the Halati suffer 4,600 casualties, and the loss of numerous civilians.

The nations of Namdeon and Gesan both accept trade offers from the Ffanet of Afmwir.

  • Nura Gakan: Ulrom becomes the organized polytheistic religious center of the Gakan. This leads to the formation of three idols for the three main gods (Vangar: The god of strength/Dun: God of peace/Ogkut: God of the intelligent). The Nura Gakan religion begins to adopt a holy order mostly expanded by Oral tradition, but this begins to phase out as attempts to study the religion is expanded to the Holy Men of the Gakan. Olama begins to form on the two-river region mostly used as a de facto trade center of the state, placed at the head of the river delta. Naval raiding begins to become a more acceptable form of warfare within the Gakani people, this is mostly support and backed up by the Naval expansion across the Two Rivers. The mines begin to take a new form as the demand for iron is picked up (which is used by the army to flex/kill foes and the formation of new weapons.) Gakani farmers begin setting up farms and things of that sort by the Two-River Region. Trade becomes more and more important causing Ulum to form a navy to protect trade ships up and down the river.With the trade with Afmwir we begin to work on creating the first water mill at the the two river region.We accept the trade deal from the Northerns. The New Gakani declaimers an era of war and expansion across the region, we begin an aggressive push northward into unclaimed territory.
  • Grand Republic of Udrasia: The Grand Republic of Udrasia, formed many years ago in the high subarctic mountains, is pushing for further military dominance in their region. They establish the Einschnürung, (OTL Agoge) which is a system they will use to build their soldiers into fearless warlords who will vanquish any who dare enter their lands. Supreme Director Otto I and his District Consuls address the nation in the Grand Ceremony in Ottograd. This ceremony addresses the finances of the nation along with militaristic possibilities in the region and the state of Vohonism. The ceremony ends with an animal sacrifice to Vohon, God of Fire and God of Gods. Elder Mountain has seen recent volcanic activity and some predict a possible eruption once again in years to come. The establishment of a firm strong military and a courageous people is said to be key to the survival of our Militaristic Nation, said Otto von Alltenhoffen I in the Grand Ceremony.
  • Taivaie: The whole nation is still. The very air feels tied, as if waiting for something. Life is good, but a tension hangs, though no one knows why. No one, at least, except for a few. These are the retinue of Valinya Xielaie. After returning victorious from the southern campaign, bringing Taivaie rule up to the highlands, many bureaucrats feel threatened by the phenomenon that is Valinya. These powers conspiring against him may have been the very arms of Taivah guiding him, leading him to his destiny. For, in an attempt to rid themselves of his threat, they had him stripped naked, and then thrown in the Taiiel near several hungry river hirvio (alligators). To their surprise, he manages to kill twenty of the beasts with his bare hands, at which point they stopped attacking him, out of sheer fear. He was never again attacked by any river creature. The startled bureaucrats cowered before the wounded hero, but Valinya decided to spare their life and embraced them as brothers. It is said that each and every one of them wept on the spot for an entire week. Just as he was heading back to his home, something caught his eye. A glint of light from inside a cave. If not for the guiding hand of Taivah, he would never have seen it, for the cave was obscured by dense foliage and vines. Pushing aside the plants, he entered the cave. Any ordinary man would have bloodied his feet on the sharp rocks, but Valinya Xielaie was no ordinary man. He did not know why he was searching this cave, he just felt a supernatural compulsion to find the source of that glint he had seen earlier. At long last, he found it. A sword, firmly entrenched in the rock. Valinya gave it an experimental tug, only to be flung back, as the sword gave no resistance to his pull. When he emerged from the cave, the setting sun struck the sword, and revealed its true name: Arinrath. Prophesied to be held by the one destined to unite all the civilized peoples of Kalmiya. This was his destiny, and he heard the whispers of Taivah, telling him to kill all who stood in his way. He would forge an empire worthy of Taivah's blessing.
  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 638-647 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Jyntus III sends a counter offer to the Halati King. The Halati King will step down, and his young son son will become governor upon the end of a military governorship of five years. Furthermore, the region will be granted some autonomy, namely in customs, rites, and titles, but will be exempt from laws mandating the provision of horses and grain in times of war. [Halati Diplomacy] The restoration of peace in the Halati region causes a boom in mining revenue for Hythia. Although the Halati may have lost their absolute independence, the simplification of the export regime sees a large boost in mining profits which largely are spread among the miners and middlemen in Halatia. Symaite and Plenvaite are extracted in large quantities and support thriving mining towns. Hythian miners further south push up the eastern slopes of the Symas Kus as they search for the gems and other ores. [Prospecting and Mining] With the Rocinjabel’s apparent disinterest in Hythia, the city of Jynatia, is settled by Hythians from across the empire rather rather than let it go to waste. The organization of a government in Rocinjabel and its efforts to control traffic into and out of Hythia are looked upon with disdain. Thus, the emperor decides it best to make the best of an unstable situation and legalizes the transport of mecom (Opium) to Rocinjabel. Baljumuni Nine-eyes is invited to help distribute the mecom as his exploits single-handedly hamstrug the Halati defense and he seems likely to know how best to distribute the drug. [Personal Diplomacy] Carts laden with the highly addictive substance are brought through the Hythian gate where it is sold to the inhabitants of Rocinjabel under the watchful eye of loyal administrators hand-chosen for their commitment to protecting the empire. The merchants who supply the drug to Rocinjabel are taxed at 25% of their profits, which swiftly becomes a substantial revenue pool for the imperial treasury. A new temple to Hythus begins construction in Mythas. The building features large vaulted rooms made of brick, cement, and plaster, and painted with scenes from Hythian mythology. The Imperial Summer of Hythia continues, with more discoveries in the medical sciences as influence from Algyorgia spreads across Hythia. The dissection of animals and several cadavers by the hythian doctor Gylen results in the publication of a treaties “On the Anatomical Systems” which describes several of the basic systems of human bodily function, and also includes many charts and diagrams outlining the internal organs, their locations, and supposed functions. Investment in these sciences and arts increases under Jyntus III’s rule as the emperor himself studies mathematics as a base natural science. A new branch of Hythology, Igneology appears in the many universities of the empire. Igneology, or the study of those things which burn, examines the nature, properties, and reactions of those things which produce flame, light, or heat when reacting. The science is essentially single-handedly founded by a Hythologist by the name of Ayrestialus. In his original thesis on the topic, he posits that combustible matter contains “Ignia,” an unreleased form of fire that has potential to appear. Ayrestialus’ protegee, Plystius, goes further arguing that all heat is released ignia, and that the sun and stars are massive balls of the pure substance. He also observes the heat generated by the rubbing of two objects and by the light made by the sun. Based on these observations, Plystius publishes his own thesis in 646 which explains the presence of ignia in motion and light in addition to trapped in matter and in fire. Agricultural production increases thanks to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows exponentially due to increased wealth and nutrition.
  • Mouri Empire: The recent victories in the north succeeds in opening a path forward to victory. The forces supporting the Khin suffer the most in terms of logistics, so they are officially split into three different armies and spread out. Led primarily by the Valunian horse archers, the right and left armies maneuver around toward the opposite flanks of the Emiresq forces. Simultaneous to this, Chusiang's independent army swings around from the northwest along the high ground and Zezecula, covering the rear flank of the Emiresq forces and ensuring them to be completely surrounded. Chsiang planned that if this decisive victory was achieved, then the forces of Mouri and Khin can move in to seize control of the capital. At sea, the fleet falls back to the Zara islands to fortify their position and resupply before returning to the Emiresq coast again. The previous victories along the coast succeeded at devastating the ports and shipyards of the Emiresq, so this is expected to slow down the Zemolouna allies long enough for the fleet to reposition. We reach out to Jaculye’asmir and his vassals for a formal alliance, so that his invasion fleet can seize more important resources of the Emiresq and further support our naval endeavor. A smaller military expedition is sent to Tesembe to help relieve their position and set up a new capital of a city not occupied, so they can be sustained enough to remain as our most important ally in the region. In the far west, the result of the blockade to Isimadia's trade came into full effect, not only to embargo the sale of our minerals and metals to Isimadia, and seize all banking assets, but to entirely reroute trade in the region away from Isimadia's ports. Jasmira and Otan are also dissuaded from trading with Isimadia, and offer cheaper prices for our goods sold that was once bought in their ports. This would temporarily cause some damage to the banking firms in Gara and Ioximander-Farthest, but far less than the devastation to Isimadia's own economy until they pull out of the war. The structure of the empire had been fully organized under the reign of Emperor Arenea. She was significantly more favorable to Mouri culture than that of her mother, and worked to translate a number of romance fiction from the Pentangle of Perea into the Edomite language. Azoz itself gradually saw less importance to the empire, as most of the court officials, the Senate and First Citizen were gradually relocated to Edom, making it more convenient for the emperor to preside over both houses of government. The satraps and administrators who remained more belligerent against the emperor's authority mostly migrated west, setting up a political league centered in the city of Fotashe. The large family of her immediate ancestors ensured that the Anka had a plethora of eligible cousins, which readily filled the role of political marriages that her mother's polyandry once did. She herself bore an eldest daughter named Wanda, a name easily translated in both the Edomite and Azoz languages. Wanda would be primarily educated by an Apocist philosopher named Ptelamus in the Library of Iskandaria, raised mainly in the philosophy of the various sects of Ulm. Very quickly, contemporary sources noted how wise and clever she matured to be, even as a young child, with a certain sense of wit and charisma she also inherited from her father. In the city of Neum, the Mouri citizens had long lived in oppression of the Yannian colonists that seized control of the city many years ago, and although some at this point had converted to the Liger religion, the native culture of the region still persisted. This became most prominent during the brief rule of judges around the time of the Temanite revolt, giving the region a taste of liberation that was once held under imperial rule. For this reason, after the end of the Temanite revolt almost all satraps and administrators in the region thoroughly recognized Arenea as the emperor of Mouri, as did the rest of the kingdoms of Azoz and Usinilago. It was most logical, as she was the given that authority by the previous emperor Landrew, born as the eldest daughter of emperor Thalut V, and crowned with approval of the Patra and the Senate in Azoz. Only the personal retainers of Liger would respect his claim to the title of emperor, as well as the descendants of the original Yannian colonists in the region. One amusing letter from the Viceroy of Tuartha referred to Liger as "the first male queen". Still, as the official consort of the emperor he did retain significant authority on his own, and was given several personal palaces to reside in across Thalutia-Nys, Thalutia-Xen, Perea and Azoz. Arenea had noted the growth of her husband's religion, as the Ligerians made significant presence in the regions of Tuartha and Teman. For this reason she summoned a religious council of Patras at Medan, to make at least a preliminary decision on the matter. This council was called at a fortuitous time, as the Holy Patra of Azoz had recently died and was replaced by the much younger cleric who took the name Remu XIII. The Second Council of Medan debated for quite some time on the status of the Ligerians, but ultimately decided that they should be considered a legitimate sect of Ulm. Furthermore, the Holy Patra offered a petition to Liger, and proposed that the orthodox Ulm would consider religious reforms to better appease and accommodate the Ligerians on a couple of conditions: 1, their scriptures must be compiled together, in a plainly-understood language so that other philosophers can understand and critique it. 2, they must focus on spreading their religion eastward among the Yannian population. Meanwhile, Lucretia continued to fulfill the second request on her own volition, spreading the gospel of Liger on the continent of Yannia before returning to Edom. One day, Oranamou the First Citizen discovered Lucretia's unconscious in her room. At once, Oranamou was so struck by her grace and beauty that he became convinced she must of come from royal origin, and the bleeding she suffered must have been at the hands of brigands and bullies. So he took her in and nursed her back to health, and ultimately proposed they are wed. Oranamou realized all too late, however, that she was in fact not a princess at all, and sustained these injuries as a result of her own depression. However, Oranamou was overcome by his love for the woman, and stood by his resolve to help her regardless of her being royal or not. So he went several months in the presence of the emperor and the court of Edom, bluffing as best he could to convince them his wife was a princess of a fictional country. In the fifth month, a conspiracy of Elixane attempted to poison Arenea's food by bribing a servant named Yzem. Lucretia alone managed to uncover the conspiracy, and simultaneously revealed herself to the Anka that she was of lowly origin and not a princess. Arenea accepted this apology, and the couple continued on to be happily married.
  • The Jauvukry: The Jauvukry expands its territory deeper into the south along the coastline, with Juyun I Saeja establishing additional outposts and waypoints for citizens seeking to move into the region and exploit the resources of the newly-gained territory. Some of these individuals become fishermen, bringing with them slaves who are sent out to sea to acquire the fish and transport them back to Nauwarru for distribution throughout the Jauvukry. Utilizing the recently built Great Warrior Road spanning the width of the country, the goods produced along the coast and imported from abroad are easily traded deeper into the Jauvukry for the benefit of the citizen-warriors of the land. Jauvukid iron-wares are exported to the outside world, with the care and form shown in the production of such goods helping to gain the Jauvukid goods a sizable market abroad. With no ongoing wars and plenty of free time due to their vast slave workforce, aside from the mandatory martial training required of them, the Jauvukid warriors spend their time engaging in artisan works and intellectual studies. A wealthy noble by the name of Surudda Zamurruhuk Nindu'Salaezza takes up the hobby of experimenting upon several of his young slaves to determine what outcomes may result. Surudda begins by determine what the upper threshold for pain is for both male and females he possesses. Beginning with the slave children under his care and moving up to the elder members of the slaves, Surudda subjects the victims to a variety of torture including stabbing, cutting, pulling of fingernails, amputations, and boiling, and accurately documenting the results through his household scribes. The information recorded by the man are shared with like-minded members of Surudda's circle of acquaintances, who are fascinated by his work and his growing understanding of the human body. Many of them contribute to his work and join him in his experimentations so as to better expand the knowledge available to them on the subject of the human body. The Jauvukid vessel sent out by Supreme Warmaster Nauhezza continues sailing north along the coastline to uncover foreign lands beyond the trading city of Ludevyra. The crew of the vessel land along the shores regularly to retrieve fresh water and food before moving on, as well as documenting any native tribes they come across and their location relative to the Jauvukry. Back home, the expansion of the textile trade encourages the further cultivation of cotton becomes increasingly important to the economy. The issue of picking the seeds out of the heads of harvested cotton makes the expansion of the cotton fields hard to justify and costly to maintain, leading to many slaveowners maintaining their cotton fields only for the purposes of exporting the goods as opposed to local consumption. The War Council gathers in Jagurra to discuss the possibility of expanding north following the acquisition of new lands in the south, as well as moving the borders of the country deeper into the deset from the oasis city of Naibizza. Elements of Juyun I Feya are sent into the desert with hybrid camels and loads of fresh water and dried dates to seek out additional oases and places of interest to the state, and report their findings to the War Council upon their return. Naibizza slowly grows as the Great Warrior Road helps to make trade with the more populous interior of the Jauvukry along the Jauvuk River feasible. The slave plantations around the oasis town are now well-established, and are producing enough crops to make the city economically sound going forward. The inhabitants begin constructing walls for the city, and are encouraging fellow citizens to move into the desert to benefit from the area's expanding economy.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: A basement is built under the sky tower to house the Royal treasury. The royal treasury has a very sophisticated lock guarding it and two royal guards are stationed at it at all times. The tsarina personally funds the investigation into the lightning thing that struck the sky tower and toppled the Golden Dodo statue.
  • Mouri Empire: As the owner of the Mouri Empire, the Emperor continues his rule over the nation. Because the rogue general has not surrendered himself to authorities, the Emperor orders an army to destroy him. The Mouri Empire officially invades the Khin Confederation, dispatching a large army into the north. The army is built up by people most affected by supposed Khin attacks, and also many Yannians from the Neum region and Edomites. The Mouri army quickly overtakes the southern Khin from the rear when they aren’t expecting it. In the meantime, the emperor events a Yannian army from Xbalan to settle in the Mouri and ensure compliance. No state can rebel, as most of their armies are already not present in the nation, and the emperor’s army weakens their levies further. The emperor sends his personal guard to obliterate all resistance across the nation, by arresting any criminals present. The Edomites are allowed to take over the remnants, and asked to invade immediately. The old Azozians are largely removed from power and replaced by Edomites and Yannians. Emperor takes the title of Yungliger. Then he pens a letter to be displayed across the empire, and it reads: “Hello Hater. Oh you mad huh? I own this. I own you. I created the Mouri Empire. I’m these little Azozioni’s granddaddy. Hold up, I wrote your whole history. I am Yannis embodied, and I came through and just ran your entire life. You close your eyes and think about me every night before bed. What’s the matter little Azobo? I just killed your entire culture. You were too weak, and you made all the wrong decisions.” Later the Emperor personally ejaculates within his Nathon. He ties a noose around Nathon’s neck and drags his naked body around the capital, tied to the end of his chariot. But that was simply to celebrate, because afterward, the Nathons are granted new rights. Yungiliger proves to be a wise and kind ruler, and he treats the natives greatly. He breaks up his harem and instead grants each Yannian man dozens of native women. Each Yannian man will breed a million children for the emperor. Later the emperor speaks to the oracles and uncovers two visions. There are hunters who seek to kill beasts, so they go to the wolves den and they kill all the wolves. We slaughter the wolves den. Take the wife and slaughter that, kill the little cubs too. All the wolves are dead, so we get rid of the wolves den. There are angry lesbians who hate men. They rule Siloss and they enslave the men there. Stitchy the False Prophet has ordained it, and their slave masters kill and enslave as many men as possible. But luckily it is seen that there are nations around Siloss that are far stronger, and soon the sheer vanity and greed of Sillas, and its absolute lack of morality, will allow the free nations to destroy it. Siloss has become consumed with its quest for power, to the detriment of its people and the world. Their judgment will be as a direct result of their hubris and their disgusting behavior. It is know that those fools betray all their friends, and are utterly evil to all. The fat, hulking mass of flesh that is the Queen, she orders these treacherous acts. Soon her gluttonous appetite will catch up to her. Perhaps she does such things because she is mad she can never feel the touch of man. So she became evil to all men, and bitter and jealous of real woman who find love.
  • Thayvoeka: Ouvaushk III's regin would end peacefully in 477 PL (977 OM) after his death. He would be remembered for greatly expanding the empire, especially in the north, forging ties with Ouvthmavaza, and boosting the Thayvoe economy. He would continue encouraging expansion and trade up until his death. Trade for Ouraymiroe slaves (from the Jauvukry) to make cotton continued extensivley during this period to time. His last years, though prosporus, were uneventful. His nephew (as he had no son), Rouvthk IV, came to power soon after his fathers death, and continued his legacy, encouraging settlement in the frontier and trading with Thayvoeka's neighbors. When Maykr Zouzk came from his adventures, no one believed any of the stories of the brutal Jauvukry, the vast former Eborite lands, the matriarchy of Sillas, or the tale of the Telachitul Republic. Although many believe some were exagerated, most were proved to be true by other explores who ventured to see it for themselves, and while proving Maykr Zouzk correct, also explored a bit themselves, adding to the maps of the time. The first "world" atlas was published, although most of the map was inaccurate, especially the farther away, less populated areas.
    • Thayvoeka Aumsbek: Expansion continued south along the coast, and rural areas grew due to the amount of plantation land needed for cotton. Exploration continued southward and up the rivers of the peninsula.
  • Mesallian Culture: The upheaval brought about by Emperor Pauodegus would be a defining moment for the nations of Edom and Azoz. Because of their marriage, the Anka of Edom enjoyed a greater level of control over the Azozian lands than ever before, and silently embedded Edomite governors and leaders into the many offices and administrations of the empire. The emperor’s purge of the dissident nobility would be disastrous for the old administration of Azoz, especially with almost the entirety of the nation’s army out of the country at the time, either in the Zelonuma Emiresq or being assembled in the Khin lands by the emperor. As such, the royal couple had dozens of noblemen killed, including the rebellious and insubordinate generals and governors who had sneered at them. The “Viceroy of Tuatha” was publicly executed, with him being the last governor of any kind in the former Neum province, as instead that was made imperial territory. The royal bastard named “Wanda” was formally disinherited, as not to displease the true born children of the Anka, but she would nonetheless live a comfortable life. The eldest children of the Anka would be Shuadna’al Tezculum (Shuadna the Heir), Lasebehun Zecesula, Nascemun Yagulonus, and Berena’al Rasletemuc. As Pauodegus was unable to step foot in Azoz, the Anka marched on the city with an army to restore order herself. First the Edomites came upon the city of Medan, where they influenced the Second Council being held there. The Anka had her wife’s second husband, Oaximeyetalus, appointed Governor of Azoz Province, and trusted him to remain extremely loyal, on account of their shared marriage vows. The Anka’s grand vision for Azoz would develop in a number of ways. In terms of polytheistic religion, they endorsed the implementation of Yannian customs among the Edomite customs, and in terms of Ulm, she promoted the Ligerian sect to overtake Ulm. A policy of migrating Azozians away from the Ashe River and into the northern regions, including north of the border wall, would persist, and Edomite people were settled in large numbers along the river. Ultimately her goal would be the complete subjugation of Azoz to Edom, permanently annexing that country, and apparently not caring about the old region she claimed. The Ligerians appeared to have a similar goal, likewise having begun settling of the Ashe River. The expedition north against the Khins would also be approved by the Anka, as the expedition completed numerous goals in one. The Mouri Empire would expand greatly in the north, allowing new lands for Azozians to be sent into, and also satisfying the nation with spoils of land and captured goods. It was hoped that the action would repair relations with Syres and other important allies, and internally the war would hopefully annihilate the entirety of Azoz’s army, ensuring the region was now strictly loyal. The hunt to apprehend Chusiang began, with the fleets of Neum and Edom banding together to take the northern coast. Although, it was hoped that at sea bloodshed would be avoided to preserve the nation’s navy, as the Anka issued an edict of clemency for those who deserted from the blockade. In Syres the conquest of Tamsebe continued, with the army combating the forces dispatched by the Mouri. It would be proposed that the nation formally be destroyed, and instead the nation be split between Syres and Tesardya. In the case of Syres a new territory was established, and plans were made for permanent military bases and governors. The military aid being sent to Syres’ enemy would also compel the nation to close the straits to the Mouri, so that they could not send any more supplies to Tamsebe. It is proposed that the war with the Khin and Zelonuma end, with the Khin acquiring a section of southern Zelonuma, and the Mouri acquiring Zuen.
  • Yuhos: The Council of Elders, after much deliberation, has decided to send 100 explorers and 250 troops westward to possibly make a foothold in new lands. Meanwhile, they have also sent an order to the northern areas to begin building a large port to invite commerce and trade from foreign nations.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The pain of the people is so great, as the Mouri continuously attack us. The people cry and moan in agony, asking for the Mouri to stop. Even the Ulmians, who are have been indiscriminately killed alongside all other Zelonuma for decades, they cry out that Nolromo has forsaken them. If the Ulm god is good, why does he use his so called servants to kill his people? Why have the Ulmiand suffered the most, both as an oppressed minority in the north, to now being brought nearly to extinction by the Mouri. In the occupied lands their pain is great. The Zelonuma are rounded up and slaughtered like animals, and the soulless Mouri do not even blink an eye. Each day they casually kill their prisoners for sport. Their leader Chewsing is a big angry man who demands blood. At this point their war has lost any sense of direction or goals, and has become ridiculous and implausible. Their nation has ordered the army to stop even, but the army persists. They shrug off any moral necessity, any supplies, or any approval, and yet uniformly act like a machine. They continue to kill and kill, never tiring or halting. The men don’t have any morality or sense of self preservation. They have abandoned their families, their nation, and their god, simply to keep killing. The Mouri Empire has flat out stated they have ended the war and no longer support their army. There is literally nothing positive or beneficial that the army can do, but yet they still harm the Zelonuma for the sake of harming them. They utterly ruin everyone’s lives. Just stop. Seriously just stop, says the people. You’re such a monster. Can you stop ruining everything? I know you think it’s cool to just troll people, but it’s not funny. Some of us actually care about our nations and improve them. Can you relax? And also, the Zelonuma pray to the gods, asking that the Mouri army be completely banned. They aren’t a nation, and they don’t deserve to be able to be on this earth. In the meantime the nation is in favor of removing Tamsebe, granting it to Syres and Tesardya. After defeating the Mouri at sea, the nation focuses on building more and more ships to control the seas. Yannian soldiers pour into the nation, and the Zelonuma thank them. The coastal cities in the north are granted their independence in exchange for further neutrality.
  • Sillas: Despite numerous policies against them, Cixism continues to grow rapidly, with its population now constituting a fourth of the total population. Its success could be attributed to a more attractive doctrine–which addressed human needs better–and a higher level of organization enabling more efficient proselytization. Due to its indistinguishability from Cixian proselytization, Ulmian proselytization is also prohibited. As a result, East Ulm becomes increasingly hostile to converts, while West Ulm enters a period of definite decline–the latter being criticized as excessively orthopraxic, and upholding many beliefs incompatible with Sillan culture. Similarly, Empress Giacrexian–while maintaining an official distinction between Cixism and Ulm (the former an illicit religion, the latter a legitimate one)–places all Cixians under Ulmian religious law; thus enforcing (West) Ulmian orthodoxy at the expense of East Ulmism and Cixism. In addition, the Empress institutes more serious punishments onto practicing Cixians. Cixians are given three chances to recant their faith, which is to be confirmed by offering incense to the Empress and cursing Cixi, the Anointed One. Any Cixians who are persistent are sentenced to death by burning–a mockery of Cixi’s death on the stake. However, these laws are rarely enforced, as many nobles are Cixian, and are reluctant to “kill” another fellow Cixian due to their fear of rejection by God and not being able to access the after-life. Since many dispatched officials are lower-class civil servants, they also readily accept bribes in-exchange for falsifying documentation to clear any government suspicions of their faith. The Cixians also receive aid from the pagans, who due to their increasing tolerance of the Cixians, become increasingly sympathetic to their plight. As a response to intensifying persecutions, the Cixians become more secretive in their affairs; thus making their true numbers hard to determine while creating the illusion of the persecutions’ success. Cixian clergymen operate more discreetly, while monasteries often have a front business or organization to dispel any suspicions. Religious services are conducted in the safety of the night, and while in public, Cixians identify themselves with symbols or hidden body cues. Empress Giacrexian continues territorial expansion southward and eastward, with any rebelling tribes pacified with brute force. The settlement of frontier continues–prompted by scarcity in land in Sillas proper due to population growth and strict inheritance laws. Land distribution programs–aimed specifically to tenant farmers or landless wage laborers–are enacted, while improvements in agriculture heighten food supply and promote population growth. Five new cities are established, facilitating the development of trading routes and regional administrative centers and promoting economic connectivity. Under the reign of the Empress, the economy booms, fuelled by foreign trade. Main exports include textiles (silk, cotton, and abaca), and ceramics (porcelaneous wares, lacquerwares, earthenware, with some glassware). In addition, numerous cash crops–such as sugar cane, tea, cocoa, coconut and/or palm oil, and exotic fruits–are cultivated, primarily in the northern provinces due to a much more tropical climate, conducive to the growth of these crops. While being an autocrat, Empress Giacrexian remains an effective and capable leader; ushering Sillas into a period of political stability and prosperity, not seen since the reign of Agosqina. However, her social policies aggravates and amplifies pre-existing inter-religious and sectarian tensions. To counter criticism, Empress Giacrexian adopts the official title of “Enlightened Despot”, while instituting a system of literary inquisition to silence any political opposition as to further solidify her rule. Aside from enforcing worship of the imperial cult, she commissions numerous works of art commemorating her successes in the style of of Sillan classical sculptures; being simplistic and austere, a deep contrast to the contemporary “baroque” style characterized by complex compositions and polychrome.
  • Kingdom of Tesardya: The population reaches 1,760,000, and strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. After facing heavy casualties and the success of Syres occupying the capital and moving the army, the campaign is re-ignited and soon the northern one-half of Tamsebe is occupied. The offer by Syres to split Tamsebe is accepted, and thus the northern region is split into two external territories, with the land and population there being dealt with similar to the Niani external territories. Due to the large percentage of Ulmians in the region, genocide is started against any and all followers of the religion. Due to military exhaustion starting to reach high levels, the remaining Tesardyan army in Zelonuma remains the last currently active legion excluding the main defensive home army. Famous Unarcisist philosophers and religious leaders gather together in the newly created University of Tesardya to idealize new ideas and interpretations for the original scripture, as well as how to better define Unarcisism for the post-war generation and to further consolidate the numerous denominations now existing across the region into Unarcisism itself.
  • Melia: The Friorians have fallen to disarray, and it is the perfect time to strike, they block our path to ruling our rightful steppe and impede our expansion. The Northern Cities are especially offending. We train our military in our barracks and expand torward the Friorian lands. It is time for a new age for Melia, one of aggrssion and unmatched glory.


The Edomite-Mouri invasion of the Zuen Federation results in a decisive Mouri victory. With the majority of their forces stationed elsewhere, the Zuen lands are occupied. The Edomites suffer 3,300 casualties, the Mouri suffer 3,090 casualties, the Neumites suffer 1,300 casualties, and the Zuen suffer 10,000 casualties and the loss of numerous civilians.

The Halati accept the terms of the peace with Hythia, but in the power vacuum the region largely comes to be dominated by a series of Halati tunnel lords and prospectors, who now find themselves part of Hythia. The price of most precious metals declines, as the Halati freely import goods without any more royal duties or foreign tariffs. Baljumuni Nine-eyes begins selling mecom in the east, secretly on behalf of the Hythians, and he uses these connections to pour money out of Hythia and into his pockets. Using secret Hythian funds to smuggle drugs into the east, he then uses the profits of these trades to build a supply of weapons and loyal soldiers. He is swiftly elected ruler of Ghesjali, one of the largest shanty towns outside of Rocinjabel.

Chusiang’s army makes a final stand in the north, having been cut off from supplies and having been surrounded. The resulting battle ends with Chusiang dead and his army defeated. The Xbalanians suffer 8,400 casualties, the Neumites suffer 3,500 casualties, the Zelonuma suffer 8,430 casualties, and the Tesardyans suffer 2,490 casualties. Chusiang’s army suffers 30,450 casualties, while the remaining army is divided in one-half between those captured and those who manage to escape to the ships.

The Mouri-sponsored attack in Tamsebe against Tesardya and Syres results in a defeat for Tamsebe. The Mouri suffer 7,400 casualties, Tamsebe suffers 12,300 casualties, Tesardya suffers 3,450 casualties, and Syres suffers 4,590 casualties. As a result Tamsebe is defeated by Syres and Tesardya, leading to their demands being carried out.

The southern coast of the nation of Sillas sees immigration from the nation of Chrystalia and other southern peoples, with a number of colonies being established in and around Sillan claimed territory.

