Portal:Current events/March 2020

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March 2020 was the third month of the current leap year. The month, which began on a Sunday, ended on a Tuesday after 31 days. It is the third month of the 2020s decade.

Portal:Current events

Armed conflicts and attacks
Health and environment
International relations
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
Health and environment
International relations
  • The United Kingdom and the European Union begin a series of post-Brexit talks. Last week, both sides publicly set their negotiation mandates.
Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
  • An EF 3 tornado sweeps across the north central United Commonwealth killing 22 people and injuring dozens more.
    • The Continentalist Party's Central Committee holds a vigil in Nashville for the death of several worker-citizens. The Central Committee praised the the Continental Civil Defense System, which was able to alert some 5,000 citizens in the tornado's path to seek shelter.
Health and environment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • Korea "declares war" on the coronavirus as the rate of infection in the country reaches over 5,000 people.
    • Myanmar turns away a Silversea Cruises cruise-ship due to fears of the virus, a government spokesperson said.
    • Japan cancels a planned ceremony marking the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands of people.
    • Ukraine confirms its first case, resulting in two new coronavirus cases in the Union of Sovereign States.
    • Spain confirms that the first virus-related case in the country that occurred on February 13.
    • Iran says it will release 54,000 inmates to prevent the virus from spreading inside overcrowded prisons. Only prisoners that test negative will be released and those with sentences over five years will not be released.
    • A human resources official from Twitter says that the company will advise employees to work at home to prevent the virus from spreading in its offices.
    • Argentina and the United Provinces confirm their first cases.
International relations

Armed conflicts and attacks

  • Tourneser Freedom Front insurgency
    • Reports of several thousands of Continental forces have entered into Tournesol, air strikes being conducted extensively in the western and northern sections of the country where rebel forces most active.
    • Continental forces are deployed along the borders of Brazoria and Superior, ending four years of military disengagement from the trans-Mississippi prefectures. Continental naval docks in Norfolk, Havana and New Orleans have been emptied, the ships whereabouts are unknown.
    • Prime Minister Heartwell condemns the unilateral military action by the United Commonwealth and mobilizes the Sierran Royal Navy in the Caribbean Sea to standby and warns that Sierra is prepared to take military action if Continental forces do not withdraw its troops from Tournesol within 24 hours. On Twitter, she stated "I like the United Commonwealth BUT if they proceed and continue with reckless warmongering in our own neighborhood in North America, we will show them fire and fury of the likes they have never seen! Don't make me do it Mr. Secretariat!"
    • Continental forces throughout the night swept through the eastern half of Tournesol engaging with small pockets of resistance from TFF cells. Government forces of both Tournesol and the United Commonwealth forces have continued an aggressive push along the Brazorian and Superior borders in an attempt to trap remaining TFF forces within the country. AB reports that the Tournesol government has issued a warning to it citizens to remain in their abodes for the next 72 hours as operations continue. Intensive air operations continue over the rebel controlled cities of Dodge City, Liberal and Colby.
    • Brazorian President Rick Perry has condemned the "wave of Crimson Aggression sweeping through Tournesol." He has vowed that the Brazorian Armed Forces stood ready to back its Sierran allies at any moment, the Brazorian Navy Fleet ordered to begin exercises in the Sabine River estuary and along primary shipping lanes in the Gulf of Mexico. The Brazorian Air Force has been heightened to its maximum readiness level, and reports from communities along Brazoria's eastern and northern borders have given accounts of intense helicopter and heavy machinery sounds. More stringent border controls have temporarily been put into place at major UC crossing points, with border officials reportedly ready to close the border and evacuate the checkpoints at a moment's notice. Democratic Cooperative candidate's for the 2020 elections have condemned the President's aggressive moves, calling for détente and dialogue with UC officials.
    • Canadian President Sarah Woodley expressed her "profound disappointment" with the actions of the Brazorian, Sierran, and Continental governments. She has stated that Canada will not take any military measures should conflict arise, and that Canada-CAS relations were at a "crisis point." The President has called on Parliament to consider absolving its recognition of the Treaty of Seattle and a full withdrawal from the CAS if it was "led into another pointless conflict by impetuous hotheads who only care about a three percent increase in the polls."
    • The American Parliament and American Council hold emergency sessions over the current crisis and debating what response should be made to the crisis. A consensus hasn't been reached, but most support an immediate ceasefire and cancellation of planned military interventions.
