Justin Vuong

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His Excellency

Justin Vuong

File:Room 25 Pic.jpg
Vuong in the center of one of his 6th-grade class portraits.
1st Emperor of the Californian Union
In office
May 17, 2011 – September 9, 2011
Serving with Charles Ehrenberg
Preceded by Office created
Succeeded by Smith Wellington
3rd President of the United States of JBR
In office
April 23, 2011 – September 9, 2011
Monarch Jakeb Norton
Vice President Hayden Painter
Preceded by Theresa Vales
Succeeded by Smith Wellington
1st President of the United States of JBR
In office
October 16th, 2010 – April 8th, 2011
Monarch Jakeb Norton
Vice President Hayden Painter
Preceded by Office created
Succeeded by Theresa Vales
Personal details
Born January 4, 1989
Flag of California.svg Pomona, California, United States
Nationality File:Flag of JBR.svgFile:PrussianFlag2.png JBRican-Prussian
Political party File:WAP Logo.jpg Worker's Advancement
Residence File:Flag of JBR City.jpg JBR City, JBR
Profession Entrepreneur
Religion File:SDA Logo.PNGSeventh-day Adventism
Signature Justin Vuong's signature

Justin Thai Vuong (b. January 4, 1989) was the first and third president of the United States of JBR, first emperor and the representative of the country for the larger, governing body: the New Pacific Order. He was the only chief executive officer of the Vuong's International Corporation and the former head of a defunct Pacifican squad known as the Death 101 Squad. He is of Vietnamese descent and holds influences from the now defunct United States. He is currently the de facto JBRican exiled leader at Quarthe, Prussian Empire. He is a citizen of both the JBRican States and the Prussian Empire, the latter acquired several weeks before World War IV began.

He united the city-states of the former divided Inland Empire and claimed sovereignty over all of the rulers with the support of the collected forces of the Victorian Republic after the Inland War. He was the commander-in-chief of the JBRican Armed Forces along with holding several powers in the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches. The Vuong Administration was mostly assembled with friends and colleagues. His first administration and rule was briefly terminated when he was overthrown by his successor, Theresa Vales. Vales was the Director of the CIA and work alongside with the Quad forces; the enemy of JBR during the Jihad War of the United States of JBR. She secretly plotted a hostile overthrow over Vuong and succeeded on April 8, 2011. Vuong regained order after Vales was captured by Vuong's loyal forces on April 23, 2011. Vuong also gained the position as Emperor of the Californian Union when the United States of JBR and United Duchies of Central Kingdom created the unitary state through the Treaty of California. Vuong became an important figure in the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact and worked to resolve differences among its signatories. He resigned on September 9, 2011 and named his new successor, Smith Wellington.
Vuong was a businessman and is the founder of the older Vuong's International Hotel Corporation which specializes in upscale hotels until its upgrade to become part of the JBRican Bureau of Tourism. He would later found the second incarnation of the Vuong's International Corporation which extended to food and gaming products along with clothing accessories.
While he was a politician, he was also an independent freelance writer on various genres. He is also a member of the JBR Division of Seventh-day Adventists and frequently allowed the Monarch to perform duties on Saturdays.

In the New Pacific Order, he is a recruiter, a diplomat, an internet media writer, and a tech procurer where he faithfully executed his duty. He was involuntary pulled out by Theresa Vales and forced into exile temporarily. This caused Vuong to be unable to perform his duties. His mentor, ADude, a prominent member of the Pacific, often guided the President during his time as President of the United States of JBR and a member of the New Pacific Order. Vuong retained his right as liaison after his resignation from Presidency.

Vuong has been an influential leader; a poll lasted conducted under President Chor's administration showed that 83% of JBRican citizens preferred him as the most favored president. He is also an important target of Quad in which the current JBRican government under Theresa Vales II has labeled as a high traitor. Vuong has survived at least four terrorist attacks by such group; the last recent one being on October 11, 2011.

Early life

United States of JBR
File:Seal of JBR.png

This article is part of the series:
Politics and government of the
the United States of JBR

v  d  e

Vuong was born on January 4, 1989 in the city of Pomona which at time was still part of the United States (California). He was raised in the city of Chino Hills until the age of 6 where he moved to Riverside. During his early adolescent time in Riverside, he had a keen interest in business administrating and authoring. He later went off to Las Vegas where he earned a bachelor's degree in business administration. He returned and set up the Vuong's International Hotel Corporation in which he built nearly 63 hotels before California split into city-states.

Pre-Pacifican Presidency

Vuong decided to set aside his business-making and to unify the city-states of the area of what is known as the Inland Empire. He was the official leader of the Victorian Republic—once a McMansion gated community, shortly after the dissolution of the U.S. in January 2006. Vuong eventually led his army during the Inland War which ended with a white peace after four years of combat. He was an important figure in a convention that would lead up to the foundation of the United States of JBR. Vuong was agreed to become the future nation's president and established a promcapablic government.

