Constitution of the United States of JBR

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United States of JBR
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This article is part of the series:
Politics and government of the
the United States of JBR

v  d  e

The Constitution of the United States of JBR is one of the two supreme laws of the United States of JBR. It went into full force on the 18th of October 2010—two days after the official and formal establishment of the country. It was temporarily suspended during the Dawkins N' Marx Period, Ghostly Bar Era, and Anarchic Disorder Month. It was revived on the 28th of January 2010. The Constitution follows the guidelines as noted in the Introduction to Promcapablicism and its Explanation and is the supreme authority—even over the President (unless the people grant the President over the Constitution).


The united assembly and peoples of the United States of JBR—for the greater good for stability and prosperity—do hereby declare that together as a united nation, be formally recognized as the sovereign government of its respective areas. We the people believe the United States of JBR shall be a promcapablic nation and shall look onto ways in favor of the people, yet with the assigned contract with the government. We hereby ordain and recognize the establishment of the what is and shall always be, the Constitution of the United States of JBR. For we shall be united and never to be divided lest time wishes us to do part.

Article 1: Executive Branch



As a required necessity for a sovereign head, the leader and leader of the respective JBRican States shall be none other than the President whom is assigned and chosen by the people. The President shall contain two equally leading individuals: the Imperial President and the Regent President (a duumvirate). May it be recognized that if the Imperial President happens to have a spouse, may the spouse be Regent President by default. The two are no higher than the other—except in the cases in their household which may differ from the political role of leadership. Should the Imperial have no spouse, may the Regent be chosen by him or her and approved by the Congress. If the Imperial wishes to choose no Regent, the term "Imperial" and "Regent" not be used when referring to the President and those said terms be voided until a Regent can enter term. The two individuals together will both be called "President" and when referring the term "President"—it means the two equal heads (with the exception should the Regent be vacant). When referring to one of the two, may their respective specific terms be used (Imperial and Regent) to refer each. It should be said that the Imperial President preferably be male and the Regent be female no matter who is the head in their respective household. The President shall be the official and sovereign head of the United States of JBR and lead the country both politically and economically. The President's word will be higher as one unless a minor word (such as the voice of the Congress, Supreme Court, or People's Branch) will come as a whole against.

Duties and Powers of the President

The President—being the supreme leader of the entire country and government (with the exception that the New Pacific Order is the overall leader)--will have the highest number of political rights but may it be noted that the President is equal to all people alike in non-political terms with the exception of economical terms should the Presidency be richer or poorer than their civilian counterpart in which it can be said that the richer will be more stronger economically than the poorer (whether it happens to be the President or compared person). The President shall officially be the head of the Executive Branch but may it be noted that the President has legislative and judicial rights as well. The powers are said below:

Military Powers

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and other militaristic branches of the United States of JBR and may choose whether or not shall they will lead directly or indirectly. Should they decide to rule indirectly, may the highest-ranking general be made Supreme Field Marshal and ordained by the Congress. If the President is to rule directly, the need of the Department of Offense and Defense will be closed until a new President chooses to rule indirectly. The President—if to rule directly, will be the Supreme Field Marshals of the military. At any given time, the President may choose to switch to rule directly or indirectly. If the President is known to frequently switch, the Department of Offense and Defense will continue to operate throughout the term of the President regardless of the "mode" of preference. The President may declare war on any country but must first inform and be approved by the Congress. The declaration of war will then be publicized by the President but the mentioning of declaring war before the formal publication is strictly prohibited and OPSEC. The President shall have the right to punish a citizen who leaks this information. The President will also have the power to grant reprieves and pardons for any offenses against the United States of JBR except in the case of impeachment or the felony be of the following: first-degree murder, repeated offenses of Class B and up crimes, treason, and human right violations. It shall be noted that the President is to follow directions of the Military Intelligence and officers of the New Pacific Order—who are superior to the President's actions. All words made by these said officials override the President.

Treaties and Appointments

The President shall have the power to make treaties (with at least two-thirds of the Congress present at the signing), appoint ambassadors, public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and other officers of the United States of JBR with the approval of the Congress. The President may independently set and appoint their own Cabinet members and people for the High Executive Committee which shall be members of the Branch from the rank of Colonel to the President themselves. The President shall note that the signing of treaties with alliances is strictly a violation in accordance to the New Pacific Order—the respective alliance that governs the country.

Legislative Powers

As President, the two heads have the power to submit and pass bills that will become laws as if it was passed by the Congress itself. The President shall have the power to enact any bill as long as it has been reviewed by the Congress to ensure the law is adequate. The President's role in the Congress is as any other—the President will hold assumption as a Congressperson with the exception that the two heads' vote are a total of 100 normal votes (each) in all three houses. The President has the right to pass any law as the Congress can alone. It is noted that the President cannot replace the Congress however (unless approved by the People), and that the President is allowed to pass up to 10 bills every month or 1 bill per 3 successful bills made by the Congress. The President can also approve or veto a Congressional bill although the veto can be overrode by the Congress itself by majority.