    • The Military of Superior in response to the mobilization of troops along the Trans-Mississippi area by Continental moves it troops to the Buffer Zone stretching along the Superian-Tourneseler border. It claims the right to maintain the troops there according to the 1985 Tournesol-Superior Accords where both sides maintain the right to deploy troops in the area which stretches along Northern Tournesol and the Omaha suburbs. Additionally mobilization of the Superian Armed Forces is conducted along the Continental borders in response to the current crisis, as they are put on high alert in case of an attack.
    • Sierran, Superiorian and Brazorian forces enter Tournesol. Combat operations have continued throughout western Tournesol over the night and allied forces are expected to enter into Topeka. Brazorian leads an offensive towards Lake Charles facing resistance from local the Cajun Revolutionary Guard. Continental diplomatic officials have petitioned the CAS for open dialogue, seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Continental ambassador to the League of Nations has issued a formal complaint against the members of CAS, seeking intervention and mediation from the international community.
    • In a press report, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Skandinavia, Cristina Björling shows her concern about the serious events that have taken place in Tournesol during the last hours. "We ask the nations involved to stop their military actions and begin negotiating to solve this conflict. Bringing all of North America to war will be a disaster for its citizens and they have a duty to avoid it." On the other hand, asked about the passivity of the League of Nations, the minister said: "We urge the League of Nations to be involved in the resolution of this conflict and we do not understand how its leaders remain doing nothing." "We offer all our diplomatic help for the resolution of this conflict." Finally, in response to questions from the attending journalists, the minister commented that the government is studying measures for the repatriation of Skandinavian citizens residing in North America if the conflict goes further in the coming days.
Health and environment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • Wallis and Futuna block the entry of a German cruise ship citing fears of the virus spreading and are debating doing the same for other ships.
    • Italy says that it will close all schools and universities from March 5 until March 15 to contain the virus as the country has 3,090 confirmed cases and 107 virus-related deaths.
    • Spain confirms a second virus-related death, an 82 year-old man from the Basque Country, as the infected toll rises to 210.
    • Hungary confirms its first two coronavirus cases.
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
Health and environment
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • War in Pashtunistan, 2020 Kabul attack
    • At least 32 people are killed and 81 are injured when gunmen attacked a ceremony being held in Kabul, Pashtunistan. Pashtun politician Abdullah Abdullah was spared from the attack and made it out unharmed. ISIL claims responsibility for the attack.
  • 2020 Bernheim attack
    • A series of truck bombings have been carried out across the city of Bernheim, San Joaquin by the Provisional Sierran Republican Army. The attack was carried out as retribution for the intervention of Anglo-American powers; Sierra, Brazoria, and Superior, in the current conflict in Tournesol. The Provisional SRA has been an ally of the Continentalist regime in the country since the conflict began. At least 12 people are killed and another 22 are injured.
    • Continental officials condemn the attacks by the Provisional Sierran Republican Army, stating "We do not support the murder of innocent workers of any nation. We disavow the PSRA and their terrorist objectives. Revolution is not brought about by select killings, only through the ballot or popular revolution may a workers paradise arise."
  • Two suicide bombers detonate their explosives outside of the Northeastern embassy in Tunis, Tunisia killing one policemen and injuring five others.
Health and environment
Law and crime
  • The Committee on the Rights of the Child of the League of Nations has condemned the government of the Cook Islands for criminalizing homosexual sex.
Politics and elections
  • 2020 Guyanese general election
    • Police in Georgetown, Guyana surround the nation's election commission after allegations of electoral fraud and altering the results in favor of incumbent President Bharrat Nagamootoo to help him win the election.
Space and technology
  • SpaceX CRS-20
    • SpaceX successfully launches a Dragon spacecraft in orbit to resupply the International Space Station. This marks the last launch of the Dragon spacecraft as it's set to be replaced by the Dragon 2, and is the 50th anniversary of the recovery of a Falcon 9 first stage booster.
Business and economy
  • Lebanon announces that it will default on a Eurobond payment and purse restructuring its debt. The country has never defaulted on its debt before. Lebanon's government debt accounts for 170% of its gross domestic product.
Disasters and accidents
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak in China
    • A hotel being used to quarantine those infected with the coronavirus in China has collapsed leaving 70 people trapped inside.