  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 648-657 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Jyntus III sends a squadron of noble executors to prevent the embezzlement of money out of Hythian coffers in the east. Baljumuni Nine-eyes is welcome to do as he pleases with the profits from the mecom sales, but his efforts to steal from the imperial treasury must cease. The new Halati Governor, the son of the previous king is given imperial support in bringing the local nobles under more firm control. To start, imperial investment is used to construct a large road to the Halati capital of Tejalak. Other minor Halati settlements are also connected to this route which becomes a major supply road to bring the wealth of the mountains down through Hythia. The Imperial Summer of Hythia enters its final years as a pushback by conservative elements within the empire mount an offensive. While education continues to spread the controversial practice of human dissection is banned after the emperor comes under extreme pressure on the topic. Fortunately, the religious backing of Hythology remains for the time being, including its sub-branches Igneology (a primitive form of the study of energy), Geology, and Geography. The death of Ayrestialus in 451 and Plystius’ death in 657 leads to a slowing in the pace of progress in the science of Igneology. In the later years of his life Plystius manages to isolate an accelerant, saltpeter, from deposits of bird-droppings in the far southwest of the nation. The material increases the violence and speed of reactions which Plsytius remains unable to explain. Unfortunately, it is the new violence of these reactions that ultimately lead to his death in a laboratory fire. The secret of his discovery is for the most part lost, except for a brief mention of the substance and its source in a personal journal. Agricultural production increases thanks to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows exponentially due to increased wealth and nutrition.
  • Grand Republic of Udrasia - 981 - 990 see massive growths in volunteer military recruitment in young men between 18 and 30. Grand Militant/First Consul Wilhelm von Manstein of the Military District of Concordia dies today at 63. Hans Ernst Günter is made Second Consul of the Military District of Concordia and Grand Militant. Otto von Alltenhoffen I calls for a census to establish a basis of the number of people extend within his Grand Republic.A sizeable portion of money will be used to fund this census.
  • The Jauvukry: The naval expedition of the Jauvukid War Council encounters the lands of the Avsylann in the north, sending back reports of their findings to Jagurra for further direction on their next objective in the foreign land. Supreme Warmaster Nauhezza authorizes the foundation of a new city named Saihenna in the south along the coastline, where plans to establish large plantations of sorghum, date palms, and cotton are underway. With the expansion of the economy in lue of growing trade with the foreigners, the Jauvukid citizenry have sought to appeal to the foreign market now open to them. Seeking an answer to the difficulty of cultivating cotton on a large scale due to the tendeous process of cotton seed removal, a Jauvuk plantation owner by the name of Zujerra Maujeddauhuk Saeja'Bunaennu develops a hand-powered machine capable of rapidly removing the seeds from the heads of cotton. Using a disk with small points fashioned into it, the machine pulls the heads of cotton through openings too small for the seeds to enter, but just large enough for the cotton fibers to be pulled through. The cotton itself is pulled and collected on one side of the machine, while the seeds are discarded into a separate end for reuse in the fields. Zujerra's cotton gin device is demonstrated to the War Council, who instantly approve of the design and assign artisans to assist with the production of additional gins for the plantations. The simplicity of the hand-cranked device ensures that even the slowest of the Jauvukid slaves are able to understand and utilize the gin effectively. Several of the units are produced for the plantations surrounding Jagurra, with the immediate result being that the amount of cotton separated by a family of slaves over the course of a long evening now only takes about an hour at most. Plans to deliver additional units to Nauwarru and Naibizza are now underway, with Jauvukid artisans working as quickly as possible to fulfill demand for the plantation owners. Naturally, due to the importance of the gin to the Jauvukid economy, the War Council makes its design a state secret, with violation of this edict punishable by death. (Self-striking due to new information) The oasis city of Naibizza is expanded in size to accommodate for the increase in slaves joining the workforce in the area, as production of finished goods in the city becomes a major part of the local economy. Several of the nobles in the city have appealed to the state to secure the city's eastern borders, fearing that the proximity of Naibizza to the desert frontier leaves the population open to incursions by nomadic tribes in the region. Fulfilling this request, Juyun I Veli is remobilized and garrisoned at the city per the official request of the local inhabitants. Plans to begin expansion into the region are under discussion by the War Council, with the aim to begin occupying locations in the desert once the claims of the lands south of the Jauvukry have been completed. Until then, camel units of I Veli begin scouting out the lands to the east, sending back regular reports of their findings. Surudda and his group continue to experiment on the bodies of their slaves, producing detailed and artistic drawings of the human anatomy, ranging from the arrangement of muscles and organs, a map of the major blood vessels in the body, and functions of the various bodily systems of a human being. Many of Surudda's counterparts take delight in removing various body parts from their slaves, and opening their skulls and poking around with the brain to determine what responses they get from their slaves. These individuals soon come to be known as "fleshmasters" by fellow Jauvukid citizens, who flock to witness the heinous works of these men and women.
  • Khin Nations: More raids are launched on the Emiresque. Heavy civilian casualties are inflicted upon the southlands of the Emiresque by small groups of riders while larger groups are isolated and harassed by larger groups of riders. The mobility of the Khin is further emphasised and a plan is made to move through the steppes and attack Khin from the South West instead of the South, thereby bypassing the fortified border of Emiresq. 
  • Qera: A new princess is crowned in 991, her name is Zatlahe IV. She is a neice of the former prince Yceue II, who was exiled to the Sayalen confederation due to an incestuous relationship with his daughter. Because of his high position as both general and prince he has been granted mercy and was sent to exile instead of the usual facial branding. The new princess supports the reforms of her uncle and doesn't spare the lower, land posessing nobility. She extends the army to a permanent size of 100,000 men, along with 3.000 men and women in the communication and logistics network.The new fertilizers developed about 50 years ago are now a lucrative niche in the market, exporting some even to the north and south. The small agricultural sector of the Qerzatlahe starts to produce a surplus of food. The writer Ycenuas travels to the Uotahtzija originally to meet with another known mathematician known as Ycqua. He returns with writings about strange local phenomenon: the lack of private property in the rural areas. The communities are organized without hierarchies and are in support with other villages who are similarily organized with mutual benefit. When he talks to the locals he notices that this development has already influenced their dialect in a way unheard before. Words marking posession vanished mostly, or bewtter to say changed their context. Instead of saying "his grain", the locals rather say "the grain at him", making clear that things like animals, people or objects cant e posessed but by themselves and the community. Ycenuas calls this phenomenon a "peasentry republic", noting that this "might be the an example for a philosophy that will end the monarchies known to this point". The spice trade goes further and further and fills the treasuries of the state. more settlers are sent west and south, along with an expedition of a few military scouts and a band of nomads is sent west to find new trading routes (EXPLORE 200 px TO THE SOUTHWEST). More settlers are sent to the west, solidifying the area ( 100 x 50 50 px TO THE WEST BECOME RURAL). 
  • Mouri People: In a most improbable series of events, a period of time which everyone had expected to reach a golden age suddenly turned into that of a dark and perilous time overnight. The enemies of Ulm and the Azoz culture were now being supported, the only allies and friends of the Ulmian faith and of Mouri were now being attacked, and the entire empire was given over into the hands of a madman. For so long the people of Azoz and Mouri saw to their rivalry against the Yannian culture, and sought after the footsteps of the apostles Prackyob and Landrew to spread the gospel of Nelrim on the Yannian continent. Now, by the deeds of one woman that paradigm was inverted, and harbingers of Drokksid are promoted on the Ashe river. The monastic chronicles ascribe Arenea the title of "the Malicious" or "the Destroyer", owing to her deeds in attempting to destroy the Mouri empire. Although the administrators appointed by Arenea concurred with the emperor's title, everyone else in Mouri would refuse to acknowledge it, evident as the monastic chronicles refers to the era as the reign of Arenea and not Pauodegus. Several peasant uprisings would occur over the next couple of years in the satrapies of Azoz and Tuartha, targeting any temple or religious institution of Yannis and publicly burning all copies of the scriptures of Liger. This would not only occur among the Ulmian population, but also the Mesallian people in the region who saw the Yannis empire as the long-time adversary of the Mesallian culture and remembered their wars against the archipelago from ages past. Even in the city of Neum itself, the Mouri population who had long lived oppressed under the Yannian colonization were now wrecking havoc in sympathy to the oppression in the rest of the empire. Several Yannian officials in the city were killed in one incident when their public reading of Ligerian scriptures incited an angry mob. Even the Water Merchants and Sons of Sutho, although had their differences with people of the rest of the empire, could see a common cause in the treat of Yannian rule over the nation, and so would often discriminate their businesses to not deal with any Yannians. Even the monastic chronicles were very sparse during this period, only attributing a few sentences for each year, and usually it was only lists of people who were executed by order of the king-consort. As the Ligerians would cull the population of nearby cities for women, most of the peasant class learned to hide their daughters and wives in underground chambers underneath their homes, which are often considered a highlight of archaeology of the period. In fact, many times, when the progress of the Neumite king was announced, the people would completely evacuate the streets and roads entirely, so as not to have to see him at all. However, the roads did end up being filled by bandits, as the most organized resistance at this time came from the legendary "Merry men" of Fillion the Swift (although in reality it was equally men and women). Fillion was master of the bow and arrow, able to shoot a fly straight in the heart at a hundred paces, as well as a brilliant user of disguises and strategy. He was the second son of a former Satrap, recently deposed during Arenea's purge of administration, and lived much of his life in the wilderness where he was taught by Zedumari warriors. With his cadre of bandits, Fillion would pillage and rob various Yannian officials along the highways, and return the money to the Mouri peasants. The ballads of Fillion, written many years later, describe his schemes to consistently humiliate and badger the Yannian officials, especially the Neumite king himself. In one such incident, he had a number of confederates in disguise during a military exercise of Pauodegus' retainers, who would periodically shout "long live the male queen!" until no man could trust his fellow soldier. Despite this dark time, a cultural revolution would be seen across the core of Azoz and other places of the empire, most likely in reaction to the actions of Yannis. A new form of art would flourish across the cities of Azoz, Perea and Medan, in a clear archaizing style that imitated the Chatna Baroque. This and similar forms of music and literature make it clear that Azoz was working to emphasize and promote their own native culture, and completely counteract any attempt to compel the styles of Yannis or Neum. At the same time, other provinces in the empire saw this as a time where the Ashe river was bastardized by the Yannian presence, and so art historians also point to a significant decentralization of styles. The Valun, Eskaladun and even Frasnoq regions took on their own unique personality, although universally inspired from the same archaizing baroque, they took it in different directions. The new province of Zeun was particularly potent in this cultural phase, where apostles were sent to restore the Basilicas that once existed there from the days of the Xera empire, and many such colonies north of the Castilean Wall. In the far west, distrust for the female monarch was compounded by disgust for the Yannian presence, and so resulted in an act of open rebellion. Gudian II, Satrap of Fotashe, seized control of all the imperial assets in the banks of Gara, on the grounds that he felt the office of emperor was now vacant. Within the kingdom of Edom, the largely Ulmian population felt tremendous sympathy for the actions in Mouri. Although it did not result in nearly as much destruction, there was still a number of open peasant riots that attacked two different Zamian temples. The Zedumari and Templar warriors, who for a long time worked in service of the empire, all resigned and left to work as private mercenaries. The Holy Patra Remu XIII died and was succeeded by Levian V, who largely returned to the earlier policies of Orthodox Ulm with regards to Yannian culture. Although he clearly still endorsed the actions of the Second Council of Medan, he did not make much effort to enforce it. Furthermore, both the Holy Patra and the Senate of Medan would express their disapproval of Arenea's actions, and stated they will never crown Liger as emperor. The city of Iskandaria remained blissfully isolated from the chaos, and the debates of both Ulmian, Mesallian and Ligerian philosophers in the Great Library remained a voice of sanity and centrism. All the children of Arenea would be raised in education by the Apocist philosopher Ptalemus, and instructed on the merits and criticism of all known religions. The Paltonic philosophers became the most vocal, utilizing their craft and influence to greatly criticize the actions of the Anka and the king-consort in all their writings. One such philosopher, Abel of Isono, wrote this: "That malicious witch says she knows what is 'favorable' to us. Is that so? You blind and ignorant people of Azoz trusted someone you had no reason to. They lied to us when they offered to restore the Chatna empire, they lied to us when they offered to attack the Yannis Empire, and once again they lied to us about a fair and mutual union. Who would reasonably trust the Edomites now? Even now, as the sheep of this nation continue to trust her, she has made us a fool in front of our enemies, an enemy to our friends, and seeks out to destroy the religion of Ulm. Oh she claims it is out of the 'love' of her husband. We know love from the gospel of Nelrim, while she has no love for anyone or anything. As for you, O Yannis, we could have been friends. Your only friend in this world. As it says in the third chapter of Nelrim's virtues 'do unto others as you would have them to unto you'. So you treat us as wild animals? Then wild animals we shall be! And as sure as there are stars in the sky, no force in the universe will tame the Great Bull of Azoz"
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: The tsarina gives birth to a son who is named Vladimir and is the heir presumptive. A tapestry of the Entire bloodline of the tsarina's is ordered and is to be put on display in the sky tower. Meanwhile, an accident involving two wagons occurs. The tsarina creates the scientific academy of Algeorgia and announces its first headmaster.
  • Yannian Culture: The Azozian chronicles have diminished in credibility, because their adherence to basic fact diminished. Firstly was their constant discussions of Liger, despite his death decades earlier being well recorded. One school of thought is that the late king’s coronation of his son during his lifetime, and the pair being of the same origin, has led to the two being confused in historical records, or even called synonymously in a metaphorical sense. The issue is the use of clear historical facts from before the Emperor had been born to describe the emperor, causing the Azozian records to be confusing. The second well regarded theory is that the Azozian chronicles used the term “Liger” as an abstract idea rather than as a historical figure; the nation’s proud history of ignorance and hatred toward the Yannians produced a literary monster that could be the butt of their jokes, and the symbol for their bitter resentment. These critical writings are often best viewed through the Azozian biases of the time. For example, they proudly declare that “Liger is the woman queen”, which although alien to modern readers, is on account of Azoz’s heavy sexism against women. As the Yannians are famed for their outspoken respect toward women, calling the king a woman would not have been insulting. Instead it would reflect poorly on the scholars themselves, as they filled their supposedly neutral accounts with crude humor and insults, which are considered inappropriate by today’s standards. The Edomite’s were even more matriarchal, so the Anka was not amused by such misogynistic comments from the Azozians. The boyish humor was likely in reaction to the fears of emasculated men, as they suddenly found their kingdom ruled by a woman for the first time. Likewise, despite the panic-stricken old boy’s club famously declaring, “a period of time which everyone had expected to reach a golden age suddenly turned into that of a dark and perilous time overnight,” the time would logically be considered a cultural renaissance. Dozens of peoples were converging on Azoz, bringing with them their innovations, ideas, and technology, and the empire no longer lived in fear of constant feuding with a Yannis Empire type or an Edomite nation. Beyond the hysterics of the vocal Azozian men, most people could recognize the Emperor for his merits and kindness. As already stated previously, the Emperor did not take any more wives, and he had broken up such harem practices in the imperial palace. The Azozian chronicles completely ignore the plain facts in this regard, but cling to the myth that the Emperor is constantly kidnapping women and keeping a thousand wives, perhaps based on the clearly hyperbolic legends of his father, some as those written one-half century ago. In that sense, the Yannian propaganda written to make the Emperor’s father seem powerful, was now influencing Azozian scholars to slander the current emperor, which no propagandists could have foreseen. In reality, the Anka had never married another man after her earlier agreement, and the Emperor never took another wife. Ironically, the empire would be most harmed by these same detractors of the Emperor, as their slander turned to misinformation, and their actions turned to civil disobedience. On account of such xenophobic attitude, a certain group of Azozians set about disrupting their own nation, causing violence, and fighting for a supposed “lost ideal” that Azoz never truly had. Accounts of peasant revolts are believed to be heavily exaggerated by these same sources, because in reality the average peasant would have benefited from the charitable policies of the Emperor. The most heavily affected by the new leadership would be the old leadership, the Azozian governors, and other literate members of society, who wrote such histories to discredit the man who disenfranchised them from their own power, not necessarily to the detriment of the common man. Across the empire, the average person would have benefited from the nation’s military interventions being ended across the world, which saw the Azozian levies returned to their families. The quick military campaigns of the Emperor, which utilized his own men rather than the Azozians, additionally resulted in enormous and quick plunder, which the Emperor would use to benefit the people and the empire, rather than himself. Across the empire the new administration worked to end religious violence. The church was reminded that Ligerian was a legitimate sect of the Ulmian religion, and when churchgoers angrily burn scripture, not only are they committing a sacrilege, they are likely harming Ulm as a whole and its attempts to convert completely non-Ulmians. With the Edomite army garrisoning Medan in full force, the Emperor intended to have himself and his wife formally coronated as monarchs. In the meantime, the Emperor has a new Holy Patra appointed, and slowly has many of the Patra appointed to be loyal to him. The Library of Iskandria and any other such institutions are officially shut down in its entirety for the time being, as since the philosophers don’t know how to act, and have dedicated their time to randomly attacking the Emperor’s wife, they lose that privilege. Only when they behave themselves will such institutions reopen. And although they may see fit to create underground societies and such, they will know that because of them the entire nation will suffer immensely, far more than can be recuperated by a knockoff library. Abel of Isono is arrested and executed, and made an example of as a rebel leader. Likewise the Emperor orders all his children to not be tutored by anyone except those he approves of, and has the children moved to Neum immediately. Across the empire these philosophers are rounded up and imprisoned, as they have crossed the line from philosopher to rebel when they abandoned any pursuit of philosophy, and instead dedicated their time to writing slander and angry editorials. After a greedy governor in Fotashe robs the people of the nation by stealing its treasury, the Emperor orders an army to march into the west and remove this governor. The spoils of the war are promised to be granted to the soldiers and to the people, whereas this governor hoards the wealth for himself.
  • Kingdom of Tesardya: Strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. Due to military exhaustion starting to reach high levels, the remaining Tesardyan army in Zelonuma remains the last currently active legion excluding the main defensive home army. Famous Unarcisist philosophers and religious leaders gather together in the newly created University of Tesardya to idealize new ideas and interpretations for the original scripture, as well as how to better define Unarcisism for the post-war generation and to further consolidate the numerous denominations now existing across the region into Unarcisism itself. Due to the large percentage of Ulmians in the newly aquired territory from Tamsebe, genocide is started against any and all followers of the religion. The post-war scene in Tesardya consists of rebuilding the economy after exhausting resources from the last couple of wars. 
  • Mesallian Culture: The Anka of Edom would go along with the plan originally proposed by her husband, in which they would seek further legitimacy in Azoz. To this end they would achieve coronations held in Medan, with the Holy Patra having been replaced by Holy Patra Esemun, an Edomite, and the rest of the city’s religious authorities reluctantly agreeing at the threat of annihilation. The entrity of the church leadership would remain in Medan, held by the Anka’s army until such an arrangement was approved of. The Anka would also convert to the Ulmian religion, to further persuade religious authorities to support them. Insubordination was considered intolerable, and the Anka approved of the punishments being levied against the philosophers. Edicts would be passed in Edom that made slander or ill speech against the monarchy a crime. In response, the philosophical idea of Freedom of Speech was talked in hushed circles among Edom’s elite, having been transplanted to the nation by the Syresian republic. Although, to them this hypothetical right was more so desired as an extension of aristocratic privilege, not as a general principle to be applied to all. Regardless, no such policy would take up root, and the closure of the philosophical dens was underway. The Anka would eventually decree that such a blanket ban was not needed, and allowed any philosophers or writers who were not publically attacking her or her husband to come to Edom and write in peace. The court would pay lavishly for poets, writers, and other artists, fostering a new circle of discussion to replace the old. Eventually she planned that libraries would be reopened, but only after it was ensured the writers ceased their clear slander and attacks against the state, and as such the Library of Azoz would remained closed for some time. After the rebels had been adequately silenced, new centers of learning would be developed by the Anka, which promoted more open discussions and research, rather than penned hit pieces. The Anka would take inspiration from the government systems of the Yannian states, which seemed more successful in holding together vast empires than the constantly rebelling Azozian model. The nation would consist of a smaller number of governorships, ruled by a civil servant handpicked by the Anka, but additionally each governor would have zero military power, as an equal figure from Edom was appointed as each governor’s military leader. Then each province would have a Yannian-style secretary; someone who answered directly to the Emperor and spoke on his behalf. Each province would be monitored by neutral committees and other imperial officials. As the west had refused to fully support the empire, and also had made off with a large sum of stolen gold, the Anka approved the plan to invade the west. The armies from the Khin region were quickly moved west, and they would be joined by additional Edomite and Yannian units. Meanwhile, Syres would fight a minor war in the east after the King of Gabatria died. After his heir attempted to revolt against the nation, an army was sent to put down this revolt, reinstating a more strict client kingdom in its wake.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The nation survives the war with the Mouri Empire and the Zelonuma make peace with the leaders of the nation. It is decided that the Zelonuma Emiresq will allow the Khin to annex parts of the south, but the nation also seeks to migrate as many people away from the region as possible. Instead these people settle the north of the nation, or launch expeditions across the sea to settle new lands. A number of new colonies are established on the west coast of the Darnan sea, while others settle in the northern region of Aycouver, and the region beyond. The Zelonuma settlers establish a presence in the mountains west of Aycouver, where they establish mines and fortresses. The capital is also moved to the city of Sesumgula. A series of new renovations take place there, creating a well defended capital. The fleet is rebuilt and shipyards are reconstructed, so that the Zelonuma Emiresq can quickly retake its place as one of the great powers of the northern seas.
  • Exerpts from the Diary of Haien Kaliya, on the War of Ascension, YA
    • Mantiin, 14th, Year of the Ascension: Valinya Xielaie stands before the walls of Kasvival. The past sitoi-Kuun (lunar year, literally "twelve-lunar") has been spent gathering support from the towns and villages in upper Taivaie, amassing a force of 9,000 warriors, mainly poorer quingiyamer(bowmen), with only nine hundred eytamer(spearmen). It is larger than the militia garrison of Kasvival, which numbers 2,000. However, scouts have reported that an army under the command of Loradien Laimaie is bound for this city, to cut off Valinya, and slay him in this heat. I have spoken with Valinya, and he says that he hopes that after this city is taken, he may be able to convince some of the great houses to defect. A young one by the name of Mytian, with the strangest accent, demonstrated to some of our soldiers how to contruct something he called an Eyskuerpion, which sounds like a northern word to my ears. It has the harsh consonants of one, anyways. Valinya observed this gathering with great interest, and then promptly hired the foreign man, because it was clear to him that the ways of the north were worth examining. Regardless, Valinya says that we will attack the city in two days' time. The soldiers are getting restless. However, I trust his judgment, and so I expect it will go smoothly.
    • Mantiin, 16th, Year of the Ascension: Blood flows down the Taiiel, streaming from the field outside the southeast gate. In all my years that I have practiced the art of writing, I lack the words to convey the slaughter that I have laid witness to. I suspect that some author in the future will joke that I simply could not understand warfare, but that is not the case. In fact, war is how I met Valinya. In the Tiifling wars, we fought side-by-side. My observance of his fighting prowess made it so that there was no doubts in my mind when he came to my village, holding the sword of the conqueror aloft, covered in the blood of his enemies, and heralding his favor with Taivah. Such was demonstrated today, when he led the quingiyamer in volley after volley in ambush, and then charged the disorganized forced. For a whole ten seconds, he was the only person charging forward, until the soldiers recovered from the shock of it and followed. After the sallying garrison had been defeated, the city's remaining defenders yielded before the conqueror. The great house of Vinaie sent an emissary to plege their loyalty upon Valinya's entry into the city. He established the main hall as his headquarters, and gave me a room in the tower, where I now write this entry by candlelight. The army under Loradien is still en route, so we will see what the future holds.


In the lands south of the the Jauvukry, a series of small city states and tribes form a new confederacy, known as the nation of Zasana. The nation gains prominence for its location on the southern cape, where it establish trade routes with across the sea in every direction. The nation requests a trade deal with the nation of Thayvoeka,

In the nation of Benysira a period of internal strife occurs. The religious authorities of the nation decree that the current kings have strayed away from the teachings of their god, and as such he has sent divine punishment upon the nation. The Kingdom of Zahmedan launches an invasion to capture the region north of them from Benysira, leading the Benysirans to request aid from Qaryaat and other allies.

The large permanent standing army in the nation of Qera strains the nation’s economy, with small scale famine breaking out in less developed parts of the nation.

A Mithadian nobleman named Ayesuculi sails to the Tsardom of Algeorgia, where he requests to marry a noblewoman from the Tsarina’s family.

The nation of Eldebethias launches an invasion of the Qaryaati colony of Gomis, quickly laying siege to the city. Diplomats demand that Qaryaat recognize the city as a province of the Eldebethias empire.

Baljumuni Nine-eyes declares the Kingdom of Mecjodola in the city of Ghesjali, having used Hythian supplied mecom (opium), weapons, and funds to slowly build his own private army of mercenaries. His kingdom becomes heavily linked to the selling of the mecom substance, and other illicit or frowned upon activities. Among his capital he builds a highly fortified inner fortress filled with gambling halls and other forms of entertainment, which attracts people from far and wide to spend their money in the densely-packed city.

The Edomite-Mouri invasion of the western provinces results in a decisive victory for the attackers at the Battle of Fotashe. The Edomites suffer 5,300 casualties, the Neumites suffer 2,110 casualties, the Mouri suffer 4,970 casualties, and the defenders suffer 19,800 casualties.

  • The Jauvukry: Following more than four decades of rule, Supreme Warmaster Nauhezza dies in her sleep at the venerable age of 79. The War Council cremates her body according to tradition, and election Mugennu Jasurruhuk Vaehu'Fanauyyau of Vauk Vaehu as the new Supreme Warmaster. The young and energetic Mugennu denounces the progressive ideals of Nauhezza, proclaiming that weaknesses of his predecessors shall not dissuade him from reclaiming the old traditions of the Jauvuk people. He promises a swift return to the old ways of bloodshed and conquest, and with the discovery of new populous lands to the south, Mugennu declares that soon the great sacrifice to Zaukad shall be one to remember. The slave breeding pits continue to churn out newborns at a horrific rate, as the mandatory sexual services of all non-serving male citizens and a surplus of young and fertile female slaves in the pits, has resulted in a population boom fueled by increasing stocks of produce imported from abroad and harvested at home. The vast amounts of fish being brought into the new harbors of the state's coastal settlements have likewise provided the Jauvukry with a supply of food once unknown to the people. The slave breeding pits of Jagurra have been greatly expanded under the various regimes of the Supreme Warmasters, with the single-largest in the city host more than a thousand female slaves, of which more than two-thirds are currently pregnant. The cries of pain, agony, and pleas of mercy by newly-acquired female slaves being forced to conceive offspring for their captives echo throughout the surrounding environs of Jagurra, horrifying many of the foreign traders who have entered the city as guests of the Jauvukry. A new census is called by the War Council in line with Mugennu's wishes, and is to be provided by state scribes the end of the decade. The naval expedition of the Jauvuk continues its mission to uncover the lands to the west of the homeland, interacting with foreign nations and tribes, and learning of their ways and the goods they sell abroad. The Jauvukid sailors ensure that their homeland is known overseas, showing the grizzly artwork of human cadavers contorted into demonic shapes and invoking scenes of terror and pain in their post-mortem poses, while paintings and tapestries of Jauvukid conquests highlight the brutal of enemy fighting men, the rape of young women, the boiling and feasting upon the flesh of children, and the devouring of the elderly by Jauvukid warhounds, are showcased by the crew to their foreign hosts. Gifts of slaves and myrrh are given to any who open their ports to the Jauvukid expedition, though word of their culture appears to be outpacing the vessels themselves as they carry on along the coastline in search of new lands. The camel units of Juyun I Saeja continue to explore the deserts to the east of the Jauvukry, uncovering many oases yet uninhabited by nomadic peoples in the region, though it is believed by some of the commanders of these desert units that the locations by only be temporarily abandoned, serving as a place of seasonal grazing. Outposts located on top of small water deposits are established in the desert by the warriors as they continue to move eastward from Naibizza, providing a series of watering holes for the warriors to return to as they move between the Jauvuk Basin and expansive deserts of the east. In the south, the Jauvukry continues to expand, swiftly claiming any lands between the newly established city of Saihenna and the city-states of Zasana. Jauvuk traders from the north head south into the land of Zasana to explore and inquire of the inhabitants of the nature of their culture and homeland. Any reports obtained from the locals are sent by to the War Council for review. The creation of the Jauvukid navy by Nauhezza continues under Mugennu, with the shipyards of Nauwarru continuing to provide for the military needs of the state as requested by the War Council. Many of the new Jauvukid ships begin to diverge greatly from the bland trading vessels of the surrounding lands, as the Jauvuk builders begin to find their own artistic style to add to the vessels. Black fan-shaped sails reminiscent of the neck of the frilled-neck lizard adorn the ebony hulls of the Jauvukid ships, both merchant and military alike. Their aggressive-looking hulls betray the increasingly elegant design and structure of the ships themselves, as the shipbuilders in Nauwarru become more skilled in their trade more than a century after their home city was founded. The 'Fleshmasters of Surudda' continue their work, with many becoming highly sought after celebrities throughout the country, highly-respected for their skill in molding the body and mind of a living human being to their every twisted whim and fancy. One such individual was contracted to highlight his work for the residents of Naibizza; by the time he had finished showcasing his skills to the crowd of thousands, all that remained by a mass of human flesh, bone, and organs masterfully shaped to resemble a condor in flight. It lived for a year, fed and cared for by the servants of the Naibizza's resident nobility. Many Jauvuk citizens and their children have taken to copying the work of the fleshmasters, whose work is widely followed throughout the nation. Though Surudda died many years ago, his contributions to the field have been well-regarded and accepted by his fellow citizens as a worthy act of veneration to Zaukad. Many schools teaching the ideals and techniques of Surudda have since been established in all the Jauvukry's major cities, and the art of fleshmastery is gaining traction within a generation of Jauvukid youth.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: After having spoken with The HOLY Dodo, The Tsarina accepts the royal marriage between her daughter and the Mithidian nobleman. A big celebration is planned for the upcoming wedding. We begin expanding both of our colonies.
  • Hythian Curpartian Empire: Years 658-667. Emperor Emperor Jyntus III dies suddenly while surveying troops on the southern border of Joredesh in 659. With apparent planning, the Emperor’s wife, only son, and two daughters are seized along with their families and spirited to an unknown location by an unknown entity. An emergency council of nobles in convened and the heads of all 26 Nobles Houses arrive in Mythas to determine a course of action. However, during the meeting soldiers storm the building led by a cadre of five wealthy merchants with ties to the Iron Bank of Hythia. Their leader, Quylan Rastali, demands oaths of loyalty from the 26 nobles in exchange for their lives. Most of the lords, too proud to submit to the coup refuse and are executed. With eight lords loyal to Quylan Rastali the remaining 18 are killed, causing a series of uprisings against the upstart merchants. The imperial family is executed by Quylan Rastali and his backers and their heads displayed in the streets. By 660 the battlelines are drawn. Support for the merchants is strongest in the urban areas of the empire, as well as along the coast, and the eastern mountains. Gyt, Wys, Mythas, and Rěvas prove bastions of support for the Plutocrats, on the other side, most of the rural territories and many smaller cities remain loyal to their former lords. The Church of Hythus, rather than be caught up in the fighting commits its considerable influence to preventing the total destruction of the lands and people of the empire, providing care to refugees, establishing aid camps, and distributing as much grain as they can manage. On the other hand, the imperial bureaucracy swears its support for Quylan Rastali. This decision by the bureaucracy essentially forces the military to either join Quylan Rastali or disband as it is largely dependent on the general bureaucratic structure to pay and feed the soldiers. The early months of 661 are marked by a series of pitched if small, battles between the imperial army and feudal militias. The sons of the lords loyal to the old regime attempt to consolidate power among themselves, establishing an informal united military, which numbers 30,000 men, largely light lancers. In comparison, the imperial army maintains a core of 12,000 professional soldiers, largely heavy lancers, including 4,000 Winged Zaraj shock cavalry. In addition to this force, nearly 20,000 semi-professional light cavalry, infantry, and skirmishers stand in defense of the new regime. Fighting rages from late 661-664, initially the new regime’s military advantages grant them a series of devastating victories against the nobles, seizing all the land from Mythas to Rěvas and south to the Tythies. Meanwhile, they also consolidate control over the territory from Gyt east to the mountains and north into the Herati realms. The nobles’ troops quickly learn discipline as desertion from the imperial army weakens its resolve to fight. 662 is marked by a major battle near Gyt which sees the united lords decimate an imperial army of 16,000 men, killing 4,000 and its commander while routing it north to Gyt which comes under a relatively ineffective siege. The city is able to receive supplies from the north, and a critical battle at a bridge over the Mynethos prevents the total encirclement of the city. Further, successes in the west allow the new regime to connect as far east as Wys, and essentially destroy the western one-half of the nobles’ forces. The dawn of 663 sees the routing of two major noble armies and the end of the siege of Gyt. With most of the empire secured under the regime of the merchants, the military shifts to counter-insurgent actions, hunting down the desperate remnants of the loyalist army. By the end of 664 the War of the River is over and a plutocratic regime installed. The overall death toll is estimated at nearly 36,000 military dead and another 80,000 civilian dead due to famine, disease, and fighting. Because the war was largely confined to the sparsely populated and most rural of areas the civilian death toll is fortunately rather low. The government, essentially structured as a trading charter features a Dirarch and an Assembly of Curparti, a new concept born in the Imperial Summer. The Curparti are organizations of workers in various industries (guilds) and have grown to become a key part of the Hythian Economy. The organization of these curparti in the government allows them to voice concerns to the Dirarch, the leader of the assembly and dictator. The Dirarch serves for life after being elected by the Assembly of Curparti and certified by the now hugely influential Imperial Bureaucracy. In practice, the empire becomes something of a Plutocratic-Corporatist State under which the Assembly of Curparti push for policies that favor the small middle class and the merchant class while the Dirarch attempts to balance these policies with preserving the support of the military, the public administration, and the peasantry. With the nobility largely reduced to honorary titles by the fighting, the merchant upper-class and Imperial Bureaucracy essentially run the nation. Behind the scenes, the Iron Bank of Mythas contributes greatly to the power of the new government, having supplied it with loans during the war, and continually supporting it as a means of preserving and enhancing the strength of the bank.The remaining years of the decade are spent rebuilding the nation and restoring the prosperity of the previous decades but the economic price is steep. Although much progress is made by 667 the loss is still felt across the empire.

  • Mouri People: Things began to gradually relax in the empire after the actions of Arenea and Palaugos to push forward their legitimacy. The initial closure of the libraries and centers of learning caused a tremendous crisis in the nation, referred to by later historians as "the Dissolution of the Arts". Aside from the destruction of the library after the Fall of Perea around 150 AR, the Library of Azoz had existed continuously from at least 250 BR, and over its entire history never once shut down by the monarch. As a result, gradually over the centuries the centers of philosophy and literature had become the chief cornerstone of Azoz culture, is the root from which the branches of science, mathematics, art, and music all stem. As the Dissolution of the Arts only lasted two years, however, it is unlikely any major innovation was actually affected. The real lasting effect of this event, however, was the subsequent policies on media censorship, preventing contemporary literature from criticizing the government or other acts that could be perceived as treasonous. Fortunately, we know of the controversies that existed at the time due to later historians that wrote about this time retrospectively, albeit at times their sources are dubious. The literature that came after the Dissolution would see a few sycophants among the authors who agreed to the censor policies. Other literature, particularly among chiasmic and epic poetry, would continue to either satirize or lament the current foreign domination, but would circumvent the censorship by being steeped in allusions and metaphors, or take on mythical locations. At the same time, some of this more esoteric poetry would also take inspiration from Yannian culture and incorporate allusions to their religious scripture. In one such example, an anonymous author described a large ox with a star above his head. The star fell off and landed on the ground, and the ox’s eyes would start bleeding profusely. The blood fell down and covered the star, drawing the shape of an X. Another story took on a fanciful description of Nathon the Pious and the Pentangle of Perea, describing how he conquered all of Edom and Tuartha during his reign and was in the process of planning to invade Yannis before being betrayed by his half-brother. Many writers quit their job rather than continue under the censorship, but the most prominent of these were the Paltonians. The Paltonic philosophers were emboldened by the execution of Abel, seeing the parallel to their own founder’s execution in the days of Diodine. They largely left the libraries to live either as hermits or vagabonds, where they continued their production of writings. Some sources described them as living in barrels in city streets, although this may have just spawned from a derogatory statement. At the same time, their writings slightly diminished from the more harsh criticism of Abel, as the satirist Diogenes noted: “well, she isn’t a monster, but we still don’t like it”. In terms of religion, a great controversy arose from the deposition of Levian VII. The new Holy Patra Eresmun proceeded with the coronation of Palogaus as emperor, but many had seen this as the act of a puppet leader. The heart of the controversy stemmed from the investiture of power in the nation, although the emperor had the jurisdiction to install Patras since ancient times, no emperor had ever deposed any Holy Patra before, aside from the accidental assassination during the reign of Thalut the Wicked. A council of clerics headed by Eresmun offered a petition to Arenea, suggesting that, as a compromise, the Emperor from now on may appoint members of a council known as the Farrapatra. Once the Holy Patra dies, the Farrapatra will vote for his successor among themselves. Meanwhile, Eresmun was determined to accept the Ligerian sect of Ulm more readily than his predecessor. As apostles of Orthodox Ulm was sent north to establish Basilicas in the former Emiresq territory, at the same time Ligerian apostles would be sent east to convert the Yannian population in their own way. The Water Merchants continued to discriminate against the Yannian population, but the Sons of Sutho and the Lemantarians would seize on the gap in the market, and offer to open trade with the Yannian population at a higher price than the Water Merchants would to native Mouri. Meanwhile, Oranamou’s son Garren was appointed to be the military secretary of the city of Teman. He is often given as the arch villain in the ballads of Fillion the Swift, tasked by the Yannian monarch to hunt down and capture the troublesome bandit and his merry men. In one such story, Garren proposed an archery contest in the city of Teman, knowing that Fillion would not resist the opportunity to show off his skill. Fillion did attend in disguise, and at the climax of the tournament, he tied for first place with Garren himself. At the final match, Garren's arrow struck the dead center of the target, instilling great admiration by the Yannian officials there. However, Fillion then flung his arrow which split Garren's down the middle, thus winning the contest. Because his compatriots had infiltrated the entire tournament while the audience was distracted, he managed to take the prize and make his escape. Finally, a collection of philosophers of many different sects and backgrounds created a group petition to the Neumite king, headed by Ptelamus of Iskandaria. They said that an ancient tradition, stemming from the days when Nelrim walked the earth, has stipulated the emperor’s court be filled with court philosophers and scientists to best advise and direct his rule, and any true emperor of the Mouri would surely keep this tradition for the sake of his people. They otherwise become very uncomfortable with the state of the emperor remaining isolated in the palace of Neum.
  • Qera: The princess takes immediate action after she learned from the food shortages, she takes immediate action. The full-grain reserves come in handy now, when large grain portions are sent to Babesqa and Sarhalena, the frontier to the Sayalen. These are regions with either few agriculture or less fertile fields. The 80.000 men are stationed to the southern border, after a peasant revolt in a village close to a fort at the border to Sapenakasa. When the Sapenakasan army intervened, this was mistaken as a thread by the local commander and he requested a reinforcement for the case of an attack. Zatlahe IV has waited for such an opportunity, when she writes a letter to the king of the realm to the south, demanding answers why there were so many soldiers of his stationed to the border. Knowing that he isn't a man of eloquence or adequate words in any kind - she had contact with him for a few years - she uses his inept usage of words to escalate the crisis. SECRET To guarantee that Qera will have the upper hand in the upcoming war, dozens of spies are sent out to gather information about the size, structure, and state of the enemy army (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). SECRET END. The food economy slowly stabilizes again when more land to the west is made arable and rice production increases in the north once again. The food surplus on the Qerzatlahe leads to a rising population and the possibility of exports in potatoes help with the situation. The spice trade continues and the current taxation laws prove to be successful, the larger amounts of wealth can support a wider net of orphanages, schools (at least for children of the upper class) and hospitals.
  • Silla: Despite a successful reign, Diacrexian abdicates voluntarily in 993, frustrated with her failure to arrest the growth of Cixism. The former Empress eventually succumbs to the ailments associated with advanced age in 995. Following her abdication, her proteges–Costanqina, Gorgonzolla, and Mascarpona–are declared co-Empresses, as outlined in Diacrexian’s will. Mascarpona, who administers the northern provinces (defined as the Teninukal and Makuku regions) enforces the ban on Cixian activity; declaring that all known Cixians regardless of status are to be condemned to death by burning at the stake. Like her predecessor, she heavily promotes the imperial cult and constructs a “Lesser Pantheon” in the city of Macocuas, though these reforms are met with little success due to native resistance. In addition, she also affirms the power of the aristocracy by generous land grants to them–thus triggering a massive movement of landless farmers southward seeking employment as wage laborers or as tenant farmers. Conversely, Gorgonzolla, who administers the central provinces (defined as Sillas proper and the province of Caloume) implements reforms that affirm the principle of social mobility. She promulgates the “Code of Gorgonzolla”, which divides nobility into two groups based on land ownership–the major nobility, or the aristocracy; and the minor nobility, which consists largely of titled small-holders. As a result of the code, only members of the aristocracy could pass their status unto their children–in contrast prior where noble status is hereditary. As a result, one can attain noble status via imperial examinations; being employed as either a civil servant or a military officer. Furthermore, she divides the population into four classes based on both occupation, prestige, and wealth; the nobles (further subdivided into three subclasses based on occupation), the merchants, the small-holders, and lease-holders. Meanwhile, Costanqina is recorded to have a lackluster rule, being uninterested in administering the affairs of the state and instead dedicating time to studying the arts and military tactics. As a result, the public is largely ambivalent of Costaqina’s rule. Due to her tolerance of the Cixians, she does not enforce the persecution against them. This, alongside rumors of her husband’s and daughter’s conversion to Cixism, fuels suspicions among anti-Cixians that she is, in fact, a Cixian herself.
  • Kingdom of Tesardya: Strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. Due to military exhaustion starting to reach high levels, the remaining Tesardyan army in Zelonuma remains the last currently active legion excluding the main defensive home army. Famous Unarcisist philosophers and religious leaders gather together in the newly created University of Tesardya to idealize new ideas and interpretations for the original scripture, as well as how to better define Unarcisism for the post-war generation and to further consolidate the numerous denominations now existing across the region into Unarcisism itself. Due to the large percentage of Ulmians in the newly acquired territory from Tamsebe, genocide is started against any and all followers of the religion. The post-war scene in Tesardya consists of rebuilding the economy after exhausting resources from the last couple of wars. With the war against the Infedel Mouri Army finally ending, the soldiers exported there to help fight against the Zelonuma forces are finally withdrawn from the region and properly returned back to the Kingdom. 
  • Yannian Culture: The Emperor is unamused by the comments of Ptelamus of Iskandria, reminding him that the Emperor has the largest retinue of philosophers and writers in his court than any other past Azozian king. As already noted, the Emperor has been a major patron of the arts, employing hundreds of people to this effect. He simply did so in Neum, and from the people there, rather than the elitist schools of Azoz, where they praise only the most manly of conservative values. And furthermore, he refuses to let these petitioning artists in, as they have not made the cut. If they wanted in to the capital, they would demonstrate their wisdom and knowledge by composing works worthy of a Neumite audition. And not to mention, the Emperor is advised that these traveling vagrants are likely tricksters and assassins, and so no dangerous people will be allowed into the capital. At this time some of the most groundbreaking works of art are done in the capital. A series of epics are written, which link the Yannians to the Mouri Empire, and their vast history. The most prominent epic would be the Ecetemid, which would draw heavily from Ligerian scripture, Yannian history, and the history of Neum, creating a consistent origin myth for the city and for the later kingdom. The Emperor orders that Oranamou be removed from office, and then Oranamou is arrested.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The nation recovers from the war and begins rebuilding. The nation focuses all of its military in the south, to ensure that the peace with the Khin remains. The nation survives the war with the Mouri Empire and the Zelonuma make peace with the leaders of the nation. It is decided that the Zelonuma Emiresq will allow the Khin to annex parts of the south, but the nation also seeks to migrate as many people away from the region as possible. Instead these people settle the north of the nation, or launch expeditions across the sea to settle new lands. A number of new colonies are established on the west coast of the Darnan sea, while others settle in the northern region of Aycouver, and the region beyond. The Zelonuma settlers establish a presence in the mountains west of Aycouver, where they establish mines and fortresses. The capital is also moved to the city of Sesumgula. A series of new renovations take place there, creating a well defended capital. The fleet is rebuilt and shipyards are reconstructed, so that the Zelonuma Emiresq can quickly retake its place as one of the great powers of the northern sea:
  • Khin Nations: With the conquest of the Southlands of the Zelonuma, the tribes are demobilized as substates regain their autonomy. Captured slaves are put to work across the nation while several smaller tribes move to settle in the pacified territory. 
  • Mesallian Culture: The successful campaign in the west would reintegrate those provinces into the Mouri Empire, and ensure that the nation’s treasury was recaptured. The Anka would offer clemency to the majority of soldiers who participated in the war, while the ringleaders of the rebellion would all be publicly executed. In addition to directly affecting the west, this show of force would also cause an effect nationwide, increasing the power of the monarchs, and ensuring that governors remain loyal and controlled. As part of an earlier promise, the spoils of the war would be given out to the people of the empire, paying for elaborate games, free food for the poor, and other benefits. Meanwhile, in Syres, after the war in the Kingdom of Gabatria, its commander, Stradus, returned to Syres and successfully petitioned to be granted governorship over Aexontia. In the city tensions had persisted over the matter of the city’s growing population, and also its economic inequality. A political alliance would be formed between one of the city’s rising reformers, Nephi, one of the city’s richest merchants, Synoacolo, and Stadus. Together they would get a series of laws passed, the first being a law granting major land distribution to Stadus’ veterans. During the consulship of Nephi he would introduce a more comprehensive land reform bill, built off the earlier reform of Stadus. The law called for the distribution of public and private land to all citizens, regardless of military service, and the law would be financed without any expense to the state, as it would be paid for by the spoils from Gabatria, as well as new taxes and tributes from the region. Tax-lists would be used to assess the price of private land for fairness, while a twenty-member committee would be appointed to oversee the land allocations. To patrol its growing empire, Syres would create permanent military units, rather than disbanding and reforming each after every war. Known as the “Espion”, these units would be stationed across the nation in permanent garrisons, and would be comprised of men enlisting for long periods of time. These units would become heavily varied, as the nation learned and adapted new tactics and units after each war. Discipline would be extremely high, with harsh punishments being installed for treacherous or undisciplined units, such as the execution of every tenth man. During times of peace these units would often drill and train, and also would be used to build infrastructure projects. Initially the state would name the first nineteen Espions; Espio I Sidoria, stationed in Usora in southern Aexontia; Espio II Fensa, also stationed in Aexontia; Espio III Maritia, stationed in Agelmur; Espio IV Loreo, stationed in Bascula; Espio V Dolia, stationed on the western cape; Espio VI Nicantia, stationed on the eastern cape; Espio VII Trisia, stationed in Tamsebe; Espio VIII Helia, stationed in Zoramvera; Espio IX Erenia, stationed near Xanulem; Espio X Neraxima, stationed in Sericolis; Espio XI Olyndia, stationed in Thusmos; Espio XII Phyna, stationed in Selanica; Espio XIII Gudumania, stationed in Karistos; Espio XIV Lydonia, stationed in Agira; Espio XV Nota, stationed near Phydinia; Espio XVI Jafonida, stationed in Krasidos; Espio XVII Thasala, stationed in Meshwati; Espio XVIII Anesidia, stationed in Marlios; and Espio XIX Gabatria, stationed in Idasimos.


In the Ngauyipalo Desert a nomadic clan is led into the north, under the command of a warrior named Nayaglnoma. He would claim to be a direct descendant of the legendary hero Nepakoori Mahcks, who had toppled the Watergarchy of Salasgramada several centuries prior. In the northern lands they mingle and fight with a tribe known as the Whutametore, and farther north of them, they encounter settlers from the nation of Taivaie.

Explorers and traders dispatched by the nation of Qera find that the region southwest of the nation is particularly hard to traverse. Not only is the terrain increasingly difficult, but the region has become a hotbed for militant peoples pushed out of the nation by Qera’s conquests, and they organize attacks against Qerans discovered in the region.

A plague breaks out in the Jauvukry, largely affecting the city of Jagurra and nearby slave breeding pits. Some of the city’s inhabitants theorize that the plague reached the nation after the first foreigners were allowed into the nation, while others blame the weaknesses of the nation’s recent leaders.

During the War of the River being fought in the nation of Hythia, King Yayiculpeda of Halati returns to the throne. Although not declaring independence from Hythia, he increases the autonomy of the region even further, and expands the province farther south to the mountains and along the river. In the east he seizes control over the great wall, allowing for control over passage through that region of the mountains.

Spies dispatched by the Qerans into the lands of the Sapenakasans return with several points of news. The Sapenakasans have established a series of highly fortified cities in the region, including several very rich port cities in the south. They have formed high relations with the nation of Malmaça, as well as a nation known as Tesumbangi.