On October 16, 2010, the United States of JBR was formed. The JBRican States started off rough and he frequently battled with the high bills and waging wars from warring anarchist neighbors. He struggled to keep his nation up-to-beat and barely had his country floating. He received an invitation from an alliance but later was rejected. His government faced several changes from promcapablic to democracy to communism. The radical changes made him confused and often infuriated. Regardless of this, he allowed his country to be stable before plummeting into yet another war.

Post-Pacifican Presidency


One day, Vuong received an invitation from the New Pacific Order, a strong alliance that dominated much of Planet Bob. At first, Vuong decided to not join after the bitter rejection from the previous alliance. After much pressure from his advisers and people, Vuong gave in and applied. He later was accepted and joined by a vast community of leaders and opened new protection and trade with over 500 nations. The United States of JBR dramatically changed positively and Vuong ruled with a piece of mind. He later decided to switch his communist country to a benevolent totalitarian state. His country also saw new improvements and paved new jobs for the numerous homeless.

Promcapablicism Restoration to Present

The people of JBR began to praise Vuong for his upright just rule and eventually, promcapablicism was restored. In this, he was a president again. However, being in a promcapablic nation, there was a slight need to have a regent for the other "half" of the Presidency. This regent could only be a spouse but Vuong publicly did not want a spouse and established the Norton Dynasty for the Monarch side. Many of the JBRicans speculate that a possible regent (that may or may not need to be the spouse of Vuong) is a high political leader who was a friend of Vuong (and the childhood crush).
Vuong was yet again faced with more challenges as the Chaldean army was a growing threat which pushed the JBRican government to anarchy in a brutal war. The JBRicans would later win and thanks to the budget cuts proposed by Vuong, the economy narrowly escaped bill-lock. ADude, Vuong's mentor, helped Vuong on the proposal of the bill. Vuong soon later became more involved in diplomatic affairs with individual nations by founding the Sunshine Treaty Organization Pact or STOP. During the Doom House-NPO War, he and Supreme Field Marshal Chor helped lead the JBRican forces to join the Pacifican armies to counter the collected forces of the Doom House Accords. Vuong also faced challenges in his nation including the Doom House-inspired assassination of Daniel Olly—a prominent Congressman; by Rea Shrump. An earthquake also occurred in the state of Barstow and the nation was in bill lock at the same time. In spite of all this, Vuong managed to gather emergency reserves from the Bank of the New Pacific Order and received $300 million in aid.
He became more involved in state-level politics, and controlled a large land of the former nation Disparu in the late February. He established New Disparu and supported its statehood. He also founded the Death 101 Squad, a military-related squad within the New Pacific Order and assumed leadership among 4 other nations.
Eventually, he would become part of the Vuong-Norton-Pikachurin supra-administration dynasties, which began on March 4, 2011 after Lance and Maylene Pikachurin became Vice King and Queen of JBR. He also was responsible for creating the STOP Act of Free Trade Agreement of 2011 for STOP.
He later led the Jihad War of the United States of JBR where he was backed by many supporters and worked through the various obstacles the enemy gave him.
Vuong lost his Presidency after Theresa Vales, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of JBR on April 9, 2011. Though having no direct participation in the JBRican Civil War that began soon after, he assumed Presidency once more on April 23, 2011.
During his early months returning to power, he became conscious of wars but within a month, he entered the Second Midwayan Civil War and Great Pacific War. He would later sign the Treaty of California with the JBRican northern neighbor of Central Kingdom. He became Emperor while the Centraler king, Charles Ehrenberg became Co-Emperor. He was later captured by militants of the United Pacific Aligned Coalition along with twenty-one other officials on May 19. He later fled to Jamaica with the help of local Peruvians and Chileans. Vuong returned on June 6. During his absence, Supreme Admiral Ethan Du took up the position as Acting President and Emperor. Vuong allowed Du to keep presidential powers until the conflict with the United Pacific Aligned Coalition and Caribbean Treaty Organization ended.

On June 15, the Great Pacific War ended and Vuong quickly worked to increase negotiations and ties with Latin America. He successfully befriended the United Pacific Aligned Coalition and even annexed Chile and Peru. Vuong became Secretary-General of the South American Protection and Assistance Community and created a firm alliance with Latin America, particularly Brazil and Mexico.
In the month of August, he played a vital role in the Secessionist Movement and was partially responsible for the independence of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, South Ossetia, and later on, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Vuong also attempted to create stronger ties between STOP and SUSR, both who were rivaling powers.

During his last days as President, Vuong ordered the invasion of Quad in Antarctica (which was approved by the United Nations Security Council) and successfully removed terrorist activity there. On September 8, the National Association for Equality and Freedom Committee, a libertarian civilian organization, introduced a proposal to shorten Vuong's term from October 16, 2014 to October 16, 2012 in correspondence to an earlier Senate bill that ordered the life tenure of all executive officials to be shortened to two-year terms. Vuong was partially exempt from the law, the Senate allowing Vuong to "begin" his official two-year term on October 16, 2012. The Senate justified the act to avoid a dispute on whether the law's application to Vuong was ex post facto. However, the People's Branch announced that Vuong's term must be shortened to 2012 and Vuong announced he respected the decision. The next day, on September 9, he formally resigned and appointed Smith Wellington as his successor. The entire Vuong Administration was vacated including high-ranking military officials.