  • Around 22 people are killed and another 70 are injured after a fuel tanker, two buses and another vehicle collide in a road between Damascus and Homs in Syria
Health and enviorment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • Malta and Bulgaria report their first cases with Bulgaria reporting two.
    • Nicola Zingaretti, President of Lazio since 2013 and Secretary for the Italian Democratic Party, has confirmed he's contracted the virus.
    • The Maldives reports its first two cases of the coronavirus.
    • Newly elected member of the Iranian parliament, Fatemeh Rahbar, dies after contracting COVID-19.
    • A 50-year-old man is arrested for breaching quarantine and travelling to two densely populated bars in Gamagōri, Japan after testing positive for the coronavirus the day prior. He reportedly told family members he intended to spread it and bragged to bar employees that he had tested positive.
    • The Ministry of Health for Argentine confirms the first COVID-19-related death, a 64 year-old man who traveled to Paris and had other health conditions. This marks the first virus-related death in Latin America.
    • Paraguay confirms the first coronavirus case in the country.
Politics and elections
  • Canadian CAS membership referendum, 2020
    • The Parliament of Canada passes the CAS Membership Referendum Act with an overwhelming majority. Only a handful of ULCs Deputies opposed the bill, which allocates funds for a nation-wide referendum to be held on the status of Canadian CAS membership. President Sarah Woodley signed the act the evening after its approval by the Senate, stating that she has "come to agree with Parliament... the Canadian people deserve a chance to determine their own future." The governing FDP has announced its plans to campaign in favoring of leaving the CAS, while top officials in both the Patriot Party and the ULC have said they will remain neutral on the issue until after the referendum. The referendum has been scheduled for 15 July, with the possibility for delay in the event of significant growth in the Coronavirus outbreak.
Health and environment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • Moldova reports its first coronavirus case.
    • Italian Prime Minister Marzia Pertini extends the quarantine lockdown in Lombardy to cover the entire region and 14 other northern provinces, affecting a quarter of the nation's population.
    • The number of coronavirus cases in Italy has risen to 7,375 and the total deaths are around 366 and counting.
    • Portuguese President Aníbal Neto de Nóvoa self-isolates after a coronavirus case is confirmed in a school he visited a few days ago.
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
  • Trading on the Toronto Securities Exchange was automatically brought to a halt as shares plunged across the board. Major Canadian stock indexes have reported overall losses of nearly 9%. The extreme reaction of the market is believed to be in response to a combination of factors emerging over the weekend: the intensification of the coronavirus outbreak, the announcement of the CAS membership referendum, and the emerging trade dispute between the Union of Sovereign States and Saudi Arabia which has sent petroleum prices down 20% in value. The automatic stop was lifted after 15 minutes, which, despite an initial drop, saw share prices stabilize. The drop was the largest single decline in Canadian indexes since the Great Recession of 2008.
  • In line with the rest of European stock markets, the Bergen Stock Exchange closed on Monday with a 6.7% drop, the highest since 2009. Panic to Covid-19 coupled with the fall in prices of crude-oil have been the main causes. This fall occurs at a time of special political instability and is a blow to the newly released Skandinavian minority government. A government spokesman has assured, however, that the country is ready to face this situation and that it expects pressure on the markets to relax in the coming days.
Health and enviorment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • The Italian government extends the lockdown in Northern Italy to cover the entire country as the number of coronavirus cases reach 9,172 and 463 virus-related deaths.
    • Saudi Arabia suspends all schools, universities and other institutions until further notice to combat the coronavirus outbreak.
    • The first virus-related deaths are confirmed in Germany and Canada.
    • The Ministry of Health of Cyprus confirms its first two cases, a health professional who visited the United Kingdom and a 25 year-old man who visited Italy.
    • Infection rates in Korea have reduced, but government officials warn it's "too early to be optimistic".
    • Israel orders all arrivals from abroad to self-quarantine regardless of what nation they come from.
    • French Minister of Culture Franck Riester confirms he's been infected with COVID-19 and five members of the National Assembly join the 1,412 cases in the nation.
    • Classes of all educational levels are suspended in Madrid and the Autonomous Community from March 11 to 30 to combat the virus as Spain reports 500 total cases nationally.
    • Ireland cancels all Saint Patrick's Day celebrations to combat the virus.