  • The Jauvukry: Supreme Warmaster Mugennu wastes no time in isolating Jagurra from the rest of the population in the country, and ordering warriors to hunt down all infected individuals. Thanks to the records developed and collected during the experiments conducted by the Fleshmasters of Surudda decades prior, the Jauvukid warriors are able to identify the symptoms of the new plague in the infected. On the orders of the War Council, all of the infected plague-bearers are collected outside of the city in a fortified camp, and they along with their families, pets, slaves, and belongings are put to the torch. The same act is carried out in all other areas where the plague's effect can be found, and no quarter is given to those who are found to be infected. In the cities themselves, the slave breeding pits are cleased, with all infected slaves put to the touch, along with their children and any of those last known to interact with them during the outbreak of the plague. The shrieks of those dying in the pyres can be heard for miles all around, invoking several days of worship to Zaukad to accept the sacrifices and to heal his people in the wake of the blight. Thousands are killed by the state, but the campaign is effective in cleansing the land of the blight itself. Mugennu blames the open-door policy of his predecessor Nauhezza as having been responsible for allowing the plague to reach Jagurra in the first place, and uses the recent calamity to justify his plans for violent expansion into the lands of the foreigners for attempting to place a "hex" upon the Jauvukry. In line with the justification, Mugennu declares war upon the city of Ludevyra, disregarding the pleas of the Jauvukid merchants with financial interests in that city's independence. With the full backing othe War Council, several juyun are remobilized by the state; I Naesa, I Veli, and I Nindu are reactivated by the governing body, and alongside I Feya, comprise a total force of 21,920 warriors, Mugennu personally takes command of the army, and marches into the lands of Ludevyra to lay siege to the city. Seeking to avoid the folly of the Supreme Warmaster Dailizza and her disasterous conquest of Juanjala more than fifty years ago, Mugennu prepares for the campaign by bringing enough food and water on the journey, as well as putting the new Jauvukid navy to good use by ferrying supplies to the army from Nauwarru. With the advice of the Fleshmasters of Surudda, the state institutes a series of reforms managing waste disposal and living conditions in the cities and breeding pits, with the overall aim of preventing another outbreak of the plague. Many Jauvukid citizens still blame the foreigners for the blight, and have rallied behind the new genocidal policies of Mugennu. The naval expedition sent abroad to the foreign lands are ordered to return, and are instructed to kill any foreigners in their care and throw them overboard to avoid returning with another set of plague-ridden individuals. In the desert, the warrior units exploring the region east of the Jauvukry are instructed to resume the ancient practice of killing all native inhabitants encountered, and to set fire to their homes, cleansing the land of their presence. Mugennu's policy is clear and his determination unshakable, in that the old ways of the Jauvuk are to be observed from now on. He and his supporters reason that had the old ways not been abandoned, no outbreak of the plague would have occured in the first place. All planned diplomatic relations with the city-states of Zasana are abandoned, and expansion into the south discontinued in favor of focusing on conquering the lands in the north. In light of the widespread genocide of plague-ridden slaves, the War Council authorizes a plan by the slavemasters of Jagurra to move the breeding pits outside of the city limits, and to expand them in size to accomodate several thousands of enslaved women soon to be brought from Ludevyra. In cooperation with the Fleshmasters, research into what the two groups deem "the true capability of the womb" is to be conducted, with the overall aim being to vastly expand the conception quota in the breeding pits. Rather than having a single man forcibly impregnate an enslaved women, several men shall take her and the resulting offspring branded and turned over to the state. The industrialization of birth enters a new phase in the eyes of the state, and progress is demanded from those whom it concerns.
  • Mouri People: One significant facet about this time period is a general fascination with cats. Cats had always been the most frequently domesticated animal in the city of Azoz since its founding, and gradually supplanted by many more practical beasts such as cows, pigs, horses, camels, elephants and bees. But after the Yannian seizure of power, cats were much more frequently seen among art and households in the Azoz core as one part of the achaizing tradition. One collection of scholars in the Great Library, known as the Felinorati, had specifically sought favor in the court of Neum as it became a more significant city in the empire, and so primarily offered their finest collection of well-bred, fluffy cats as tribute. They were primarily led by Lucilia, a local expert in both biology and geography. But of course, they were not the only ones. Ptalemus retired, and was succeeded in his scholarly duties by Hyparchia the Younger. Hyparchia continued to petition the Emperor for the scholars of Iskandaria to come advise the king and his family. At the same time, her Azouri rival Theodore the Bald was petitioning for the same position. The Neumite secretary, Y'scoloumac, proposed to hold a competition between the two of them, as he spoke on behalf of the king. Each scholar had the chance to answer five philosophic questions, and their answers will be brought to the Neumite king to see if they are acceptable. The first question was: what is the heaviest burden a man can carry? Theodore answered that it was the burden of a great empire, while Hyparchia replied it was guilt, for no burden can be as great as guilt. The second question: what is the smartest part of the brain? Theodore answered it was the part that is in command, as the whole body depends on its wisdom. However, Hyparchia replied it was whatever part of the brain is able to fully understand what little knowledge it has, for that is invaluable. The third question: what is the hardest thing a person can do? Theodore replied it was a military victory in the face of certain doom, quoting a passage of the Ecetemid. Hyparchia, however, answered it was telling the complete truth, as nothing else is harder than that. The fourth question: what is the strongest thing on earth? Theodore answered it was the words of a great leader, which can move nations, while Hyparchia said it was patience, which can move mountains. Finally, the fifth question: who is the happiest person alive? Thodore answered it was the Emperor Palogous, who is the wealthier than any monarch before him. However, Hyparchia replied it was no one, for nobody can know how happy they are until after they are dead. Fillion the Swift continued to cause havoc as he robbed from Yannian nobles and gave to the peasents of Mouri, despite the efforts of the sherrif Garren. Fillion was known as charming and handsome as he was devious, and ultimately he fell in love with a daughter of Garren named Maren. Once the sheriff knew this, he used his daughter as bait to lure Fillion into a trap, where the hero was arrested and brought toward public execution. However, at the last second the rope of his hanging was cut by his compatriots who came to his rescue, and in fact proved that this entire event was part of his plan all along. Fillion managed to take Maren with him as they escaped back to his Merry Men outside of Teman. Tukh the Paltonian was also among this band, often noted in the ballads for his cynical wit and master swordsmandry. The Ulmian church under the leadership of Erasmun at long last began sending apostles to evangulize to the people of the Emiresq, having converted and ministered to significant population in the newly-acquired provinces of the Khin. The Ligerians likewise work at spreading across the kingdoms of Bannerman and Temayal. Erasmun went forward with the ecclesiastical reforms, and officially created the council of the Farrapatra. The arrest and deposition of Oranamou was a great shock across the empire, and many people who at one time considered the two monarchs reasonable enough now perceived an act of sheer tyranny. Ever since the days of the Temanite Revolt, Oranamou had led the most powerful faction of nobles to be strictly loyal to the words of the Anka, and blindly followed her orders in support of the Neumites even through the Dissolution of the Arts. With his arrest, a large componant of those nobles both in Azoz and Edom suspected they placed their trust too far, and began a secret conspiracy known as the Children of the Light. The Paltonians likewise worked to bridge the underground resistence in Edom, making alliances with the Edomite groups influenced by the Syresian Republic. Even while in prison, however, Oranamou continud to stanchly stay in favor of queen Arenea, and wrote many letters to his second son Erisoh instructing him to lead the moderates on his behalf, and diffuse any attempt at conspiracy.
  • Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 210th year of the Athmwir's rule (1001), after a time of isolationism under Ffan Thulchar Grymh, trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan), Perhmathwl-on-Filgaff (Parumatula), Erddub (Ardubja), Friwrh (Friuria), Thyfuch (Thayvoeka), Namhddwn (Namdeon) and Chison (Gesan) resumes, and contact with Mwirlan (Melia) is attempted to be established, while also asking to conduct trade with the two (MELIA Response). In the 212th year, explorers are sent far north by ship on the eastern coast of the large Cyrddosthan peninsula to the east of Ddenstiwrh and north of the western shore of Nurchacan (100 px), while land explorers begin to journey in the unexplored lands north of Nurchacan (Nura Gakan). In the surroundings of Drawcicheld and Rhyfthan on Lake Hinruch, mines are being set up to mine the new crystal, called churhs (quartz) by the Afmwirians. In Mercydd, the new Ffan Childda Falgiff announces a counting of all men, women and children of Afmwir, while in Ddenstiwrh, more ships are built in order to protect the coast of Afmwir, while in Cwinchulm, walls are built around the settlement. In the 218th year (1009), expansion happens in the Chffith, Cyrdd and the northern Grymhoisch river valleys, as well as to the land north of the country beyond by the Iuryll mountains. On the mouth of Grymhoisch, a new city called Chofinchwr.. Wheat, rye and barley are continued being produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, quartz, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan (Nura Gakan), Perhmathwl (Parumatula), Erddub (Ardubja), Friwrh (Friuria), Thyfuck (Thayvoeka), Namhddwn (Namdeon) and Chison (Gesan). More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith, Cyrdd and Grymhoisch.
  • Hythian Curpartian Empire: Years 668-677 Dirarch Quylan Rastali, unwilling to appear weak before Governor Yayiculpeda, dispatches tax-collects from the Imperial Administration as usual to the claimed territories of the expanded Halati Province. These collectors ar backed by a crack infantry unit employed extensively during the war known as the Unian 8 of Gyt, the force is armed and outfitted by the City of Gyt, coming equipped with the highest quality steel poleaxes, swords, war-picks, and armored with, lamellar iron armor, large round, bossed (as in having an Umbo/Boss) shields, and plumed helms. The unit, under the command of the experienced general Horat Ytis of Gyt will serve to enforce imperial rule over the territories. A second Unian,the Unian 9 of Wys also comprised of veteran troops marches directly to the East Wall, demanding that the Halati Garrison dissolve and be relieved of duty. Two more Unians, the 11th and 3rd are also brought to the border region, under orders to assist the 8th and 9th should they come to blows with the Halati. Aside from the power plays in the east, the government undertakes significant structural reforms to the economy. Rather than the insular, self-sufficiency focused policies of the past, the empire opens the doors to trade from all nations. Merchants from all known corners of the world are invited to come and participate in an exhibition of goods and wealth in Mythas. [Mod, Sillas, Qaryaati, Beraban, Algeorgian, Qeran, Exhulan, Etc. Response] Furthermore, the exhibition unveils a new grand market in Mythas, constructed adjacent to the commercial port which is planned to be expanded in the coming decades. The new market features customs houses, warehouses for rent, stalls, auction houses, and a central exchange for the buying and selling of goods. Internal production of trade goods is encouraged, and with the nobility largely ruined by the war, citizen merchants rise to the opportunity with newfound wealth. Manufacturies becomes nearly ubiquitous as all major and most minor cities support some form of centralized production, be it iron, steel, flour, beer, refined cotton, cloth, refined saffron, or any other such export goods. A large gem-cutting industry develops in Gyt as its skilled and large populace are well positioned to intercept much of the gem trade from the mountains. A second, smaller, but no less productive industry grows in Jopoksa which becomes a center of trade in the southeast of the empire. Its population, although still eastern in appearance, have begun to adopt many Hythian cultural traits including worship of Hythus, if only among their other gods. Agricultural productivity sees a period of unprecedented increase with the development of a semi-automatic seed-drill pulled by oxen or a team of men. Created by a pioneering farmer near the city of Cy, the drill substantially boosts crop yields by allowing from more efficient planting. Agricultural production increases further thanks to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows exponentially due to increased wealth and nutrition.
  • Thayvoeka: With the death of Rouvthk IV came the reign of Ikvayrz I. The trade deal negotiated under his father's reign with Zazamoeka (Zasana) continued to bear fruit, and he an extension to the deal. Under the impression that the Zaouvoeka's (Jauvukry) retraction of all diplomats from Zazamoeka and their aggressive behavior toward states in the region were building up to a Zaouvoe-Zazamoe war, merchants began pressuring the Thayvoe government to guarantee the independence of Zazamoeka to make sure Zaouvoeka could not conqer the state and raise taxes. This was eventually agreed upon by Ikvayrz I, and he declared any attack on Zazamoeka an attack on Thayvoeka. Expansion continued north, and rural areas in Thayvoeka Aumsbek continued to grow.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: After the war with the Khin Confederation and the Mouri Empire, the nation continues to rebuild and repair the nation. Soldiers remain garrisoning the south and fighting the occasional Khin raid, but it is hoped that a lasting peace will be made to stop their raids for good. These soldiers settle the frontier, and a large number of people are moved into the region. Cities in the interior see large scale reconstruction and upgrades, with new defensive structures and walls in each major city. The nation adopts a large number of cavalry into the army, copying Khin tactics and strategies. Native Khin people are also employed to breed horses and train soldiers. A number of new colonies are established on the west coast of the Darnan sea, while others settle in the northern region of Aycouver, and the region beyond. The Zelonuma settlers establish a presence in the mountains west of Aycouver, where they establish mines and fortresses. The capital is also moved to the city of Sesumgula. A series of new renovations take place there, creating a well defended capital. The fleet is rebuilt and shipyards are reconstructed, so that the Zelonuma Emiresq can quickly retake its place as one of the great powers of the northern sea:
  • Yannian Culture: Authorities reveal that Oranamou was secretly engaging in illegal acts. His house is raided and a large dungeon is discovered, containing the corpses of dozens of small children. These crimes are published across the nation, and soon people praise the Emperor for acting so decisively against such an evil criminal. Before he can be investigated further, Oranamou suddenly dies of natural causes in prison. A new First Citizen is appointed named Temetulcus, who is one of the most well respected administrators of Neum. He sets to work increasing the productivity of the nation, and orders many new overalls to administration. Elsewhere, the Emperor hears the pleas from the two philosophers, but is thoroughly unimpressed by any of their answers to the five questions. He suggests that they return with another ten questions that are thoroughly answered, and then he will consider letting such upstarts into the academic circles of the capital. In Neum the philosophers and writers of the Emperor are promoted across the country. Soon their writings become the staple of literature across the nation. As for the Paltonians, they slowly lose relevance and popularity, especially after their patrons desert them for the Neumites. A question lingers; what is the point of them? They become confused for standup comedians, because of their only claim to fame seemingly being their ability to lambast women and authorities for humor, but even these jokes start to wane in popularity. In the streets of Azoz the emancipated Nathons form a cult, in which their banding together makes them strong, despite each individual being exceptionally weak and broken. The Nathons walk in the nude, marching through the streets shouting. They are joined by the eunuchs and the poor, and they walk through the streets each and every day. Their marches employ the newest in Azozian song and dance, as they celebrate their independence and the coming new age. Their zealous calls fo the end times attract attention from some detractors, leading to violence. Finally, Father Be’elatei, a senior officer of the Knights of Jiff, decides to take action. He assembles a well trained band of monks, employing the most ornate sandwich armor. They dress themselves in metal armor shaped into the form of bread, with leaves and food tied to their body, creating a sacred armor of sandwich material. They arm themselves in salomi-clad spears and swords dipped in condiments. During a demonstration in front of the great library, in which hundreds of Nathons gather to pray and scream, the Knights of Jiff open fire upon them, causing a slaughter on the steps of the library. Hundreds are killed in the chaos. Then, Be’elatei grabs the mangled body of the High Nathon, a slender and naked body, over six feet tall and 100 pounds, and he carries it over his head as a war prize. The dying Nathon’s aching limbs, from his frail, bloodied arms to his little member, they flap in the wind as Be’elatei thrusts the body into the air like a banner, rallying his soldiers. The pursue some people fleeing into the library, and there Be’elatei creates a makeshift pyre out of a few hundred books and their bookshelves, throws the Nathons onto the pile, and starts a great fire. The religious fanatics reach a joyous symphony, as they chant, “SALOMI OUT FOR NELRIM.” The entire city becomes ablaze, consuming the library and beyond. The Ulmian zealots joyfully let the “corrupted”, non-Azozian quarter of the city burn. They find a naked eunuch boy and impale him through the legs with a spear. Then they dress the boy up in a long, blonde wig and the finest makeup they can find, and they chant “DEATH TO THE ANKA”. Finally they burn that makeshift effigy too. By the next day the non-Ulmian temples of the city are looted and destroyed, and hundreds of homes are destroyed in fire. The Jiffians proclaim zealous noble Roshtam the new First Citizen, and the founder of a new Azoz. He orders further purging in the name of Nelrim.
  • Beraba: Expansion continues eastward on the Beraban Peninsula. A vast majority of the new land is turned into farmland to bolster food stores for the growing Beraban population. Tangawkunu researchers begin implementing practices to increase crop yields such as using fertilizer and rotating crops. In cities, social projects are implemented to increase access to clean drinking water and provide better management of waste and refuse. 
  • Mesallian Culture: During this time a series of conflicts arose in the city of Azoz, which was the center of numerous religions for varying reasons. Although the nation as a whole had stabilized to a Yannian and Edomite couple ruling the nation, a minority of more extremist Ulmians developed, especially in the city of Azoz itself, where Yannian culture was practically nonexistent. They would eventually take the name “Taurites”, after the popular speech by Abel of Isono which ended with the words, “no force in the universe will tame the Great Bull of Azoz”. Indeed the Paltonians would be among the most influential in shaping the ideology of the Taurites. After the appointment of a new Holy Patra, the group became increasingly more militant and anti-monarchy, creating training grounds in the city of Azoz, as well as increasing its efforts toward publishing anti-Yannian rhetoric. The organization would come to be dominated by a triumvirate; Be’elatei, leader of the Knights of Jiff, Abel the Younger, the literary mastermind of the movement, and Roshtam, the future leader. Although the Raid of Be’elatei appeared to authorities as a completely random outburst, it would actually be heavily planned and backed by the other leaders. On the other side of the spectrum would be the Ligerians, who believed that the city of Azoz would imminently collapse into the earth in a cataclysmic event. Although sparse in the city, a large population of Nathons, eunuchs, and other members from the lowest levels of society, would emerge in the city, comprised of converts and refugees from the east. Despite being referred to by a former Azozian king’s name, the Nathons of the time would be extremely un-Azozian, likely as the product of generations of slavery from distant lands. According to one Azozian account, “the escaped slaves had been so indoctrinated by the yoke of Neum, they had fully embraced the coming apocalypse as the only way to rationalize their personal torture and harsh conditions. They scream that they are the most pious Azozians, and the rest of the city looks on in horror, trying to rationalize such beasts as from their city. They paraded through the streets naked, with wild hair and unkempt hygiene, warning of, but perhaps also welcoming, their future disaster, to mark the ends of their wretched lives.” Such disturbances motivated Be’elatei to launch his attack, which culminated in a fire at the Great Library of Azoz. Although the damage would be highly exaggerated, he had nonetheless caused the destruction of countless buildings, and the death of hundreds. However, the zealots sought the complete rebirth of the city most literally and figuratively. Roshtam would be declared First Citizen, as a call back to the first king of the city many centuries ago. The spreading fire was seen as a purifying flame over a city corrupted by Yannian vices, and the slaughter seen as the cleansing of similarly unholy heretics. Despite their dreams of grandiose rebirth, the majority of the city, and the empire at large, had no such dreams, and found the rise of such extremists an issue. Despite creating a self declared empire in an old section of the city, the rest of the empire, and even the religious authorities of the empire, recognized a more qualified First Citizen and the Emperor. Even before any military response could be issued against the city from the national government, Roshtam’s dictatorship found itself contending with the people of the city, who desired no such revolution. The triumvirate would be initially successful, crushing those opposed, and attracting a small number of recruits from across the empire. In the Ashe River region, a number of people who had been pushed off their land joined the cause, making up the bulk of the city’s peasant army. As an army was dispatched to handle the small rebellion, the Anka would pass away in the east. The new Anka of Edom would be Shuadna’al-Tezculum, while her father Pauodegus remained Emperor of the Mouri Empire, although expected to eventually relinquish control of that to her. Having been raised in Neum, she would be well versed in Yannian customs and literature, as well as the Ligerian faith and the Emperor’s philosophy. She did not totally abandon Edomite customs either, as she would reportedly be wed to a noblewoman named Hesemonada, although she displayed little affection for her supposed wife. While ruling over a vast empire, the Anka would delegate control over large territories to siblings and other relatives, leaving Neum, Edom, and the west under the control over her three brothers and sisters, which would eventually diminish the centralization that her mother had championed. Later in her reign she would begin work on a military campaign, intending to crush the strong tribes and city states of the northwest. A large army would be dispatched to the region, where they discovered the natives to be extremely fierce and independent, using horse archers and guerrilla tactics to great effect. In order to continue the campaign, soldiers were called from across the empire, and the navy would be used to attack the coast.
  • Gibu Fabanalia: at the start of this decade, the kingdom starts working on its navy, building better ships. after this is finished after a year, the leader orders the small army to go east, and officially let farmers settle farther east on the river. this lasts three years, where settlement is encouraged. after that, the king starts to increase the army for whole two years. After that, a census is held, to increase tax revenue. Next year, and onward to the end of the decade, the king encourages scientific development, especially in medicine, and a library starts being under construction.
  • Sillas: Empress Mascarpona assassinates her co-Empress Gorgonzola, due to the latter’s support for populist beliefs and progressive reforms. In hopes of establishing her legitimacy, she is coronated in the capital, and declares herself the sole Empress. To further consolidate her executive authority, she relocates her imperial court to the capital. However, her religious policies in the North have tainted her reputation, being known by the general public as a zealous despot. To evade Mascarpona’s armies advancing southward, Costanqina flees from her seat in Madiuyoúgne – establishing a provisional seat of government in Alabagnē, due to its distance from the front; as well as fortifying the river, which offers a natural boundary and heightens the effectiveness of the defensive fortifications. Costanqina authors the “Grievances”, which is a manifesto which also effectively serves as a declaration of war. To gain popular support, and to provide an ideological basis to the war, Costanqina appropriates Gorgonzola’s populist policies and enacts similar progressive reforms onto the inhabitants of the land which she administers. Similarly, she counters Mascarpona’s claim to the throne by declaring herself as the true sole Empress in a separate coronation. In anticipation of anti-Cixian pogroms, Costanqina issues the “Edict of Toleration”; which legalizes worship of all religions and cults – including Cixism, returns all properties confiscated during the persecutions, as well as renders the worship of the imperial cult as optional rather than mandatory. Costanqina launches a counter-offensive Northward, with the intent of moving the front to the Central River. Her tactics affirm and expand upon Costanza’s principles of mobility and flexibility; emphasizing swift decisive victories rather than inflicting attrition. The phalanx is retired–due to its reliance on skirmishers to secure its flanks and rear – while longer pikes and more varied formations are used to enhance the shock power of the foot-soldiers. Similarly, cavalrymen are prohibited from using their bows in close combat; being only permitted to use them from a distance, whilst chasing a routed enemy, or whilst retreat. They are equipped with thicker and more durable lances capable of withstanding impact, thus permitting multiple use. While she fulfills her strategic goals of acquiring an easily defensible border, her tactics are ineffective against the defensive lines established across the river; a weakness enhanced by her army’s lack of any skilled military engineers nor siege engines. Despite this, the Battle of North Fúerbzē results in a victory for Costanqina’s forces. She attributes this to an event that occured in the night prior to the battle, during which she had gazed up at the sky and saw a pentagram. Later in her dream, she claimed to have had a vision of the Anointed One telling her, “through me, and solely me, thou shall achieve victory.” Later that night, a bolt of lightning struck the enemy and set their fortification aflame. After occupying Central Sillas, Mascarpona’s court once again relocates to Macucuas. Due to her lack of military, she becomes reliant on allied military officials for military advice and aid; thus promoting disorganization and disunity among the ranks. Meanwhile, Costanqina officially converts to Cixism; declaring it the state religion of Sillas while still upholding religious unity. As a result, Cixism continues to resume its rapid growth.


The plague in the Jauvukry eventually subsides, although it affects its army to a small degree. The Javuk invasion of Ludevyra results in a decisive Javuk victory, with the attackers suffering 7,850 casualties, and the defenders suffering 9,000 casualties, along with numerous civilian losses.

Whereas the keeping of cats as pets becomes popular among the Azozians of the Mouri Empire, the consumption of cats as food also arises in certain circles in Neum.

The Mouri invasion of the northwest prompts the nations of the region to band together in a confederacy to resist the attack. On the west coast at the mouth of the Agripala River is the city state of Oceguna, which is the largest city in the region, dominating the southwest section of the confederacy. Along the northern coast and in the mountains are the Corocora, Flausigusti, and the Dasturani, who are renowned for their fierce guerrilla tactics. Collectively they become known as the Baenodia Confederacy. During the initial invasion the Mouri are decisively defeated, with the Edomites suffering 6,400 casualties, the Neumites suffering 1,900 casualties, the Mouri suffering 8,430 casualties, and the defenders suffering 4,980 casualties.

The Kingdom of Zahmedan successfully defeats the nation of Bensyira in battle, securing ownership over all lands outside Benysira proper. Elsewhere, the region of Gomis is elevated to a province within the Eldebethias Empire, having retained overship over the city for the past few decades.

  • Gibu Fabanalia: At this decade, the first five years are marked by continuous support of science, especially medicine. In the next two years the army grows, and in the last three years the we start sending ships west into unknown seas. 
  • The Jauvukry: With the conquest of Ludevyra completed, the survivors of the city are dragged back to the heartland of the nation and processed for slavery. Ludevyra is renamed Mugedarra in honor of its conqueror, Supreme Warmaster Mugennu. As is common, the former inhabitants of the city are pressed into slavery, with the males being gelded and sent to the mines, workshops, and labor-intensive sectors of the economy, while many of the women are sent off to the breeding pits or into the fields to harvest plant, maintain, and harvest crops. However, a handful are sent off to work in the great fisheries of the coast, where the state has been focusing a significant portion of its resources to developing. After pouring through the extensive reports given to him by the warriors who had departed from the fatherland on a grand naval expedition to the north, Mugennu is astonished by the lands he has only heard of from the despised foreign merchants. Looking to the sea, Mugennu has determined to begin expanding the Jauvukry overseas to new lands, viewing the bounty from Ludevyra, though great in quantity and quality, to be insufficent for his grand plans for the world. In the northwest lays a natural harbor the Jauvukid warriors landed once to gather resources before departing for the sea once again. Mugennu orders the establishment of a colony in this area at the tip of the peninsula, instructing about a hundred citizens and fifty slaves to move to this land. So as to provide sufficient administration for the new settlement, the War Council agrees to the formation of a new vauk, Vauk Haeba. A ship carrying the colonists to the northwest arrives safely to disembark its passengers and their cargo. The city of Haebadarra is established by the colonists, and additional supplies are sent for and received from across the water. Within the span of about five years, approximately a thousand Jauvukid citizens and their slaves reside in Haebadarra. The warriors stationed in the city expand Haebadarra's frontier (100 px expansion), and construct outposts to prevent intrusions into Jauvukid land. The Fleshmasters of Surudda establish additional schools for their trade throughout the Jauvukry, as their popularity with the masses continues to grow. The acts of the Fleshmasters have left a deep influence on the Jauvukid population, as children roam the streets to torture animals, and slaves are butchered during the gatherings of their masters. Milestones that once lined the roads of the Jauvukry have been replaced with slaves and criminals lashed to a stake and left to die, with those located deeper within the desert having long since decayed into bleached bones, the flesh long ago picked away by vultures. The Jauvuk under Mugennu's leadership have reinstated many of the old traditions of their forefathers, such as using the bones of the dead to provide great murals within the sunken avenues of the cities, and placing the bodies of dead slaves on spikes surrounding the land just outside of the city walls. By order of the Supreme Warmaster, all structures are now built in the old Jauvukid style of ancient times – white-washed isosceles trapezoid-shaped roofs of varying height, red adobe walls and foundations, and narrow slit-like windows – all invocative of the old traditions of the Jauvukid people prior to their arrival in this land. Other traditions such as ritual cleansing are reintroduced into the culture of the Jauvukid people, with regular bathing and proper waste disposal now enforced at the point of a sword.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: On the eve of September 12th, a Fire erupts in the Royal palace, the Tsarina and her family and all official documents are evacuated from the burning palace which burns down completely. An investigation is launched to find out how and why the fire started. After three weeks the High Court of Algeorgia sentences Colonel Anatov Chernenko to lifetime in prison for Endangering The Tsarina's life and Arson. Within one day of the fire, citizens outside the ruins have already begun to clear the rubble to make place for the new palace. With a generous donation from Qaryaat and the citizens of Algeorgia, work on the new palace is started within a week of the fire and is scheduled for completion in 11 years. In the meantime, The Royal family takes up residence in the sky tower.
  • Syres (will add a separate section for Edom/Mouri later): After ruling for a term as governor of Aexontia, and then returning to politics in the city of Syres for a decade, Stradus would be appointed governor of Gabatria, after the region formally became a province of Syres, and the region’s first governor proved inadequate. In the year of the 200th Jafiad (Year 1002), he would oversee a campaign across the border in Lyania and Ema, after a diplomatic incident in the region. I command of Espions XVIII, XIX, and a newly raised Espio XX Strada, Stradus would lay siege to Ema and take the city. Stradus had the rest of the delta annexed to the province of Gabatria, while in Ema and northern Lyania he installed two puppet kings. Meanwhile, Nephi ended his term as consul in the city and was granted governorship of Agelmur in the third year the the 202nd Jafiad (Year 1010), and set about reforming the region. By the end of his first year in office, he had constructed a road up to the border using his espions, and had begun raising two more. As part of the chaos of the Mouri-Zelonuma War, Syres had de facto seized the southern one-half of the Zelonuma coast, and Nephi set about integrating this region into the nation. This had never technically been approved, and it soon caused issue with the natives of the region. Various Khin clans had taken up residence in the surrounding region, causing a push of people into Syres from the west, while in the north the Zelonuma continued to operate in and around the border. Late in the following year (Year 1011), Nephi received word that a major migration was taken place, as the former residents of the southern lakes region, who had inhabited the region before the Khin seized it, were making a push through Syresian territory toward the Zelonuma border, while evading Khin raids as they went. Nephi would immediately march toward the border and block the Zelonuma, instead constructing fortifications along the border. After clashing with the Syresians for several days, the Zelonuma eventually fled north rather than crossing into Syresian territory, and Nephi followed them with his army. During this time the fleeing Zelonuma would attract support from other tribes of the region, many of which were similarly fleeing the Khin or at odds with them. After being ambushed near a hill near the border, Nephi would order his forces to garrison the hill and prepare to defend against the Zelonuma. Despite being outnumbered, the Syresians would hold the hill and force the Zelonuma backing, although taking heavy losses. Afterward, Nephi would present terms to the defeated party, stating that he would allow them to proceed into the north, but demanding that they hand over all their weapons and valuables, and that they send supplies and men to him in the future if needed. Nephi would begin to meet with Zelonuma leaders and the heads of other tribes in the region, where they tried to turn the Syresian against the Khin in the south. To this end Nephi would elect to launch a military campaign against the most ambitious Khin petty chiefs, Yaseguen, who had seized control over the northern conquests from the Zelonuma Emiresq. According to the Zelonuma living in the region, who Nephi felt indebted to help on account of their quasi client state status toward him, Yaseguen was responsible for the most brutal attacks against the Zelonuma, and was amassing a force of Khin settlers and warriors near the Syresian border. Nephi would launch his invasion in the following year (year 1012), marching on the lakes region with an army of several espions, as well as numerous Zelonuma and Khin auxiliaries, especially for cavalry. He would intend to meet Yaseguen in battle, and after which he would demand the northern Khin chieftains swear allegiance to Syres as client states, breaking from the southern confederacy.
    • After the decisive Battle of Avenia, Yaseguen would be defeated, and Nephi ordered the creation of a client state in the north, from the end of the main mountains at Syres’ western border, to the northern border with Zelonuma. Nephi would not want to pursue further issue with the Khin, as long as his client remained loyal and granted him supplies and men, and the rest of the region remained neutral toward him and his client state. He would contract a large number of Khin cavalrymen during this time, and the following year (Year 1014), launch a full scale invasion of the north. His invasion of the Zelonuma would begin along the eastern coast, before continuing into the north.
    • The invasion of the eastern Zelonuma coast by the Syresians results in a decisive Syresian victory. The Syresians suffer 4,540 casualties, while the Zelonuma suffer 12,050 casualties.
  • Edom/Mouri Empire: The new Anka of Edom was technically left without proper authority over the Mouri Empire, allowing the Emperor to establish completely control in her absence, but nonetheless, the Anka would continue to exercise control over large parts of the region. In Medan, the Edomites had a large army garrisoned, and that city acted as the de facto center of the Edomite’s control. In the west a major army remained, and as a result the western provinces remained loyal, as the Anka worked closely with her brother, Lasebehun Zecesula. After news reached the Anka of the rebellion in Azoz, she ordered her army to return east and aid in suppressing the rebellion, while she moved to Medan personally with a large army. Although the Anka shared little of the views of her father, as it pertained to his mission to punish the Azozians, but she hoped to continue a policy of a strong Edom in the region. In Edom itself the so called “Syresian-inspired” faction did not contribute much to the overall civil war, as there wasn’t a serious movement to overthrow the Anka from them, rather they voiced their complaints about seemingly anti-intellectual policies, and the Anka listened. She would open the Library of Iskandria and other important institutions in the region, easing the tensions with the angered philosophers
  • Mouri people: The philosophers and writers who moved from the library of Iskandaria to Neum had worked for a long time in tutoring and training the children of Arenea, led by the Apocist scholar Hypatia the Younger, and continue to advise and support the Neumite king and his family. Among the great literature shared at this time was the romances of Nathon the Pious and the Pentangle of Perea, which often times would mix in characters from the Yannian epics. The Ecetemid epic likewise began circulating in the Library of Azoz, with alternate versions of the story involving characters of Nathonian romance tradition. In Azoz, the Triumvirate of the Taurite revolt would start to immediately suffer from internal dispute. Be’elatei and Abel the Younger were the most extremist faction, who solidly believed in the prophesies of rebirthing the city into a new golden age for the empire, and purging out all dissidents. Roshtam the Fair, a younger and more fresh military commander, was given the title of First citizen to be a figurehead, although he quickly proved to be a more capable leader. In his personal opinion was not focused on rebirthing the city, but instead saw the Neumite king and the Anka as the sole and common enemy. Abel the Younger unexpectedly died when an attack by the slaves caused a building to collapse on him. This caused the triumvirate to split in leadership, with Roshtam and Be’elatei as rivals of each other. Be’elatei and the knights of Jiff seized de-facto control over the city, and began his purge to rebirth the kingdom from the ground up. He imposed a strict diet for all citizens, and suspected anyone to not comply as a traitor. Suspected traitors to the kingdom were to be quickly executed without any due process of law. The purge did not last long, however. The next week Roshtam instigated a conspiracy which accused Be’elatei himself as a traitor, and without due process of law he was apprehended and executed by his own men. Roshtam thus assumed complete control over the Taurites, and appointed his compatriot Proculous as the new leader of the knights of Jiff. Roshtam worked to purge out the extremists and the Nathons, and appealed to the citizens of the city to support their common cause against the false emperor and the false Anka. He further proclaimed that no longer will the term "Nathon" be used in reference to slavery, but remain in sacred remembrance of King Na-Thon the Pious, the greatest ruler Azoz ever had. This attempt by Roshtam would be partially successful in winning the support of the city, but for the most part the peasant army across the regions of Ishbak and Teman would continue to fight against him. As for the Paltonians, they never existed in any structured organization, so as soon as Abel the Younger died they went off their separate way. Under the influence of the philosopher Diogenes, the Paltonians criticized Roshtam and the Taurites for their political aims, and saw them as no less of a tyrant than the Yannians they try to overthrow. Instead, the Paltonians allied with the peasant army of Teman to form a third faction in the revolution, in contest against both the empire and the Taurites. Meanwhile, Roshtam made a series of alliances to various groups across the empire, all with a variety of backgrounds and goals, but in the common cause to depose the current monarchs of Mouri and Edom. Inigo Montoya, the governor of Eskaladun organized several bureaucrats across Eskaladun and Outer Valun to raise militias of their personal retainers. In Neum, a large group of Ulmian peasants rose up as a new mob against the Yannian overlords, headed by a charismatic cobbler named Rigel the Shoemaker. The Edomite bureaucrats who were largely influenced by the more free government of Syres was lead by Lady Shamenza. Erisoh likewise headed the Children of the Light, a conspiracy of the Edomite nobles appointed over various positions in both Edom and Azoz who held loyal respect for Arenea, but saw the new generation as responsible for the imprisonment and murder of Erisoh's father Oranamou. Collectively, this is referred to by historians as the "Seven-star Revolt", with each star representing a different faction organized by Roshtam. However, the "seven" aspect is more metaphorical in meaning, as the exact number varies depending on what is being counted. The confirmed factions involved with the revolt was: the Taurites under Roshtam, the Knights of Jiff under Proculous, the Northern Provinces under Inigo Montoya, the Children of the Light under Erisoh, the Syresian Edomites under Shamenza, and the Neumite peasants under Rigel (which makes six). In addition, Roshtam reached out to the Baenodia Confederacy, stating how since ancient times the Mouri Empire respected the free lands of their tribes, and only under this new regime who they are seeking to overthrow was that sanctity violated, and thus the requested they too send in enough military to support their revolution. Finally, Roshtam reached out to Berena’al Rasletemuc, the sister of Shuadna, for her support in the revolution, offering to make her the new Anka in replacement of the current government if she raised her own retainers. Berena'al had been the most influenced among Azoz culture than her other siblings, and thus Roshtam had hoped she would prove to be a much more favorable candidate of monarch to succeed Arenea. The third faction in the civil war would remain the peasant army of Mouri across the northern and eastern parts of the Azoz core, allied with the Paltonians under the leadership of Diogenes. In addition, the provinces of Inner Valun under the governor Prachyob likewise raised a militia to match the forces of Inigo, and he also declared his support for the third faction. Prackyob was a direct descent of native Valun tribes, and was greatly respected in the Near West for his faithfulness to their culture, as well as a strong military leader. He perceived it would be overall beneficial to unite the third faction of the revolt with the loyalists to the Anka, as the only way of tipping the scales of the war to her favor, and so reached out a proposal of marriage between himself and the Anka Shuadna. The Ulmian religion under the Holy Patra remained strictly neutral during this entire conflict, creating a strong precedence for later generations of religion remaining uninvolved with political conflicts. In fact, refugee and relief efforts organized by local Patras and Parsons would encourage cooperation between Ligerians, Shanzians and Ulmians.
  • Thayvoeka: Ikvayrz I continued his regin throughout the 1010's, expanding Thayvoe influence through trade and expansion. The slave trade with Zavazoeka (the Javukary), named the Zazamoka slave trade (due to the port city of Zasana being used extensivley to trade), exploded during the decade, and the Vizbek Thouzke (literally, west(ern) company) became one of the most prominent traders in the area, first going to Kiroeka (Qera) with Thayvoe cotton, sugar, and salt, and then branching out to Zavazoeka (the Javukary). Thayvoe cotton was traded for Zavazoe slaves, greatly prized for plantation owners, especially in Thayvoeka Aumzbek. Zavazoe policy toward "despised" foreign traders made the trade hard to do, and so most of the time it had to be done on the black market. However, in an effort to make it easier to trade with Zavazoeka, the Thayvoe government asked Mukemu (Mugennu) to open up trade, and asked for a trade agreement. Expansion continued in both the colony and the mainland, along with a proportional amount of rural areas.
    • Jauvukid Response: A letter addressing the rulers of Thayvoeka has been delievered from the Jauvukry: "Salutation heathens. It is the will of the Supreme Warmaster and the War Council of the Jauvukry that trade with the unworthy has been deemed inappropriate at this moment in time. Perhaps soon in the future Honorable Mugennu shall deem it suitable to allow heathens to return to the Land of Zaukad. May your land remain ruined and your women barren until such time Zaukad causes them to bloom."
  • Yannian Culture: The Little Rebellion is laughable and ridiculous. A bunch of sandwich cosplayers have risen up? The Emperor will crush them completely, and bring about the final destruction of Azoz. The entire empire finds it laughable that the insecure Rostob seeks to make it a priority that “Nathon” no longer mean boy sex slave. You can’t just change the dictionary just because you were raised as a little Nathon yourself. Ridiculous imbecile Rostob has condemned his entire city to complete and utter anarchy. The Emperor has become sole ruler after the death of his wife, giving him absolute control over the Mouri Empire. One by one each rebel faction will be brought to their knees. In Neum this is very simple, as Rigatoni the Coffinmaker is completely unarmed and outnumbered. The Emperor brings those Ulmians to the slaughterhouse and hacks away their flesh. The outskirts of the Yannian paradise is painted with the blood of these uninformed rebels, while the rest are converted to the true faith by force. The Emperor raises an army to crush the uprising in Teman, and have the Paltonians utterly brought to the sword. The unstable Azozian wilderness has once more shown its true colors; that it is a beastly and primitive place, unable of being civilized. As such the Emperor seeks to completely destroy that place and kill the Paltonians. They have developed from completely and utterly useless “philosophers”, specializing only in sexist, crude humor, to now being regular criminals, leading rebellion and chaos. Any philosopher would agree, their actions are barely thought out and do not follow any clear philosophy at all, as even the most primitive beast can understand survival and practicality. The nation’s largest army descends upon Teman and lays that city to the sword. The rebels will be completely and systematically killed, condemning that region to a vanquished wasteland. Secretly the Emperor chuckles that he must completely kill each and every non-Yannian citizen in his entire empire, and now that he is in old age, it has become the perfect time to completely destroy the entire nation, if there ever was such a time. His army ravages the countryside and burns the lands. They carry monstrous siege equipment of all varieties, and the most advanced Azozian catapults, hurling devastation on every town and group of people they encounter loyal to the rebels. The entire empire is to be informed: Oranamou was a disgusting pedophile and a child murderer. We must stop bowing down to such a monster and accept that he was doing horrendous acts. Meanwhile, Roshtamo is completely implicated in treason, as it is discovered that he is conspiring with the enemies of the state to slaughter his own Mouri people. The disastrous rebel has forgotten that an army of loyal, Ulmian Azozians is what is currently trapped in the mountains, and now he seeks to embolden the invaders to kill his own people. That alone changes public opinion greatly, and there is a big call to oust this upstart emperor wannabe, who thinks only of his own wealth and wellbeing, and has condemned the entire state into chaos. The nation looks to its allies, such as the nation of Xbalan, and tells it to invade and subjugate the Azozians fully. They are torn limb from limb until nothing remains but the Neumite Empire. Azoz will be laid siege to, not to conquer it, but to simply starve everyone within and help level the city to the ground, and the people are told to immediately revolt against the rebel if they wish to live. Shuadna’al Tezculum has been made Anka of Edom, Lasebehun Zecesula has been made Deputy of the West, Berena’al Rasletemuc has been made Deputy of the East (Three Cities), and Nascemun Yagulonus has been made Deputy of the South.
  • Khin Nations: Faced with the Syresian invasion, Yaseguen rides with his hosts back to the steppes to avoid an outright confrontation, preferring to let the Steppes of Khin and the wrath of Than to wear the Syresians down. Major settlements (mainly inhabited by non-Khin) are razed and torched, while fields are burned down to deny the Syresians supply. Some tribes have dispersed into the steppes, preferring to launch raids and attacks on Syresian supply caravans. On the other hand, some other tribes has also offered their services to Nelphi, hoping to undermine their tribal rivals and incentivised by Syresian gold. Meanwhile, Yaseguen sends and envoy to the Chanri Jangah, requesting his support against the invasion. 
  • Kingdom of Tesardya: Strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. Due to military exhaustion starting to reach high levels, the remaining Tesardyan army in Zelonuma remains the last currently active legion excluding the main defensive home army. Famous Unarcisist philosophers and religious leaders gather together in the newly created University of Tesardya to idealize new ideas and interpretations for the original scripture, as well as how to better define Unarcisism for the post-war generation and to further consolidate the numerous denominations now existing across the region into Unarcisism itself. Due to the large percentage of Ulmians in the newly acquired territory from Tamsebe, genocide is started against any and all followers of the religion. The post-war scene in Tesardya consists of rebuilding the economy after exhausting resources from the last couple of wars. The University of Tesardya, more regionally known as the Great University, begins cataloging the history of the Tesardyan, the Yannian influence in the nation, as well establishing the Isidorius Library, named after the last reigning King who guided the nation throughout the most recent wars. The library features most books and resources ever recorded, featuring various political manifestos published within the nation itself, as well as Yannis, Zelonuma, Syres, and numerous neighboring nations, and most controversially Mouri. Most of the collected Mouri publications are non-religious or censored however, primarily due to the anti-Ulmian policy in the nation. Many of these books and publications are translated as well. The first major educational system is implemented known as Adaeiporium ud Yidaeiun (Auditorium of Education), and numerous auditoriums of education are built or implemented across many of the major cities. They teaches arithmetic, language, history, as well as cooking and other essential courses. A population census is done [Mod].
  • Cixian Empire: Mascarpona’s loss in the Battle Macucuas results in her decisive defeat, and the subsequent collapse and reintegration of the Northern Sillan Empire. Costanqina declares the establishment of the “Cixian Empire”, renaming the capital of Sillas into Cixiapolis in-reference to the newly-adopted state religion. Due to receiving patronage from the state, Cixism continues to rapidly growth; as a result, Cixians now constitute ~37% of the total population.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The nation completely fights back against the invasion of Nephi and the Syresian Republic, and mobilizes an army to fight back. The population is also weary of war, and so the nation also considers coming to terms with the invading nation. It is hoped that peace will soon be established. A number of new colonies are established on the west coast of the Darnan sea, while others settle in the northern region of Aycouver, and the region beyond. The Zelonuma settlers establish a presence in the mountains west of Aycouver, where they establish mines and fortresses. The capital is also moved to the city of Sesumgula. A series of new renovations take place there, creating a well defended capital. The fleet is rebuilt and shipyards are reconstructed, so that the Zelonuma Emiresq can quickly retake its place as one of the great powers of the northern sea:
  • Qera: The aging princess proves to be a papertiger in the court, often making bold claims of future actions she will take or what realms will be conquered next. A secret Ogzâj is called among the high generals, the counts of the various regions and also mighty ministers of the court. They conspirate against the weak princess. They propose her second grade cousin Ycqrham. A successful coup is staged in 1012, when the guards arrest her ib her bedroom. She is sent to exile in Babesqa, stripped of name and wealth to never come back. Ycqrham takes direct action, repairs relationships with the Sapenakasan Kingdom and lowers the  governmentqal spendings on the decadent courtlife. While under Zatlahe IV banquets and fests were made at least three times a week, Ycqrham only holds them at the religious holidays. The vast riches of the empire are now used to bring advanced errigation systems to the less fertile regions to the west and north east, with first wooden pipes for shorter distances bewteen wells and fields, and with metal pipes and aquiducts for dry regions far from the nearest oasis. A tradition that is connected with Qera in the modern times starts to emerge in this period, the waterpipe. archeological finds in the region around Ogaholle, a device called the dleccao. This waterpipe is usually made out of a coconut, a wooden pipe and clay. The coconut is then filled with water, while an amount of marihuana is put into a smaller second pipe at the side of it, where it is lit. This way the smoke is filtered through the water. The grammar of the Qeran language is documented, with a more precise approach to teach the grammar for prople who come from a non-agglutinative language. It distinguishes between the vulgar and high language as well. While most of the vulgar language is spoken in a Verb-Subject-Object wordorder, while the order of High-qeran is SOV and VSO with many Sillan and Exhulan loanwords. Merchants pressure the court to sent an envoy of merchants to the rather isolated Sillans, offering them a low price for spices like peppercorns, cinnamon and chilipeppers. In exchange, the Qerans would get an exclusive trade deal for the import of Qeran pepper and access to their fine textiles, which will be bought for silver (SILLAS RESPONSE, PLEASE)
  • Empire of Grosserdrachenia: Emperor Johann IV after a long going centralization process and the establishment of more ports had decided to continue once again a new period of expansion. The Colossal Beauty of Dragsfurt sees renovations to continue the standing structures record of sturdiness and beautiful appearance. The northern sector of the Sudlands sees expansion into a region known as Kardashia after the native Kardashian people who we had good relations with and with the help of missionaries, had helped transform their society into one under Dragonistic Influences. Expansion around the Cruthemian Highlands continues. Princess Harleigh with the help of her father, establishes a small palace in the lower Wasser region for her own area to govern and reside in. Tomais Hardburgh marries Princess Harleigh. This brings in the struggling Hardburgh merchant family to become the strongest family in the country behind the royals. Exploration abroad picks up once more as competition between sailors and merchants picks up after a period of reliance on the exotic goods of the south. Emperor Johann looks toward expansion. Ulm begins to pick up attraction in the Dragonist World with people finding some connections yet are incapable of unifying the works within the Bibel and Ulm writings. More men join the army to continue the steady incline of men within the military.


