Hayden Painter

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Hayden Painter

2nd Vice and Congressional President of the United States of JBR
In office
April 23, 2011 – present
President Justin Vuong
Preceded by None
Succeeded by None
1st Vice and Congressional President of the United States of JBR
In office
October 16th, 2010 – April 9, 2011
Personal details
Born November 1st, 1988
File:United States.png Riverside, CA, USA
Nationality File:Flag of JBR.svg JBRican
Political party File:WAP Logo.jpg Worker's Advancement
Residence File:Flag of JBR City.jpg JBR City, JBR
Profession Philosopher
Religion Painterist (satirical)
United States of JBR
File:Seal of JBR.png

This article is part of the series:
Politics and government of the
the United States of JBR

v  d  e

Hayden Painter (b. November 1st, 1988) is the second and current Vice President (also known as the Congressional President) of the United States of JBR and is of European descent. He has served as the first vice president as well before he was briefly exiled by the Vales Administration. Third-in-command, he is the primary leader of the Congress of the United States of JBR and vice director of the Cabinet (under the King and ultimately, the President). Regardless of being third-in-command, according to promcapablic guidelines, he is second-in-line for succession for presidency should Justin Vuong resign, retire, be impeached, die, or too sick to work. He is a member of the Worker's Advancement Party and actively works to keep the rival parties of the Congress to fight over disputes instead of working alongside to pass out laws. He is the founder of the parody religion, Painterism although in truth, he is a nondenominational Protestant. He specializes in the use of firearms--especially snipers, and serve as a militant instructor to cadets and privates of the JBR Military. He has an obvious despise of the color yellow, and has suspicions whenever he is exposed to the color yellow except with the sun which he claims is "the only yellow object that probably should not be hated". This unknown hate for yellow may actually just be a long-term "gag joke" of Painter and a signature feature of him. However, his show of "hate" to yellow is not like Brian Cervantes, who exhibits violent hate and even prejudice against the burrito. (It should be noted that Cervantes also takes this hate seriously and invented Taco Politics which is the aligned politics to support the taco and against the burrito.) Painter apparently does not literally hate the color in such a way that he condemns it--but is has a natural dislike of it. Painter is an affiliate of the Group of 25 and actively tries to push activity of the United States of JBR and the Body Republic of the New Pacific Order.

Early life

Painter was born on November 1, 1988 in the city of Riverside, California. His father was a SWAT officer and this partially influenced Painter to later become interested with guns. He became close friends with Jakeb Norton and the two helped protect the Victoria Republic during the Inland War. Painter would later be made Vice President of the United States of JBR by President Justin Vuong.

Political life

During the beginning of the United States of JBR's history, Painter did not assume much in the political field. Aside from informing other government officials about the President's orders, Painter spent most of his time training cadets to the JBRican Armed Forces. However, it soon changed after the Anarchic Disorder Month which was the turning point of his political career. Painter soon became more active and worked with the Congress. He also worked undercover as an administrator for the Vuong Loyalist Front during the JBRican Civil War in which was the time he was briefly out of office as Vice President. He re-assumed power on April 23, 2011.

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