International relations
Business and economy
  • 2020 oil shock
    • COGI has called on the Woodley-Boudreau government to assist petroleum producers across Canada after Monday's price shock on the crude oil market. COGI argues that Canada's expensive extraction methods puts it's domestic production capacity at "extreme, unprecedented risk of complete bankruptcy." Alberta Premier and former Woodley electoral rival Eric Prince has also called on the federal government to step up its response to the price collapse, stating "This is not just about Alberta. As Alberta goes, so goes the nation's economy." Prince has announced that the provincial government will "do everything it possibly can" to assist local producers. The Albertan provincial government has its budget based on the assumption of $58 per barrel. At the moment, prices have fallen to only $30 a barrel. Each dollar per barrel lost cuts $200 million away from the province's bottom line. "Alberta has done good for Canada. It's time for Canada to do good for us," the Premier said.
  • Black Monday (2020)
Health and environment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • Italy enters its first day of national lockdown as the number of cases has risen to 10,149. Prison rights enter their third day over the suspension of family visitations leaving 12 inmates dead and 22 having escaped in Foggia.
    • The Cabinet of Japan gives Prime Minister and Emergency Committee Chairman, Kazuma Amamiya, powers to declare a state of emergency over the coronavirus if necessary.
    • Moldova bans from entering the country via plane if they come from any country with confirmed coronavirus cases.
    • Iran reports 881 new coronavirus cases and 54 more deaths bringing the total number of COVID-19 cases up to 8,042 and the number of deaths up to 291, the highest number within a 24-hour period.
    • The Czech Republic suspends all schools and bans all events with over 100 attendants indefinitely in order to contain the virus.
    • The first virus-related death has been confirmed in Morocco, an 89 year-old woman with pre-existing health conditions.
    • The Government of Greece closes all schools and universities for two weeks to contain the virus.
    • Denmark reports a large increase of coronavirus cases by 174, bringing the total number of cases to 264 nationwide.
    • Turkey confirms its first coronavirus case.
Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
  • Socio-economic impact of the 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak, Aftermath of Black Monday (2020)
    • The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunges 1,400 points and enters a Bear market.
    • After the stock market falls in the past few days, the markets stabilize in Skandinavia. The government has adopted a package of special measures that include the mobilization of special funds from the "Skandinavian Oil Fund" to alleviate the effects of the crisis. The Ministry of Finance spokesman has confirmed these exceptional measures and asserted that the country has a totally healthy financial situation and exceptional resources to mitigate these effects. On the other hand, the government and the oil industry have decided to maintain production and even a possible increase in the coming weeks. The Skandinavian oil industry is prepared to withstand a scenario of low prices (if it is not prolonged too long) and this scenario is an opportunity to eliminate competitors that due to their structure will not be able to cope with this scenario, such as the North American fracking industry.
Health and enviorment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • The World Health Organization has officially declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic.
    • 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Italy
      • The death toll in Italy rises to 827 as nearly 200 more people were confirmed dead as a result of the coronavirus, the largest single-date increase. The total number of cases is 12,462.
      • Roberto Stella, president of the medical guild in Varese, Lombardy, has died at the age of 67 after contracting the coronavirus.
    • Belgium reports its first COVID-19 death, a statement by the government says the victim was 90 years old.
    • Moldova suspends all schools, universities, and colleges for two weeks to combat the spread of the virus.
    • Indonesia reports its first coronavirus death.
    • Hungary declares a state of emergency and closes all university campuses and bans large gatherings. People traveling from Italy, Korea, and Iran will be banned from entering the country.
    • The Continentalist Party reports that 24 members of the National Committee have been diagnosed with COVID-19 after an emergency secession was called, all members are set to self quarantine. The University of Landon, the premier university of the United Commonwealth, has suspended all classes for the remainder of the academic year. Secretariat Saunders addressed the nation, stating that the cities of Chicago, Indianapolis, Louisville will be placed in quarantine. Travel into CAS which was suspended since the Three-Day War will not resume as planned and travel to Europe is prohibited.