The nation of Ghysänd establishes a number of colonies on the small island south of Qera’s eastern colony. They successfully defeat a coalition of native islanders, establish loose control over the island.

The second Syresian attack against Zelonuma results in a decisive victory for the Syresians, with Nephi capturing the northeast coast of the nation. The Syresians suffer 7,130 casualties, while the Zelonuma suffer 19,010 casualties, and the loss of numerous civilians.

The nations of the Baenodia Confederacy harass the retreating Edomite soldiers out of their territory, but after these soldiers leave their lands, the Baenodia Confederacy decides to remain neutral in the ensuing conflict in Azoz, content with having defended their nation.

The colony founded by the Jauvukry comes into contact with the Chrystalians of the west, and a large number of Chrystalians intermingle with the settlers. Trade is offered to the Jauvukry from Chrystalia, while elsewhere, Avsylann remains wary of the Javuk after the sudden attack on Ludevyra.

  • Gibu Fabanalia: The kingdom of Gibu Fabanalia expands east and lets people settle in the first two years. after that it is starting to encourage birth rates for the rest of the decade.
  • Mouri People: The Seven-Star rebellion fell apart almost as soon as it began. Primarily in reaction to the reports from Neum of raising military against the rebels, turned most of the common population toward loyalty to the government. The peasent revolt under Rigel fled back into their homes and villages, giving up any appearence of sedition. Eventually, however, Rigel was betrayed by his wife and turned over to the local secretary for his crimes. The Syresian Edomites of Shamenza and the Children of the Light of Erisoh largely dissolved on their own, as the new Anka was amendable to their concerns. In the Battle of Azoz, the peasent army of Ishbak and the Paltonians of Diogenes fought against the Knights of Jiff under Proculous and the Taurites under Roshtam. Both of the latter armies were desrtoyed in the battle, allowing the Paltonians and peasents to take control of the city for good. Proculous himself fell off the city wall into a catapult, and was crushed between two pieces of breadwood. The Paltonians largely settled in the city and surrounding region, but the peasent military was primarily responsible for organizing the new government under Neumite rule. With their military largely destroyed, the Jiffians returned to the primarily religious organization of the monestary they originated from. The war was completely over before the emperor could respond, and reinstated his control over the region. In the west, Prackyob proved to be a very capable commander in fighting battles against Inigo Montoya, eventually subjugating both halves of Valun and invading Eskaladun as well. Often referred to as the "Lord of the North" in the monastic chronicles, he ensured that the last resistence against the Mouri empire was put down in these regions, while at the same time expanding Mouri's influence north against local Khin clan leaders. The city of Azoz was reborn, but not in the way the Taurites had expected. Extremists of both sides of the spectrum, of both the eunuchs and the Jiffians, had been utterly expelled or destroyed. Instead, a new generation of leaders in the city sought for more positive growth and reinforcement. The culture, art and literature was largely imported from Neum in the process of rebuilding the Library and other public buildings. It was around this time that the colossal statue of Chatanguri was most likely lost, where only its head and hand has survived to the modern day. On the same site, however, a considerably smaller icon of Pauodegus was constructed, not as a statue but an abstact obelisk. Some of the monastic chronicles raised criticism of this, saying the monument had a blasphemous statement reading "to the Holy God Pauodegus". However, this is probably a mistranslation of the text in the original Yannian language, which actually read "to the Wise Pauodegus". The archaizing forms of literature and art remained in a lesser extent. It was around this time that an anonymous work made a new, more mangled version of the earlier apocrypha the Avenging of the Savior, this time heavily incorporating elements of Yannian literary tropes and references. With the reforms to society done by the Anka Shuadna, the Library of Iskandaria returned to its usual state of producing critical philosophy from all religious perspectives, including now the Ligerians. Many of these philosophers had also migrated to work in Neum at this time as well, as Hypatia the Younger helped to expand the Great Library of Neum and add their astronomical observatory. As the Ligerian Apostles helped to expand cultural influence to the east, this also helped to increase relations with the nations across the strait, and allow the Mouri Empire to set up important trade routes for the Qeran spices and Sillan silk. The religious authorities, as they had maintained neutrality during the war, now work to promote cooporation in the empire. Eresmun dies, and the council of Farrapatra convenes to elect Remu XIV to succeed him.
  • Nura Gakan: Ulrom becomes the organized polytheistic religious center of the Gakan. This leads to the formation of three idols for the three main gods (Vangar: The god of strength/Dun: God of peace/Ogkut: God of the intelligent). Due to the rise of trade we begin to expand reading and writing within the country Olama begins to form on the two-river region mostly used as a de facto trade center of the state, placed at the head of the river delta. Naval raiding begins to die down as more people begin to trade within the nation, causing the nation to slowly kill the practice. The mines begin to take a new form as the demand for iron is picked up (which is used by the army to flex/kill foes and the formation of new weapons.) Gakani farmers begin setting up farms and things of that sort by the Two-River Region. Trade becomes more and more important causing Ulum to form a navy to protect trade ships up and down the river.With the trade with Afmwir and Northern region, we begin to export Iron,gems and weaponry to the Northern folks and Afmwir. we begin to work on creating the second water mill at the the two-river region.The New Gakani declaimers an era of war and expansion across the region, we beginning an aggressive push southward into unclaimed territory, we keep on pushing south. 
  • The Jauvukry: The Jauvukid inhabitants of Haebadarra force the Chrystalian natives to remain outside of the city, and institute harsh penalties to punish any violators of this edict. Requests are sent back to Jagurra from Haebadarra to determine the origin of these people and locate their homeland, as many of the Jauvukid settlers are interested in trading with the Chrystalians for their precious gems and metals. These requests are granted by Supreme Warmaster Mugennu, and scouts are sent out to ascertain the homeland of the Chrystalians to open trade with them. Mugennu prefixes this allowance with the requirement that all foreign trade go through Haebadarra before passing on to the Jauvukid homeland in the southeast. The Chrystalian home island is located by the navy, who rely the information to the inhabitants of Haebadarra, but likewise details the tropical island's sparse population. There was only one city the sailors could locate, and it appeared to be more of a small fishing village than the great port of trade they had been expecting. The settlement of Haebadarra is expanded northwest (100 px expansion), moving deeper into the interior and taking advantage of the more forgiving climate of the region. The War Council upon direction from Mugennu, passes an edict requiring all Jauvukid citizens to maintain permanent residences in the cities of the Jauvukry. From now on, all citizens of the state shall reside within the urban centers of the country, and venture out during the day to work in the fields and workshops. The slave breeding pits are placed into special districts within the cities, where all new slaves will be sired by citizens working on behalf of the state. Mugennu's order effectively places the entirety of the entirety of the Jauvukid population into six urban locations, each with an average population of about twenty thousand. Combined with the road network built by the state, citizens and slaves are able to move throughout the Jauvukry and continue with their trades with as little interruption following the order. Nauwarru, Saihenna, and Mugedarra organize a unified shipbuilding industry with the importing of ebony-woods transplanted to the fields of Haebadarra. The fishing sector of the economy grows in size, and trade with foreign states through Haebadarra to the rest of hte Jauvukry flourishes. The frontier of Mugedarra is expanded to border the lands of the Avsylann to the north, and border posts are put up by the Jauvukid warriors to indicate their new claims along the new frontier. In keeping with the policies of the Supreme Warmaster, any merchants from Avsylann wishing to conduct trade with the Jauvukry must take their goods far to the west to Haebadarra, and sell them there for transport by east to the Jauvukry. In the south, the warriors of the Jauvukry establish another frontier with the inhabitants of Zasana, and block off any access to the north by the southerners by direct order from Mugennu. Juyun I Saeja and Juyun I Naesa depart for their annual combat maneuvers outside of Nauwarru. Both combat units partake in mock battles and drills outside of the city, the results of their training are distributed to the other juyun of the warriors to adopt and incoporate in future drills at their garrison locations. Mugennu tours the Jauvukry to ensure that the warriors are maintaining their discipline and combat expertise, and makes it clear that he is prepared to begin replacing officers who fail to match the level of discipline he and the War Council are looking for. The Fleshmasters of Surudda begin to market their skills to the foreign courts beyond the Jauvukry, stunning crowds with their clothes of human skin and faces stitched together to form long coats and skirts, the array of sharp blades and fine tools carried by members for their work, and the bone jewelry the female members of the organization wear in public. Throughout the Jauvukry, the Fleshmasters have a wide following, with children playing with the bodies of the dead and massive audiences of thousands flocking to the city squares to watch the Fleshmasters at work on their latest projects on flesh and bone. Jauvukid camel units in the far east continue to provide detailed reports on the lands beyond the mountains east of Jagurra, giving the War Council a clearer image of the territory in the desert, and the oases located there.
  • Syres: After the successful defeat of the Zelonuma along the coast, Nephi would contract a large amount of slaves and tribute, which were sent south toward Syres, while from the subjugated tribes he called for supplies and horses. Up to the start of the new year (Year 1015), he had primarily fought against the rural inhabitants of the Zelonuma Emiresq, having had little interaction with the major cities near the mountains and the coast. Beginning that year he entered the Janter Coast, renowned for its highly productive mines and slave dens, where Ulmian slaves were tasked with the harsh labor, or reduced to sexual slaves – the “Nathons” – for the Darnan and Zelonuma overlords. In this region Nephi discovered a highly decentralized part of the state, where individual janter lords ruled semi autonomously. Since the days of the old rebellion on the coast, numerous lords were even Ulmian or the descendants of former slaves, who established for a time their own breakaway kingdoms during the chaos in the region. Nephi would treat with these nobles kindly, finding that many Ulmians were sympathetic to him over the Zelonuma, especially after their state army had been pushed out of the region. At the northern river Nephi would encounter his first city that refused to submit, and began a siege of the region. He would write back to the state that the nation’s navy would be needed to protect his efforts, and he additionally raised two more Espions, raising his total number to eight. During this time Nephi would also pen a very detailed description of his wars for propaganda purposes, which would also include detailed accounts of the natives and their way of life. He would be particularly fascinated by their temples, where the Zelonuma poured grain as a sacrifice down a long, small hole, as a sacrifice to their gods. After the fall of the river cities, Nephi came under attack by a more coordinated reprisal from the primary government of the Zelonuma Emiresq. He discovered that on the west coast of the mountains, and also on the northern mountains to his northwest, the Zelonuma possessed large population centers, however, they had also taken a heavy toll in losses attempting to repel the Mouri and Khin prior to his entry. By the end of the year the general presented terms to the Zelonuma Emiresq itself, demanding that the leader of the nation submit to Syres as a client of the state, and that the southeastern part of the nation being granted to Syres directly. Additionally, Nephi expected to divide the continental land of the region into smaller substates. In the meantime he continued his advance into the interior, having the Syresian navy defend his flank and supply him, while his allies also supplied him on land. In Syres the two primary allies of Nephi, Stradus and Synoacolo, were elected as joint consuls, and they passed legislation granting Nephi a longer term and additional aid for his campaign. After their consulships, both men returned to lucrative governorships across the nation. Synoacolo became governor of Aexontia, and took a keen interest in Neum during the civil war in the Mouri Empire. He would strengthen the border considerably, and increase Syres’ presence in the region.
  • Edom: Although the rebellion in Azoz largely righted itself on its own, major damage had been done to the empire as a whole. The city of Teman had been sacked with harsh severity, resulting in an enormous loss of life in the process. Likewise the city of Azoz had been devastated as well, being the battleground for several militant factions for the better part of the decade. Certain factions such as the Paltonians had been innumerably destroyed, never again reaching the same level of prestige, as most of their membership had been killed in the rebellion, while the rest became labeled traitors for the foreseeable future. The city of Medan had served as the de facto capital of the Azoz Province in the meantime, but after the rebellion the Anka returned to Edom. The Anka’s forbearance for the region had largely run dry, so she returned to her homeland to focus on Edomite matters for a time, leaving her aging father in command of Azoz solely. Despite it being expected that she would inherit the Mouri Empire after her father died, the Anka became reluctant of such a thing, and it became clear that the Emperor favored a son over a daughter in that matter.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: After ten years of construction and planning, the New Royal palace is inaugurated and the tsarina and the royal family move in. With the new census conducted the army is expanded to 45,000 soldiers. In addition to this, the navy is expanded from 110 ships to 130 ships. We expand our colonies.
  • Thayvoeka: With the Zauvoe (the Jauvukry) posturing toward Zazama (Zasana) threatening trade headed west, especially to Keroeka (Qera), immediate action was taken. Zazama (Zasana) and Avzam (Avsylann), two of the states most threatened by Zauvoe (the Jauvukry) expansion, were offered an alliance to prevent Zauvoe (the Jauvukry) expansion into their states, as well as to foster trade [Mod Response]. Meanwhile, Ikvayrz I, using the superior Thayvoe navy (as Zauvoeka (the Jauvukry) mainly focused on land forces), threatened to blockade the Zauvoe (the Jauvukry) if they did not open trade with Thayvoeka and promised never to invade Zazama (Zasana) or Avzam (Avsylann). The thought behind this was that the barren desert of Zauvoeka could not sustain the warrior populous if food and clothing fabrics were not imported from other countries, and the warriors of Zauvoe (the Jauvukry), only effective on land, wouldn't have a chance to attack the ships on the sea. Zazama (Zasana) was also asked to open their ports to the Thayvoe navy to use it as base of operation to validate the threat. The navy continued to develop, with the land forces (not needed with the peaceful neighbors) decreasing significantly, with more manpower being put into the navy. The one exception was Thayvoeka Aumsbek, which kept a significant amount of its troops to ensure no invasion could occur. Trade with Keroeka (Qera) by the Vizbek Thouzke, looking to offset loss of the Zauvoe (Jauvukry) slave trade, was boosted significantly, and trade with Avzam (Avsylann) for frankincense also began. Rural areas continued to grow considerably during this period, and exploration east and south continued.
    • Thayvoeka Aumsbek: The cotton industry continued to be the main source of income for Thayvoeka Aumsbek, but the deficit in Zauvoe (Jauvukry) slaves made slavers much more useful. They enslaved the natives instead, which were seen as less strong but more abundant than Zauvoe (Jauvukry) slaves. Due to this, expansion continued to find more natives to enslave, and rural areas grew due to cotton plantations.
  • Kingdom of Tesardya: Strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. Due to military exhaustion starting to reach high levels, the remaining Tesardyan army in Zelonuma remains the last currently active legion excluding the main defensive home army. Famous Unarcisist philosophers and religious leaders gather together in the newly created University of Tesardya to idealize new ideas and interpretations for the original scripture, as well as how to better define Unarcisism for the post-war generation and to further consolidate the numerous denominations now existing across the region into Unarcisism itself. Due to the large percentage of Ulmians in the newly acquired territory from Tamsebe, genocide is started against any and all followers of the religion. The University of Tesardya, more regionally known as the Great University, begins cataloging the history of the Tesardyan, the Yannian influence in the nation, as well establishing the Isidorius Library, named after the last reigning King who guided the nation throughout the most recent wars. The library features most books and resources ever recorded, featuring various political manifestos published within the nation itself, as well as Yannis, Zelonuma, Syres, and numerous neighboring nations, and most controversially Mouri. Most of the collected Mouri publications are non-religious or censored however, primarily due to the anti-Ulmian policy in the nation. After a few decades of recovering from the last century of conflicts, the resources lost are mostly recovered. The population census is completed [Mod].
  • East of the Wall Culture: This decade is defined by the specatular rise and untimely fall of tunnel lord Baljumuni Nine-eyes. Baljumuni's kingdom, based in Ghesjali and the northern region of Mecjodola, begins to experience an extreme amount of wealth compared to the other shantytowns of the culture. This is from not only Baljumuni's personal stores which have only increased due to the mecom (opium) trade, but also from mining operations within his kingdom. Within the culture, redistributive gift-giving by the tunnel lords remains the primary mechanism by which average (by which I mean abjectly poor) settlers maintain subsistence. In exchange, the refugees form a band of mercenaries around Baljumuni Nine-eyes, who - sensing that he is aging - decides to expand his kingdom. As a renowned tunnel lord, Baljumuni knows a number of the important smugglers and traffickers in the area near Rocinjabel, which remains the primary shantytown city of the culture. Buljumuni sets his sights on Rocinjabel, and sneakily moves his mercenary corps through the mines underlying the western mountains and Hythus' Wall to arrive at the foot of Rocinjabel. The mercenaries, themselves quite sleazy figures, wreak havoc upon the city of Rocinjabel, pillaging from the temple of Hythus the Builder and the possessions of various rival tunnel lords. The council that presides over Rocinjabel flees en masse to their secret tunnels and down to the south. Doing so, they accept a substantial loss of prestige whereever they arrive, and in a sense become a band of refugees fleeing from other refugees. Baljumuni Nine-eyes, however, does not have long to bask in the glory of his unification of the East of the Wall Culture. Within a matter of weeks, he has contracted a terrible illness with a high fever. Heirless, Baljumuni orders his most loyal lieutenant, Qodrajin the Whip, to bury large sums of gold and other precious metals within a secret location in the tunnels. As Qodrajin is en route to Ghesjali, where Baljumuni is dying, his is ambushed and murdered, and the secrets of Baljumuni's treasure appear to be lost forever. Chaos breaks out in Mecjodola when Baljumuni succumbs to his illness, and the people of the kingdom mourn heavily for the loss of their patron and protector. For even though Baljumuni Nine-eyes was cruel to his enemies, he maintained the cultural customs of redistribution. Toward the end of the decade, a new generation of tunnel lords begins to emerge. In particular, a settler shantytown colony called Nurbekel begins to emerge to to the south, comprised of refugees from Rocinjabel.
  • Yannian Culture: The rebellion is completely crushed, with the Azozian cities burned to the ground. Roshtam and the last of the rebel scum are captured and dragged out of the wreckage. Roshtam has his name hereby stripped from him, and he henceforth will be known only as Nathon. He loses the right to clothing or hygiene, and is dragged through the streets by chariots until his body is badly broken and bruised. Every tooth in the man’s mouth is pulled out, and every hair on his body is removed. The High Lucretia dons a glove of hard iron, with black rocks embedded into the knuckles. She beats the Nathon’s disgusting genitalia until that member becomes a bleeding, mangled hulk of flesh. Then his tongue is cut off too, and his jaw is broken. Each arm and leg is cut off, but healed well, so that he is but a stump of man. Finally the Nathon is brought before the great throne of the Emperor. The little boy is a plaything in front of that strong man. The Emperor takes that stump and has his way with it, wielding him like a tool in his strong hands. The plaything is sodomized many times until the Emperor is satisfied, all while his bulging eyes watch, unable to speak a single word. When he is finally done the Emperor dons the iron condom, which is a fitted piece of armor suited for his hulking member, and encrusted with icons and jewels. The Emperor wears that as he sodomizes the plaything again, slowly cutting open the thing’s insides. He takes it out and scraps his member all over his body as well, causing a thousand cuts all over the remains of his body. Finally, in one last thrust to climax, the Emperor impales the Nathon through the heart, and the Nathon breathes his last breath. The plaything is then hanged in the city square, with vultures ripping off the rest of his flesh, and his blood and organs falling into a fire below. Henceforth all these despicable creatures will become known as Nathons, and no longer will that name be used by any sane individual who is not a sexual slave boy. Slowly from the inside Azoz is dismantled, with the occupying soldiers removing the rubble from the rebellion. Instead people move to the new colonies built just outside the city limits, where the rubble is used to construct new homes for people. Miles east of Azoz is formed the new city, known as Jaligena, which is announced to be the new seat of government for Azoz. All who bow to the Emperor are accepted, while the rebels are brutally killed. The empire is once more fully under the Emperor’s control, and he continues his work elsewhere.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The nation orders another full mobilization of the state, intent on completely surrounding Nephi in a major battle. This battle will be the culmination of the war, in which the Zelonuma Emiresq successfully destroys the invaders, after decades of harassment from so many nations. The population is also weary of war, and so the nation also considers coming to terms with the invading nation. It is hoped that peace will soon be established. A number of new colonies are established on the west coast of the Darnan sea, while others settle in the northern region of Aycouver, and the region beyond. The Zelonuma settlers establish a presence in the mountains west of Aycouver, where they establish mines and fortresses. The capital is also moved to the city of Sesumgula. A series of new renovations take place there, creating a well defended capital. The fleet is rebuilt and shipyards are reconstructed, so that the Zelonuma Emiresq can quickly retake its place as one of the great powers of the northern sea:
    • The Zelonuma counterattack against the Syresian invasion results in a decisive Syresian victory, with the Syresians successfully repulsing the attack. The Syresians suffer 5,490 casualties, while the Zelonuma suffer 15,400 casualties.
    • Zelonuma Diplomacy: The nation decides to accept the terms from Syres.
  • Cixian Empire: Empress Costanqina summons the College of Pontiffs to Cixiapolis to discuss the issue of heretical practices and beliefs–particularly among gentile converts; the conference concludes that while heterodoxy is impermissible, proponents of such heresies are not to be punished nor sought for. In addition, the conference re-emphasizes the importance of delivering proper religious instruction to remove any scriptural ambiguities. To consolidate Cixian orthodoxy, she also declares the Orthodox Cixian Church as the state church–effectively categorizing all other Cixian sects as illicit religions; thus, subjecting their adherents to state-sanctioned persecution. Due to her patronage of the Cixian faith, the Empress receives the title of “the Great” by the High Pontiff; in return, the Empress institutes a “religious tax” (~2.5%) levied on one’s income, and dedicates the funds to the construction of Cixian churches and social programs. Aside from her patronage of religious activities, the Empress implements numerous social reforms–most of which are intended to alleviate the wide socio-economic disparities between the classes. The civil code is expanded, while any loopholes are struck down. A maximum of twenty dependent households is established; thus, limiting landlords to a maximum of twenty leased estates at any period in time. In addition, landlords are not allowed to seize the property of their tenants as payment, nor evict tenants until they have acquired a lease on another property. To increase educational attainment, a system of free public schooling, targeted to the commoners, is established. Apart from offering religious and moral education, it also covers basic arithmetic, algebra, and literacy. Similarly, civil servants serve as town scribes to ensure even the illiterate can participate in public affairs. To hasten the procession of laws and requests, the Imperial Council becomes a unicameral body, with each province sending one appointed representative, and nine elected representatives. The practice of administering poll taxes and literacy tests, as a systematic method of denying people to the right of suffrage, is declared illegal. Similarly, copyists and proctors are employed in imperial examination halls to prevent cheating as well as any bias from the test administrators, thus ensuring that civil and military officials are to be selected based on merit. Costanqina ends her predecessor’s isolationist foreign policy – accepting all foreign merchants and opening up all ports to maritime commerce. Border defenses are reinforced to prevent foreign incursions and solidify territorial integrity. A diplomatic mission is dispatched to Syres, with the intent of establishing formal relations as well as to acquire linen and wool (prized for their water-absorbent qualities), papyrus, and wine; in exchange for silk, porcellaneous wares, and cash crops (particularly tea and sugarcane). Expeditions are sent to map and survey the Northern coasts, as well as eastward to find new trading routes. Minor expeditions are sent southward. “Little Qera” is purchased from the Qerans, the latter of whom are now subjected under a preferential trading policy (tariff exemption) and are now bound to the Sillans via a military alliance. Ethnic Qerans are to be given full citizenship, with first-generation Sillan citizens being allowed to have dual citizenship. Chrystalian colonies in the mainland are invaded.


Despite the defeat of the Zelonuma Emiresq and its surrender to the nation of Syres, across the nation rebellion persists. The Darnan islands, having not been subjugated by Syres directly, secede from the Zelonuma Emiresq, while in the remnants of the nation, a conspiracy begins to attack Syres with support from Isimandia and other allies.

The nation of Zasana accepts an alliance with the nation of Thayvoeka, while the nation of Avsylann declines. Despite declining a formal alliance, Avsylann continues to trade with the nation of Thayvoeka and foster closer ties.

After the colony of Cyphretzija is sold by the nation of Qera to the Cixian Empire, there is discontent among the native population. The inhabitants of the colony dislike being sold to a foreign power, and push to establish an independent nation.

The Sillan attack against the colonies of Chrystalia results in a decisive Sillan victory. The government of Chrystalia sues for peace with the Sillans, promising them land on the mainland. The Sillans suffer 3,590 casualties, while the Chyrstalians suffer 11,950 casualties.

South of the colony of Nurbekel and the shanty towns built along the Hythian Wall, a leader named Yapulcagel leads a tribe from the east toward the southernmost gate of the Hythian border. After a brief skirmish with Hythian settlers in the region, he settles the southern mountains, using a large number of slaves to build his kingdom, and sending raiders north to extort smaller towns for valuables.

