Crimson Legion

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 This article is part of Altverse II.

The Crimson Legion officially known as the Legion of the Crimson Dawn the was a mass student-led paramilitary social movement mobilized by the Continentalist Party in the aftermath of the assassination of Rupert Gardner by select cliques of the Labor Front. The organization lasted as a paramilitary group from 1979 until 1987, although its cultural influence was still felt on campuses across the country throughout the 2000s. It was never formally sanctioned by the Continentalist Party and its formation on campuses was highly discouraged by university administrations. According to the official manifesto of the Legion, the movement aims were as follows;

The Scourge of Capitalism seeks to inflict a great blow to our divinely established republic, to enslave our mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. We will stand as a bulwark against their treachery, for we will drag the traitors from their dens and dasheth them against the jagged stones. We will ensure that the revolutionary spirit of 1776 and 1921 is never extinguished. Our Crimson Son, Aeneas Warren, and the Crimson Father, Rupert Gardner, shine kindly down upon our endeavors...

While the Legion utilized music as a means to propagandize it message in the 1980s, the movement's most significant contribution to Continental culture was its introduction of Miwest emo, indie rock, and math rock to the general public in the late 1990s. Known as Legionary rock, the musical groups embedded political messages glorifying Landonism while focusing on lyrical elements related to collegiate or teenage nostalgia. Some influential bands that arose from the movement including Continental Football, Red Cursive, Foster the Cadre, October and Yonkers Deep. Because of its cultural appeal to college students in the United Commonwealth the movement still maintains organizing bodies at universities.