    • Skandinavian government has decided to take severe measures to combat the spread of the disease after more than 1,700 confirmed cases. From today, all educational institutions (schools, universities, ...) as well as libraries, theaters, concert halls and in general any public building where a large number of people can congregate, will be closed. In addition, the closure of any private leisure activity where more than 50 people can congregate has been ordered. All sports leagues are also suspended. These measures are in addition to those already adopted a few days ago to promote teleworking. The police will monitor that the measures are carried out and any concentration on the streets of more than 20 people will be dissolved. Citizens are reminded that these measures are not holidays and, therefore, whoever does not comply with the imposed measures will be severely punished. In the words of the Minister of Health, "we appeal to the good judgment of our citizens, there is no use teleworking or closing schools if in the afternoon we take the children to the park or we all go to the gym." People affected by closures are encouraged to stay at home, and especially university students in big cities to refrain from traveling to their places of origin. The measures are applicable from 0:00 AM on March 12 and will continue until new order.
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Arts and culture
Business and economy
Health and environment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • India confirms its first coronavirus death in Karnataka.
    • The number of COVID-19 cases in Italy rises to 15,113, while the death toll grows to 1,016.
    • Poland-Lithuania suspends all schools and universities, closes all theatres, operas, cinemas and museums for two weeks in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Mass events are also banned and the Polish-Lithuanian Football Association announces that two friendly matches with Finland and the Union of Sovereign States will be played behind closed doors. Meanwhile, the country's first coronavirus death has been confirmed in Poznan.
    • Greece confirms its first virus-related death, a 66-year-old pilgrim who visited both Egypt and Israel last month.
    • The Portuguese government calls for the closure of all schools and nigh clubs.
Politics and elections
  • Military Reorganization Act of 2020
    • Michael Curtis, Minister of the American Council for Sierra, gives a speech and a filibuster where he voices his reasons for his opposition to the act and calls on the council ministers to "think clearly about the Crimson terror that rests on our borders" thus deploying the vote by one day. The American Council is set to vote on the bill tomorrow regardless of the filibuster and experts say it's expected to pass.
Arts and culture
Health and environment
Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
Health and environment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • Scientists from the Imperial College London say that a vaccine for COVID-19 could be tested soon.
    • Javier Solana, former Secretary General fo NATO and former High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, has been hospitalized after contracting the coronavirus.
    • The Spanish Ministry of Health confirms that 1,500 more cases have been confirmed in a single day, including a thousand in the capital of Madrid alone.
    • 1,365 more cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Iran along with 97 more deaths, the largest over the course of a day, bringing the total number of cases to 12,729 and 611 total deaths.
    • Nambia confirms its first coronavirus case and the government imposes a travel ban to and from Ethiopia, Qatar, and Germany for 30 days.
    • Rwanda confirms its first case, an Indian citizen who traveled to Rwanda from Mumbai and arrived on March 8.
    • Italy confirms 250 deaths over the course of 24 hours, the largest in the country, according to the Ministry of Health. Giorgio Gori, Mayor of Bergamo, says that churches are now being used to store dead bodies as morgues are all full.
    • The Department of Health and Human Services of the Northeast Union confirms 611 cases in New Netherlands a two deaths in the country.
    • Extending the measures already taken on the 11th, the Skandinavian government has decided to completely close the borders and decreed a state of emergency. Confinement measures are ordered and testing will begin on a massive scale. The army has been deployed and will collaborate in sanitary and public order tasks.
Politics and elections
Health and environment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • Uzbekistan confirms the first case of COVI-19 in the country, an Uzbek citizen that had returned from France. All schools, universities and colleges are ordered to be closed for three weeks and all public events are canceled.
    • In response to rising case numbers, the government of the Union of Sovereign States declares a state of emergency and mobilizes a "rapid pandemic response task force" to set up quarantine centers.
    • Vittorio Gregotti, normal Italian architect, has died at the age of 92 after contracting the coronavirus.
    • The Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms its first case, a 50-year-old woman who traveled via Ethiopian Airlines from France.
    • Iran's Ministry of Health and Medical Education has confirmed 1,209 new cases and 113 more deaths, another sharp rise in a 24 hour period, brining the total number of COVID-19 cases to 13,938 and the death toll to 724.
    • Kazakhstan declares a state of emergency in line with the one declared by the Eurasian central government and imposes curfews in infected areas and cities. Travel restrictions are imposed by the USS government.
    • Hungary confirms its first death from the coronavirus, a 75-year-old man.
    • The Banat confirms its first coronavirus case.
    • The Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem have been closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to the sites.
Politics and elections
Business and economy
  • Socio-economic impact of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
    • 2020 stock market crash
      • Asian markets fall substantially and European markets open with huge losses. S&P futures falls 5%, triggering a trading halt.