  • Gibu Fabanalia: The nation starts expanding up the river and letting people settle in the first two years, then the navy goes west for two years. fter that, research is encouraged for eight years, especially into metal working.
  • Yannian Culture: WRATH, is what the gods sing of, when they speak of the great Tree Man. He had come from our own wrongful fascination with the unobtainable; to timber the gifts that the cosmos had planted upon the earth. So they gave us Tree Man, to fight for the rights of the world, and to create a world in which humanity lived in harmony with the rest of creation. It was in the darkest of nights that the world shook with his reckoning. The city of Azoz had burned to an ember, but a ghastly glow remained, permeating from deep within its tissues. Under that foul place lay the Azogi; vast volcanic caverns and tunnels, where the Azozioni shaped matter itself and the dark arts, and produced the unholy machinations of creations like evil gods. Produced from the filth and mud of the Azogi rose their evil servants, which walked the ground with their accursed step. And to power such godless machines, the Azozioni cut down the trees and diverted the rivers, and laid devastation to the entire world. But there was one who resisted. Deep in the heart of the dark forests was three identical twins, who banded together, and they designed a creation that would stop the forest hunters for good. Their machine was a great tree, twenty feet tall, and two feet across, and hollowed out and well equipped within. There the three brothers stood on each other’s shoulders, and operated the tree trunk as a great piece of armor. His legs walked with a creaking contraction of gears and wood, and his arms were like strong oars controlled by the brothers. On his face lay the anguish from the destruction of the world. His eyes burned with a fierce fire, and his mouth was a screaming hole that devoured food with ease. He was Tree Man. Into that body was poured all his anger, rage, and eternal wrath, and the strength of a thousand beings. On his hands he equipped strong iron gloves with black stone knuckles, like an emperor, and on his wooden member lay the iron condom of vengeance. Thus, he came upon Azoz with fiery justice and power, his mouth joint swinging in joy. He came upon the wood cutters and beat them into submission with his big wooden appendages. He roared and echoed across the forest. When they tried in vain to slash at him with their swords, they found that his wooden bark was too strong to be penetrated. Finally he threw the last man down to his knees before him, as his leaves rustles in the wind. Tree Man would give him the Wood of Reckoning, destroying the wood cutter for good. There he planted the trees and freed the slaves. He discovered one such slave to be the most handsome boy of all, and Tree Man began to fall in love with him, so he called him Nutboy, his sidekick. But that was not the end of his tale. In the halls of Azoz the rich had become corrupt and greedy, desiring the woodcutters to destroy nature for their gain, while impoverishing the poor, who needed wood to rebuild their homes. The rich raised an angry mob to hunt Tree Man through the streets, and to “free” Nutboy. Tree Man and Nutboy fled to the very top of Azoz Mound, where the heavens reigned over that inhospitable place below. At that peak he stopped and contemplated for many years, living as a brave treeminder in the cold mountain peak. But a spirit came to him, saying that his work was not yet done. He would need to return to the world, one last time, and destroy the corrupt Woodigarch of Azoz once and for all. He awoke from this vision, realizing that it had given him just enough time to prepare himself. As he raced home he discovered that the Woodigarch had already sent assassins to find him, and they had killed his beautiful Nutboy. Overcome with anger, Tree Man killed the assassin, and returned to Azoz to destroy Woodigarch and his reign. He soon found that much had changed since he left. The lands had become increasingly desolate, and the city was a destroyed ruin in the heart of that barren plain. The Woodigarch had prepared himself as well, and he had armed himself with one of the strongest champions, and the biggest enemy of the trees. That being was known as Squidling. He was a giant man, with an octopus-like face. His tentacles flowed down around his body, with sharp and precise accuracy, and chains hung from his body like whips. At the Battle of Jaligena the two heroes met and battled until the sun had set, and Tree Man found himself weak and injured. It would seem that the great hero would finally come to an end for good. (TO BE CONTINUED)
  • Mouri People: The city of Azoz had been completely rebuilt, but constantly expanding far greater than it ever was before. The urban centers outside of the main core of the city began to sprall out into the countriside, creating a suburban landscape that connected the main center of the city to the new district of Jaligena. Many people had migrated out of the city, especially among the peasents who had been unable to acquired their homes from the rule of the Taurites. Largely these people migrated eastward, establishing many new cities in Tuartha along the coast near and around Neum. Many others migrated north and settled in the new colonies of Zeun beyond the Castilean wall. The family of the Neumite king also continued to be advised and tutored by the philosophers from Iskandaria. As Yannian literature became more common in the Great Library of Azoz, one large reaction to it would be the advent of satire, making epic stories and novels meant to parody or mock the styles of epic romanes from earlier Azoz or Yannian works. The most famous satirist of this time period was Nucilon, whose stories commonly featured a protagonist of the same name. His most important work at this time was The Tree Man. Nucilon's charictature of himself is shown as a simple man and honest to a fault, only hoping to find his own place in the world. His girlfriend of many years dumped him at the beginning of the story, running off in the dead of night with an athlete named Chabel. Nucilon himself only found out by a note she left on the back of a sports ticket stub. Utterly distraught and disilusioned, Nucilon went to Jaligena to the only one place he can trust. However, on the way to the brothel he made a wrong turn and ended up in an alchemist's lab instead. The alchemist provided Nucilon with three viles, saying he is sure one of them is a love potion, but he doesn't remember which one. Nucilon first asked the alchemist if he is sure no one has been hurt by these potions before, to which he replied "of course not, you are the first person to try them". Nucilon took the first potion, and it transformed him into a fish, whichs wam its way through the city and into the sea. Meanwhile, a group of fishermen were out at sea hunting for the Squidling, knowing that the tentecles of the monster would be incredibly strong and valuable. With an elaborate contraption of hooks, pulleys, plungers and cheese graters, their ship at last managed to capture the Squidling, and haul him onto the deck. Nucilon happened to be swimming by at this moment, and immediately felt sympathy for the poor creature. So gathering all his strength, he flung himself into the air, missing the sailors completely and landing with a thud on the deck. However, due to the nature of fish, an entire school of similar creatures followed suit and flung themselves onto the ship, attracting a swarm of seagulls to come down and attack the sailors. Nucilon humself was snatched up by a bird, and while in mid sentence begging perfusely for his life, the potion wore off and he turned back into a man, landing back on the ship deck with another thud. He picked up a nearby sword and stood back-to-back with the Squidling, fighting quickly for control of the ship. Once safely back on shore, the Squidling thanked Nucilon for his aid, and promised to help him in return one day. Nucilon returned to the city, encountering a group of woodcutters who were all hiding in holes in the ground. Seeing his confusion in a double-take, the woodcutters explained they are afraid to come out of the ground for fear of the trees seeking vengence on them. Nucilon laughed at this, until he saw the Tree Man approaching, at which point he dove into the hole with them. He next encountered a woman covered entirely in Klantonian armor and brandishing a halberd. Nucilon verbally pondered if this was his time, this was the moment for him to finally fall in love as in the romances of ancient past, but his thoughts were interrupted by the woman who asked why he was loudly narrating to himself. She explained her name was Lucretia, and her husband had been kidnapped by the Tree Man to be enslaved as his Nutboy, but she has worked night and day to train herself to at last defeat the monster and rescue her husband, despite the dozens of warriors who fought him already unsuccessfully. To punctuate her point, Lucretia raised her halberd, and with a noble cry she charged straight against the Tree Man. After a pause of five seconds, Lucretia was hurled back right where she stood earlier, groaning "ok, that was a lucky shot". After this, Nucilon took the second potion, and it caused him to begin seeing into the spiritual world. He met his long-dead father, who sat down with him to drink from the sacred beer made from root plants that only ghosts know about. After that, his father offered to give a tour of the underworld, seeing the layers of cells kept underground for the Last Judgment. Nucilon accepted, but they made a wrong turn and he ended up in the Azogi instead. The world of the Azogi existed exactly underground from the city of Azoz, where all their buildings are made upside down from their over world counterparts. The Azozoni people talked in reverse sentences, and worked many forms of strange sciences and engineering to their advantage. In one example, the Azozoni was measuring how far a flee can jump. However, not having any standard measurment of their own, the Azozoni would manufacture flee-sized shoes and use that to measure the distance in flee-feet. Nucilon was amazed how such a society was never noticed before in history, and they explained that they have visited and traded with the city of Azoz many times in their history, but due to their short size no one had ever noticed their pressence. They further explained that they were the ones to create the Tree Man, to which they have the only key that can open its arbor armor, but they will never give it up. However, as soon as he offered to share them the secret of root bear, they gladly accepted the deal. The queen of Azogi named Balrogia saw that Nucilon was a hansome man, and tried to coerce him to stay. Nucilon, however, was too simple to recognize these advances, and thanked her for her falttery nontheless. Before he could leave, Balrogia attempted to drug his drink, but he accidentally switched drinks with her and left her in a deep sleep. Nucilon returned to the surface world with the key to the Tree Man, and gathered together his friends Lucretia and Squidling to fight the Tree Man. Squidling fought back and forth all day long against the Tree Man at the Battle of Jagelin, until Nucilon tossed him the key able to unlock the armor. Once the armor was opened, Lucretia came up behind the Tree Man and threw inside a bee's nest, which Nucilon then gingerly locked again. The battle was won for our three heroes once more.
  • The Jauvukry: Seeking to prevent a potential threat from arising and confronting the Jauvukry in an alliance, the War Council authorizes a declaration of war against Avsylann. Seven juyun consisting of about 38,360 warriors are mobilized for the war, and depart from Mugedarra and begin their invasion of Avsylann. Men are killed on sight, women defiled and enslaved, and the villages of the land are razed to the ground. The main city in along the river is besieged by the Jauvukid warriors, who in a complete alteration from traditional sieges under direction from Supreme Warmaster Mugennu, make sure to surround the city with two walls, one inward and the other outward to protect the warriors within. Due to the high casualties suffered by his troops in previous sieges, Mugennu takes great pains to ensure the lives of his warriors are preserved during this siege. Fresh water is imported from neighboring Haebadarra, and new wells are dug outside the besieged city within the camps of the warriors. Food is sourced from stocks stolen from the Asylann people, and imported from the supplies located in Haebadarra. Bringing the traditions of the Jauvukry with them on the campaign, human waste is dumped outside of the camps in latrines, and the dead are cremated rather than burying them or allowing them to decay outside of the camp walls. Trenches are dug outside of the city to help protect the warriors from enemy missiles, and stakes are dug into the ground outside of the city gates to hamper any sorties conducted by the defenders on horseback. The medics of all the juyun are assembled into a general hospital area to treat wounds, and great care is taken under the supervision of the Fleshmasters of Surudda to prevent disease from spreading among the sick. Under Mugennu's direction, the fatalities witnessed during previous sieges have dropped dramatically. Furthermore, the supply of food and water within the city is deemed to not sufficent for the defenders to survive for too long without succumbing to starvation, with the water supply leading into the city either blocked off or poisoned by the Jauvukid warriors, and any food found taken back to the camp of the attackers. In yet another break from Jauvukid tradition, the War Council of the Jauvukry with the blessing of the Supreme Warmaster, send a delegation of merchants and bureaucrats to Zasana to reassure the inhabitants that the Jauvukry bears no hostility toward the southerners. Referencing prior actions in the south, the Jauvukid representatives point to the border markers placed by the warriors on the frontier of Zasana as proof that the Jauvukry has no plans to expand south into the region. Trade with Thayvoeka is refused by the Jauvukry, with the Supreme Warmaster making it clear that no foreigner holds power of his people, and that he will never open the ports of the nation to those who make demands and issue threats toward the Jauvukry. A great cistern is constructed outside of Jagurra to collect fresh water from the river and store it for the population, helping to give some control over the supply of drinking water for the population. Elsewhere, expansion of the navy continues in the cities of Nauwarru, Mugedarra, and Saihenna, who previously gathered all of their resources together for the purposes of developing a larger and more unified shipbuilding industry. Many ships are commissioned by the Jauvukid warriors, with several going on to help supply the forces besieging the people of Avsylann in the north. Juyun I Haeba expands the frontier of Haebadarra further inland to connect the territory of the resident vauk with that of the conquered lands of Asylann by the Jauvukry. A road is built leading from Mugedarra to Asylann territory to meet up with the army of Mugennu outside of the capital city. Any natives captured by the warriors are immediately sent off for the Jauvukid homeland, with all males being gelded and the women branded and prepared for life in the breeding pits or in the mines of the homeland. Any Asylann men found to have been involved in battle against the Jauvukry are executed on the spot, while those who resisted the Jauvukid warriors but did not participant in the war, are gelded and either have their right hand cut off, or their eyes poked out by the warriors. They will return to the Jauvukry to work as domestic slaves, no longer presenting a threat to the Jauvukid citizenry.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: On the Morning of september 6th, The corpse of the Holy Dodo is discovered with its throat slit. After counting all the temple guard the only one who is not there is Sergeant Anatov Konstanicoic. A manhunt for Anatov is immediately commenced but it is found out he has escaped to either Qaryaat or Hythia. After having talked to the ruler of Hythia and Qaryaat, 5000 soldiers land in Qaryaat and Hythia to search for the fugitive. After several weeks of searching he is Found on Hythia and brought beofre the High Court of Algeorgia. He is sentanced to Death by beheading by the Tsarina herself. The Holy Dodo is succeeded by the 16th Holy Dodo who is found in the small village of Sevacopolik and is brought to the Holy Temple. The Tsarina makes the annual trip to the Holy Dodo and receives its blessing. With such a tumultuous decade no mayor expansions are made except the colonies.
  • Qera: Though the purchase of the oldest Qeran colony is a highly controversial, the huge amount of gold flooding the treasuries and the trading deals are presented as a proof for a good deal. Due to the upset colonial population in the now-Sillan territory, every Qeran there willing to move is given land to farm in the other two colonies or Qera proper (MOD RESPONSE ON HOW MANY MIGRATE). The spice plantages remain in a new caste of Qeran landowners, who sell their spices for essentially nothing to Qera, who then re-sell them to other nations for way higher prices. Most of them are settled in the Odzeba region to the south, cultivating the mountanous land perfect suited for riceterraces. The terraforming is begun immediately after the settlers arrive, and increasing the food surplus, leading to another increase in population. The army can sustain its incredibly large size, thoiugh many soldiers are sent back home after receiving an extended training. The number of men under command is reduced to 75.000 again. Spice trade and mining is lucrative again, though around this time the copper mines in Ollea are less and less fruitful. Prince Ycqrham I has installed more reforms, he is especially concerned about education and literacy. By this point, most of the average urban citizens have at least a basic level of literacy, barely anyone in the rural area can read. He makes it mandatory for every child to visit the temple at least once a week (usually the day of the new moon, the 8th day of the week, which is considered as time for rest), so that they as well can benefit from the trade, the culture and the knowledge that is accumulated in Qera. The great temple-library in Tortla is turned into a university, the same thing happens in Dlaccaka. These buildings are called "fortresses of knowledge", with students and masters learning, researching and teaching. An early theory for the Qeran's immunity toward the "Exhulan flu" (OTL Malaria) is developed, which says that the ancestors of the Qerans were exposed to mosquitoes, who carried blood of animals who are immune to the disease. thus the mixture of immune and human blood stayed in the body, although there is no explanation on why this hasnt occured in other regions. Modern research shows that a vast majority of Qerans have a form of Thallesemia minor, a usually harmless gene mutation, that makes people immune to certain diseases, but causes them to age and grow slow as children (though the average modern Qeran is about six feet tall), and having an increased risk in having bone or teeth deformaties. New trade routes are established to Mouri, from where papyrus and a smaller amount of luxury articles like fine pottery, glassware or jewelry are imported, usually via caravan.
  • Kingdom of Taivaie: Valinya Tai-Xielaie sat at his capital at Kasvival. He has consolidated his hold over Taivaie, giving more power to the already autocratic monarchy. He then erased the previous dynasty from history, destroying any mention of them from books. His throne is secure. He rides from town to town, moving southward. Men flock to the banner of the Kasiin eie Arinrath, and soon the king has a force of 13,000 following at his tail, many of them veterans from the pacification wars. Valinya leads this army into Hamod, where they work their way toward the city, along the rivers. A few of the soldiers are trained in how to build the Eyskurpon, and this weapon is used in battles as well as in the siege of the city. Morale is great, as the king is loved as he is a legend to his people. Arinrath flashing at his side, the king and his retinue of veterans lead the charges. [Mod response on the campaign needed].
  • Thayvoeka: Excerpt from Ikvayrz I's letter to Zazamoeka (Zasana), c. 1031 OM- "Although [Asylann] could not be saved from the clutches of the [Jauvukry], [Zasana] can. The [Jauvukry] would attack your nation directly after [Asylann] if not for the alliance with us, and the moment you leave the alliance, they will prey upon you. Their "ambassadors" to you are a trick to make you leave this alliance and become an easy nation to annex. I hate to say I told you so to [Asylann], but it is true. Don't fall into the [Jauvukry]'s trap like they did and fall to the same fate. I implore you to keep healthy ties with Thayvoeka and prevent any [Jauvukry] expansion into your territory. As we are allied, I will be sending ships along with some men to prevent any attack on your nation; along with this, the blockade promised to the [Jauvukry] earlier will be carried out in eight days time. This will hinder any imports for foodstuff, which cannot be grown on the barren lands of the [Jauvukry], leading to a famine and starving warriors that are unable to fight. Most of the navy will be sent there to assist the blockade. Please send as many ships as you can to assist the navy. I am considering requesting the aid of [Sillas] against the [Jauvukry] if the [Jauvukry] do eventually take [Asylann], in which [Sillas] can annex west [Asylann] while liberating the east. I ask you, should our alliance invade the [Jauvukry] immediatley, wait until the time is ripe, wait for [Sillan] support, or wait until the [Jauvukry] to make the first move? In any case, the [Jauvukry]'s hallucination of an empire must will be stopped." Expansion continued north on the mainland and south on the colonies, exploration north, east, and south, and rural areas grew proportionaly.
  • In the Cixian Empire, Empress Costanqina centralizes national power through the reduction of the power exercised by local governments and the affirmation the primacy of the Minister of Defense (the Empress). To promote cultural uniformity (and therefore, maximize socio-political stability), the Empress introduces a policy of deliberate assimilation of frontier peoples. She emphasizes the importance of citizenship in this process; as frontier peoples would be granted numerous rights and privileges and subjected to many legal protections, that would have otherwise been previously inaccessible to them. This would deter any sense of marginalization or isolation, therefore encouraging political participation and establishing a sense of "loyalty" to the Empire. The unprecedented growth of Cixism continues, with Cixians constituting ~44.4% of the total population. While the Empress maintains a policy of religious tolerance, the various pagan religions and cults become increasingly moribund whilst Ulm (particularly the Western denomination) experiences a state of irreversible decline. The city of Bandenapolis, renamed Iexicapolis after the mother of Cixiana the Anointed One, is restored to its full glory – with the Grand Basilica of St. Bandena being rebuilt under Cixian architectural design. Due to the popular theological belief of Ulmian responsibility for the death of Cixiana, in addition to historical Ulmian support of the Cixian persecutions, many Cixians continue to espouse anti-Ulmian sentiment. Many Ulmians unwilling to renounce their faith migrate to the province of Caloúme, which conversely to the rest of the Empire, had resisted the process of Cixianization. While the balance between bureaucrats, civil servants, and military nobility (the three subclasses of nobility) has been preserved, interest in sports has subsided. As a result, leisure and recreational activities have been characterized by high culture; such as visual or performance arts, literature and calligraphy, competitive archery, and equestrianism. Similar to the Classical period of Sillan history (the reign of the Qina family), many horse varieties are bred – mainly for the purpose of competitions or for companionship, rather than for military purposes. Due to advances in horse-breeding, the breed used as cavalry is much smaller in frame – but hardier, laborious, and easy to maintain (due to their compactness). Due to a prolonged era of peace and stability, the economy continues to specialize – with a fourth of the population being urbanized and a fourth working in a non-agricultural industry; the highest a pre-industrial society can sustain. The commercial market economy proliferates – in particular, the production of textiles (silk, cotton, piña, and abaca) and ceramics (porcelains, lacquerwares, and utilitarian earthenwares) increases. Similarly, the introduction of new agricultural technologies and the abundance of land stimulate population growth; thus boosting the number of consumers and heightening demand. In the North, only a tenth of the population lives in urbanized regions, with populations being dispersed and relatively isolated. Despite land redistribution programs, the landed gentry continue to own and manage much of the land. The social programs enacted by the Empress however, have ensured that peasantry is not exploited by landlords and remain in a consensual, contractual relationship. To counter the ten dependent households limit, many landlords instead convert their estates into large-scale plantations – cultivating sugarcane and cotton, as well as palm/coconut trees and exotic fruit. Three colonies (referred to as "reductions") are established in Chrystalia, each having a walled area of a square mile and having an initial settler population of ~2,500. These reductions consist of a town center (which contains a Cixian pagoda, a Cixian-managed school, and a hospice), a town forum, a market square, and a public bath. In addition, each also has a fortress, an arsenal, and a military camp. Another diplomatic mission – hoping to establish formal diplomatic relations and expand on trade – is sent to Syres. Interest in Syres is driven by the desire for linen and wool (both regarded as luxury fibers), wine, and papyrus – which is more easily-attainable than parchment or wax/clay tablets, and more light than bamboo slips. Meanwhile, a military expedition – consisting of a total of 20,000 Sillan troops (and 10,000 hired Qeran mercenaries) organized into six legions – is dispatched to Avylsann, with the intent of conquering it and pushing the Sillan line of settlement farther east. They are to be accompanied by 6,000 auxiliaries, or ~1,000 per legion; thus ensuring that the legions receive proper logistical support.
  • Muruacada Emiresq: The Zelonuma Emiresq completely collapses and is no more. Now the Taracula Emiresq has emerged, with its capital in the far north, and away from the original lands of Emiresqi. The islands of Darna and beyond are fortified and rebuilt, with a large number of refugees coming to the north and the colonies. The new capital is established at Muresema. The nation continues to raid the Syresian navy and the coast of Syres discreetly, but the nation remains at peace officially and weary of war. The nation has been badly harmed by the invaders, but the Darnan islands remain strong and resilient. Muruacada Emiresq: The Zelonuma Emiresq completely collapses and is no more. Now the Taracula Emiresq has emerged, with its capital in the far north, and away from the original lands of Emiresqi. The islands of Darna and beyond are fortified and rebuilt, with a large number of refugees coming to the north and the colonies. The new capital is established at Muresema. The nation continues to raid the Syresian navy and the coast of Syres discreetly, but the nation remains at peace officially and weary of war. The nation has been badly harmed by the invaders, but the Darnan islands remain strong and resilient. Muruacada Emiresq: The Zelonuma Emiresq completely collapses and is no more. Now the Taracula Emiresq has emerged, with its capital in the far north, and away from the original lands of Emiresqi. The islands of Darna and beyond are fortified and rebuilt, with a large number of refugees coming to the north and the colonies. The new capital is established at Muresema. The nation continues to raid the Syresian navy and the coast of Syres discreetly, but the nation remains at peace officially and weary of war. The nation has been badly harmed by the invaders, but the Darnan islands remain strong and resilient.
  • Kingdom of Tesardya: The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. Due to military exhaustion starting to reach high levels, the remaining Tesardyan army in Zelonuma remains the last currently active legion excluding the main defensive home army. Famous Unarcisist philosophers and religious leaders gather together in the newly created University of Tesardya to idealize new ideas and interpretations for the original scripture, as well as how to better define Unarcisism for the post-war generation and to further consolidate the numerous denominations now existing across the region into Unarcisism itself. Due to the large percentage of Ulmians in the newly acquired territory from Tamsebe, genocide is started against any and all followers of the religion. The University of Tesardya, more regionally known as the Great University, begins cataloging the history of the Tesardyan, the Yannian influence in the nation, as well establishing the Isidorius Library, named after the last reigning King who guided the nation throughout the most recent wars. The library features most books and resources ever recorded, featuring various political manifestos published within the nation itself, as well as Yannis, the former Zelonuma, Syres, and numerous neighboring nations, and most controversially Mouri. Most of the collected Mouri publications are non-religious or censored however, primarily due to the anti-Ulmian policy in the nation. After a few decades of recovering from the last century of conflicts, the resources lost are mostly recovered. With the fallout of Zelonuma, relations are sent to be established with its successor, the Taracula [Player Response].
  • Syres: After the successful surrender of the Zelonuma Emiresq, the mainland region was recognized as a client state of the Syresian Republic, although discontent remained. A major rebellion on the mainland would occur soon after, which drew Nephi and his successors back to the region. The following decade would see the region placed under Syresian occupation, with the first roads and colonies only slowly introduced. After the Darnan islands revolted from the Zelonuma Emiresq, the nation recognized these islands as independent, although their raids and attacks by sea would persist for some time after the initial conquest. A fortified settlement would be built to house one of the garrisoning espions in the north, which would also function as a naval base for attacks against the Darnan islands, leading to the founding of the city Diacolis. Later roads would be built up the coast toward the north, then from Diacolis west toward the various ancient cities of the Zelonuma, and south through the Khin client state. Trade was initiated with the states of Isimandia during this time in large quantities, with espions in the north encountering large cities along the northern coast. The first recorded voyage into the western sea from the north by a Syresian would be recorded during this time. The diplomatic mission from the Cixian Empire was welcomed by the state, with the proposed trade agreement being accepted. Envoys would be sent in return to record and chart the routes to the Cixian Empire, and record the situation past the Strait of Cival and the other Yannian-dominated waterways. The nation would also send a diplomatic mission to the nation of Acemia, in the hopes of negotiating favorable terms through the straits. Meanwhile, Pauodegus would die in the second year of the 206th Jafiad (Year 1025), leading to his son ascending to the throne of the Mouri Empire, while his daughter remained Anka of Edom.
  • Hythian Curpartian Empire: Years 698-707 Dirarch Torbin Saytr is buried after a rule of 23 years, ending in 699. His efforts saw the re-stabilization of the Hythian economy and continued centralization of the polis. His successor and chosen heir, Diarch Rylphias Politamius proves brash but effective. He presided over a grand celebration of the 700th year of Hythus’ return with feasting and the inauguration of a large trade plaza in Gyt. The management of the merchant class leads to a growth in the upper-middle class. Merchants’ profits increase thanks streamlined taxation, while farmers become dramatically more efficient with the development of the seed drill and its propagation through the empire which Dirarch Torbin Saytr supported. The arrival of Yapulcagel in the south causes chaos in the region beyond the walled pass which had been settled by miners and others. Troops are quickly dispatched to bring order under a respected unarch of common birth, Wetres Qyiptus. Unarch Qyiptus, backed by 16,000 pole-axe and bow infantry accustomed to mountain warfare 16,000 dedicated archers, and 4,000 auxiliary skirmishes reinforces the great southernmost fortress of the Hythian wall, swelling the garrison to 42,000 men. He and his men attempt to secure the region and repel Yapulcagel’s tribe throughout the decade by preventing them from passing the fortress and pass there. Envoys are also sent to Yapulcagel’s tribe to request an audience to determine their intention, numbers, and attempt to negotiate an end to the chaos beyond the wall [Mod Response]. Farther south, Hythia’s allies in the Kledesian High Cheifdom (in brown, I forgot the name and can’t find it now) are asked to help supply the soldiers with food to ease the long supply lines. They are also offered a trade deal in which Hythia will arm their forces for free access to prospect and mine in their mountainous regions [Mod Response]. The manufactories system employed across the empire becomes more important with the advent of the seed drill. The increase in farming productivity leads to a large labor surplus. As labor has long been the constraining factor in the system an explosion of the economic system spreads across the empire. Agricultural production increases further thanks to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows exponentially due to increased wealth and nutrition.


After the declaration of war from the Jauvukry, the nation of Avsylann receives aid from the nation of Kepitis and other nearby tribes, and also requests aid from its ally Qaryaat. The invasion by the Jauvukry results in a decisive victory with the Javuk suffering 7,430 casualties, and Avsylann suffering 11,490 casualties.

The invasion of Avsylann by the Cixian Empire results in difficulty for the Sillans, due to the distance across the open desert, and because of Chrystalian raids from the loosely conquered colonies. Despite the majority of the Chyrstalian colonies falling to Sillan control, a rebellion remains in the region, causing 4,000 Sillan casualties. Nonetheless the Sillans defeat Avsylann in battle, with the Sillans suffering 4,900 casualties, and Avsylann suffering 7,770 casualties. This effectively leaves the nation split in one-half, with the Jauvukry occupying most of the nation, including the capital, while Sillas occupies the westernmost part of the nation, centered around the southwest coast.

The invasion of Hamod by Valinya Tai-Xielaie of the Kingdom of Taivaie results in a decisive victory for Taivaie. The nation of Hamod suffers 5,430 casualties, while Taivaie suffers 2,900 casualties.

Thousands of Qerans take up the government on its offer, migrating from the former colony back to Qera. The majority stay in the colony, with a portion of those remaining seeking independence from Sillas as an independent nation. An insurrection begins in the region, killing Sillan settlers and sabotaging Sillan settlements.

A border dispute causes conflict between the nation of Aycouver and the colonies of the Muruacada Emiresq. Aycouver successfully invades the region around the mountain range, forcing the colonists to the south.

  • The Jauvukry: Due to the recent successes in the field of battle and the subsequent conquest of Avsylann, the territory of the Jauvukry has grown rapidly into an expansive empire consisting of tens of thousands of inhabitants. In light of these developments, Supreme Warmaster Mugennu has informed the War Council of his decision to completely reform the structure of the citizen-warrior body of the Jauvukry. The Jaejun-Dailizzid reforms which served as the basis for the organization of the Jauvukid warriors for the last 110 years are deemed unsuitable to the changing needs of the state. As such, Mugennu institutes his own reforms known as the "Mugennic reforms" completely changing the organization of the army. The combined-arms formations of the old 5,480-man strong juyun system are abandoned in favor of a more flexible structure of 1,000-man units with supporting elements for battle. These new units as known as zhidin, the name hailing from the Old Jauvuk language abandoned yet reintroduced by Mugennu during his social reforms. Each zhidin will consist of four smaller units known as vakudin, which are in turn divided into five dakin, and then into ten units known as jadon. The army is divided into two main categories - infantry and cavalry - which are in turn divided into five subcategories each; light infantry, regular infantry, heavy infantry, missile troops and skirmishers for the infantry forces, and light cavalry, regular cavalry, heavy cavalry, desert cavalry, and horse archers for the cavalry forces. All warriors will be required to excel in one field of their designated branch, but also cross-train in the other categories to maintain a degree of flexibility during wartime. For artillery needs, each vakudin is armed with a catapult, and each dakin with a bolt-thrower, both pieces manned by ten warriors each. This provides the zhidin itself with a total of four catapults and twenty bolt throwers, allowing for a formidable siege arm based on the previous experience with sieges by the Jauvuk. All support troops are broken off from the smaller units of each zhidin, and rather organized as their own distinct units operating in the rear for the main combat unit. The medics which once accompanied the warriors into battle are now placed in the rear as specialized medical units trained to ensure the survival of the warriors following battle. Mugennu disbands the vauk-based system for organizing the army, rather creating permanent units drawn from all vaukid of the Jauvukry, and training them together as a singular unit. This ensures that units can be moved around the country where they are needed rather than disbanding them and sending them back to their home vauk following each campaign. Large field armies known as vadiyon are created by Mugennu, each consisting of six zhidin each. These are then subdivided into front and rear forces to ensure that the warriors can rotate between active duty and rest periods as needed. The army as a whole is now divided into two distinct units; the Shovijedak and the Uharajedak. The Shovijedak will comprise all offensive units of the army and remain stationed at the frontiers of the state to respond to any foreign threats, while the Uharajedak will be responsible for policing the lands of Jauvukry and dealing with any slaves in the cities of the empire. Mugennu's reforms are well-received by the War Council, who rapidly restructure the forces of the Jauvukry into the new Mugennic units. In honor of his contributions to the Jauvukry, and his nearly sixty years of leadership over the state, the War Council during a major religious ceremony in Jagurra, rename the newly-conquered capital of the Avsylann to Mudakara, meaning "city of Mugennu". The new name uses the same Old Jauvuk language for its etymology, and is to be rebuilt in the old style as a model city for the future of the Jauvukid people. As his last major act prior to retiring from his post as Supreme Warmaster, Mugennu completely reforms the Jauvukid language, changing all titles of the empire to that based on the old language of their ancestors. With this reform, the office of Supreme Warmaster has become that of the Ta'Zhadak. The War Council is completely reformed into the Hakikatar, or the "House of Swords". Mugennu's social and cultural changes are popular with the people, who believe that his changes have been blessed by Zaukad in the form of his numerous victories and long life. Indeed, many of the old names that once dominated the Jauvukid nation have been altered as well; Jagurra has become Jadura ("The Hearth of Contentment"), Nauwarru has become Shokina ("My Waters"), and Haebadarra has become Shevadura ("Boudoir of Sheva"). The civil side of Mugennu's administration are not ignored by him, and he ensures that his reforms are effective for the needs of managing the state. The empire is divided into units known as marin, each of which is assigned a total of one hundred civil bureaucrats paid by the state. They consist of a governor, five judges, anti-corruption officials, and jurists trained in law, and overseers responsible for managing the slave population in the marin, ten representatives of the state to ensure compliance with the laws, one state controller for the finances, four censors to ensure regular head counts of the population and registration of all births in the Jauvukry, sixteen tax collectors and eight secretaries to oversee their work, and forty clerks to manage all of the paperwork in the marin. All of these individuals are paid from the state coffers, ensuring that a professional class of administrators exists to ensure the Jauvukry can transition into a proper and stable government. Mugennu orders a major census of the population, sending the order to all of the governors who instruct their censors to begin the count (CENSUS REQUESTED). Expansion into the lands west of Shevadura continues, with the claims on uncivilized lands beyond the city's frontier made by the Jauvuk settlers, who quickly enslave any Chrystalians they encounter fleeing from Sillan expansion into their mainland territories. These new slaves greatly bolster the workforce back in Shevadura, expanding the economy in the area as a secondary effect.
  • The Vosa: Exiled from their ancestral lands, the Vosa followed Croderic the Outlaw around the Great Inlet to the land of the strangers called Roens. Croderic had many goods with him, and livestock also, and he traded with the Roens. The Roens were hospitable people; they allowed the Vosa to settle in their territory. For six winters the Vosa remained in Roenish country, during which time the number of their dwellings shrank by one-half. The frost bore down with greater intensity each season, affecting Roen and Vosa alike. On the eve of the spring festival on the seventh year, the Vosa departed from Roenland. The Roens gave them Karsdmir the Sage who would accompany them on their journey. Karsdmir advised Croderic to follow the hilltops south and southwest, and skillfully guided the Vosa through the wilderness. Then came a terrible attack by the Olek tribe, the first of many. The Vosa warriors were decimated. Karsdmir helped the people evade attack by disguising their movements in the woods, but still they were harried by the Oleks throughout the journey. When the Vosa came to the edge of the Dead Forest, Karsdmir turned back because no man had ventured there before. But Croderic pressed on. He bravely crossed the Dead Forest and reached the southern swathes, where he died peacefully in the presence of the elders and the gods. Afterward, the Vosa reached the stream that flows from Peuca, and lived there for a year.
  • Yannian Culture: The brave crusader known as Tree Man had been defeated in battle by the evil forces of mankind, but he did not die that day. That colossal hero ached from war, and his withering wooden joints cracked and splintered. But deep within him burned the fire of a thousand trees, and he roared toward the heavens. Why had his creators forsaken him for mankind, he cried. He did not hear an answer, so he returned to the top of the mountains, resting for when mankind was ready once more. A civil war broke out in the nation of the Mouri Empire, as the succession was split between many claimants. In Edom, Shuadna’al Tezculum had ascended to the throne long before the death of the Emperor, so her ownership of Edom as a province was already well established. Nascemun Yagulonus had been made Emperor of the Mouri in Year 1025, but contended with his siblings and other claimants across the empire. Finally in 1039 he died, and his son Mizrecul’etemuc was declared Emperor of the Mouri. Two of the new Emperor’s uncles, Nascemun Yagulonus of the South and Lasebehun Zecesula of the West contended to become the new Emperor’s regent, leading to a series of battles in the southwest, known as the Bangui War. The southern campaign ravaged across Fashnoq, before Nascemun Yagulonus won a decisive victory at the Battle of Bangui, which led to him controlling the court. Bangui became the de facto capital of Azoz Province for the next three years, before Nascemun Yagulonus died unexpectedly, and the court was moved back to Jaligena. The new regent would be Tuamecudi, a Neumite general and more distant descendant of Liger. He would prove a good administrator and commander while Mizrecul’etemuc came of age. The Emperor would be wed to the daughter of the Anka, once more solidifying the union of the two states. The Anka’s sister, Berena’al Rasletemuc, had a son named Yumanalun, through her marriage to Tuamecudi, and he then married the daughter of Lasebehun Zecesula, Lucumanala, posturing himself to become the heir to the Emperor. The attempt by the regent to have his son become heir caused discontent elsewhere. Edom had been alienated, as it was expected that Shuadna’al Tezculum’s line would ascend to the throne. Religiously, the nation’s prophets wrote that the line of Liger had been corrupted by Azozian style sin, and the disastrous state of affairs in that city was compelling evidence that God ought to punish the empire. In the depths of the far south that judgment seemingly arrived. There rose an Emperor, so infamous for his cold and meticulous science and math, he earned the title of the Reckoner. Each life he took was part of an elaborate equation, that would be decided by the computing of his Life Machine. He arose on the back of elephants and chariots, and elaborate moving throne carts, which hissed and churned. On their hairless bodies they painted themselves white from head to toe, and wore checkerboard-like pattern robes. They came across the border of the Mouri Empire and rolled a dice. Recording the statistical outcome in their notes, their god Math had spoken. The dice stated that Fashnoq would be razed. Then they flipped a coin to determine if any survivors would be allowed, and the coin said no. Their brutal rampage came upon the city and did as the math commanded. The Emperor heard of this and immediately raised an army. But his campaign would not go as planned. In the plains of Bobaloam, he was betrayed by the city of Medan, which stood like an Edomite enclave in an Azozian sea, and he was crushed in battle by the Reckoners. The Emperor was killed, and the nation fell into conflict. The Edomites declared an Emperor in Medan, and the Neumites declared an Emperor in Jaligena. The records would note that the Reckoners used hardened Zedumari soldiers in the thousands, which had never been seen before in such numbers. They also used deserts warriors and other feared mercenaries, all colored black and white. Their judgment was uncompromising and methodical, and their emotions had been stripped away in favor of logic and reasoning. And the emotional Azozioni cried out in terror, seeking hope during these trying times.
  • Hythian Curpartian Empire: Years 708-717 Diarch Rylphias Politamius focuses his attentions on improving the administrative efficiency of the empire. He establishes an internal review system to determine what institutions of the government are cost-effective and which are wasteful. The system leads to the termination of several hundred administrative posts, as well as the streamlining of the taxation system. A census is also conducted in 717 to determine the population of the nation after the civil war and the strife that followed. [Census] Meanwhile, the efficiency of farmers across the nation continues to improve thanks to the ever-growing and improving adoption of the seed-drill. Unarch Wetres Qyiptus takes initiative into his own hands after a series of skirmishes with the Yapulcageli in the last decade. He assembles a force of 20,000 general-purpose pole-axe infantry, 20,000 archers, and 10,000 skirmishers, drawn largely from the region’s Hythian population. He then advances on the Yapulcageli’s semi-fortified stronghold burning several of their outlying villages in the process and causing havoc in the lands they have settled. All the while Wetres Qyiptus maintains as log of the events as they unfold, tracking his perception of the fighting. The Yapulcageli Army, led by Yapulcagel himself attempt to encircle the Hythian force, employing skirmishers armed with slings, bows, and javelins. However, a small battle on the Lythtan Hill sees Hythia’s skirmishers defeat the Yapulcageli encirclement force after a terrific fight. Hythian casualties in this encounter alone are 2,000 but the enemy is estimated to have lost 3,000 of their own. The next battle proves less decisive in either direction. Hythian vanguard troops encounter a large Yapulcageli patrol and engage in a small but brutal battle during which 1,700 Hythians are killed and 2,000 Yapulcageli. The fighting proves a stalemate with the Hythian forces retreating under cover of darkness to the safety of the main host. The third encounter proves to be the most decisive. The disciplined Hythian army forces a battle to prevent the siege of the Yapulcageli stronghold at Gizith-Tys. On the high ground, the Hythian army maintains an advantage in organization and weaponry and is able to fire volleys into the exposed enemy below. However, the Yapulcageli Army proves ferocious. Their warriors launch themselves fanatically at the Hythian lines, many impaling themselves on the spikes atop the Hythian pole-axes. The Yapulcageli mount 11 charges on the Hythian lines, despite suffering greatly under a savage rain of arrows they meet the Hythian frontline units in every charge. Wetres Qyiptus recounts the terrible slaughter of the battle. The bodies of the Yapulcageli pierced by three arrows before falling to the earth, Hythian soldiers, savaged by the Yapulcageli axes and swords, their pole-axes trapped under the twisted corpses of the fanatic Yapulcageli chargers. The battle rages on for two days before it becomes evident who wins [War Response]. The manufactories system employed across the empire becomes more important with the advent of the seed drill. The increase in farming productivity leads to a large labor surplus. As labor has long been the constraining factor in the system an explosion of the economic system spreads across the empire. Agricultural production increases further thanks to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows exponentially due to increased wealth and nutrition.
  • Teleutic Empire: The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. The University of Tesardya, more regionally known as the Great University, begins cataloging the history of the Tesardyan peoples, the Yannian influence in the nation, as well establishing the Isidorius Library, named after the last reigning King who guided the nation throughout the most recent wars. The library features most books and resources ever recorded, featuring various political manifestos published within the nation itself, as well as Yannis, the former Zelonuma, Syres, and numerous neighboring nations, and most controversially Mouri. Most of the collected Mouri publications are non-religious or censored however, primarily due to the anti-Ulmian policy in the nation. After a few decades of recovering from the last century of conflicts, the resources lost are mostly recovered. With the fallout of Zelonuma, relations are sent to be established with its successor, the Taracula [Player Response]. A political incursion starts as set of Mazatli'teleutic family attempts to overthrow the government. Raising an army of 30,000 and fighting numerous battles, they finally lay siege the city of Tesardya before executing the royal family six years into the civil war. With this, they proclaim the Teleutic Empire and commit mass torture and public execution against Ulmians, followers of other Yannian religious sects, and any political opposition after the primary and auxilary armies of the former Tesardya kingdom claim allegiance to the new ruling family. Ethnic cleansing in the outer territories of Niani and Tamsebe occurs as rape is encouraged and temporarily legalized in the outer cities. A new philosophical policy, known as Inhcidimanism, teaches that for true enlightenment to occur, a person must become self-reliant, independent, and truly transparent. This clashes with the idea of total Unarcisism beliefs and traditions, but no incursion occurs at the moment. 
  • Edom/Mouri Empire: After the death of her father, Shuadna’al-Tezculum’s propping up of Nascemun Yagulonus as Emperor, and later that of his son, had failed to leave a lasting peace over the region. Despite her desire to abandon the Azoz region completely and return to Edom, she would return to the city of Medan, which functioned as the administrative capital for the Edomites by this time. The Anka remained unwilling to piece together the two nations once more, allowing Yumanalun to be crowned in the capital, but nonetheless many still supported her on the crown instead. Finally, if only as an act of self defense, the Anka responded to the other declared Emperor in battle, leading to a civil war in the region. Around the same time, the arrival of the Reckoner completely shifted the war, as now both sides were being assaulted from the south, especially the Edomites. The invaders quickly advanced to Bangui and the Upper Ashe River, preventing the Anka from vacating Medan to attack Yumanalun. Additionally, she learned that the Reckoners were even striking against southern Edom and the southeast of the Mouri Empire, causing a crisis in the region. The majority of Edom’s army would be dispatched toward defending the homeland. Then, while in the city of Medan, the Anka passed away. She would be succeeded by her daughter, Telephama. The new Anka would consider conquest of the Azozian regions a more pressing matter than her mother, and would continue the invasion of Azoz from Medan.
  • Mouri People: An archaeological discovery in the late 28th century AR would make a profound change of opinion in regards of the state of Yannian rule in Mouria. An underground monestary apparnetly was run as a mix of Ligerians and orthodox Ulm. Most significantly, this monestary had chronciles similar to those used in other parts of the empire, but in this instance reckoned regnal years from the rulers of Paudogas and his sons, rather than Arenea as in the other historians. As Shuadna had very little motivation for ruling in Azoz, her brief tenure as ruler of the empire did not amount to much in the contemporary historians, and was largely treated as a late contiuation of the same dark era of Yannian rule, despite the unprecedented growth in the empire's territory and power during that time. As soon as the civil war reached its head in Medan, however, the focus toward Edom shifted considerably. All across the empire, various rulers and local administrators all flocked to the call of Telephama, even while she was a co-ruler before her mother died. Within the kingdom of Azoz, the center of cultural learning and social heirarchy remained in Medan, and served as a focal point for calling support all across the core kingdom. The people of Azoz and Ishbak had long since grown tired of the Yannian ruler, both the Ulmians and Ligerians, seeing the recent destruction in Azoz as God's judgment against the monarchy. For this reason, the general Ashkenaz led a large group of military, both profssional and peasent, to leave the city and rally to support of the Anka in Medan. Elsewhere, the governor Prackyob in inner Valun still held sway as the "Lord of the North" across the provinces of Outer Valun and Eskaladun, and managed to lead a hegmony of several different provinces as far as Gara and Fotashe to gather their armies together in Bangui in support of the Anka. Finally, other supports of the Anka lead a volunteer force of fighters and mercenaries across the regions of Usinilago and Tuartha, particularly supported by the cultural centers in Neum and heavily financed by the Water Merchants. Only the original retainers of Yumanalun and significant miltiary who were paid in his service remained completely loyal, with the rest all leaving for the Anka. The Zedumari warriors largely left the empire originally due to their disgust for the rule of Yannians over the heart of Ulm, and so they saw the chance of supporting the Anka's rule over Azoz. Haraun, a very charismatic Zedumari leader, rallied a large number of warriors to stage a mutiny against the Reckoner, although largely inconclusive, did significantly impact his advance. Even in religion, the clerics and Holy Patra all vocally supported the Anka, and encouraged all true followers of both the Ulmian and Ligurian religion to fight for Telephama as if they fought for Nelrim himself.
  • Qaryaat: King Dhammar of the newer Karimid dynasty (House of Karim) comes into power. He continues the expansion of the kingdom, with the colony of Ghirsana expanding along the coast and into the peninsula, while the colony of Shemsal expands inland along the bay (or whatever). In all areas of the kingdom, loosely-claimed territories are settled and control is consolidated. We secretly light the flames of Qaryaati dissent against Eldebethian rule, secretly arming would-be rebels in Kumiz. (SECRET) King Dhammar agrees to send troops to aid Avsylann on the condition that Avsylann agrees to become a vassal. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED AND ALGO AGAINST JAUVUK IF AVSYLANN ACCEPTS) We ask Hythus to send mercenaries and for Benyisra to send troops. (HYTHUS AND BENYISRA RESPONSE NEEDED) In Dhameda, walls are built, barracks are constucted, and a library is built. Meanwhile, in Makra, the walls are reinforced, and the University of Makra is expanded. Exploration is made along the Yannian coastline, the Yazradid coast, and in the Dvaman Peninsula. We make a trade deal with the Yannians (YANNIS RESPONSE NEEDED), Qera (QERAN RESPONSE NEEDED), Dvama, and Aurelia (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). A census is conducted. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED)
    • The Hythian Empire: The Diarch offers to lend 8,000 Winged Zaraj to the Qaryaati. The constract proposed stipulates a fixed price for wheat and wine at the commissary for the soldiers, a five year campaign contract, special tax dispensation while serving in the employer’s lands, and welfare benefits for the children of soldiers killed abroad in service of Qaryaat. 
  • Muruacada Emiresq: The nation continues to repair and rebuild after the series of disastrous campaigns and wars that had plagued the region. The Zelonuma Emiresq is no more, but the Muruacada Emiresq emerges as a new nation. Although the new nation has almost nothing in common with an “Emiresq”, it retains that name due to the Zelonuma’s influence on the new state. The entirety of the old lands are lost, but the Darnan islands remain. A large number of people continue to flee north to settle the Darnan islands and the land beyond. A small war takes place with Aycouver, but the nation is reluctant to commit to a major war so quickly. Instead the nation accepts the mountains as a new border, and makes peace with Aycouver. Muruacada Emiresq: The nation continues to repair and rebuild after the series of disastrous campaigns and wars that had plagued the region. The Zelonuma Emiresq is no more, but the Muruacada Emiresq emerges as a new nation. Although the new nation has almost nothing in common with an “Emiresq”, it retains that name due to the Zelonuma’s influence on the new state. The entirety of the old lands are lost, but the Darnan islands remain. A large number of people continue to flee north to settle the Darnan islands and the land beyond. A small war takes place with Aycouver, but the nation is reluctant to commit to a major war so quickly. Instead the nation accepts the mountains as a new border, and makes peace with Aycouver.
  • Thayvoeka: Ikvayrz II's letter to Zazama (Zasana), transliterated from Keroe (Qeran), the lingua francia between the two nations: "My father's death has come, and through this the Gods have sent a message to not continue inaction. It is the time to attack. 20,000 men are coming to your shores, along with food and supplies for them. They will invade in one months time [Aglorithim neeeded]. The majority of the navy will come as well, to destroy their food imports into their country and make them live off the baren land they call their nation [Blockade Results needed]. Avsylann is a lost cause, as they have fallen; however, I can save your people by exterminating this pest from your lands. Zasana may choose its own path, but I implore you to join in ridding the land of the plauge known as the Jauvukry, for the sake of our alliance and your survival." Expansion continued, both on the mainland and on the colony, as well as exploration north, south, and east. The bay in the colony also became mostly rural.
  • Syres: After the successful triumphs of the triumvirate alliance in Syresian politics, their descendants would remain prominent for some time. The nephew of Nephi, who he would adopt as his heir, would be known as Vanden, and be placed in command for the first time in southern Aexontia, where Synoacolo and Stadus both once held governorships. After the chaos erupting in the south, the Hensa of Syres would authorize a military campaign, with the nation invading to secure Neum. The government of Neum would be respected, but the nation would be required to become a client state of the Syresian Republic.
  • Gibu Fabanalia: Science is encouraged by the government and a new city is built up the river.
  • In the Cixian Empire, Empress Costanqina dies at the age of 72 years, with her numerous achievements including having overseen the reunification of Sillas in the "Great War", the entrenchment of the Cixian faith as a now-integral element of Sillan culture and national ethos, and the restoration of the balance of power between the three classes of nobility – the landed gentry (who also serve as administrators and bureaucrats), the scholar-officials, and the military nobility. Due to her massive popularity – both among the masses and among the upper classes – an elaborate and highly-grandiose funeral procession is organized, with the number of devotees visiting her embalmed body estimated to be as much as ~500,000. After a three-month period of national mourning, the Empress' body is sealed inside a private tomb located in an outlying suburb of Iexicapolis – the holiest site in Cixism; due to it being the location of Cixi's trial, death, and resurrection, and Saint Iexīca's Assumption. A distant relative, a young and ambitious military officer by the name of Iexīca Romana Ińesca, succeeds her. While still in her youth, she derives her power from connections with other aristocratic families; being part of the Romana clan (the clan shared by former Empress Costanqina), and having close relations with the Qibeca clan from her marriage with Vanden–Fúernando. A pious Cixian, she reverses the policy of religious toleration; banning all pagan religions and cults from public practice. In addition, she implements a tax levied on all non-Cixians; funneling the funds acquired to the construction of new pagodas and religious art. In addition, she patronizes scholarly and artistic pursuits to promote aristocratic high culture. Meanwhile, she institutes a policy of territorial expansionism; with the intent to spread civilization, acquire land and resources, and to secure the integrity of the frontier. Rapid Cixianization continues, with 64% (nearly two-thirds) adhering to Cixism. Due to their inability to compete, the Ulm (particularly evangelizing Western sects) religion continue to decline. Literature and performance arts – particularly theatre (especially the genres of tragedy and drama) and ballet – flourish, with the latter often with musical accompaniment. To ensure each musical piece is interpreted correctly, the Ministry of Rites establishes a standard system of musical notation. Pointe-work becomes especially popular, due to its technical difficulty and perceived "sophistication". Contrary to earlier periods, prose fiction declines in popularity outside of the theatre, with many new novels instead being written in poetic language. A new style of poetry known as "minute poems", characterized by singing, notation of distinct and fixed pitches, and alternating between sound and relative silence, becomes widely popular. The distinction between "higher" and "lower" (referring to small-holders and lease-holders, respectively) peasantry is abolished; while merchants, craftsmen, and artisans (who predominantly reside in urban areas) are established as a distinct class. The production of glassware ceramics increases, due to rising demand for ornamentary vessels from the higher classes. Despite this, lacquerwares and porcelain continue to the main forms of non-utilitarian ceramics. To facilitate Sillene control over the southern regions, the provincial courts of Little Qera and Chrystalia are dissolved. A total of 25,000 troops, comprising of three legions in Chrystalia (corresponding to each reduction), and two legions in Little Qera, are sent south to crush the dissidents. Meanwhile, all the parties directly involved in murders of Sillene settlers are executed – through with a just and fair trial. Meanwhile, all those indirectly involved in these crimes are pardoned and retain their full rights. The "Little Qera and Chrystalia Act" is unanimously ratified by the Imperial Council, placing all idle land under government control and selling the land at low prices to landless Sillenes. The migration of Sillenes southward, fuelled by the aforementioned act, increases; thus prompting the formation of new urban communities and further pushing the frontier southward. Meanwhile, break-of-bulk points are established en route to the newly-conquered western regions of Avylsann – often being established near oases. This delineates a clear route eastward. Due to incursions by a previously unknown people, a campaign against what is now called the “Eastern Yannians” (a term coined due to the perceived racial affinities of the Jauvukry to the Yannians of the Western hemisphere) commences.
  • Kingdom of Taivaie: Once more an army of 13,000 is led by the king, this time against the nation to the west. If this is successful, 15,000 is led against the nation to the east.