Judicial Powers

The President may hold power as if they were the Supreme Justice of the Supreme Court. As a "judge", the President may partake in handling cases in any court and decide the outcome of the case. The President may not perform examinations with the President however—as the President's bias may cause little or large personal effects in the examined law.

Other Powers

Including the above said powers, the President may retain any powers granted by the Congress and use them for political use. The President also hold rights to secede or resign from the current alliance (New Pacific Order) and join a new alliance. The President may change the flag, coat of arms, national seal, or other national symbols.

Absolute Power

In the event of an emergency or war, the President may have complete authority over everything and perform tasks not normally done in peace times. The President may do anything except the violating of human rights or actions that may negatively impact the nation or government greatly. Presidents found doing so may be impeached and dismissed permanently along with serving their sentence (if given).


In the case of vacancy, the King may have power to hold presidential duties. If the Imperial President is vacant but not the Regent, the Regent may continue leading the country. If the Regent is vacant but not the Imperial, the Imperial may continue leading the country. If the Imperial or Regent wish not to continue, the King may be assigned to rule for the President. The Queen may also take up responsibility in the government. Should the King or Queen be vacant, the next leader in line may rule. The King and Queen may not take the President's place permanently and should only rule in the time of temporary vacancy. If the President is likely not to return in office or is confirmed dead or too weak to rule (this applies if both are in the condition of no return or refusal of return), the Vice President or anyone below the Vice President may succeed. The King and Queen will remain their same positions in the case of permanent vacancy of the President unless the Congress declares the Monarch to succeed.


It shall be made that the President shall both get a full-paid salary of $10 million or greater per year plus $100,000 for every successful act as determined by the Congress, Supreme Court, and People's Branch. Should the National Reserve cannot pay this requirement, the salary shall be lowered 30% every 6 months until more money is available. All the lost dollars can be repaid once enough has been restored.


The President along with any member of the High Executive Committee can be removed from office on impeachment should they be convicted of treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors. The Congress has the right to impeach along with the support or opposition from the People's Branch and Supreme Court. Should the President be impeached, the entire Cabinet (officials only) must be dismissed to make way for the next President's staff. If the Imperial is impeached alone, the Regent will be dismissed. If the Regent is impeached alone, the Imperial will be dismissed.


This method shall only be used for the President if the previous has not nominated a successor. The official day of election shall be on the 4th of November every year when the current President is resigning, impeached, is too weak to lead, or dies. Every citizen has the power to vote. Each vote shall be conducted at the gathering of the local government. Each local government shall send in the votes to the state government which will then proceed to the federal government. The candidate with the most votes shall be President on the 20th of January proceeding the day of voting.


If the two heads of the President are planning to leave office, they may appoint the next person for President. If not, then by default, they may give the line to the Vice President. If they do not give the line to the Vice President, the election process will be done within the closest 4 November.


No one except a natural born citizen or a legalized member of the Union shall be eligible to the office of the President. The citizen must attain a year of 21 or older and been a resident of the United States of JBR for 10 years (the latter requirement will be in full force on the 1st of January 2020; until then, the requirement of 10 years of citizenship is void). Criminal history and reputation do not affect the qualifications to become President unless the citizen is currently in custody or serving sentence. The citizen must also not been in custody or serving a sentence within the last 2 years. For parole, 1 year is the minimum. So until a full 1–2 years have passed, the citizen is eligible. (For citizens who were charged and/served a sentence for the following crimes: murder, treason, bribery, violator of human rights, espionage, embezzlement, fraud, rape, molestation, or torturing, a minimum of 7 years is required before becoming President.)



Along with a duumvirate presidency, there shall be another head that will be lower than the President themselves. The Monarch will refer to the leader of the Royal Family. The Monarch's main duty is to faithfully manage the internal structure of the government of the United States of JBR. The Monarch is in charge of the government's finance and will take care over all economic matters internally; but not externally as the Secretary of Treasury and Finance is in charge of public economic affairs. The Monarch may be the King or Queen and should there be a married couple, may the leader of the household be the official Monarch.

Royal Family and Dynasty

Each Monarch is the leader of the Royal Family. The Royal Family is a group of individuals who are related and represent the country symbolically and manage the internal government. Members of the Royal Family are to be all related to the Monarch and are inherited, not voted for. A dynasty shall refer to the lineage of the family through the passing of generations. Should the dynasty's last generation provide no heir or heiress, the President may choose a new person to become the Monarch and that Monarch's family (if he or she has any intermediates), will automatically receive status as Royal Family members. Any member under the age of 16 may have their political power retained until meeting the legal age. Should all legal successors not be present or alive at an event of emergency, the oldest minor under the age of 16 will have their retained power given and may be kept until a legal successor returns or if that minor becomes of age.

Duties and Powers of the Monarch

The Monarch is to conduct services to the government internally; however, may practice the same level of duties the President conducts (with a note that these duties may not override the President's).