      • The Porciúncula Stock Exchange reports its worst showing since the 2008 financial crisis.
    • Renault halts all production in its industrial sites in France until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic.
    • Skandinavian government has released a batch of $ 37 billion from the "oil fund" to combat the effects of the coronavirus crisis on the economy. The state will take over 70% of the wages of people confined to their homes and the social costs for companies will be lowered. The goal is to avoid short-term layoffs. On the other hand, a budget of $ 750 million is approved for research into therapies and vaccines against coronavirus.
Health and environment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • Regional Presidents in the Community of Madrid and Community of Catalonia all test positive for COVID-19 as both regions are the most affected in the country. The Spanish government takes over all private hospitals in the country in order to help relieve pressure off of the country's healthcare system suffering from the coronavirus pandemic patients and the Ministry of the Interior closes all borders. Elections scheduled in the Basque Country and Galicia are both delayed until the crisis is dealt with.
    • Greenland confirms its first COVID-19 case in Nuuk.
    • Finland declares a state of emergency and closes all schools until April 30 to combat the virus.
    • Armenia declares a state of emergency until April 14 and closes its borders to Iran and the Union of Sovereign States. All educational institutions are closed, public gatherings over 20 people are banned and the planned constitutional referendum has been delayed.
    • Benin, Liberia, Somalia, and Tanzania all confirm their first coronavirus cases.
    • All major cities in the Northeast Union have ordered the closure of bars, casinos, and restaurants and have banned public gatherings over 50 people to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
International relations
  • The League of Nations sends a request to Tournesol and the Tourneser Freedom Front to sign a ceasefire to prevent the disease from spreading inside the country.
    • Skandinavia's ambassador to the League of Nations has made some harsh statements after the League's proposal: "After weeks of starting the conflict, we have finally been blessed with a few words from the League. We are facing an ineffective mastodon, a budget-burning machine, which is incapable of doing anything in the face of a conflict that could have led to war on an entire continent and a quarter of the world economy. It is time to rethink the functioning of the League of Nations and, especially, of its Insecurity Council."
Politics and elections
  • Military Reorganization Act of 2020
    • The American Secretariat approves of the Military Reorganization Act and will be sent to the American Defense Committee for review before being implemented into law. The vote was held early in the morning and was concluded as soon as possible in order to allow for CAS heads of state and government to avoid being infected and to return to relative safety inside their countries. The Defense Committee is set to approve of the bill according to anonymous sources.
  • 2020 Erie gubernatorial election
    • The state of Erie has delayed its upcoming gubernatorial election by orders of New Republican Governor Eric Delaney to prevent the spread of the virus.
Business and economy
Health and environment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak
    • COVID-19 vaccine
      • China approves of human trials for a potential vaccine.
    • Wuhan, the original source of the outbreak, has ordered all returnees to be quarantined for 14 days. Another 21 cases were confirmed nationally, one domestic and the other 20 imported from abroad.
    • Kozo Tashima, President of the Japan Football Association and Deputy Olympic Chief, has announced that he's tested positive for COVID-19.
    • A 37-year-old Woolsworth employee is stabbed by a 25-year-old man in Rosebud, Victoria. The attack is reportedly related to a trend of panic buying as a result of fear over COVID-19 in the country.
    • Iran temporarily frees 85,000 prisoners to combat the virus as 1,178 new cases have been confirmed along with 135 more deaths nationwide.
    • The European Union closes its external borders for the first time in its history.
    • The Conference of American States is set to close its external borders tomorrow to prevent the virus from spreading even further into CAS member states. The closure is set to last until May.
    • Over 5,700 cases have been confirmed in the region of Anglo-America in total with the bulk of the cases coming from Astoria, Sierra and the United Commonwealth.
    • Turkey confirms its first virus-related death while the total number of cases rises to 98.
Arts and culture
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
Health and environment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
    • Over 850 million students are not attending school due to the coronavirus pandemic according to LNESCO.
    • Gambia reports its first COVID-19 case, a female in her 20's that recently arrived from the United Kingdom. She's currently quarantined in a clinic ay Fajara.
    • The Assembly of the Republic of Portugal approves a declaration of a state of emergency in the country due to the pandemic.
    • Portuguese Macau declares a state of emergency with many districts imposing curfews to limit non-essential travel, especially at night.