As the Army of the Reckoning approaches the city of Bangui, the city’s defenders, who were loyal to Emperor Yumanalun, seek to surrender. The Reckoner flips a coin, determining that they will accept the surrender. The following year, the army of Ashkenaz, loyal to Shuadna’al Tezculum’s daughter, Telephama, lays siege to the city. Ultimately an Azozian victory is achieved, with Prackyob taking the city. The Azozians suffer 10,190 casualties in total, while the Reckoners suffer 12,100 casualties.

At the Battle of Teman the army of Diogenes is attacked from two sides, as an army from Jaligena marches east and a Yannian army from Neum marches west. The resulting battle ends in an Azozian defeat, with the Azozians suffering 21,940 casualties, the army from Jaligena suffering 3,480 casualties, and the army from Neum suffering 5,990 casualties.

The Siege of Azoz commences, as the army of Prackyob descends on the city. Although the towns around the city fall after a grueling campaign against the defenders, with some inhabitants switching sides, the Azozians find their old city highly impregnatrable, and they are repulsed from the city. They are finally pushed back with the arrival of the Neumite reinforcements. In total the attacking Azozians suffer 28,050 casualties, while the defenders suffer 17,400 casualties, and the loss of numerous inhabitants.

The city of Agemenus is captured by the Reckoner from its pro-Telephama defenders. The guerrilla army of Haraun manages to inflict damage against the attackers, but are spurned after Agemenus, and after Haraun is killed in a raid. Likewise, the raids of the Reckoner inflict damage against Usinilago, Umhlaba, and southern Edom.

The Syresian invasion of Neum culminates in a battle near the border, which results in a decisive Syresian victory. The nation of Syres suffers 7,590 casualties, while the Neumites suffer 11,980 casualties.

The nation of Niani is invaded by the nations of the north, creating a new union of states. The kingdom stretches from the northern sea to the border with Xbalan, and becomes known as Zenecemis. The nation’s elite become a mix of Yannian and northerner culture.

The Hythian attack against Yapulcagel’s army results in a decisive Hythian victory, with the Hythians suffering 2,900 casualties, and the defenders suffering 5,870 casualties. Yapulcagel offers peace to the Hythians, offering to never again cross the border, in exchange for his independence being respected.

The invasion by the nation of Thayvoeka against the Jauvukry proves difficult due to the vast distance, with a large number of ships being shipwrecked or otherwise lost on the voyage. Upon arrival, Thayvoeka engages against the Jauvukry and achieves a narrow victory. The Jauvukry suffers 4,010 casualties, while Thayvoeka suffers 10,000 casualties in total.

The invasion by the nation of Sillas against the Jauvukry in Avsylann results in a decisive Sillan victory, with the Jauvukry being pushed out of the Avsylann capital. The Sillans suffer 3,490 casualties, while the Jauvukry suffers 6,190 casualties.

The invasion by the nation of Qaryaat against the Jauvukry suffers a large number of casualties and delays while crossing the desert, and upon arrival discover the Sillans have already occupied the region. In the ensuing battle between Sillas and Qaryaat, the Sillans achieve victory. The Sillans suffer 5,870 casualties, while the Qaryaati suffer a total of 16,100 casualties.

The Kingdom of Taivaie is defeated in battle during its attack on the west. The Kingdom of Taivaie suffers 5,020 casualties, while the defenders suffer 3,900 casualties.

  • Mouri People: The Civil War continues in Azoz in the struggle against the Yannian domination. The military of Prackyob secured strong fortresses and garrisons in the various villages surrounding Azoz, and cut off the flow of the Ashe river leading into the city with a series of dykes and screws manufactured from the Great Library. The siege resumes, both blockading any military to relieve the city, as well as any supplies to sustain food or water within the military positions. Plenty of Azouri confederates are heavily paid to break through parts of the gates into the city, although payment is nearly unnecessary for the sheer devotion and piety of the Azouri citizens. Many legends have circulated on the nature of the Siege of Azoz, with many folk heros and mythology from the last thousand years of Yannian and Ulmian history all supposedly arriving at the city at one time or another. The most famous of these was the appearence of Tree Man and Nut boy, who caused a small brigade of Azouri guards to duck in cover for their lives. Cassander was also reported to be present at the seige, having been raised up in Azoz' time of greatest need as foretold in prophesy. The city of Bangui is saved, and the citizens become estatic to see their salvation is at hand. As such, the military of Ashkenaz enjoyed massive more recruitment from the city region, as the miltary that would have joined to fight for the Anka was now liberated once again. The military left a good number to garrison the city and cover their flank, and took the rest to converge on Azoz from the south, as Prackyob was primarily in the north. The military near Teman fell back after their ambush from the Yannians, and retreated to the north where they recruited more reinforcements to replace their fallen. After more than doubling their size from this campaign, Diogenes' men moved as a wedge southward, cutting straight between Azoz and Teman. He anticipated that, after their victory, Yannis would devote his military to defend the capital first, and thus he came in to intercept their attack. Edom had agreed to aid our side in this civil war, since their ruler is the one we recognize as the true ruler of the Mouri empire. In fact, the historical records clearly indicate that Edom had already invaded Azoz from their garrison in Medan, while there is no mention of Syres being involved at all, so the result coming from the military report was puzzling at best. Nontheless, Edom is welcomed to continue their attack in support of our front, and to Syres we acknowledge our strong alliance since they helped against our old enemy of the Emiresq not long ago, and now they are coming to crush the forces of Yannis in Neum so as to grant full unity to the empire once more. Once the false claiment to the empire surrenders, Ashkenaz reoganizes the military primarily to push southward with the Edomite forces and retake Frasnoq from the Reckoner, while the rest of the military is thrown east to seize control of the rest of Neum. Much of the nation had been thrown into some confusion over the succession of Yunamalun the Last, causing in many remote villages for brother to turn against brother. The new ruler of the Neumite claiment in Azoz was a local general named Arboron who usurped power for himself, denouncing the Yannian line in attempt to win over the Azouri people. It was a great gesture, but it was too little too late as the capital was long past its seige. 
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: Tsarina Olga II passes away this year at the age of 101. She is succeeded by her son who takes the name Alexei III. He makes the annual pilgrimage to the Holy Dodo and receives its blessing. His first act as Tsar is to increase the funding to the schools in The smaller towns and villages. This greatly helps the smaller towns and villages to grow faster and within two years the town of Tsarinagrad reaches 15,000 people.
  • Hythian Curpartian Empire: Years 718-727 Diarch Rylphias Politamius’s reforms take hold and the government becomes more streamline allowing for a reduction of the tax-burden at the expense of only minor services. Rylphias establishes the city of Politam in the Halati territories to consolidate several Halati villages into an easily administered center of imperial power in the region. Unarch Wetres Qyiptus disregards the Yapulcageli envoy, sending them back with the simple demand: submit. His Unar is reinforced by the addition of an Unian of artillery troops and replacements for the killed and wounded. Now numbering 20,000 pole-axemen, 20,000 archers, 6,000 skirmishers, and 4,000 support troops, the Unar marches on the Yapulcageli capital, forcing local leaders to accept Hythian overlordship vassals. With the new contingent of siege weapons, the Unar bombards the Yapulcageli capital for a week, keeping much of the city in flames with incendiary bombs and causing severe damage. Many soldiers, civilians, and slaves burn in the fires quickly demoralizing the defenders. On the eighth day of the siege a force of 12,000 Hythian infantry assault the earthen and wood palisade that surrounds the city. They erect siege ladders and attempt to storm the walls, cutting-down the exhausted defenders.Unarch Qyiptus sends a demand of vassalage to Yapulcagel, offering him and his people life and relative freedom if they submit to Hythian overlordship. [Mod Response] Economically, the empire prospers. Labor surpluses continue to grow thanks to the adoption of the seed-drill which has begun to spark a population boom. As farmers are now able to more efficiently work the land the price of land begins to rise in the more developed and inhabited areas of the empire. Peasant farmers begin to feel an increasing squeeze as land values rise and ownership by the non-rich falls dramatically. This precipitates another wave of out-migration from the core as poor farmers sell their land in the Hythian core and head south to settle the less productive but infinitely cheaper land of the south. Other farmers choose to remain on the land as renters. Another development in Hythian agriculture is the evolution of the traditional sickle into a longer, more ergonomic harvesting tool. These proto-scythes improve output even more, but remain of limited use by the end of the decade. With the increased agricultural efficiency, the rural population faces increasing competition as food prices fall and their livelihoods dry-up. Many farmers switch to luxury crops increasing the overall value and quantity of the empire's luxury exports, others migrate to cities or to the south to become laborers in manufactories or farm and ranch on the great plains in the south.
  • Beraba: Expansion to the east continues as a growing population demands more food. Farmland is a majority of the land usage in Beraba, with the Lansa mostly producing fruits, vegetables, and grains, while the farms belonging to the Mankah and Tangakwunu mainly produce cash crops such as flax and cotton. It becomes common practice for farmers to plant multiple kinds of crops, then change the fields that they are grown in from year to year, to allow the soil to improve again. Major construction projects begin in the larger cities to create public fountains, drains, and sewers to control the waste of the city. Public bath houses become popular, especially in Ngaoudera. As cleanliness increases in importance for Berabans, soaps and oils become more widely produced as demand increases. Members of the Tangakwunu who specialize in health and medicine become more profitable and as a result are able to expand their studies in the healing arts. An official Beraban Consulate is constructed in Yecedaya as shipments of food and supplies continue. Delegations are sent to Qaryaat and Qera to reaffirm relations and re-examine trade deals.
  • Teleutic Empire: The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in the Teleutic Empire, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. The University of Tesardya, more regionally known as the Great University, begins cataloging the history of the Tesardyan peoples, the Yannian influence in the nation, as well establishing the Isidorius Library, named after the last reigning Tesardyan King who guided the nation throughout the most recent wars. The library features most books and resources ever recorded, featuring various political manifestos published within the nation itself, as well as Yannis, the former Zelonuma, Syres, and numerous neighboring nations, and most controversially Mouri. Most of the collected Mouri publications are non-religious or censored however, primarily due to the anti-Ulmian policy in the nation. After a few decades of recovering from the last century of conflicts, the resources lost are mostly recovered. With the fallout of Zelonuma, relations are sent to be established with its successor, the Taracula [Player Response]. Mass torture and public execution against Ulmians, followers of other Yannian religious sects, and any political opposition occurs. Ethnic cleansing in the outer territories of Niani and Tamsebe occurs as rape is encouraged and legalized in the outer cities. A new philosophical policy, known as Inhcidimanism, teaches that for true enlightenment to occur, a person must become self-reliant, independent, and truly transparent. This clashes with the idea of total Unarcisism beliefs and traditions, but no incursion occurs at the moment. 40 galleys supported by 50,000 soldiers are sent to start an invasion on the coast of the Mouri Culture while the main armies are busy warring with the Yannian Culture, in hopes of securing a coastal city and establishing a foothold in the region, as well as to support the Yannian belligerents. This invasion is unprecedented as, due to the political situation going on currently, there is no specific person to send a war document to, but the invasion is still started [Mod]
  • Yannian Culture: Thus it came to pass that all the Emperors of the Mouri Empire had become untenable, and such a state ceased to be of note or importance. In the absence of such an entity came a new state, dominated by lawlessness and great struggle, in which mankind turned against each other, brother against brother, sister against sister, until the entire world had become consumed by such corruption. In these times there was many rulers, all empty kings and politicians, who grasped their crown from the gutter, and ordered their makeshift horde for conquest and exploitation. The last Mouri Emperor had been Yumanalun, who in that time they called Lastman. He had been the first king in generations to enter the closed city of Azoz, and there he endured the great siege. The entire city came upon hard times, with food being stockpiled, and people dying at every turn. The entirety of the civilians of the city had been put out of the walls, where they starved in no man’s land. Thus the entire city tragically died, and all that remained were those who were fighting in the army. Every effort went toward defending the city, with buildings being systematically torn down to build defenses. Slowly the most massive structures were cannibalized for building materials. During the pause in combat, as the invaders were thoroughly crushed at the gates, the Emperor had thousands of pounds of food stockpiled, and springs within the city used to fill the old buildings like cisterns. Because of this the city would be able to last years under siege. Most of the army had left the city, and turned toward crushing the last of the rebel invasion. The Neumite army successfully preserved a connect along the Ashe River, controlling the entire route from Neum to Aoz, with the ruins of Teman in between. The army would launch its attacks on the many positions of the rebels, intending to siege Medan and take the city. On a quiet night in Azoz, as the guards patrolled the city walls and looked out into the mist, there came a growling noise from the top of the great mound. Treeman had returned to the city, bringing about a great wrath upon the ruins. No soldier could subdue him, and the Emperor finally requested that he come to the palace. There he decided that Treeman would be crowned Emperor as well, which the Emperor did not fear, on account of Treeman being unable to reproduce, so he thought. The rule of the two Emperors began; the birth of the Derigi Empire, named for Derigianyan, Treeman’s name in Yannian. Treeman’s empire would be strong and determined. The soldiers donned holy bark on their metal armor, and used leaves and branches as camouflage, like the Yannian forces of old. Their green banners were raised over the army in ernest, as the people rallied to the cause. As for the usurper, see was seen as a foreigner and an opportunist, as the legitimate emperor, although partially Yannian, was born and raised in Azoz, while his contemporary held a much weaker claim to the throne, and was of Edomite birth only. Even her mother had noted the uphill battle it would be to force such a conquest, against a much loved emperor and his people. The Emperor would appeal to his people, speaking that he was Azozian and Ulmian, while the invader was an Edomite and a pagan. He reminded them how the Edomites desired to promote Edomite paganism, and even Yannian paganism, ironically more than the supposed “Yannian claimant”. Faced with war from the east, the Emperor would even renounce the throne of Neum, completely becoming an Azozian ruler. He begged his people, stop destroying the empire, stop allowing those who hate Azozian culture to have their way in our nation. The emperor would even not request aid from any Yannian nations, as they supported the Edomites for the most part. Meanwhile, the Reckoner continued his judgment of the people. When he came to Bangui he took every man, woman, and child, and divided them up into two, equal lines. Then he flipped a coin. The coin flip decided which line lived and which one died, and he executed one-half the city. His army now was on the doorstep of Medan and the Edomite forces, and it became clear that if the Anka did not end her foolish, opportunist war, everything would be lost for both sides.
  • Muruacada Emiresq: The nation recovers and rebuilds from the recent series of wara, and sees people moving away from devastated areas Instead new areas of the north continue to be settled. The navy is rebuilt to be a strong force in the north sea, and eventually ships are used to aid rebels in Syresian-held Zelonuma, and to raid their shipping secretly. Officially the nation remains at peace and avoids provoking the Syresian Republic directly, instead focusing on secret missions to sabotage them. In the former mainland people are encouraged to rebel, and the fortresses in the mountains become particularly resilient. To facilitate the growth of the navy, shipyards are constructed across the Darnan islands, and new shipyards are also constructed in the new northern territories. In the north the major colonies all possess facilities to build and repair ships, and new fortifications are built there. In the far north the nation of Aycouver becomes the primary hegemon of the region, while other cities, such as the colony of Usinilago, also remain major powers.
  • Gibu Fabanalia: Science and medicine are encouraged.
  • Syres: The nation of Syres would commit to the war in Neum more fully, dispatching an army to the region, and using its navy to blockade the region. After Vanden’s initial victory near the border, the Syresian state doubled the number of espions under his command, and he was dispatched to lay siege to the city of Neum itself. The city would be cut off by sea due to the blockade, and cut off by land, and it was expected that allied forces would soon assault the Ashe River, further cutting off the entire region. The invasion by Syres effectively split Neum and Azoz, separating the Emperor’s lands in two. As a result a second claimant came to the throne in Neum itself, Nelipeculun, who was another distant member of Liger’s dynasty.
  • Edom/Mouri Empire: After the campaigns at the end of the previous decade were unsuccessful, the Edomite movement ordered an increase in forces to the west. Most pressing would be the threat of Edom itself being invaded, beginning a period of great fear and costly investment into sending soldiers around the peripheries of the nation. The Anka would reject advice to flee Medan, instead ordering a second army to arrive from the east and take the rest of the Ashe River. Across Edom the war had a different effect, as largely the Edomite people turned against the war. With Edom itself at threat, the idea of sending so many resources to the Mouri Empire seemed futile. The court in Edom would be highly split, with a large portion of the nation not supporting the military action. This would lead to most forces being recalled.
  • In the Cixian Empire, Empress Romana Ińesca continues to oversee a period of peace and prosperity. However, due to the conflicts to the east, the Empress spends substantial time out of the capital. As a result, she leaves daily administrative duties to the Emperor regnant, Vanden Romana ā Qibeca Fúernando, as well as between the remaining Six Ministers; though her orders (as given through a system of carriers), remain paramount. Due to Cixism's emphasis on works of mercy, in addition to works of piety, an increasingly altruistic and communal social climate is cultivated. Many monasteries are established, many of them built under the patronage of Emperor consort Fúernando. While the inhabitants of these monasteries are regarded as "lower clergy", nuns – especially abesses (and prioresses) – gain substantial social influence and prestige. Many male-only monasteries (as the monasteries are segregated based on sex) are also established since high-ranking clerical positions (with the exception of deacons) have been barred access to males. These monasteries are often comprised of a large, palatial complex comprised of a central courtyard (often with a pagoda in its center), multiple secondary temples and shrines, living quarters, and a bath for both practical and religious purposes. In addition, many of the larger ones have other amenities such as hospices and schools; thus serving as important centers of public life in many smaller communities. With the Cixian population reaching a critical mass (~74%), Cixian mores become increasingly entrenched; as reflected by the implementation of conservative Cixian legislation. A crackdown on the "vices" commences. Abortion is heavily restricted (though numerous exceptions) and limited to government-licensed physicians, with women instead of being encouraged to practice safer methods of contraception such as prolonged breastfeeding, withdrawal, and periodic abstinence. Despite this, the virtue of abstaining from sex (except for the purposes of conceiving a child) is preached. Similarly, stronger restrictions on divorce are implemented. A simultaneous crackdown on forced marriages occur, while arranged marriages are discouraged to ensure lifelong monogamy and fidelity). While alcohol is not fully prohibited, a tax is levied on the distribution and production of alcohol – especially that of rice wine, due to the role of rice as the premier grain. There is a crackdown on organized prostitution. However, the prostitutes themselves are not punished, as they are regarded as victims of sexual exploitation rather than willing perpetrators of immoral activity. Instead, their clients are penalized, having to pay a fine and do a week worth of community service. Meanwhile, the criminal code is also revised to conform to Cixian values, with the death penalty now being limited to the crimes of first-degree murder (if the murderer does not confess their guilt), the treason of the highest order, and rape. Emphasis is placed on commercial agriculture, due to its importance in maintaining the economic pre-eminence of the Cixian Empire. Due to its greater versatility, cotton displaces abaca as the main textile fiber of the masses, though lower-grade wool (those produced by native varieties of goats or sheep) is also popular. While the usage of abaca is increasingly limited and specialized, its qualities as a "hard fiber" means that its primary usage is cordage, twines, and ropes – in addition to specialized paper products. Similarly, the usage of piña fiber for textiles production declines, with only high-end brocade workshops continuing to purchase and incorporate them into their garments. The number of state-owned monopolies is reduced, though the five industries – banking sector, management of roads and canals, iron and steel works, mining, and arms production – remain nationalized. Meanwhile, the pudding process and the finery forge are used to produce wrought iron and steel en-masse on government-managed foundries – thus increasing the efficiency of farm tools and the quality of military equipment. The government begins to promote workshops specializing in the production of manufactures – especially textile mills and pottery kilns. Meanwhile, the cash crop industry also receives heavy government subsidies. The campaign against the "Eastern Yannians" continues; with all slaves in captured territories being freed and being escorted westward to ensure their freedom.
  • Kingdom of Taivaie: 17,000 men are drilled extensively and sent against the western nation. Among this force, a particular style of music begins to emerge during their campaigning. It has a lively flow, with adventurous sounds, and voices lifted high in rhythmical tunes. One song becomes particularly well-used: "Taiiel bogs", which has a few minor jabs at the leadership of Valinya. This song is outlawed, but it still is popular, with new lyrics being sung to the same tune. If the western campaign is successful, 20,000 men are sent against the eastern nation.


If you haven’t posted in the previous turn yet, you may do so.

At the Second Battle of Teman, in which Azozian forces under the command of Diogenes attack the Ashe River, which is defended by an army from the city of Azoz and some forces from Neum, results in an Azozian defeat. The Azozians suffer 15,190 casualties, while the defenders suffer 11,450 casualties.

The attack by the Teleutic Empire against the city of Mouri city of Usinilago results in a decisive Mouri defeat, with the city falling to the Tesardyans. The defenders suffer 10,000 casualties, as well as numerous civilians, while the attackers suffer 3,290 casualties.

At the Battle of Laculhenain in southwest Neum, the forces of Edom and the Neumites clash, resulting in a victory for Edom. The Edomites suffer 6,870 casualties, while the Neumites suffer 14,300 casualties.

The Syresian Siege of Neum results in a decisive victory for the Syresians, with the city falling to them, and King Nelipeculun of Neum being captured in the process. The Syresians suffer 5,980 casualties, while the defenders suffer 9,800 casualties, and the loss of numerous civilians.

The Battle of Ishbak, in which the Azozians attack a garrison loyal to the Emperor in Azoz, results in a decisive victory for the attackers. The attackers suffer numerous casualties due to the difficult to traverse terrain, and from guerrilla attacks coming from the city. The attackers suffer 14,540 casualties, while the defenders suffer 5,000 casualties, and numerous civilian casualties.

The armies of Soterion are defeated in two successive battles against the Reckoners, allowing the Reckoners to gain or retain control over the region from Bangui to the Azozian border in the west, and northeast toward Medan. The Azozians suffer 18,430 casualties, while the Reckoners suffer 11,900 casualties. Near Medan the Edomites achieve a decisive victory against the Reckoners, with the Edomites suffering 5,100 casualties, and the Reckoners suffering 12,870 casualties.

At the Battle of Jagurra, in which the army of Sillas attacks the capital of the Jauvukry, the Sillans successfully take the city. The Sillans suffer 6,850 casualties, while the Javuk suffer 10,000 casualties, as well as numerous civilians.

Yapulcagel replies to the offer from the Hythian Curpartian Empire, stating that he will accept paying tribute and acting as a client state to the Hythians, retaining the autonomy of the nation. In the meantime he amasses a new army, raising more recruits from neighboring tribes.

After the first siege of Azoz some years prior, a monumental second siege began against the city. After two years of siege, in which the defenders suffered 5,050 casualties, and the attackers suffer 8,090 casualties, the Azozians are attacked by a relief force, which temporarily breaks the siege once more. In that ensuing battle, the Azozian besiegers suffer 13,500 casualties, while the relief army suffers 11,050 casualties.

After winning victories at Ishbak and Medan respectively, the Azozian and Edomite armies again converge on Azoz, and in a second battle, come out victorious. The city is captured, with the Azozians suffering 10,850 casualties, the Edomites suffering 7,540 casualties, and the defenders suffering 10,000 casualties.

The attack by the nation of Taivaie against the nation to the west results in a decisive victory, with the attackers suffering 3,010 casualties, while the defenders suffer 6,140 casualties. This prompts Misesham to lead a coalition of other nations against Taivaie, and this coalition successfully defeats Taivaie in battle. Taivaie suffers 5,130 casualties, while the alliance suffers 2,940 casualties.

