Foreign relations of the United States of JBR

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United States of JBR
File:Seal of JBR.png

This article is part of the series:
Politics and government of the
the United States of JBR

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The foreign relations of the United States of JBR are the relations of the United States of JBR with other governments and alliances in Planet Bob and the real world. By default, all nations legally having membership in the New Pacific Order are considered allies and the allies of the New Pacific Order may also be considered as allies by the United States of JBR. Other countries also have formal diplomatic relationships with JBR.


Viridian Entente

The Viridian Entente was the first alliance the United States of JBR considered to join and when it did, the alliance rejected the country because they claimed the exam never went to Academy. After President Justin Vuong was infuriated, for a brief time, alliances were seen as corrupt governments by the government and general public.

New Pacific Order

The New Pacific Order is the current alliance the United States of JBR is currently in and the two governmental bodies have shown friendly and cooperating relationships. The New Pacific Order placed the United States of JBR in the Tech Corps of the New Pacific Order which gave the country a huge amount of revenue. JBR also holds an established relationship with Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence, and Sadism although currently; because of the Doom House-NPO War, the relationship has been put to hiatus.

Independent decisions

Because the government of JBR could not only hold relationships with the New Pacific Order, the United States of JBR began looking on ways to extend its relationship with other nations. The President also proposed an organization called OARS or the "Organization of Awesome Republics" although this has not been reached yet.

Diplomatic Relations



ADude is a Pacifican nation and because of this, the two nations share a friendly relationship. However, this relationship is special because ADude is the "mentor" for the United States of JBr and the both have shared aid together and the exchange of ideas at private summits.


Template:Infobox2 JBR formally began relations with Anyplace prior to Anplace's acceptance to STOP, a bloc that JBR created. The two have begun formal relations and embassies began to be made.



File:Bobo-JBR Embassy.jpg
The JBRican embassy at Bobogoobo.
  • JBRican Ambassador to Bobogoobo: Felix Brandenburg
  • Bobo Ambassador to the United States of JBR: Maureen Jamol

The country of Bobogoobo and the United States of JBR began a diplomatic relationship and signed the Bobo-JBR Treaty of Amity and Cooperation which recognized each others' goals and to help each other advanced. Because of the relatively new relationship, the two nations have recently began consulting each other in economic terms. Round Nexus, a major company of Bobogoobo, has recently opened doors to the United States of JBR with video games and in turn, the Vuong's International Corporation has successfully made their first ski resorts in Bobogoobo. JBR has recently opened an embassy at Halrloprillalar City and sent a staff of 30 ambassadors. A Bobogoobo embassy was built in JBR City and its head ambassador, Maureen Jamol, began services on January 31, 2011. Bobogoobo and JBR also started the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact, a nation-leveled bloc that also includes the Southeast Coalition, Union of Midway, and Anyplace.



The NewAustralian government began formal relations with the United States of JBR after JBR invited it to the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact. NewAustralia helped assisted the United States of JBR in the Jihad War of the United States of JBR and the two have aimed to perfect both of their national airlines.

New Pacific Order


As a whole, the alliance of the New Pacific Order is the higher government of JBR and by default, all members of it are considered allies. Several nations are considered the "higher leaders" of JBR and their leaders are included in the High Executive Committee (Cortath, Mary the Fantabulous, and ADude for example).

Pacific Empire


The Pacific Empire began formal relations with the United States of JBR after it joined STOP. The two nations began helping each other economically and the Pacific Empire executed ex-JBRican president and enemy, Theresa Vales in JBR's best wishes.

Prussian Empire


The JBRican embassy at the Prussian Empire

Relations with the Prussian Empire began a few days before April 28, 2011, when JBR invited the Prussian Empire to join the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact and take part in the organization. The Empire's leader, Von Schliefen accepted, and shortly after the Prussian Empire joined the list of signatories for the pact. Relations between the two nations are on very friendly terms, and JBR soon aided the Dominion in fighting the civil war.

Republic of Socotra


The country of the Republic of Socotra is a notable Pacifican nation that the United States of JBR maintains relationship with. The Republic of Socotra's leader, Caius Alexandrian, guides the President of JBR in the New Pacific Order in diplomatic, social, and political ways.

Southeast Coalition


The Southeast Coalition began relations with the United States of JBR when it entered the STOP bloc. The countries have recently begun formal relations although the two are still developing it.

Soviet Union Kingdom


The Soviet Union Kingdom is perhaps the first non-Pacifican nation the United States of JBR conducted diplomacy with after JBR became a Pacifican nation. The two countries show respect to each other and Brandon Petrov, is the current President of the Soviet Union Kingdom, he has shown some plans to visit JBR. The United States of JBR began helping the Soviet Union Kingdom by helping publicizing its existence.

Union of Midway


  • JBRican Ambassador to the Union of Midway: Tiffany Charleston
  • Union of Midway Ambassador to the United States of JBR: Heinrich Göring

The Union of Midway began conducting formal relations with JBR starting prior to its acceptance to STOP and the two countries' leaders proposed for a sister city organization similar to Project CityConnect and built embassies at each respective capital. The two nations had a strong history together; both assisting each other in both of their civil wars and the Jihad War along with expanding STOP.


STOP is a bloc that stands for Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact. STOP was created by JBR and originally made to promote diplomacy and trade with other nations.

