People's Branch of the United States of JBR

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United States of JBR
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This article is part of the series:
Politics and government of the
the United States of JBR

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The People's Branch of the United States of JBR is a unique branch of the country and in promcapablicism. The People's Branch is composed of civilians who do not possess any political occupation or title in the federal level. Governors of each state are the supervisors of the People's Branch and every 4 years, an election takes place in which the next governor will become the leader of the People's Branch (known as the Public Voice Officer or PVO). As Public Voice Officer, he or she represents the people but has no special privileges but that.


Any citizen not holding a federal level occupation or title has the eligibility of being part of the People's Branch. Citizens may choose to meet at their town hall where the mayor is the local supervisor and conducts voting sessions. Each citizen may petition for a new law or abolish a current one. They also have the power to "break of the contract" which means to peacefully break down the promcapablic government and switch it to a new one. This has never been conducted legally, as although coup d'état and hostile takeover has been done throughout JBR history; it does not legally count as "break of the contract". Even criminals currently serving in prison have a voting process and often make a presence via webcam at town hall meetings. If a petition is approved by the local town hall, it is submitted to the County Hall—which is the highest authority in a county. If approved, it goes up to the State Assembly and State Capitol to be examined. The governors then vote whether or not it will be a law and then the Public Voice Officer will make it official. Unlike the supreme authority, the President, the Public Voice Officer's voice is final although "his" voice may not represent himself individually.


The People's Branch was under debate by politicians and scholars during the 2010 Summit prior to the foundation of the United States of JBR. In the Introduction to Promcapablicism and its Explanation, the author calls for a People's Branch which although is the weakest political force; is the strongest socio-political force meaning that their opinion is final. The People's Branch worked well with the federalist system of a federal level, state level, state level, and local level. Each "level" was a division that distributed the of the peoples' voice evenly. The People's Branch is considered the true leader of the government as opposed as to the President. The People's Branch is called the "child" while the three other branches are called the "overprotective guardians" in the promcapablic work.


The primary role of the People's Branch is to bring civilians to do political tasks and monitor the other government's actions along with deciding to extend the "contract" or even perform the break of the contract.


Although often praised for giving the power to the people, many are concerned that the People's Branch poorly represents the people because at the last level, the governors vote whether or not to approved the petition. Others claim that the power to the break of the contract can lead to an anarchy government if ever performed.