  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: While renovating the Sky Tower, the leading architect detects a fatal construction error, which is swiftly corrected. We expand our colonies a lot. A cart accident involving two carts occur near the capital, leading to one of them being sentenced for having too fast a horse on his cart.
  • Zhamara: Ta'Zhazhan Zhahotenudak XII instructs scouts to head out and upstream along the three great rivers of the region, and uncover the lands surrounding the city of Zhazhakara. Reports of fertile lands in the interior have long been inticing to previous Ta'Zhazhanin of the kingdom, but lack of interest in expending the resources had historically prevented expansion. With the state having been fully placed under the unwavering iron hand of the great patriarch, Zhahotenudak has pushed the other patrons of the Taza'Zhazhanin to support his planned expansion into the interior of the region. While not pleased with idea of wasting resources on what the consider a frivolous campaign for the sake of one man's ego, the men on the council realize that Zhazhakara is experiencing overpopulation within the tiny plot of land they have lived upon for centuries. Higher crop yields and abundant harvest seasons have allowed for a period of unprecedented growth in the population, one which now exceeds 25,000 within a the city limits itself. Pressed to expand the kingdom's territory out of necessity, the Taza'Zhazhanin concede to Zhahotenudak's demands, and agree to contribute manpower to the inland campaign. Dozens of scouting parties are formed and sent upstream in line with the Ta'Zhazhan's demand, and the lands are charted by the state scribes back in the capital. Good locations for new settlements are marked down by the scouts, who proceed to continue onward with their mission. In the report sent back to Zhahotenudak and the Taza'Zhazhanin, approximately 11 sites for the establishment of new cities have been found, and their locations marked by the scouts for future expansion into the interior. Back in the kingdom proper, Zhahotenudak has the terraced farmlands beyond the city expanded to increase yields of Zhamaric rice (local variation of brown rice) ahead of the planned expansion of the workforce, with a focus on high yields per hectare of loaned farmland. The all-female peasant class of the kingdom are given quotas to fulfill, uvokin (peasant coteries) in the nation required to produce up to five sutan, or one-half ton each per hectare (a sutan being the amount of rice needed to feed one person for a year). A third of all the rice harvested is to be placed into the state-controlled storehouses, while the rest is provided to the population as rations controlled by state bureaucrats. The existing fleet of fishing boats is expanded by the government to move deeper into the sea and access the schools of fish below. Unlike the rice farmers, no quota exists for the fisher-women, who are permitted to bring in as much as they can catch without punishment. During a visit to the small garrison of Zhazhakara, Dakazhan Kevoyan of the ruling council for the nation remarks as to the dismal state of the soldiery. They poor training and discipline, and obscene lack of understanding as to their duties within the guard units appall the patriarch. He personally resolves to improve their status as warriors, and selects ten of the soldiers to return to his private estate to instruct them in the art of war. Having been witness to the great battles of the past given his status as the eldest member of the Taza'Zhazhanin, Kevoyan teaches the most able-bodied members of the guards the martial arts, the proper use and maintenance of weapons, and how to lead their compatriots in the midst of battle. For the purposes of the training, Kevoyan pays for their armor and weaponry out of his own coffers, and writes all of the war manuals that will be used for the future training of the soldiery.
  • Qera: PRince Ycqrham I dies early on in this decade, he is immediately succeeded by his son Ycas VIII. The new prince continues the policies of his father, keeps the grraineries filled and gives priority to the central government in Imbalama over the local counts, similar to his father. The spice trade expandes to Qaryaat (Qarjaata) and again to Beraba. The Qaryaati traders are welcomed with open arms and they return with shiploads of spices. The new contacts fuel the hunger for knowledge in the sailors and captains of the merchant fleets to discover new lands, thus the Cixi empire is asked to share their maps for the east with Qera (CIXI EMPIRE RESPONSE, PLEASE!). The new prince expresses sympathy to the Qerans in the Cixi Empire, but calls both the government and the people to stop the violence. He makes clear that assimilation is no option and tells them to speak Qeran in their homes and villages over Sillan, not converting to Cixism and keep the Rhatixemy shrines and temples alive and well. The army is kept in the usual large size, with every eldest or second eldest son of every family receivingten-month traning. The peasentry is appeased with smaller amounts of money as a reparation for the missing laborpower on their fields or workshops. A book from the writer Yence, who travels to the "peasentry republics" in the Uotatzija colony after inspiration from the works of the reknown philosopher Ycenuas. Yence documents, that this phenomenon of non-leadership has spread to smaller towns even, where the local leaders where kicked out and replaced by a grassroot-democratic system. Every citizen who is full of age, meaning men and women over the age of 16, can participate on a popular vote. Here, decisions are made tat concern the community, like harvest redistribution, trials on crimes or other various problems the community faces. During this period, he also writes down the principles of Rhatixemy and the Qeran culture: the nine principles of life, their hierarchies and relations with each other and also the principle of the "living triade". The latter one being the principle of how the Qerans imagine both thought and live; all created is made from two parts, all created can be split and all split will unite in something new. This is expressed in the Qeran saying "What long exists must perish, what long was gone must be reborn".
    • The Cixian Empire agrees to share maps.
  • Kono: From Sonshu the Kono's  largest and only permanent settlement in the Kinu Islands the kono slavers have expanded their activties theroughout the region setting up outposts for the extraction of iron, slaves, and other goods to sell to the great Yazredid Empire after it was determined by the House of Yana that it would be better to trade with them then to be wiped out with the founding of Sonshu still a reminder of triffling with massive powers. Expansion of slaving activites continues as outposts on the continent are set up and Sonshu continues as does the establishment of more permanent settlements. Restive Tausi have begun fighting against Kono oppression in the fringes of their sphere while many tausi whjo have been enslaved for generations have mixed loyalties with many desiring freedom form the martial and labour demands of their kono overlords while others have achieved great success as scholars, craftsmen and soldiers in a society that looks toward merit over race, and many Tausi. The growing unrest is kept under wraps by the highly trained and brutally efficient security aparratus that keeps a tight lid on weapons and the continued sedating of the population therough the use of Yali (cannabis). In religious affairs the worship of the souls of ancestors and the worship of the Ruyi (spirits and demons kind of like the japanese kama) continues with the great Yana Shrine remaining the biggest place of worship. Yali remaibns heavily connected to the kono people for both Spiritual and recreational purposes. Agricultural actrivities remain relatively high as expansion of farmland begins in erarnest with the growth in population of Sonshu. The ports of Sonshu continue to be prosper with traders from Yazredid and their vassals coming in to purchase large amounts of slave secured in raids. kono metalsmithing continues to be refined as iron work and naval supremacy remain at the core of Kono dominance in the islands. Kono exployers continue to move farther west and east to discover more the sealanes and to explore the strange people to their west. Lord Yana sends an envoy to Yazredid to request the formalization of trade relations between them offering them in a sign of friendship several hundred well trained and well behaved slave soldiers, and Yali (mod response, please)
  • Mouri Empire: Prackyob at last seizes control over the capital, and forces the usurper Arboron to surrender. He immediately takes control over the military high command of the city, adding the forces of Azoz that were compelled to serve under the Yannians to come on the side of the Lord of the North and the Anka. Telephama is crowned Emperor in Azoz, taking on an informal regnal name of Arenea II, and Prackyob is made the First Citizen. The generals and commanders who were employed among the Yannians personal retainers were kept confined under house arrest, with the exception of the guards of Arboron due to his Azouri heritage. Prackyob's speech at launching the reconstruction of the city is quite compelling, and the copy found in Syres in the 12th century AR might be close to the original. According to legend, another corronation was held in the same city, recognizing the great Tree Man as the rightful emperor in parallel to Telephama. Prackyob was, in fact, a great admirer of Nucilon's writings, and ensured that the Tree Man would remain forever a symbol of the unity that existed between Azoz and Yannian culture. He ordered a mulberry tree to be planted, located in a special courtyard situated between the steps of the Great Library and the Garden of Pleasures. This tree was quite enormous, having been moved from a forest near Jaligena, and was described as having the distinctive shape of a human. Legends speak how that is the Great Tree Man himself, patiently biding his time in contemplation until the day he decides to rise up and claim his right as Emperor. In honor of this heritage, the era of the empire from this time forward was called the Derigi Empire on all official documents, although not universally used by modern historians. This tree would continue for a very long time in Azoz, before it was eventually cut down in the 22nd century AR. The new emperor wanted to proceed with the process of rebuilding, but with the armies of the Reckoner berring down on the nation there was no time for such effort yet. The forces of Soterion are sent to liberate the city of Bangui, taking on a far larger force than the previous attempt. His name was fitting for leading the final invasion to thwart the Reckoner, stemming from his own name that translates to "the savior". His tactics focused on a central strike formation, utilizing the cavalry and archers to skirmish the sides of the enemy and bring them closer to the middle. He swings westward in his invasion to ensure he takes the high ground near Bangui before sweeping downhill. An additional set of troops are convoyed by ship by the Garan navy, invading from the Uriel islands to seize the port of Fransk by sea. All the armies appropriated from the Yannians are sent to coordinate with the Edomite invasion of the Reckoner on another front. The army of Ashkenaz is sent to Usilinago, split into a three-pronged strike to retake the city from the Yannians. The Water Merchants employed a vast underground society, oweing to their days under the Xera empire, to sabatoge and create guerrilla warfare against the Yannian invaders as much as possible. The remaining forces under Prackyob moved to enter Neum where the Syresians had just recently defeated, occupying the outlying regions before the Syresians got there and commanding the loyalty of the Azouri people. The empire offers a deal of joint control over the city to Syres, allowing them to pay tribute to the Syresians along the same vein as their client states while the Empire retains authority over their administration. In exchange, they enter a mutual military alliance, and ensure free trade for the Syresians along the coast of Greater Mouria, as well as any other amenities or agreements necessary to ensure the condomonium. Of course, knowing the Syresian growing power in the region the common people knew that it was only a matter of time for the agreement to fall apart, but it was a good patch in the mean time. 
  • Hythian Empire: Years 728-737 Diarch Rylphias Politamius, now made keenly aware of Unarch Wetres Qyiptus’s exploits in the south, accepts the offer from Yapulcagel and recalls Qyiptus to Mythas. His trip through the empire reveals worsening conditions for peasants as wages have fallen, and a massive labor surplus has developed forcing many to choose between debt-slavery, serfdom, or migration to the south. Disgusted by the mismanagement of the economy in this time of economic upheaval, Qyiptus and his men regularly ‘liberate’ the indebted and force landowners to sell their land to its workers. His popularity skyrockets as tales of Qyiptus the Liberator sweep the land and thousands flock to his banner. When the general arrives in Mythas he is backed by an army of 60,000 loyal soldiers and another 80,000 civilians. Threatened by a futile siege, the city garrison opens the gates and joins Qyiptus’s army. The army quickly seizes the Diarch and Curparti, disbanding the board and executing the Diarch. With military control of the capital, Wetres Qyiptus crowns himself Myrnech of the Hythian Empire in the year 732. He institutes dramatic military reforms known as the Qyiptian Reforms which organize the Unar under a system of small 2,000 men Unit comprised of ten Mymuens of 200 men each of which are comprised of 20 Dymuens of ten men. The core of the Winged Zaraj is expanded to 10,000 men in five Units. Each of these Units adopts a specific color of wings to denote the unit, the Mythasian 1 Unit, the veteran core of the oldest unit of Winged Zaraj adopts the burgundy red found in the Hythian Flag. Facing massive popular unrest Qyiptus swiftly acts to appease the peasants, redistributing land, establishing missions in the south for the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of displaced persons. Price controls are implemented, which have the effect of boosting the value of grain helping farmers substantially; however, prices remain well below those two decades previous. Sheep herding, long a fringe economic activity in the far south and south-east, becomes a significant section in the growing southern economy. The production of fine wool in the Kaschimar region near Joredesh becomes renown as its quality. Cities also receive many settlers, forcing investment in public infrastructure such as bathhouses in Gyt, Wys, Mythas, and many others. The use of baths becomes a staple of urban life in the empire as the necessity to keep clean becomes apparent in the sprawling urban spaces where hygiene is poor. Cities also establish extensive sewer and water distribution networks to provide clean water and flush away sewage. As the imperial reforms are propagated, the wealth generated in the last decades becomes more evenly spread. The adoption of scythes accelerates as farmers show improved profits. This cheap grain is purchased by the government and distributed to families that choose to have another child as it has become clear that technology now allows the land to produce more and feed more people. Myrnech Wetres Qyiptus, after struggling to keep the economic situation stable for five years determines the best course of action is to throw some of the excess manpower and resources into a war of conquest. Thus, in 737, using the Jorideshi claim on the Dakal clan as brethren, war is declared on the Eldebethias Empire to liberate the tribe and secure a port to the southern seas. [War Response] 48,000 Imperial troops, comprised of 4,000 Winged Zaraj, 12,000 heavy lancers, 16,000 horse archers skilled in Eborite-shot tactics, 8,000 foot archers, and 4,000 foot skirmishers, and 4,000 siege troops cross the border and lay siege to Gomis itself. Meanwhile, another Imperial unar of the similar composition but 4,000 more light lancers and no siege units secures the border between the Empires’ vassals and the Eldebethias Empire. An additional unar of 40,000 men begins drilling to support the other armies, but is to be deployed in 738. Its composition follows the ratios outlined in the second of the two Hythian field-unars but with only 2,000 Winged Zaraj and more light lancers. 
  • Teleutic Empire: The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in the Teleutic Empire, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. The University of Tesardya, more regionally known as the Great University, begins cataloging the history of the Tesardyan peoples, the Yannian influence in the nation, as well establishing the Isidorius Library, named after the last reigning Tesardyan King who guided the nation throughout the most recent wars. The library features most books and resources ever recorded, featuring various political manifestos published within the nation itself, as well as Yannis, the former Zelonuma, Syres, and numerous neighboring nations, and most controversially Mouri. Most of the collected Mouri publications are non-religious or censored however, primarily due to the anti-Ulmian policy in the nation. After a few decades of recovering from the last century of conflicts, the resources lost are mostly recovered. With the fallout of Zelonuma, relations are sent to be established with its successor, the Taracula [Player Response]. Mass torture and public execution against Ulmians, followers of other Yannian religious sects, and any political opposition occurs. Ethnic cleansing in the outer territories of Niani and Tamsebe occurs as rape is encouraged and legalized in the outer cities. A new philosophical policy, known as Inhcidimanism, teaches that for true enlightenment to occur, a person must become self-reliant, independent, and truly transparent. This clashes with the idea of total Unarcisism beliefs and traditions, but no incursion occurs at the moment. With success in Usinilago and the occupation of the city, the city is becomes an extension of the Teleutic Empire's colonial government, and as such, ethnic cleansing through rape is accepted. Expression of Ulmian faith gets an individual and their entire family slaughtered. To better secure the city, 20,000 soldiers assisted by 15 galleys are sent to the city to better defend it from an impending Mouri invasion.
  • Yannian Culture: As the city of Azoz was destroyed once more by the zealous invaders, the defenders fought one last time to save their city, but we overrun by the rebellious invaders. They slaughtered those inside, further contributing to the dead city. They discovered that every inch of the city had been converted to a place for war, as nearly every civilian had been completely removed from the city. Every building in the city was vacant and derelict, with nature and trash having overtaken most city streets, and many former streets turned into farmland within the city walls. Major buildings, from the Great Library to the old palace, had been cannibalized for building material, and those buildings were now pieces of rubble in hastily repaired walls, leaving behind nothing but fields and ruins. Other buildings had been turned into cisterns and pools, or storerooms for weapons of war. As the soldiers walk through the remains of old city streets, they find nothing of note to loot or capture. Aside from the few homes that the soldiers remained in, there are no other standing buildings. One emperor is killed in battle, while Treeman is forced into the highest confines of the Azoz Mound. As part of the peace treaty, Treeman is to remain Emperor alongside his co-emperor, and to retain the privilege of “First Night”. In the east the King of Neum recognized the supremacy of Syres, as part of a surrender, and continued to turn his soldiers to attack the Azozians, if they should choose to attack Syres.
  • Edom/Mouri Empire: The Battle of Azoz largely ended the civil war that was taking place in the Mouri Empire, allowing the Anka of Edom to ascend to the throne of Azoz as well. The victory had come at a cost, and soon after victory was achieved at Azoz, the Anka would be returning to Edom, hoping to rebuild loyalty and administration there. Because of the threat of the Reckoner against the empire, the Anka would also send an army into southern Edom, hoping to defend against the invasion there. It was discovered that the lake region had become completely hostile, with the Reckoner having established control up to the Edomite border. A costly campaign would begin in this direction, hoping to push the invaders away from Susanylon.
  • Syres: The nation of Syres rejected the diplomacy from the Derigi Empire. This was because the state found it unreasonable that the Derigi would request to take territory from Syres, after the nation was responsible for taking Neum in the first place. Additionally, the nation references its promise to its client, the King of Neum, and selling his kingdom away would be a breach of the nation’s agreements internationally. When Azozian soldiers suddenly crossed the border in Syresian territory to invade, the nation was shocked. However, due to the ongoing war to stabilize the region, the nation was well prepared in the region. The forces of Neum immediately attacked the army of Prackyrob, defending the capital from his attempt to break his way in. At the same time, the espions of Aexontia would cross the border west into Zuen, marching to secure farther west. Support was sent to the nation of Tesardya, with reinforcements and ships being sent to aid them in Usinilago. In the east the border would remain heavily fortified, as fighting was expected between Edom and Mesallas. At the same time diplomats would be sent to Azoz, hoping to make peace, as the nation simply wanted its conquests to be accepted, and not to hurt the empire further.
    • The Mouri Empire agrees to recognize Syres' control over the city of Neum and surrounding territory that makes up the Neumite region, for a lasting military alliance. We also cede an section of Zeun to Syres, being the part they invaded, further to emphasize our offer of alliance
  • The Cixian Empire continues to experience a period of peace and prosperity under Empress Ińesca. With the success of the "Eastern campaigns", the Sillenes begin to be assured of their "innate superiority" and their "God-given mission to civilize the barbarians", prompting increased support for an expansionist and militarist foreign policy. High culture continues to be promoted, with the affluence of peace resulting in the proliferation of literature (especially poetry and theatre), performance arts (dance and music), and visual arts – especially sculpture-making and decorative ceramics. The arts of archery and horseback-riding, both associated with the upper classes and thus seen as highly prestigious, also flourishes. Due to rigorous proselytization, Cixianization has completed and as a result, the only major religion left is Eastern Ulm (~10%), with the Ulmians living in dispersed populations in urban zones with the exception of the province of Caloúme – in which they constitute a slight majority. Emphasis is placed on commercial agriculture, due to its importance in maintaining the economic pre-eminence of the Cixian Empire. The improved heavy-moldboard plow with three iron plowshares and a sturdy multiple-tube iron seed drill is invented, thus increasing agricultural productivity and extensification of land. Buffaloes are used as draft animals due to their resilience and their strength. Meanwhile, the method of supplying irrigation ditches with water is improved with the invention of a mechanical chain pump powered by the rotation of a waterwheel or draft animals, which could transport irrigation water up elevated terrains. Similarly, the waterwheel begins to be used to operate the hammers used in grain-dehuskers; allowing more time for other tasks or recreational pursuits. Animal husbandry proliferates due to the stigma about (mammalian) meat consumption decreases. Despite this, butchers are told to kill with a single strike and are mandated to stun the animal prior to slaughter. Due to the lower effort required to raise them, poor animals usually raise and slaughter poultry for meat and eggs, while also owning a small number of goats for milk. However, affluent households also raise cows, pigs, sheep, and rheas on large enclosures or ranch estates. In addition, they engage in aquaculture, raising fish and mollusks in ponds with water diverted from rivers. The three-step crop rotation continues to be promoted. First, legumes are planted to fix nitrogen – thus heighten soil fertility. The government recommends that three varieties of legumes are inter-planted together, increasing nutrition but also reducing the chances of a successful crop. After the paddy is flooded during the prime growing season, the rice seedlings are transported from the nursery and then harvested. Finally, during the last third of the year, an inter-cropping of taro (which can thrive on marginalized soils) and greens (to combat soil salinization) is planted. Heavy Sillenic settlement continues in the provinces of Chrystalia Minor and Qera Minor provinces, particularly in the latter. While both provinces are restored to their former status, Sillenes continue to dominate the provincial court and the majority of government posts, due to political apathy of the native population. Meanwhile, in Qera Minor whilst the religion of Rhatixemy is not outlawed, it becomes increasingly moribund due to its low appeal – in contrast to the more humanistic beliefs of Cixism. The ban on religious human sacrifice is reinforced, with any parties involved being sentenced to execution for first-degree murder. The Empress ratifies the "Reduction Act" which forcibly relocates isolated peasant populations particularly in non-Sillenic provinces into "reductions" (usually founded on a pre-existing settlement) – each with a minimum of ~100 families – to facilitate tax collection and law enforcement. In addition, it also improves access to native labor, while breaking down ethnic or kinship ties. Accompanying this law is a semantic shift in the word "reduction"; which formerly denoted fortified colonies but now denote settlements in non-Sillenic territories built or rebuilt under the tenets of Sillan urban planning. Following the conquest of Avylsann and the Jauvukry or the "Eastern Yannians" (with the exception of its southern third), they are placed under direct military administration for a set period of 30 years; hoping to instill Sillan democratic values and culture (particularly the Cixian religion). The entire population is organized into reductions – with the notable exception of the upper classes due to their ownership over immovable property. Each reduction includes a forum (in addition to civic buildings), a market-place for the exchange of goods, a Cixian temple and a monastery (which may also serve as a hostel or a hospice), a public bath, and numerous public latrines. A single colony in each of the counquered regions to facilitate Sillan administration and future settlement. Each colony consists of a walled area (covering a square mile) to deter unwanted incursions and has a capacity of roughly 10,000 Sillene settlers. In the former Jauvukry, all slaves are freed and most are provided land from the confiscated properties. To establish agricultural self-sufficiency, the cotton plantations are converted into farms cultivating grain – mainly millet due to its hardiness compared to rice. Meanwhile, the class of Jauvukid citizen-soldiers is stripped of their status and property unless they sign a pledge of allegiance. However, if they are discovered to be in breach of this agreement, they could be sentenced to execution under the charge of high treason. Regardless, much of the Jauvukid nobility is nevertheless condemned to execution for the charge of "murder"; due to the acquired right of the freedmen (many of whom tortured and mutilated under their Jauvukid masters) to file complaints against them. Meanwhile, all Jauvukid religious texts and architecture are burnt and the "Cult of Zaukud" is strictly prohibited. All priests of the cult are sentenced to execution due to their role in massacres related to human sacrifice. Foreign commerce – a once negligible contributor to the economy – becomes increasingly important. Massive quantities of silver are imported from Qera, while copper is imported from the Mourians. These metals, along with locally-produced gold, monetize the economy. Similarly, Qeran spices are also imported en-bulk. However, the imports most prized by consumers are Syresian products, with imports including linen and wool, wine, amphorae, glassware, lead, papyrus, and olive oil. An expedition northward is sent to Hythus. Similarly to the expeditions sent to Syres, the goal is to break Sillas' relative diplomatic isolation as well as acquire new products to further enrich the consumer economy.
  • Muruacada Emiresq: The nation recovers and rebuilds from the recent series of wara, and sees people moving away from devastated areas Instead new areas of the north continue to be settled. The navy is rebuilt to be a strong force in the north sea, and eventually ships are used to aid rebels in Syresian-held Zelonuma, and to raid their shipping secretly. Officially the nation remains at peace and avoids provoking the Syresian Republic directly, instead focusing on secret missions to sabotage them. In the former mainland people are encouraged to rebel, and the fortresses in the mountains become particularly resilient. To facilitate the growth of the navy, shipyards are constructed across the Darnan islands, and new shipyards are also constructed in the new northern territories. In the north the major colonies all possess facilities to build and repair ships, and new fortifications are built there. In the far north the nation of Aycouver becomes the primary hegemon of the region, while other cities, such as the colony of Usinilago, also remain major powers.


The Battle of Usinilago, in which the Derigi Empire attacks the Tesardyans holding the city, results in a decisive Derigi victory. The Derigi suffer 10,480 casualties, while the defenders suffer 18,950 casualties, and the city is captured by the Derigi.

The Edomite attack against the Reckoners south of the Susanylon region results in a decisive Edomite victory. The Reckoners are pushed back to their nation, allowing the Edomites to advance toward the southern lake. The Edomites suffer 5,670 casualties, while the Reckoners suffer 11,340 casualties.

The amphibious invasion of Fashnoq by the Derigi Empire results in a Derigi victory, with the invaders capturing the city. The Derigi suffer a total of 6,020 casualties, while the defenders suffer 8,500 casualties.

The Derigi invasion of northern Fashnoq, in which the Derigi attack the city of Bangui, results in a Derigi defeat. The Derigi suffer 30,150 casualties, while the Reckoners suffer 19,540 casualties.

The clash outside the city of Neum, in which the Syresians and their Neumite allies defend briefly against an attack, results in a Syresian victory. The Syresians suffer 1,400 casualties, the Neumites suffer 2,040 casualties, and the Derigi suffer 8,490 casualties.

The Siege of Gomis, in which the Hythian Empire attacks the city held by the nation of Eldebethias, results in a Hythian victory, with the city’s defenders being defeated in a battle outside the city. The Hythians suffer 4,850 casualties, while the defenders suffer 10,590 casualties. At the same time, the nation of Eldebethias launches an invasion against Hythia’s vassal states to the north, winning a decisive battle in the region.

A nobleman from Avsylann named Nysrstadasam sends a request to the government of the Cixian Empire, requesting that the eastern regions of the empire, from Avsylann to the Jauvukry, be organized into one, autonomous province, due to the distance from the rest of Sillas. If made the governor of this province, he pledges to fulfill “Cixianization”.

The Yazradid Empire accepts the offer from the nation of Kono, sending merchants to the north.

  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: For the first time in its history, the Tsar declares war on Eldebethias and mobilizes its army. The royal fleets set up a blockade toward Eldebethias while awaiting further orders from Hythia. The Holy Temple and the Sky Tower are closed to the public and the Tsar personally leads the royal flagship. To ensure the Holy Dodo's survival, the temple guards begin their guard duty. The royal army is led by General Anastasia Browotski and is ready to defend Hythia and Algeorgia against any threat. The Tsar orders that rationing is to be in effect until the end of the war, this policy is not well-liked but necessary to ensure that no one will starve. Meanwhile, the Tsarina gives birth to a daughter who is given the name of Olga and is the new heir apparent.
    • Hythian naval Action: A moderately sized Hythian fleet comprised of 75 Trihemiolia armed with fire-balistas, and 25 iron-clad Quinquereme armed with great pot-throwers capable of launching a 20L pot of the Hythia's renown incendiaries at the enemy. The larger of these ships are to begin a naval assault on Eldebethian port facilities along the coast, using their armor to close to range and then releasing great pots of fire on the enemy.
  • The Vosa: The migrations of the Vosa continued in a southerly direction for most of the decade. The more temperate southern lands provided good hunting and grazing grounds for men and beasts, and the population gradually recovered. A new leader was elected, Arvi Hakam. Soon, however, the Vosa began facing competition from other tribes who had begun moving into the area as of late. These tribes had similarly left their homelands for a better climate, but they did not come with peaceful intent. With enemies on all sides, the Vosa would have to learn the ways of war and become dependent on themselves alone.
  • Derigi (Mouri) Empire: The war is reaching its conclusion with the Reckoner, seeking to expel his last remnants from the empire. The Garan army moves further inland across the Fransk River, barricading the river ways and destroying various bridges, while entrenching their position to fortify from enemy attack with pikes. This effectively cuts off any supply routes to the north and weakens the Reckoner's positions elsewhere. The army of Soterion once again attacks Bangui, this time utilizing the tactical positions captured from the previous campaign. The army takes two different positions, one on the high ground to strike at Bangui from the north, and the other with heavier artillery to strike at Bangui from the east. Ashkenaz takes further military to recapture Agmnon as well, supported by the troops formally under the Yannian emperor's control. Prackyob's forces fortify their position in the Ashe River as left from the previous campaign, not crossing any border established by our treaty with Syres. We respect Syresian control of Neum and have ceded the sliver of territory they invaded in Zeun, so Prackyob intends that no further conflict should take place in the region. As part of our offer of a military alliance, the empire offers to give Syres aid in the suppressing revolts from the Emiresq or their associated states on the Island of Darna, in exchange for mutual assurance of military aid in case the Tesardyans ever attack the empire again. The rest of the military leftover is given to domestic jobs, helping the full reconstruction of the city of Azoz and all the other cities that were damaged as a result of the Yannian rule. The Paltonians had moved into the city officially, and became most prominent administration over the metropolitan area. Although the empire had benefited to some degree during the Yannian domination in terms of territorial expansion and religious tolerance, in general the monastic chronicles made it clear this period of deliberate damage and destruction in the kingdom was the darker era, and the post war golden age had begun.The navy is upgraded in Nerimos and Thalutia-Nox and expanded, reaching the same level it was at its previous height under emperor Landrew. With the loss of the port in Neum, the navy is more focused on the east, expanding influence beyond the eastern straits to send expeditions of apostles and monks to the regions of Obtus and Atnosia as before. Expeditions also prepare to encounter the legendary island of Algeorgia which they hear from some of the island settlers.
  • Zhamara: The okumarin peasant class reportedly struggle to meet their rice yield quotas, producing only up to two rather than three sutanin per yield on their plots of land. Several years of pleas from the peasantry regarding the matter and the fear of punishment from their fathers have finally reached the ears of the members of the Taza'Zhazhanin, who investigate the matter themselves. Ranking member of the body, Dakazhan Sayan Azhivajan of House Neyan, descends into the terraced rice paddies of Zhamara himself to look into the matter with his own eyes, and brings with him several of the leading agricultural teachers in Zhazhakara to join him. To his dismay, the teachers of agriculture have found that little has changed in the farming methods of the Zhamarokin people over the centuries. Many of peasants are still harvesting wild rice to make up for the low yields of Zhamaric rice, and have been poorly utilizing their fertile soils by failing to make the most efficent usage of the land by keeping the rice seedlings together. Many of the okumarin aren't weeding the fields properly, and though the Zhamaric rice is capable of smothering and killing the weeds naturally, the extra biomass in the soil is blocking the ability for the roots of the rice plants to grow, artificially limiting the rice yield in the paddies. This information is relayed back to the Taza'Zhazhanin, which is infuriated by the information. Zhahotenudak's edict to produce more rice despite his ignorance of Zhamarokin farming practices cost them the lives of many of their peasant daughters their lives. Zhahotenudak attempts to calm the body of enraged patriarchs by providing them news of the newly acquired lands in the region by the warriors of the nation. He promises that the innocent lives of their offspring would not have been lost in vain, as the crops they were able to produce would be vital in supporting the rapidly growing population of Zhamara as it expanded into the new lands abroad. For the zhazhanin, more lands meant more food, and more food meant more bodies, which in turn generated more wealth through the production of wares, crops, and soldiers. Each patriarch would regain the lives of those daughters he lost a dozen times over, and their wealth and influence would grow as a direct result of Zhahotenudak's direction to colonize the new territories. Though still angered, the Taza'Zhazhanin had been sated to some degree by the promises of Zhahotenudak. Dakazhan Sayan would be appointed by Zhahotenudak to pursue the process of increasing rice yields as "Patron of the Fields", while a fellow high-ranking patriarch, Dakazhan Varsha Kamakazha of House Shadan, would be appointed "Patron of the Territories", a new post responsible for the expansion of Zhamarokin lands into the interior. In his new role, Varsha oversees the expansion of Zhamarokin territory further into the mainland, senting hundreds of scouts and warriors to survey the land and guide settlers to the prospective areas to begin the process of clearing the land to aid in the plan construction of new cities. Dakazhan Kevoyan is appointed "Patron of Blades" by Zhahotenudak and assigned responsibility to continue the training of the vakoranin caste in the ways of war, and to bring them up to the standards expected of them as the warriors of Zhamara. In line with the recommendation of the Taza'Zhazhanin following a vote on the matter, the population of Zhamarokin society shall be reorganized clearly into four castes to ensure better management of state resources and allocation of rations throughout the population.
  • Teleutic Empire: The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in the Teleutic Empire, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. The University of Tesardya, more regionally known as the Great University, begins cataloging the history of the Tesardyan peoples, the Yannian influence in the nation, as well establishing the Isidorius Library, named after the last reigning Tesardyan King who guided the nation throughout the most recent wars. The library features most books and resources ever recorded, featuring various political manifestos published within the nation itself, as well as Yannis, the former Zelonuma, Syres, and numerous neighboring nations, and most controversially Mouri. Most of the collected Mouri publications are non-religious or censored however, primarily due to the anti-Ulmian policy in the nation. After a few decades of recovering from the last century of conflicts, the resources lost are mostly recovered. With the fallout of Zelonuma, relations are sent to be established with its successor, the Muruacada [Player Response]. Mass torture and public execution against Ulmians, followers of other Yannian religious sects, and any political opposition occurs. Ethnic cleansing in the outer territories of Niani and Tamsebe occurs as rape is encouraged and legalized in the outer cities. A new philosophical policy, known as Inhcidimanism, teaches that for true enlightenment to occur, a person must become self-reliant, independent, and truly transparent. This clashes with the idea of total Unarcisism beliefs and traditions, but no incursion occurs at the moment. 
  • Hythian Empire: Years 738-747 Myrnech Wetres Qyiptus continues his war on the Eldebethias Empire. With the capture of Gomis, the First Unar continues southward, laying siege to the former Drakan City of Gondreium, which has a significant population of worshipers of Hythus. These faithful citizens are asked to throw open the gates and allow for the Empire of Hythus a swift and bloodless entry. If they comply all shall be spared and the city will not be sacked. [War & Religion] Farther east, the Second Unar is faced with defeat as the Eldebethian forces destroy an army from the cities of Hattu and Daśa. However, in 739, the Hythian Thrid Unar arrives, boosting the overall Hythian forces in the region to 6,000 Winged Zaraj, 24,000 heavy lancers, 32,000 horse archers skilled in Eborite-shot tactics, 12,000 foot archers, and 12,000 light lancers. These are supplemented by another 12,000 auxiliaries raised from Joredesh, and the Three of Ten (a common name for the two Eldebethian Region vassals of Hythia). Moves to intercept the Eldebethian force known to be in the south of the two vassal states and hopefully destroy it outright. Raiding parties are sent ahead, comprising some 2,000 mounted skirmishers and light lancers, to burn and pillage the lands of the Eldebethian Empire.
  • Yannian Culture: The great emperor Treeman began his reign to much acclaim, but as the years continued, the greedy humans desired to cut down the forests, and to rebuild their homes. Treeman accepted this fate out of the generosity of his heart for those who needed wood, but for those who profited through taking advantage of the vulnerable, Treeman struck back with furious anger. It was decreed that in all the land private property should be abolished. The forests and fields would become free to be used by all, and the greedy aristocrats of old Azoz would be purged. But before much could be done, tragedy struck. Treeman had decided he should marry his co-emperor, the Anka of Edom, hoping that would relieve tension in the new state. After an enormous wedding in Jaligena, the two retired to their private bedroom, and the court expected that they would consummate their marriage. Treeman screwed on a wooden member to his bark. His branch was long but smooth, well shaped to be like a man’s. Below the branch hung two wooden balls, also well shaped and smoothed over for comfort. The Anka took off her wedding dress, exposing her slender body. She hugged her treeman, running her arms around his thick trunk. His wooden branch was poking her, so she got on her knees. The virgin queen took that rod in her mouth, moistening his hard timber. Then the queen laid down on her back, and Treeman towered over her. His strong body stood above her, his branch glistening in the moonlight. As he mounted his queen, the virgin screamed out in terror, but also pleasure. They began to make love, as Treeman’s bark cracked and ached. But Treeman would lose control of himself, and in his pleasure he accidentally pressed too hard. His giant body completely crushed the poor woman, killing her. Treeman screamed in terror, roaring toward the night sky. He grabbed his frail bride and hoisted her toward the heavens, crying and screaming at what he had done. He jumped from his balcony and decided to flee in shame, leaving his beautiful bride in her bed. The new co-emperor of the Derigi Empire would be the Anka’s niece, named Lanemara.
  • Thayvoeka: The occupied Zauvoe land was partioned in 1073, with Zasana being given a small portion of the territory to the south, proportionate to their participation in the war (which was relatively low). The coastal city and some surrounding areas were kept as a colony of Thayvoeka being renamed to Vavikvayrz (City [of] Ikvayrz), and the remaining land was given to a vassal state under the name of Zeromoeka (Nation derived from iron) due to their iron resources in the mountains. Ikvayrz II died the year after the Vavikvayrz was renamed after him. Thezer II took up the throne after him, vowing to keep Thayvoeka at peace to keep a war like the one before from claiming so many lifes, unless Thayvoeka was attacked by a foriegn invader. Expansion continued, and exploration continued east and south.
    • Vavikvayrz: Slaves from Zauvoe times, captured from the cities slave pens, work the iron mines dotting the mountains. Expansion immediatley begins eastward to some of the smaller mountains. The Zerom (iron) merchants become the ruling elite. Rural areas continued to grow, with irrigation projects begining to divert water from both the coast and the few streams of the mountains down into the desert.
    • Thayvoeka Aumsbek: Expansion continued southward, and land around the bay became filled with rural farmers.
  • Muruacada Emiresq: The nation recovers and rebuilds from the recent series of wara, and sees people moving away from devastated areas Instead new areas of the north continue to be settled. The navy is rebuilt to be a strong force in the north sea, and eventually ships are used to aid rebels in Syresian-held Zelonuma, and to raid their shipping secretly. Officially the nation remains at peace and avoids provoking the Syresian Republic directly, instead focusing on secret missions to sabotage them. In the former mainland people are encouraged to rebel, and the fortresses in the mountains become particularly resilient. To facilitate the growth of the navy, shipyards are constructed across the Darnan islands, and new shipyards are also constructed in the new northern territories. In the north the major colonies all possess facilities to build and repair ships, and new fortifications are built there. In the far north the nation of Aycouver becomes the primary hegemon of the region, while other cities, such as the colony of Usinilago, also remain major powers.
  • Syres: The conquest of Neum would have profound influence on the Ligerian religion, with Ligerian contemporaries of the events writing theological explanations for the chain of events. One of the chief components of the religion was the concept of the two progenitors of the messianic figure promised in the early prophetic books, and it was believed that an independent Neum would be one origin place of one progenitor. The chief priests of the city argued that, more importantly, the line of Liger had been preserved in the city, so undoubtedly God had not forgotten his promise with the Ligerians; regardless of governmental change, it was still foreseen that from this royal line would derive a progenitor of the messianic figure. A chief figure during the time of the war would be the prophet Aysmecedus, who wrote that God had sought it fit to send about justice against Neum, which was the violent conquest that disrupted the region. This vengeance was because of the city’s abandonment of its covenant promise with God, and the nation’s general sin during the time of the Mouri Empire. Namely, the empire had allowed to coexist idols and foreign gods, and these foreign forms of worship had propagated alongside the rightful temple in the city. Azozian customs had seemed into every aspect of Neumite life, and with that was brought many customs that would be considered sinful by the prophets. Despite the claimed piety of the people, the prophets saw through their façade of faithfulness, to bring attention to the other societal aspects that they had wrongly picked up from foreign nations. Such a thing would not have been uncommon, as the region was known for its high diversity, even before the Yannian arrival. The city had been a major center of the Ulmian religion from Azoz, but was also home to the Syresian state cult, owing to its days as a Syresian colony, the Mesallian religion, owing to its time under Mesallian rule, the native Tuathan religion, due to its proximity to that ancient state, and countless others, due to its important position as a major port in the Mouri Empire. Similarly, many interpreted the messianic age as imminent, believing that the eventual destruction of the Mouri Empire was the prophesied fall that would proceed the progenitor in Neum. The Ligerians wrote, God had seemingly struck down on Azoz and thoroughly sunk that place into the ground, as was prophesied. Quite literally, the systematic taking apart of the city had completely leveled it, so that nothing remained behind its walls, meaning the city had indeed sunk in height. The rebuilding of the city, which was difficult for the Neumites to accept as factual, was seen as the work of evil, seeking to prevent in vain the inevitable rise of the new age, by un-destroying that which had been destroyed. The legend of the Reckoner spread into Neum as well, and he would be referenced in Ligerian scripture as a vessel of the Lord. His infamous, unwavering calculus was interpreted as complete devotion to faith and morality. At the same time, parallels would be drawn between the Reckoner and Liger, to compare the Lord’s chosen king to that of the foreign instrument. In this sense, the humanity and freedom of Liger would be emphasized, as the scriptures did not shy away from his trials and tribulations, which saw him wrestling with his faith and responsibility as king. The Neum region would be treated differently than most other client states of the Syresian Republic. Although it retained its king and its typical administration, the Syresians took increased interest in settling the region, as well as in building infrastrastructure and defenses. The city itself saw major repair, as the government ordered an overhaul of the city center. The city would be built around the Syresian model of a central forum, with bathhouses, temples, and law buildings, as well as sewer and plumbing systems. In this sense, the city became one of the most upgraded outside of Syres proper or the major colonies. The highway at southern Aexontia would be expanded into the region, primarily built by Syresian soldiers, while the number of espions in the region increased significantly. Eastern Zuen would also be annexed, but remained largely militarized comparatively.
  • Edom: The untimely death of the Anka in Edom lead to her niece, Lanemara ascending to the throne of both Edom and the Derigi Empire. She would not be as interested in the west as her predecessor had been, as she had been raised fully in Edom, and unprepared to ascend to the throne. During her lifetime the Anka would avoid marriage completely, and she would be regarded as the “Virgin Queen”. After the Reckoners were repulsed in the south of Edom, most of Edom’s forces would remain there. However, an army would be sent to aid in the west. At the same time the Anka attempted diplomacy with the Reckoner, secretly offering peace as soon as possible with the invader. By this time the nation had been completely exhausted by war, and the nation was highly dissatisfied with the actions of the previous Anka. The new Anka sought to focus on rebuilding and growth, and so pushed for the end to war in the Derigi Empire.


After the untimely death of the Anka of Edom, supposedly killed accidentally at the hands of her husband, a distant cousin named Grecanun arrives in the city of Azoz. He sets about in secret to investigate what he believes was a political assassination by the Azozians, creating devices and armor to help him hunt down “Treeman” and bring him to justice, as well as any Azozian collaborators that are discovered.

A major famine breaks out in the Derigi Empire, especially in the Azoz region. The famine is spurred by the massive loss of manpower, either from deaths or from mass conscription, as well as a mass migration in the region as refugees flee the series of wars taking place in the nation. A small but significant number of soldiers desert from the armies, returning to their land in the north.

The nation of Zasama dispatches a diplomat to the nation of Thayvoeka, requesting that their recently annexed territory be ceded to Zasama. In exchange Zasama pledges to pay a large sum of money to Thayvoeka, as well as offer Thayvoeka highly discounted access to iron in the region.

The Azozian army under the command of Garan finds itself entrapped, after the northern Reckoner army suddenly switches back to surround them. The resulting battle is a disastrous defeat for the Azozians, with the Azozians suffering 38,450 casualties, and the Reckoners suffering 11,400 casualties. Garan is killed in the battle, with one-half his surviving army captured, and the other one-half fleeing north.

The Azozian attack against Bangui results in a decisive victory, with the Reckoners having largely withdrawn south. Despite taking the city, the Azozians suffer a large number of casualties from lack of supplies and disease, as decades of devastation around the city, and recent scorched earth tactics by the Reckoners, have left the region destroyed. In total the Azozians suffer 39,010 casualties, while the Reckoners suffer 14,390 casualties.

The Azozian-Edomite siege of Agamenus results in a decisive victory, with the attackers taking the city from the Reckoners. They discover the city has fared better than Bangui, because of a lucky coin toss called by a young farmer named Detrius. The young boy is then declared mayor by the inhabitants of the city. The Azozians suffer 6,560 casualties, the Edomites suffer 5,490 casualties, and the Reckoners suffer 12,140 casualties.

The Reckoner completes a series of equations regarding the war with the Derigi Empire, culminating in a series of three dice rolls. Because of the dice outcome, he decides to send an strict peace offer to the Derigi, demanding that they cede southern Fashnoq, and in exchange may retain everything else.

At the Battle of Daśa, in which the invading army of Eldebethias is attacked by the Hythians and their allies, the nation of Eldebethias is defeated. The Hythians suffer 8,540 casualties, while Eldebethias suffers 14,370 casualties. At the same time, the city of Gondreium successfully holds out against the Hythians, also acting as a base for raids against the Gomis region. A revolt breaks out in Draka by worshippers of Hythus and general supporters of independence, leading to Eldebethias dispatching reinforcements to the region.

A small group of philosophers and scientists from the Derigi Empire, particularly the Neum region, decide to flee the chaos in the west for the Teleutic Empire, taking up residence in the Great University of Tesardya. As a result the ideas and innovations of the Neumites reaches the north.

A major migration from the north causes a chain reaction, as tribes flee south toward the Darnan cities and the lands of the Muruacada Emiresq. This leads to a large number of refugees along the coast, but also increased attacks from hostile tribes.