    • British Hong Kong declares a state of emergency and begins enforcing curfews and setting up various health clinics and quarantine centers with the support of the Hong Kong Garrison.
    • The Conference of American States closes its external border and bans all non-essential traveling between CAS member states.
    • Superior confirms 15 new cases with the national total being 80 and its first death is reported as well.
    • A hospital ship of the Northeastern Navy will be deployed to New York City, New Netherlands to combat the virus in the city.
    • Eliezer Steinberg and his cabinet self-quarantine to confirm if any of them test positive for the virus.
    • Turkey confirms its second virus-related death, a 61-year-old patient, while the number of cases rises to 191.
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Business and economy
Health and environment
  • 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
    • 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Europe
      • 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Italy
        • The Italian Army is deployed to Bergamo, Lombardy, the city worst hit by the coronavirus, as the city's authorities are no longer able to process the number of dead in the city. The Italian Army is using trucks to transport the dead to crematoriums as all cemeteries are full and city authorities warn that the true number of dead may be higher than official reports.
        • The number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths in Italy reaches 3,405, officially surpassing the total death toll in China.
        • Marcello Natali, an Italian doctor known for exposing the country's shortage of medical supplies, dies due to the coronavirus. His death was confirmed by the Italian Federation of General Practitioners.
      • The Union of Sovereign States confirms its first coronavirus death, a 79-year-old woman with underlying health conditions in the capital city of Moscow.
      • Spain's Ministry of Health confirmed 3,431 new COVID-19 cases and another 169 deaths, bringing the national total up to 17,147 cases and 767 deaths.
      • 2020 coronavirus pandemic in the United Kingdom
        • The British Army puts 20,000 reservists on stand by in preparation to help with the coronavirus pandemic.
        • Northern Ireland confirms its first COVID-19 death, an elderly man with underlying health conditions who was being treated in a hospital in the Greater Belfast area.
        • Michael Barnier, the Chief Brexit negotiator for the United Kingdom, has tested positive for COVID-19.
        • 29 more COVID-19 deaths are confirmed in the United Kingdom bringing the total death toll up to 137.
      • Fiji confirms its first COVID-19 case, a male patient in Lautoka.
    • 2020 coronavirus pandemic in North America
Arts and culture
  • The Grand Ole Opry broadcasts from an empty venue for the first time since 1925.
Business and economy
Health and environment
Law and crime
Health and environment
Politics and elections
Arts and culture
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
Health and environment
Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
Health and environment
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
  • More than 60 people are found dead inside a cargo container Tete Province, Mozambique. The deceased are believed to be Ethiopian migrants who all died of mass asphyxiation, though 14 people are found alive.
Health and environment
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
Health and environment
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks
Health and environment
Business and economy
International relations
Arts and culture
Business and economy
Health and environment
International relations
  • Ascension of Macedonia into NATO
    • NATO suspends all negotiations between it and Macedonia and will not allow the nation to join NATO until the military government resigns and allows for a new democratically elected civilian government to take power.
Law and crime
Business and economy
  • 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in mainland China
    • Wuhan, where the pandemic first broke out, starts lifting their two month lockdown by restarting their metro services and reopening their borders for returning residents, though outbound traffic is still restricted until April 8.
Health and environment
Politics and elections
Business and economy
Health and environment
International relations
  • Manchuria–Korea relations
    • Manchuria has begun a policy of seeking out Korean immigrants in the country and relocating them to "medically designated zones" for safety. The policy is justified as a means of containing the spread of COVID-19 in Manchuria as Korea has one of the highest cases in Asia. The Government of Korea has condemned Manchuria's actions and accuses the government of exploiting the crisis to discriminate against the nation's ethnic Korean minority.
Politics and elections
Business and economy
Health and environment

Politics and elections
  • Impact of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic on politics
    • The Hungarian parliament votes 137-53 in favor of passing emergency powers to the office of the Prime Minister to grant them powers to rule by decree, suspend parliament without elections, and to establish prison sentences for violating quarantine rules and spreading fake news along with creating a state of emergency without any given time limit.
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
Health and environment
International relations
Politics and elections
  • Prime Minister Viktor Andreasen announces that Greenland, which for most of its history has not had a standing army, will establish a Home Guard starting from 2020 to act as a national defense force. It will be staffed with conscription among the male population and will act as a gendarmerie as well as civil defence.

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