After Vuong's departure, his life became very closed. He resurfaced briefly during Wellington's funeral after the President's assassination before visiting Venice. There, he was attacked by Quad agents and fled to the Prussian Empire. Originally planning to remain there, when his former associate Chor acquired Presidency, Vuong decided to remain in the Dominion longer. He applied for dual citizenship at the Dominion after Vales II overthrew Chor on October 28, 2011. Vuong's citizenship, as well as several other exiled officers have been granted under Alfred von Schliefen's name. He then assumed the de facto post of JBRican President-in-exile. This post is not recognized by any sovereign state except for those part of STOP and SUSR.

Personal life

Vuong currently resides in the West Wing of the Quarthe Palace. He originally lived in the Victorian Mansion where he operated a new version of his former company and a practitioner of Seventh-day Adventism Christianity. He was forced to exile on March 8, 2011 briefly. He fled to Bobogoobo along with his loyal colleagues. His parents, David and Valery Vuong, lived in a house adjacent to the Presidential Palace and his brother James and sister Britney live in two other states before the exile occurred. They remained even after Vuong was re-instated as President. He has a large number of relatives; all whom do not work in the political field and a large amount of them working in either the medical or engineering fields. He enjoys taking jogs and help teach the children that presided in the private quarters of JBR City. Vuong enjoys spending a social life with his co-workers and colleagues and constantly shows efforts to improve the nation non-politically. Vuong frequently works on a story in which he publishes and they commonly show his creativity and opinions. He began volunteering to help rebuild JBR City which was devastated during the Great Battle of California and later attacks such as the July 27 incident. Later on, he fled to the Prussian Empire and decided to remain there permanently.

Pacifican Duties

As a Pacifican, Vuong was the JBRican liaison to the Pacific. Vuong's duties included the Template:NPO, Template:NPO, Template:NPO, and Template:NPO. Vuong officially resigned from the Recruiter's Corps on 6 January 2011 due to inactivity, personal problems, and laziness. He later returned on March 24, 2011 deciding that the Corps needed more recruiters to send out messages to other nations.

Template:NPO dogtags
Template:NPO dogtags

In Media Corps, Vuong serves as a Wiki Author and is responsible for editing and publishing articles of the New Pacific Order along with maintaining and reverting vandalism in any of its pages. His nation is part of a tech deal agreement with the New Pacific Order so Vuong was responsible for sending technology to larger Pacifican nations and in return, receives $300 million. The tech deal formula Vuong uses with the Order was $50 million tech equals $300 million in cash. Originally, he was part of the Tech Corps but it merged with the Bank of the New Pacific Order in the late May 2011. When the two departments merged, Vuong was made a procurer of the Economic Affairs of the New Pacific Order. This merge allowed Vuong to communicate with not only other technology distributors but the bankers of the Pacific. As Recruiter, Vuong is responsible for sending e-mails, phone calls, and personal mail to other heads of state to join the Order. Vuong is not required to fly to Francograd in order to do these tasks and usually did both Pacifican and national duties at JBR City. As Fourth Diplomat, it is Vuong's duty to improve relations of NPO with other alliances. He was assigned to GOONS originally but as the Doom House-NPO escalated, he was re-assigned to the New Sith Order (NSO). He also serves as Squad Commander of the Death 101 Squad which is a small branch of the Pacific's Beta Battalion. To date, Vuong has led the United States of JBR into war for the Order once. It is the Doom House-NPO War (referred as the Bogeyman War) and he received his first war ribbon from the alliance. Template:Nporibbonbar


Award Name Description Date Awarded
The Banking Star (3rd Class Honours) 26 June 2011 Awarded to members of the Body Republic who have assisted the during a war with Banking Duty to help their fellow Pacificans.


—on the foundation of the United States of JBR

—on Soldiers

—on Promcapablicism

—on the New Pacific Order

See also

Template:JBR Mil Template:Start box |- style="text-align: center;" |- style="text-align:center;"

|style="width:30%;" rowspan="1"|Preceded by

Position Created

| style="width: 40%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"| 1st President of the United States of JBR

| style="width: 30%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"| Succeeded by

Theresa Vales & Morris Kendell

|- Template:Start box |- style="text-align: center;" |- style="text-align:center;"

|style="width:30%;" rowspan="1"|Preceded by

Theresa Vales & Morris Kendell

| style="width: 40%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"| 3rd President of the United States of JBR

| style="width: 30%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"| Succeeded by

Smith & Maria Wellington

|- Template:Start box |- style="text-align: center;" |- style="text-align:center;"

|style="width:30%;" rowspan="1"|Preceded by

Position created

| style="width: 40%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"| 1st Emperor of the Californian Union

| style="width: 30%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"| Succeeded by

Smith & Maria Wellington

|- Template:End box

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