  • Teleutic Empire: The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in the Teleutic Empire, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 40 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. The University of Tesardya, more regionally known as the Great University, begins cataloging the history of the Tesardyan peoples, the Yannian influence in the nation, as well establishing the Isidorius Library, named after the last reigning Tesardyan King who guided the nation throughout the most recent wars. The library features most books and resources ever recorded, featuring various political manifestos published within the nation itself, as well as Yannis, the former Zelonuma, Syres, and numerous neighboring nations, and most controversially Mouri. Most of the collected Mouri publications are non-religious or censored however, primarily due to the anti-Ulmian policy in the nation. After a few decades of recovering from the last century of conflicts, the resources lost are mostly recovered. Mass torture and public execution against Ulmians, followers of other Yannian religious sects, and any political opposition occurs. Ethnic cleansing in the outer territories of Niani and Tamsebe occurs as rape is encouraged and legalized in the outer cities. A new philosophical policy, known as Inhcidimanism, teaches that for true enlightenment to occur, a person must become self-reliant, independent, and truly transparent. This clashes with the idea of total Unarcisism beliefs and traditions, but no incursion occurs at the moment. Although the policy against the Neumites are basically to kill all who enter, Emperor Eztli'teleutic allows a secret 20-year asylum for the philosophers and scientists to better the works in the Great University, and depending on the inovations and ideas they bring forth will depend on their ability to stay fully. As a man of science and a firm believer of Inhcidimanism, Emperor Eztli'teleutic sees this as one of the most important occurrences for the Great University, for actual Neumite theorists to co-operate with Tesardyan scholars to discuss philosophies and to create new ideologies to perhaps the guide the Empire further. The first sightings of the Behgnro are recorded to occur around this time.
  • Hythian Empire: Years 748-757 Myrnech Wetres Qyiptus passes his post to one of his chosen lieutenants, Jylarous Habericis. The new Myrnech has broad public support owing to his prominent position in government and during the war. With the passing of Myrnech Wetres Qyiptus is 750, a grand celebration is held commemorating both the return of Hythus and the life of the People’s Unarch. With the war against the Eldebethias going reasonably well, the invasion of the empire proper is planned. With Draka in open rebellion, the Hythian Navy begins smuggles a band of veteran Hythian soldiers into the south of the region. They attempt to link-up with Drakan rebels to assist them in raising troops, staging ambushes, and destroying the Eldebethian will to fight in the region. These troops are specifically instructed to work with Drakan rebels infiltrate other Drakan Cities so that when the Hythian army arrives they might be liberated without bloodshed. The siege of Gondreium continues. Hythian ships bombard the city from sea and large fire-ballistas launch hundreds of naphtha-sulphur-quicklime fire-pots into the city. The intense heat of the flames are said to crack the stones of the walls and cause glass to melt. It is expected that the city will surrender quickly under such a terrible bombardment at which point the First Unar of Hythus will march south and liberate the other cities of Draka. Farther east, the Second Unar of Hythia, with a strength of 82,000 men, launches a campaign to capture the region between Hythia’s Vassals and the Lake of Eldebethias. The army is expected to first engage the enemy force and the lay siege to any major Eldebethian city north of the lake. The Second Unar is reinforced with a battalion of war elephants numbering some 40 elephants. These are some of the many elephants kept in the Imperial Reserve, a game and elephant reserve west of the city of Gyt along a small tributary of the Tythies River.
  • Thayvoeka: Vizauroeka's (Zasana, with Vizauroeka meaning "nation of traders") offer to buy the occupied land in exchange for money and iron rights was accepted, although terms were clarified. Discounts to iron mining was to mean that there would be that Thayvoe iron mining companies would be treated as if they originated from Vizauroeka (Zasana), and taxes on Thayvoe iron mines would be no more than taxes on other Vizauroe (Zasanan) iron mines. Merchants would also follow the same guidelines, as Thayvoe merchants would pay the same taxes as Vizauroe (Zasanan) merchants. The occupied coastal city (Vavikvayrz) would be kept by Thayvoeka. Finally, if any of the terms were broken by Vizauroeka (Zasana) anytime while the land was theirs (including not paying), all land sold would be immediately returned to/confiscated by Thayvoeka. This would cost of the equivalent of $0.70 USD (adjusted for inflation) per acre of desert (17,860 sq mi [11,340,400 acres], amounting to $8,000,000 2019 USD) and $1.00 USD (adjusted for inflation) per acre of mountain and foothills (680 sq mi [435,200 acres], amounting to $435,200 2019 USD), making the total area cost $8,435,200 2019 USD, with inflasion [Zasana Response Needed]. Slaves left over from the Zavokry (Jauvukry) times were imported to the mainland, and bred with other slaves to create a better, stronger, more abundant slave population, which were then exported south. Expansion continued, as well as exploration east and south.
    • Zeromoeka: Preparations for the selling of the region begin. Iron mines still operated normally, as the terms would include protections for Thayvoe based iron mines. These were exported to the mainland extensivley, making it the largest industry there.
    • Thayvoeka Aumsbek: The captured slaves from the Zavokry (Jauvukry) continued to be exported south to the cotton plantations. These made the banks of the bay rural. Expansion continued south along the coast.
  • Derigi Empire: The empire mostly focused on reconstruction of the nation, making it far bigger and better than it was before, while the war with the Reckoner decreased. The story of Telephama dying during sex was largely reported from her political enemies, and not supported by contemporary sources. Her successor, Lanemara, was crowned Emperor in Azoz and then crowned Anka in Edom, taking an unprecedented act of adopting an informal regnal name, known as Arenea II. The new emperor enacted massive building projects across all the affected cities of the nation, offering simple jobs to any former military or refugees affected by the conflict. Relief for the famine is taken from agriculture spread from the unaffected parts of the empire, mostly Edom and Eskaladun, which is redistrobuted to the affected cities. New road systems are built to help further connect parts of the nation together, especially between the new cities and urban centers that were created during the Yannian domination. The population further spralls out to suburban districts away from the main city, forming a bridge of the lower middle class society between the central metropolitan and the rural farmlands. New farmlands were also expanded to relieve the famine, utilizing vast tracks of land in both Valun provinces, Zeun, Eskaladun and Fotashe to be utilized as further agriculture. As large sections of major cities in Azoz and neighboring provinces became abandoned, they were largely replaced by Edomite migration coming from the eastern provinces. Many of the older, historical monuments in Azoz were damaged or destroyed, especially the statuary made for the Neumite dynasty. The larger, more significant buildings were rebuilt in a completely new architectual and artistic styles, a far more modern and grander scale than the archaizing tradition of previous generations.As the Great Library is finished rebuilding, new schools of philosophy move in, largely as various new branches and sects of the Paltonians who had taken residence in the city. A large garden maze is added to the courtyard of the library, fitted around the Arboron Tree, consisting of beautiful chrysanthemums and poinsettias. Further relief from the famine is achieved by extending foreign trade abroad, buying large amounts of food from Syres, Temayal, and Emalia in exchange for prescious minerals of gold, silver, copper and alumite. The finances of the empire was projected to come up shorter than the expenses necessary to rebuild the nation. Therefore, the emperor gradually took out many large loans from the Water Merchants and Garan bankers, as well as lowering the amount of silver in the standard Azoz coinage. This controlled inflation would serve as a patch on the nation's reconstruction, with massive repurcussions some decades later. The Emperor instituted a policy of general religious tolerance, accepting the vast religious diversity in the nation beyond the mere sects of Ulm. Despite this act of toleration, however, much of the population firmly held that the dark and chaotic era of the previous century had been the fault of the Yannians. As a result, most of the Yannian religious institutions and residences were dismantled or destroyed by local, until Prackyob himself intervened with military action to restore order. The exception to this trend was the Ligerians, due to being recognized as a sect of Ulm, largely thrived across many provinces as they were thoroughly integrated in the learning centers of Azoz and Iskandaria. Even so, the chaos in the war and immeidate aftermath prompted many Ligerians and Azouri to migrate out of the region to the Yannian continent, primarily in the regions colonized by Mesallia, but also various coastal cities of Xbalan and Tesardya. Many of these settlers, particularly in the Teleutic empire and Xbalan, carried with them the more eminent philosophers and theologians, integrating within their respective learning centers to appeal to the literary elite. They succeeded at spreading the Ligerian faith there, preaching in the Basilicas of the noble works and virtues of Liger, the Nathonians, the virtuous army of Paudagas, and the great Tree Man. Following these incidents, the gradual integration of Yannian people within the empire began as well, paritcularly in the suburban parts of the nation's core. Many theologians and philosophers in Iskandaria began to speculate on the interpretation of the recent events in Azoz, especially in light of the criticism posited by the Ligerians. Some had considered this is a sign of the End of the World, pointing to numerous similarities between the Ligerian prophesies and that of the Apocalypse of Prackyob. Futhermore, the 1,000th anniversary of the Resurrection of Nelrim was only a few decades away, leading many to consider that the end of the human era. Farther east, the navy works to seek new trade routes to further help import food for the empire, and so re-opens relations in Obtus and Phorintheon. A ten-year truce is called with the Reckoner, as Prackyob worked to reorganize and rebuild the military. Due to the large attrition on the armies in Azoz, the First Citizen effectively merged the armies of Edom and Derigi into the same military structure, and would henceforth act as a single unit. Following the termination of the truce, the military would be called again to lead an invasion southward to liberate southern Frasnoq, supported by the Garan navy. Grecanun is largely ignored by his proposals in the city of Azoz. Most people called him completely crazy, both for trying to build his armor and trying to fight such a legendary creature as the Tree Man. Those who do beleive him capable of doing it mostly didn't want to help, who had grown to love the Tree Man as a kind of folk hero tradition, a gentle giant looking out for the people of Azoz. 
  • The Cixian Empire mourns after the death of Empress Ińesca at the age of 71 years. Similar to her predecessor, the High Pontiff of the Cixian Church, bestows upon her the posthumous title of "the Great". Her funeral procession lasts for two weeks, with a recorded ~100,000 visitors, which, while is was just one-fifth of that received by her predecessor Empress Costanqina, is nevertheless impressive given the significantly shorter time frame. Her body is then placed in a mausoleum in Mariqīna (her place of birth), where it is open to the public. Her surviving sole daughter, Romana Catrina, aged 33 years, succeeds her. Despite her formal ascension to the throne, Emperor dowager Fúernando retains substantial power advising her early reign, that is, until his death four years following his daughter's coronation. Noted to be an admirer of Emperor regnant Adrianos, and Empress Diacrexian, Empress Catrina styles herself as an "enlightened despot"; seeking to promote Sillan high culture whilst simultaneously cracking down on political opposition and further centralizing the imperial apparatus. Her rather autocratic platform incurs moderate criticism from the members of the Imperial Council, which – similarly to that during the time of Emperor Adrianos – finds her distant and authoritarian. Despite this, she counterbalances the power of the opposing faction of the Imperial Council through appointing noble favorites to positions of power, while also vetoing any legislative advances she perceives to be against her. Specializing in the study of law and undertaking cultural pursuits during her youth, she displays a lack of extensive military knowledge. However, she continues to exert influence over military affairs through Generals Vandenúeco and Natańela – two of her closest favorites. The Empress, as per tradition, continues to patronize Cixian religious activities. She also promotes the high arts and establishes several imperial academies in several major cities intended to promote education among the middle-classes. The distinction between Ulm and Cixism is reinforced, and with support from the Cixian clergy, she condemns those who continue to practice Ulmian rites not explicitly condoned by the Cixian scripture. However, while the Ulmians are recognized as a separate and distinct people, are granted (limited) rights and protections against discrimination. Despite this legislation, Ulmians still feel rather marginalized and begin to disperse to southern settlements to flee persecution. As a result of Sillas' immense mineral wealth – particularly in the North and South of the country – many producers of jewelry begins to incorporate precious gems in addition to the traditional usage of precious metals. Likewise, the large-scale exploitation of the aromatic resin, frankincense, for the production of perfumes and incense, commences. Furthermore, it begins to be widely used in skincare and medicine, as the topical use of the essential oil (which is obtained through by steam distillation of the dry resin) has anti-bacterial properties.The extensification of agricultural land due to the dissemination of new technologies – such as the multiple-tube seed drill and the improved moldboard plow, improved irrigation methods, improved harvesting techniques, and the widespread practice of crop rotation. In addition to agriculture, animal husbandry and aquaculture also flourish – thus improving nutrition, while heightening the food supply and population growth. Due to commercialization, Sillas begins to exhibit a higher degree of economic specialization, with each region specializing in a particular industry and a clear rural-urban commercial relationship being established. Exploratory expeditions are sent to the south, north and especially to the east to navigate the coastline and find new prospective trading partners.
  • Zhamara: The expansion of the domain of the Zhamarokin continues as the main policy of the Ta'Zhazhan, with the Patron of the Territories providing regular reports on the new lands claimed by their forces. The Zhamarokin establish their first city beyond the boundaries of Zhazhakara, Akishonin (meaning "clean waters"), is founded several kilometers north of the capital. Approximately fifty uvokanin (or 700 people) are relocated to the new city to begin laying the foundations for Akishonin and developing the land cleared by the scouts sent before them. Additional sites are located by the scouts in the forests, which are marked and reported back on to the Patron of the Territories for clearing. To facilitate travel, roads are built leading to the new city, allowing the swift transportation of rations and building materials from Zhazhakara to reach Akishonin within days rather than weeks. Within the rice terraces of Zhazhakara, the work began by Dakazhan Sayan continues apace, with developments in the rice farming techniques of the okumarin greatly refined. Wild rice is no longer harvested by the peasantry, who are now instructed on the proper methods on planting and harvesting domesticated Zhamaric rice from their plots of land. The space between the rice seedlings is shortened to increase the amount of seeds planted in the terraces, and weeding of the land becomes mandatory work for all of the women in the fields regardless of status. To ensure that the fields are properly maintained by the peasant women, the post of yohuzhak is established. The yohuzhak will concern herself with the efficient utilization of land and resources in her assigned district, and report any mismanagement by the peasants to the authorities. Within the span of only a few years, the yohuzhakin officials successfully root out poor management by local leaders within the districts, secretly monitoring their actions and taking names of any corrupt peasants cutting rice yields for their own benefit. As a direct consequence of the yohuzhakin combating mismanagement of resources, and improved training of the peasents in the farming of rice paddies, the quota for the majority of uvokanin increased by about twenty-five percent within the first decade. This effectively correlates to each field producing up to three or four sutanin per hectare, from a previous two and one-half sutanin. Uvokanin which successfully maintain a quota of up to four sutanin per hectare are rewarded with increased rations for the duration of their above average yields, and granted better living arrangements by the state. Furthermore, they are granted an exemption from having to bear offspring for the zhazhanin to keep them working in the fields. By the end of the decade, an estimated two million sutanin are harvested using Sayan's rice growing system. So much rice has been brought in that much of it rots before it can be stored properly by the state. In honor of Sayan's success, a massive religious festival is held in his name by authorization of the Taza'Zhazhanin. Ta'Zhazhan Zhahotenudak loosens the rationing system and opens the storehouses to the peasantry, who throw large feasts in the name of their god and Sayan's honor. Sapphic dances and orgies are held in the streets of Zhazhakara, and the zhazhanin take the opportunity to spread their seed freely among their wives and daughters throughout the population. The festivities last for a month before the Taza'Zhazhanin closes the storehouses and orders the daughters of Zhamara back into the fields once they have sobered up from their partying. Though Dakazhan Kevoyan died many years ago, having begun his work late into his life, the transformation of the vakoranin caste into a true fighting force continues. His vision of increasing the professionalism of the fighting women of Zhamara has continued to be spearheaded by his son and successor, Nyro, who now carries the title Vakazhan (meaning "war father") originally meant for Kevoyan. Vakazhan Nyro is appointed the new Patron of Blades by Zhahotenudak to ensure that the training of the warriors proceeds without interruption. The scouts of Zhamara continue to move into the interior, claiming additional lands for the country. They clear paths as they move, allowing units of the soldiery to follow behind them and establish outposts for the establishment of additional settlements. The fishing ships of Zhazhakara report a fine location for finding schools of fish on the other side of the bay opposite of Zhazhakara. Along with another site located at the mouth of a river, many of the fisher-women establish outposts in these areas to rest and relax before heading back to sea. The brilliant white sands and clear waters off the coast attract many of the fishing crews to the location, where they land ashore and build shacks for themselves to stay in. Many have begun to refer to the location as Evoyava, or "(a) welcoming sight", and news of the location spreads to others in the harbors back home. So popular is Evoyava with the women, that an informal request is sent before the Taza'Zhazhanin to establish a permanent garrison in the location, which they agree to, sending about fifty vakoranin to protect the new settlement.
  • Kingdom of Taivaie: Though Valinya is of 60 years of age, he still leads at the front of his army. After attempting to conquer Misesham for so long under no avail, he decides he must make a decisive blow to it. He leads 20,000 of the finest soldiers against Misesham, laying siege to the capital, but engaging the main army first if he can. He has his most trusted lieutenant, Auidran Vinaie, lead 18,000 men against any enemy that presents themselves near Taivaie proper, thus securing Valinya's flank. By the glory of Arinrath they ride.
  • Muruacada Emiresq: The nation recovers and rebuilds from the recent series of wara, and sees people moving away from devastated areas Instead new areas of the north continue to be settled. The navy is rebuilt to be a strong force in the north sea, and eventually ships are used to aid rebels in Syresian-held Zelonuma, and to raid their shipping secretly. Officially the nation remains at peace and avoids provoking the Syresian Republic directly, instead focusing on secret missions to sabotage them. In the former mainland people are encouraged to rebel, and the fortresses in the mountains become particularly resilient. To facilitate the growth of the navy, shipyards are constructed across the Darnan islands, and new shipyards are also constructed in the new northern territories. In the north the major colonies all possess facilities to build and repair ships, and new fortifications are built there. In the far north the nation of Aycouver becomes the primary hegemon of the region, while other cities, such as the colony of Usinilago, also remain major powers.
  • Qera: The ever growing population and increasing labor-power causes more trading products being manufactured, the fertile areas of the Qeran realm are fairly small. Too small to support a growing population of a large size. Knowing that a constant import of food cant be a long term solution, prince Ycas VIII looks elsewhere. The very fertile areas in the territory of the Sayalen federation become a target to Qeran military ambitions. SECRET Due to the nature of a confeeralized personal union of tribesland, the Qerans seek to shatter the unity of the tribes, the current ruling family is a target to a Qeran-funded conspiracy. The court funds various usurpers, assassins and powerhungry chiefs, promising each one to become the next ruler. (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE) SECRET END. A force of 150,000 men is raised for re-grouping and refreshing their military skills, shile the generals experience an extensive strategical education. The hammerworks produce day and night to produce armor and weaponry. Especially scouts are used for smaller infantry groups, securing more dangerous paths to spot possible ambush-points or finding safer ways for the army to travel. The prince sends a letter to the Sillan court, asking for them as friends and old allies and asks the Sillan empress for military assistance in the Sayalen-campaing (SILLAS RESPONSE, PLEASE). Trade continues despite major conscriptions, cinnamon and silver bring loads of gold to the qeran treasuries. Especially the silver export is lucrative, since the newer Sillan markets are tariff-free for Qeran merchants. 
  • Edom: A truce would be signed with the Reckoner, and Edom returned its forces back to the east. The estates of Edom would appreciate an end to the war, and would be adamantly against a second one. As a result, when war was declared in Derigi once more against the Reckoner, the Edomites refused to contribute major forces, bordering nearly on revolt. Anka Lanemara, who the Derigi called “Arenea II”, despite being the fourth Anka by that name, never married during her lifetime, leading the Edomites to plot her succession for some time. The closest relative to the Anka would be the plethora of Neumites in the west, but no direct heir presented itself in Edom itself. This would lead to a number of people competing for the Anka’s attention, hoping to gain the status of adopted heir. In the far south of Edom the culture of the Reckoner became popular among the people of Susanylon, with his religion of mathematics and statistics becoming a curiosity. A major pilgrimage site would emerge south of Edom at the great lake, where the Reckoner constructed a complex temple. The site would consist of highly mechanized devices, including labyrinth-like, moving walls, highly detailed observatories, and colossal time-keeping devices, which fascinated Edomite travelers. The Reckoner’s complex machinery would be regarded as powerful sorcery by the southern Edomites, attracting great interest and fear alike. According to an eyewitness account, the scholar Alaca’al Aavam of Susanylon, who was a rare Edomite occupant of the lake region, the complex was a sprawling maze around the lake, with solid white and black stones, checkerboard-pattern floors, and roofs that were twenty-sided. In addition to housing a major portion of the Reckoner’s population, the lake would also become important to numerous other religions. The Water Merchants, who had desired the lake as a holy site since the fall of Susanylon, continued their attempts to infiltrate the south. They discovered that the Zedumari guarded the region even more fiercely, and with an alien demeanor inherited from the Reckoner himself. They elite members of the Reckoner’s army would slowly gain control over the central desert, which had remained an unclaimed region between the Derigi lands, Edom, and the Reckoner’s lands, as they fought with native Apirun tribes for supremacy. This would cause tension near the Edomite border, as many fled toward Edom, and others fought in and around the nation to defend against the Reckoner.
  • Yannian Culture: After the death of Arenea II III and the ascension of Arenea II IV, her cousin Grecanun arrived to investigate the murder, convinced that the Azozioni had ordered her assassinated. He slowly infiltrated the royal court, becoming an advisor in the capital of Jaligena, and observed closely. Silently he would assassinate every Azozian advisor in the court silently, and searched for clues to what really happened on that fateful night. All roads pointed to the illusive Treeman, the emperor who no one had seen in years. The investigation of Grecanun finally revealed that Treeman had a secret lair at the top of the Azoz Mound, and Grecanun began preparing himself for combat. Their battle would be long and hard, and lead to destruction in the streets. Entire buildings were destroyed by Treeman’s enormous swings and punches. The Great Library would accidentally burn down again, and the makeshift Basilica would collapse, killing everyone inside. Finally Grecanun was forced to flee, leaving the Emperor victorious in his city. To celebrate, Treeman ordered that one of the statues of Thalut be imported into the city. Treeman donned his enormous iron condom, perched upon his wooden member, and he thrusted with great power into the statue. The stone was penetrated instantly, cracking Thalut to pieces after several minutes. People gathered and cheered, as at least this form of entertainment was better than the government’s constant policy of ritual suicide, by invading and getting defeated by all the nation’s neighbors. Treeman decided that the people needed a form of entertainment, and ordered a new construction project. In the center of the city they would dig a gigantic pit. The pit would be a circle that was 200 meters across, and about 50 meters deep, with an additional gradient around the inner circle. The walls of the pit would be lined with stone, harvested from the decrepit buildings of the Azoz Ruins. Then walls would man the top of the earth wall, twenty feet in the air, and these walls would extend into the ground, with rooms and buildings underground all around the pit. The great pit would be a stadium for all of Treeman’s friends, of which he had many. Everyday people would come and watch spectacles in the great pit.
  • The Vosa: After a war against the Osjots, the Vosa migrated south to the Land of Many Lakes, where they gathered strength. Arvi Hakam had been dealt a defeat; he could not risk another. Already the young warriors were quietly questioning his authority. It was only a matter of time before he would have to defend his title with steel. That day would come sooner than Hakam expected. Old age had weakened him. He was not prepared to go head-to-head with his enemy. In a legendary battle, Molnar the Rock-splitter split Hakam's head. This was the end of milder days in Vosa society, and the beginning of succession by strength, conquest, and meritocracy.


An ambitious new emperor ascends to the throne of the Yazradid Empire, named Amelucenes VII. As the empire has gained control over the northern end of the continent, he looks to the south, ordering an invasion of the Hythian Empire. An army crosses into the Mithadia region under the command of the emperor, while a second army attacks the Herati region, under the command of Yuacamanuna, his cousin-in-law.

The Hythian invasion Eldebethias leads to a battle near the major city of Kymmenen, in which the Hythians attack an army under the command of Sefulu the Decathlonist. The defenders are aided by a small number of eastern elephants, larger in size than the native elephants of the region, which causes the Hythian elephants to go into a panic, and leads to chaos for the Hythians. The battle results in a victory for Eldebethias, with the Hythians suffering 16,580 casualties, and the defenders suffering 8,590 casualties.

The Siege of Gondreium, in which Hythia and its Drakan supporters lay siege to the Eldebethias-held city, results in a Hythian victory, with the city falling to the attackers. The nation of Eldebethias suffers 12,460 casualties, and numerous civilian casualties, while the Hythians suffer 7,500 casualties. Elsewhere, the nation of Eldebethias secures a decisive victory against the rebels at the Drakan capital, allowing them to regroup and retain control over the rest of the region.

The nation of Delahandu launches a major campaign to the south, eventually culminating in an invasion of the nation of Daukani, which draws the Vytians into the conflict as well on the side of Daukani. A migration of tribes begins fleeing the war, which leads to several strong tribes forming in and around the western border of Thayvoeka, with some raiding towns in the region.

The Second Derigi-Reckoner War begins with the Battle of Farrae, in which the Derigi attack the defenders in the east, near the mountains. The mastermind behind the Derigi defeat in Fashnoq a decade earlier, Radata, is placed in command of an army to repulse them. Noting that the invaders place a high concentration of heavy infantry in the center, with cavalry on the flanks, Radata designs his army to have a purposely weak center, with strong infantry and cavalry on the flanks. When the Derigi engage, his center is defeated and slowly pulls back, and the Derigi infantry continue to push, however, this causes the defending army to slowly wrap around the attackers as they advance, before completely enveloping them. This leads to a costly defeat for the Derigi, with the Derigi suffering 51,430 casualties, and the defenders suffering 6,700 casualties.

The Derigi attack in the west, the Battle of Deramunoq, which takes place around the same time as Farrae, results in a decisive Derigi victory, with the Derigi pushing the defenders back toward the city of Fashnoq. The Derigi suffer 10,350 casualties, while the defenders suffer 19,950 casualties.

The nation of Zasama decides to reject the additional terms proposed by Thayvoeka, and instead invades the territory instead. They quickly capture the Thayvoeka city on the coast, due to its low population and relatively little in the way of defenses.

Due to the high number of men raised in the nation of Taivaie, and decades of nearly constant war, a famine begins in the region, which causes widespread problems for the kingdom. Meanwhile, Auidran Vinaie’s attack in the west is successful, with the western nation finally submitting to Taivaie. Taivaie suffers 5,430 casualties during this campaign. In the east, Misesham manages to gain the support of tribes in and around Taivaie’s borders, especially the south and southeast, as well as support from its trade partners, such as Gesan. At the Battle of Ghisarum, west of the city of Misesham, Taivaie is victorious. Taivaie suffers 5,490 casualties, while the defenders suffer 8,990 casualties. Misesham offers a peace offer to the invaders, promising to end its support for rebellious tribes in Taivaie, to recognize its conquests elsewhere, and to pay annual tribute to Taivaie, in exchange for Misesham being left alone.

The Qeran attempts to undermine the nation of Sayalen results in mixed results, due to the relatively stable nature of the nation. They discover that the current ruler, Tupitoquri II is well respected for his wisdom and strength, having loosely subjugated the region up to the Sillan border in the east. The nation does not have a national form of currency, with its inhabitants instead paying “taxes” by laboring for their community or for national projects. The nation uses a vast network of public land and supply depots, with people sharing food freely and taking what they need. Although the spies are unable to discover a way to inflict major chaos, they are contacted by the nation of Ghysänd, who also seeks to conquer land from Sayalen, near their colony in the southeast.

  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: During a minor skirmish with the Elderbethias, the Tsar is hit by an enemy arrow in the neck and falls down from his horse. The Royal army manages to defeat the Elderbethias but when they return to treat the tsar, it is discovered that he has died from his wounds. The news is received in the capital is shocking to the people, and with his untimely death a crisis ocurs. As his daugther has not reached her age of 18 yet, Her Mother is appointed as her regent. The tsar is laid to rest beside his mother in the royal mausoleum in the biggest funeral ever held in the capital with an estimated 90% of the capital's population attending it. Meanwhile, the Royal army lands in Mythadia and joins up with the Hythian forces under the command of Field Marshal Anastasia Drumcivska.
  • Hythian Empire: Years 758-767 Myrnech Jylarous Habericis rallies his damaged armies in the south, taking personal command of the forces, and rides north. Travelling along Hythia’s well developed road network, the host takes only several months to reach Mythas where it meets with Algeorgian troops. To aid in the war effort, Envoys arrive in several of Iria’s capitals, namely Solicia and Ceta, to ask for aid in what will undoubtedly be a grueling war. The envoys use the fear of a possible threat of further invasion by the Jyazradids, as well as the disruption of trade as reasons for the Irians to send troops to help Hythia. [Mod Response] He leaves 20,000 hythian light cavalry (skirmishers armed with bows and lances, skilled in Eborite shot tactics, and armored with a small round shield, lamellar leather armor, and an iron helmet.) to support Hythia’s Vassals’ units in defending their territorial integrity. The goal of these troops is to slow the enemy army, avoiding a confrontation with any large Elebethian force and wearing down their supply lines with raids. Farther west, 8,000 infantry hold Gomis, among them are 4,000 siege engineers armed with pots of fire. With the declaration of war by the Jyazradids, the Eldebethian Empire is offered peace under which it will cede Gomis to the Hythian Empire. [Mod Response] Although it seems unlikely that they will accept given the state of the war. A second envoy is sent to Cirsyemit, asking them to aid their cultural brothers with a blockade against the Jyazradid Empire. [Mod Response] Most of the fleet is also recalled from the south, and upon having rendezvoused in Mythas, 80 longships armed with light fire-ballistas, 50 Trihemiolia armed with fire-ballistas, and 35 ironclad Quinquereme. Leading the fleet is the Imperial Flagship, an ironclad Hexareme armed with many fire-launchers of several descriptions. With preparations made two great Unars of the Empire march north to intercept and destroy the Jyazradid Unars in Mythadia and Heratia. Each force numbers some 64,000 troops in 32 unets: four of Winged Zaraj, eight of heavy lancers, 20 of standard hythian light cavalry. The Unars forgo all infantry units in favor of all-horseback composition to better face the mobile enemy armies. The first of the two Unars, and the one deployed in Mythadia, is also equipped with 20 elephants, despite their unruly conduct against Elebethias, the hope is that the Jyazradid’s lack of elephants will allow them to storm the field before a charge by the heavy cavalry creating chaos among the enemy ranks just before the impact of thousands of armored lancers.. A third, smaller Unar is assembled in old-Jalor, some 8,000 strong, the force is comprised only of light cavalry (lance and bow), and tasked with launching a series of deeply penetrating raids into the Jyzradid lands to the north. The goal of the raids is to burn fields, kill livestock, and cause harm to the Jyazradid war-effort while also drawing their forces away from the offensive. The raiders also have orders to avoid engaging the enemy as much as possible. All three Unars are led by the direct lieutenants of former Myrnech Wetres Qyiptus. The First by Myrnech Jylarous Habericis, the Second by UnarchTarelius Kyrkoan, and the Third by Unarch Jyantrus Haflinx.
  • Thayvoeka: Betrayal continues to haunt Thayvoeka. Zazama (Zasana) has turned into another Kezam (Gesan) and Mamtheom (Namdeon) in Thayvoe history, but will not be met with inaction as they were. An amphibious invasion plan was made, with 10,000 soldiers to land on varrious locations around Zazama (Zasana), on the periferies of the nation to avoid consentrated retaliation. The plan is to invade from two different landing spots along the coast, comprising of 5,000 men each, one east and one west of the Port of Zazama (Zasana the city). These armies would gather supplies from rural areas (in the tropical/coastal regions) or shipments from the mainland (in the desert/unsettled regions). They would both march to the Port of Zazama (Zasana the city) and seige the city to starve it of its resources before attacking. This would be helped by the navy, which would blockade the city as well from the sea. This would be further helped by the fact that the landings, in less obvious areas, would be unopposed or only slightly opposed due to their location, as Zazama (Zasana) can't gaurd all of their long coastline fully, and would have to spread out their troops. Therefore, all engagements would be on land, not during an amphibious invasion. The men are armed with pots filled with oil, which they can ignite and throw into enemy lines. These fires cannot be put out by water as Class B fires, and therefore be more effective. Ships are equiped with these to clear out the soldiers before any landing on Zazamoe (Zasanan) shores. [War Aglorithim Needed]. Exploration continues. Thezer II's vow to keep Thayvoeka at peace unless foreign powers declared war was still kept, as Thayvoeka was attacked first by Zazama (Zasana).
    • Aumsbek Thayvoeka: Although most don't go to fight in the war, the cotton industry helps produce goods, and sell for lots of money to use in producing war equipment. Expansion continues south, and rural areas also grow.
  • Empire of Kalmiya: The offer from Misesham is accepted. With all of the civilized peoples of Kalmiya now under the Taivas dominion, Valinya Tai-Xielaie declares the Empire of Kalmiya, crowning himself emperor, and naming his nephew as his heir. Thus, the title of his is now, Valinya Tai-Xielaie, Kasiin eie Arinrath, Kaitar eie Kalmiya. Auidran Vinaie is tasked with pacifying the rebellious tribes, and to aid in this, Valinya issues a proclamation that all loosely administered regions are now under the direct authority of the Emperor, and are instructed to begin forming their village and town governments to submit to Kasvival for approval.
  • Mouri Empire: The nation is still called the Derigi emipre in the official documents in Azoz, but the whole empire including both Azoz and Edom is known as the Mouri Empire. Reconstruction continues across the empire, with much defenses placed in both Saraita and Susalyon to prevent any invasion of the Reckoner in either Azoz or Edom ever again. All the affected cities of Azoz are mostly completed at this time in the new architectual style, being far bigger and grander than any previous installation of Azoz before. The spralling suburbs that led from the metropolitan down to the farmlands became a permenant fixture of the city that still prevails to this day. The new Great Library of Azoz would never match the height of its predecessor, however, and from this point forward the main center of intellectual work returned to the city of Iskandaria. One incident of insurgency occured around 970 AR, once again threatening the stability of the city. The people of Azoz were quick to blame the Ligerians for the incident, causing the provincal governor to place strict regulations and discrimination against the Ligerians throughout the city. Jafiad games were routinely held in the Shamenseum of Iskandaria, with participants taken from all across the empire even as far away as the western territories of Derigi. Trying not to be out done, a grand circus was also constructed in Azoz, primarily funded by the Ligerians, which was placed underground in the Yannian style. The famine is fully recovered from, although the inflation of currency across the empire would continue. The military of Azoz and Edom had completely merged together into the same unit, commanded directly by the Anka Arenea IV and the First Citizen Prackyob. The court of Azoz, with the Senate of Medan and all the higher officials and nobility, were moved from Azoz to the city of Edom to centralize control of the empire from a single city. An organized sect of theologians, known as Preterists, begin to preach that the the Ligerians are partially inspired by Nelrim himself, sent to ussher the End of the World. Over the course of five years, the Holy Patra of Edom himself became sympathetic to this cause, and sought to sponsor the Ligerians preaching and spread across the Yannian continent. In the far west, the Garan navy was mostly concerned with being in defensive positions near the coast of Frasnoq, waiting to invade the moment the Reckoner tries to invade Azoz ever again. Trade in the Fotashe region is heavily regulated, with the great banker Darien the Wise placed in de-facto power over all western trade in the province. A monoply of trade near all the borders of the Confederacy significantly chokes the prices of corn and barely, while offering discounted prices for the individual clan leaders by submitting tribute to the Emperor. In the far east, trade ships would set up permenant trading ports in Phorintheon, reviving the old trade of obsideon in the region. Likewise, Ulmian apostles would be sent across the Angelite kingdoms to spread the gospel of Nelrim there. A single expedition by the privateer Fillion pushed the farthest east, in a very specific direction due east of Atnosia and directly north of Berbera, seeking the legendary island of Algeorgia. 
  • Zhamara: Ta'Zhazhan Zhahotenudak XII dies in his sleep at the age of 91, leaving the throne to his 33-year old handpicked heir, Dakazhan Mudan. Following the cremation of his father before the Taza'Zhazhanin, Mudan takes on the name Zhahotenudak XIII. The new ruler annouces that the policies of his father would be maintained, with a focus on inland exploration and expansion, development of the rice fields for the population of Zhamara, and growth of the cities beyond Zhazhakara to help develop the economy and industrial base. He also adds the point that he wishes to reorganize the government of the nation following the new developments related to the nation's growth and movement away from its prior status as a city-state. For the last several centuries, the Zhamarokin had only ever known their home-city and the patriarchal council that governed it. However, they have recently expanded to new lands and control several cities and settlements that are struggling to adapt to the radical change in traditional administration of the local lands and economies. In line with this concern, Zhahotenudak announces that Zhamara shall be divided into units known as marin, each of which is to be centered around a major city of the nation. Zhamara will be divided into units consisting of one city and all of the necessary to support a given population determined by the Taza'Zhazhanin, typically up to a hundred square kilometers of arable land, and any land within a specified geographical boundary set by the governing body. Each city shall be governed by a karazhan (meaning "city-father") who rules with the backing of the Ta'Zhazhan of Zhamara. Each of the marin will be subdivided into okunin, consisting of all of the female peasants within a common working and living environment. These units shall be headed by seven-member councils known as sanka'okunin, which acts as the unified voice of the okun they is assigned to. This effectively grants the women who make up most of the population a voice in the running of their local areas. At the higher levels of power, the Taza'Zhazhanin maintains its authority over all other bodies within Zhamara, but is to be aided by the creation of a new non-legislative body known as the Zhahokun (or "all-kin"). By decree, the body shall be all-female and appointed directly by him to observe and advise him on matters of state, while the Taza'Zhazhanin shall operate as the executive wing of the government acting upon new body's recommendations and advice. Zhahotenudak's rationale for the Zhahokun's existence is described as having been formed to provide a more direct insight into the affairs on the ground by the women. The zhazhanin caste lives a pampered lifestyle away from the toiling of its daughters in the fields, and thus they need the advice of those same daughters who understand what is best required to make the growth of Zhamara more successful. The development of Akishonin continues under the leadership of the newly appointed Karazhan of the city, who directs the construction of a river port for the city, serving as a jumping point from Akishonin to the lands exploited deeper in the interior. The settlement of Evoyava gains full status under the jurisdiction of the Taza'Zhazhanin following the previous decade of development in the region. Many of the fishing vessels in the area made the port a second home, and a point of rest for those moving deeper into the ocean to exploit the larger schools of fish in the open water. A karazhan is appointed to oversee the administration of Evoyava, arriving to a large celebration by the inhabitants, who shower him with gifts of fish, rice liquor, and young women selected from among their number. After 30 years of instruction and drilling, the vakoranin warrior caste of Zhamara parades before the Taza'Zhazhanin in Zhakarakara for the time. Thousands of vakoranin parade through the great avenues of the city in perfect unison, with the warriors in the lead carrying a banner honoring their first vakazhan, Kevoyan. These now trained and experienced warriors of Zhamara are sent into the field to help aid in the expansion of the nation's borders, clearing land for new settlements and building roads and river ports linking the new locations together. Zhamara expands its borders deeper inland, claiming new lands for the patrimonial lords of the country. The frontier surrounding Evoyava on the other side of the bay is cleared and settled by the inhabitants, who plant rice fields in the region to begin developing the region into a true home for the inhabitants. Back in the heartland of Zhamara, the Patron of the Fields continues to implement changes in the manner in which the Zhamarokin plant and harvest their crops. New terraces are built throughout the hilly regions surrounding the larger cities, the ground is flattened where possible to allow for additional farmlands to be cultivated by the inhabitants. The prior yields of three to four sutanin of rice per hectare fluctuates throughout the decade, but general remains stable as the state enforces strict farming practices throughout the nation to ensure bountiful harvests each year.
  • Qera: After an extensive study of the intelligence reports, the prince acknowledges that he has no way to justify a declaration of war to the courts or his generals, nor to the priests or his people. Yet he has other options: the first is to attack the Sapenakasa kingdom to the south, where there is plenty of fertile land and space, but an extremely hostile people. The second option is a surprise attack on the Exhulans, a nation that is considered oith ally and foe to Qera. since the Kisna region was once under Qeran rule, the court knows about this fertile area. Showing how desperate the descision is to secure the wealth of the Qerans, he gives the generals the order to mobilize every of the 150,000 men, 50,000 will be stationed right at the border, preparing to cross the Hbeccuot river, while a lighter force of one legion (5,000 men) will cross the river at its spring more west, trying to cut the supplylines. 95,000 men will stay as reserves. 2,000 additional men are used for logistics and communication. A surprise attack is launched in 1091, with a declaration of war following shortly after. Due to the quick full scale invasion, the forts at the border have no time to prepare or send a request for aid. The general Yzme is placed to take charge for the attack. He strictly orders to keep the murder of civilians to a minimum and driving them out north in large groups along the main roads. This is done to slow the advance of the Exhulans (MOD RESPONSE ON THE SUCCESS). Around 20 warships are constantly raiding Exhulan waters. Another reason for the lack of war atrocities against the civil population is the prevention of civil uprisings against the Qeran occupiers. On the battlefield, meanwhile, only those are left alive who can provide useful information. Everybody else is kept as a war prisoner with either harsh labor or being killed immediately. In the meantime, the word of the Sayalen taxation system spreads like a wildfire in both the upper and öpwer classes. Many local counts already fear peasant uprisings and a permanent state of civil unrest, yet the wife of the prince steps in just at the right point. She is given authority over domestic issues since her husband is on a campaign. On her behalf, a hybrid system is established, in which the grainaries are filled with grain from wealthier farmers, while poor farmers can pay their taxes by participating in contruction programs set up by the government. To make it impossible to exploit this system by setting up smaller "fake farms" that are property of the same person in reality, every larger village is registered on who and how many people live there (CENSUS RESULTS, PLEASE). Everybody who wants to set up new land or refuses to pay taxes, has to meet a local official in the next larger town. To achieve this level of beaurocracy, local lords are stripped from many of their autonomy, while counts have to have direct permission from Imbalama to make any laws. Contact is made to the Saylen king, asking for a possibility to buy grain on very low prices, and setting up mines and spice farms in the region (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). The spelling is reformed as well, with rules on the vowel harmony to the morphemes. Before there was the reform, the phonemes where spelled in their "atomic" form. For example: in the old spelling the word for humans would be "Âtleb" [əəb]. The suffix -eb indicates the plural, yet the atomic form is spelled now as - (corresponding vowel) b instead of -eb that can be spoken like -ab, -âb, -eb, -ob or -yb.   
  • Teleutic Empire: The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in the Teleutic Empire, Unarcisism, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. The University of Tesardya, more regionally known as the Great University, begins cataloging the history of the Tesardyan peoples, the Yannian influence in the nation, as well establishing the Isidorius Library, named after the last reigning Tesardyan King who guided the nation throughout the most recent wars. The library features most books and resources ever recorded, featuring various political manifestos published within the nation itself, as well as Yannis, the former Zelonuma, Syres, and numerous neighboring nations, and most controversially Mouri. Most of the collected Mouri publications are non-religious or censored however, primarily due to the anti-Ulmian policy in the nation. After a few decades of recovering from the last century of conflicts, the resources lost are mostly recovered. Mass torture and public execution against Ulmians, followers of other Yannian religious sects, and any political opposition occurs. Ethnic cleansing in the outer territories of Niani and Tamsebe occurs as rape is encouraged and legalized in the outer cities. A new philosophical policy, known as Inhcidimanism, teaches that for true enlightenment to occur, a person must become self-reliant, independent, and truly transparent. This clashes with the idea of total Unarcisism beliefs and traditions, but no incursion occurs at the moment. A string of violent cannibal-esque slaughters occur, with upward of 1,000 casualties being reported across the northern regions of the Empire. A survivor of a large massacre claims the murderer to look like a large human-like deer that transformed into one of his brothers before leaving, prompting suspicion and overall fear across expansion in the north. They call this monster Behgnro. One of the first major projects from the Ligerians and Tesardyans in the Great University is called the Gauepram'qui, an encyclopedia of sorts meant to compile all of the geographical work and create a single atlas for the discovered world. Tesardyan diplomats and scholars are sent to all of the neighboring nations to map the regions themselves and promtply add the discoveries of the nation's governments and their own to the atlas. [Mod].
  • Beraba: Trade delegations are sent to Qaryaat and Qera to reaffirm relations and re-examine trade deals, especially with the spice trade that is becoming more prevalent in Beraban ports. Crops are continually rotated, and a bountiful round of harvests causes a spike in the population. Public works projects in cities such as fountains and underground sewers help keep the population healthy and disease-free. Envoys to Qera request access to maps south of the Qeran Isthmus. Roads from Beraba are extended to the Yecedayan border, with the proposal to continue them into Yecedaya with the government’s approval (Mod Response Needed). A trade delegation journeys east to Iria to inspect the state of the Irian peoples and assess whether trade relations are beneficial and should be continued (Mod Response Needed). Income from trade going through Beraban ports is used to invest in expanding ports and building bigger, faster ships to increase trade capacity.
  • Vosa: The Vosa were on the move again, once more united to begin another conquest. They put an end to their tribal feuds and invaded the land of the Osjots who lived on the western inlet. They stormed through their territory and pillaged their settlements, including the place known as Osfjoll. From there, the Vosa migrated to the western arm of land near an inland sea.

  • Grand Republic of Udrasia - Otto von Alltenhoffen, the long time Supreme Director, has died of Old Age. His first born, Hans von Alltenhoffen, will immediately take his place. The new Supreme Director has made no immediate changes, aside from a few adjustments within their Military system. Meanwhile, atop Mount Elder, Karl Stackow is the second man to reach the top of the mountain, aside from Elder. He, however, dies on the way down from a fatal fall inside an ice crevice. A public Pokhorony is held for him in his small home town near the base of the mountain. A group of young men who have evaded the conscription, reject Vohonism, and start a cultist pagan group within their small town in the District of Concordia. They are considered a disgrace to Udrasia and a smal police unit is sent to find these boys and their followers. This group is shown to reject the state militarism and the total state control, but they support a totally free system of no order. (Sorry y'all, I've been super busy, I'll try to keep up on posting)
